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Nebraska & Midwest Genealogical Record

The first four volumes of this magazine were paged continously through the four, whereas the succeeding volumes (five to eight, inclusive) of the earlier editors to were paged separately by volumes. It was apparently the intention of the earlier editors to issue an Index to each four volumes, thereby enabling them to be bound together.

In this index the references are to volume and page thus: 4:287, the figure preceeding the colon refering to the volume, the figure following the colon indicatng the page.

It should also be noted that names beginning with Mac. and Mc are treated as though they all began with Mac.

REMEMBER: Vol. II, no 4 through Vol. V, no 1 are copywritten and NOT AVAILABLE on-line. Consult the Table of Contents (on the index page) for the article title, and contact NSHS for a copy of the original.





BABB                                        BADGER
        Alzinas 8:17                                Henry L. 1:63; 4:300
        Bela 8:17                                   John C. 4:300, 309
        Ruth 8:17                                   Lewis 5:20
                                                    Louis 4:509; 5:20
BABBIT                                              Mary 1:63
        James 1:53                                  Mary L. 4:309
                                                    Theodore D. 4:309
        Clinton 8:43                        BAGG
        Guendolyn 8:43                              H. H. 3:166
BABLER                                      BAGLEY
        Ruby Leora 7:34                             Edward 1:77
        Watt E. 7:34                                Emeline 1:77
BACHELDER                                   BAILEY (Baily, Bayly)
        Hannah 7:45, 67, 68                         ------- 1:87
                                                    Anna L. 5.82
BACHELOR                                            (Mrs.) Benjamin F. 2:123; 3:205
        Addie 8:52                                  Benjamin Franklin 2:132
        Jane 8:52                                   Edith 7:33
        Jessie 8:52                                 Eliza 1:13,14
        Matthew 8:52                                Etta Irene 5:14
        Nettie 8:52                                 Festus Confucius 4:307
        Philip 8:52                                 Frances 1:49
                                                    Fred 7:33
BACHENBERG                                          Fred M. 7:33
        Ann Elizabeth 1:54                          George W. 1:13
        Frank 1:54                                  Halycon Gilbert 4:507; 5:82
        George 1:54                                 Horace Ward 7:78
        John 1:54                                   Joseph 5:82
        Lizzie 1:54                                 Josephine Hine 5:82
        Mary 1:54                                   Mary Elizabeth 7:71
        Peter 1:54                                  Mary Johanna 7:33
        Phillip 1:54                                May 4:307; 5:82
        William 1:54                                Minnie 3:205
                                                    Minnie Frank 2:132
BACKUS                                              Moses  1:49
        Mary 5:7                                    Murray 7:33
                                                    Phoebe 1:87
BACON                                               Ray  5:14
        ------ 4:306                                Tamar Parmelia 4:307
        Catherine 1:90
BADCOCK                                             Jay 1:56
        Freelove 7:21                               Mattie 1:55

BAIRD                                       BALDWIN (cont)
        Alexander 3:174, 180                        Dorothy 7:41, 49, 50
        Barbara 5:67                                Edith Eunice 5:34
        Beatrice 5:67                               Elizabeth Hope 5:33
        Bruce 5:67                                  Ethel 5:79
        Claude 5:67                                 Eunice 4:286; 5:32, 57
        Elizabeth 3:174, 180                        Georgiana 5:3
        Elsey 3:174, 180                            Harriet Louisa 6:37
        Sarah Helen 5:67                            Harvey Asa 4:303
                                                    James C. 6:37
BAKER                                               James Henry 4:286, 290; 5:32, 33, 57
        Abby Jane 4:282                             Richard 7:41, 50
        Ann 4:249                                   Samuel 2:134
        Anna 7:61                                   Sarah 1:44; 2:99, 100, 133
        Annie 5:14, 83                              Susie Ellen 5:33, 83
        Annie E. 4:283                              Sylvester 9:133
        Charles  4:283                              Theophilus 7:41, 49, 50
        Chester 5:14                                Treat 7:49
        Cyrus S. 4:235, 257, 282
        Elizabeth 3:187; 5:14               BALL
        Emeline 4:235, 256                          Lucinda 7:55
        Esther 4:249, 282                           Mary 8:40
        Francis 3:187                               Mary E. 7:80
        Lavina 5:14                                 William 7:19
        Lavinia B. 4:282
        Malinda 2:152                       BALLARD
        Mary 7:54                                   Amanda 2:148
        Mercy 4:249                                 Isabell 1:60
        Nicholas 4:282, 283; 5:13, 14               James l:60
        Pansy 5:14                                  Myron 2:148
        Samuel 4:249, 257                           Orrin P. 2:148
        Sarah 4:283; 5:14                           Thankful 2:148
        Tabitha 1:36
        Thomas 4:249                        BALLENTINE
        William I. 4:283; 5:14                      ------- 3:208
                                                    Catherine 7:94
        Mary 2:130                          BALLOU
                                                    Sarah. 2:132
        -----2:140; 4:303                   BANCROFT
        Col.-- 8:21:                                Joanna 1:8
        Abiah 7:41
        Adah 7:4, 41                        BANEY
        Alice 7:41                                  ------- 1:53
        Anna Eliza 2:134
        Daniel 4:286                        BANGER
                                                    Elizabeth 4:310

BANIT                                       BARKER
        Annie 4:311                                 Amanda 4:250
        William 4:311                               Ann Peckham 1:76
                                                    Clarissa 7:4
BANKER                                              Daniel 4:249
        Rebecca 5:12                                Elisaph 7:4
                                                    Eliza Brooks 4:250
BANKS                                               Elizabeth 2:108
        Charles E. 7:59, 60, 77                     Esther 4:249
                                                    J. H. 7:37
BANNING                                             James 6:7
        Elizabeth 4:241                             Kathleen 7:57
                                                    Keziah 4:249
BARBEE                                              Mariah 4:249
        Betsy 4:278                                 Samuel 4:249
        Eddy 4:278                                  Samuel Augustus 4:249
        John 4:278                                  Samuel Still Augustus 4:249
        Joseph 4:278                                Sarah 6:7
        Mark 4:278
        Millie 4:278                        BARLOW
        Paysy 4:278                                 Ebenezer 2:124
        Polly 4:278                                 Edith Mae 5:84
        Rosy 4:278                                  Rachel 2:124
        Sallie 4:278,                               Sarah 4:256
        Silvy 4:278                                 Thomas 7:18
        Therry 4:278
        William 4:278                       BARNARD
        Young 4.278                                 Elizabeth 7:28
                                                    Lydia 6:7
BARBER                                              Nathaniel 6:5
        Benjamin 1:61, 92                           Thankful 7:55
        Eunice 8:35, 46                             Thomas 5:51
        Hannah 1:61                                 Timothy 8:22
        J. Fort 7:10                                William 6:7
BARBOUR                                     Barnes see Barns
        Myrtle Jeanette 7:46
BARCHI                                              Absolom 1:13
        Elizabeth 1:89                              Benjamin 6:7
        Peter 1:89                                  Estella Myra 5:84
                                                    Heptizibah 6:7
BARDEEN                                             Lydia 6:7
        Hepcibeth 7:42                              Mary 1:13
                                                    Mitchell P. 5:84
BARHYTE (Barhydt)                                   Ruth 1:13
        Cornelia 2:156                              William 1:13

BARNS                                       BARTLETT
        Charlotte Lancroft 7:6                      Carrie Valentine 7:32
        Elinor 7:6                                  Eliza 4:262
        Gloria Isabel 7:6                           Fanny 6:11
        Joan Dean Gillett 7:6                       George (Mrs) 1:79
        Valette Isabel 7:6                          Hannah 2:95
        Willis, 7:6                                 J. Gardner 7:59
        William 7:6                                 Joseph 4:262; 6:11
                                                    Lewis 6:11
BARR (Barre)                                        Persia Violetta 6:11
        Jennie 7:39, 48                             Phebe Jane 4:262
        Lottie A. 5:71                              Ruth 6:11
                                                    Sarah 5:46
BARRAGAR                                            William 2:95; 7:32
        Charles R. 1:5
Barre see Barr                                      Clara 8:20
                                                    Clarissa 8:20
BARRETT                                     Ebenezor 5:23
        Chauncy 6:44                                Elizabeth 7:89
        Mary  6:6                                   John 7:89
                                                    Louella 7:89
BARROWS                                             Marie 7:89
        Frances Rebekah 7:33                        Mary 7:89
        George S. 7:33                              Maude, 7:89
        Harmon 7:48
        Mehitable 2:123, 124                BASFORD
                                                    Elizabeth 1:36, 62
BARRY                                               James 1:62
        Frank: 7:33                                 Mary 1:62
        Frank H. 7:33
        Lila 7:33                           BASSETT
        Lula. P. 7:33                               Edward 8:14
        Mary 7:33                                   Mary Adelaide 7:13
                                                    Mary Irian 7:13
BARSTOW                                             William N. E. 7:13
        Elvira 7:57
BARTH                                               Elizabeth 8:52
        John W. 2:135, 136                          Elvira 3:186
        Winifred 2:136                              Ethel 8:52
                                                    Ira 8:52
BARTHOLMEW                                          Isaac 8:52
        Elizabeth 2:138                             Jacob 8:52
        Henry 2:138                                 Jane 8:52

BATES  (cont)                               BEARDSLEY (Beardslee)
        Julius 8:52                                 Abigail 4:291
        Lemon 8:52                                  Demma 4:291
        Minerva 8:52                                Elizabeth 4:291
        Minnie 8:52                                 Eunice 6:32
        Rachel 3:161                                Hannah 4:291
        Rhoda, 8:52                                 Hazard 4:291
        William 8.8                                 Hyram 4:291
                                                    John 6:32
BATTY                                               Lucy 4:291
        Emma Clara 4:252                            Mariah 4:291
                                                    Mercy 4:291
BAULDING                                            Nancy 4:291
        Dorothy 7:49                                Obadiah 4:291
                                                    Peter 4:291
BAUM                                                Salmon Wheeler 4:291
        Elizabeth 5:29                              Sarah 4:291
                                                    Sophronia 4:291
BAXTER                                              Wheeler 4:291
        John 1:47
        Mary 1:47                           BEATRICE d'Hainault 1:82
        Sarah 1:13
Bayley see Bailey                                   Axena 8:53
                                                    Fred 8:53
BEACH                                               J. N. 8:53
        Amos 2:149
        Asahel 2:149                        BEAUDIN
        Cynthia E. 7:82                             Edward 7:44
        Cynthy 8:53                                 Mary Frances 7:44
        Dinah 2:149
        Johanna 1:80, 81                    BEAUREGARD
        Kesiah 2:149                                Dorothy Cora 7:90
        Linus 2:149                                 Helen 7:90
        Sarah 2:149                                 Jerome Burt 7:90
        Thankful 1:44                               Miriam Ethel 7:90
                                                    Oliva Ethel  7:90
BEALS                                               Ozias George 7:90
        Hinman 2:152
        Lydia M. 2:152                      BEBOUT
        Sarah Louise 5:10                           Leicester 1:53
        Cornelia 5:ll
        E. V. 5:11

BECK                                        BEESLEY
        Alberta 8:45                                Albert 8:10
        Edgar 8:46                                  Katherine 8:10
        George. 8:45                                Millard. 8:10
        Lillian 8:45
        Marion 8:46                         BEHLEN
        Ruth 8:46                                   Dorathy 8:47
                                                    Fred 8:47
BECKMAN                                             Phyllis 8:47
        Arthur Oliver 7:91
        August P. 7:91                      BEHRENS
        Genevieve Ethelyn 7:91                      Helen Dora 7:40
        Oliva Josephine W. 7:91
                                            BEIN (or Rein)
BEDELL (Bedle)                                      Clemina 1:31
        ------ 3:171
        Sarah A. 6:15                       BELDIN (Belding)
                                                    _______ 7:10
BEEBE                                               Elinor 5:84
        Elizabeth 5:22                              Walter H. 5:84
        Freeman LeRoy l:5O
        Joseph 5:22                         BELKNAP
        Lola Fern 5:70                              Abel 1:37
        Samuel 5:42                                 Abraham 1:37
        Sarah Jane l:5O                             Alden 1:37
        Sidney l:5O                                 Amelia 1:37
                                                    Ann 1:37
BEECHER                                             Betsey 6:32
        Henry Ward 4:262                            Bridget 1:36, 37
        Hiram T. 4:262                              Briggs 1:37
        Leman 4:262                                 David 6:32
        Mary 4:262                                  Deborah 1:37
                                                    Elizabeth 1:37
BEECHMAN                                            Hannah 1:37
        ------- 1:31                                Isaac 1:36, 37
                                                    Jane 1:37
BEEDLE                                              Joseph 1:37
        Elizabeth 1:62                              Judah 1:37
                                                    Lydia 1:37
BEEKMAN                                             Mary 1:37
        Eligah 3:179                                Olive 1:37
        Elizabeth 3:180                             Richardson 1:37
        Elje 3:180                                  Ruth 1:37
        Samuel 3:180                                Samuel 1:37
                                                    Thomas 1:57
        Alexander 3:180

BELL                                        BENNETT (Bennet) (cont)
        Eliza 5:6                                   Lucy 2:132
        Jane 5:88                                   Mattie 1:123
                                                    May Belle 2:123
BELLOMONT                                           Paul Kendall 2:123
        Margaret 1:84                               Rebecca 8:4, 32
                                                    Seth 2:132
BELLOWS                                             Susie, 2:123
        Elizabeth 5:42                              William Parmeter 2:122
        Emma Esther 1:7; 5:49
        Samuel 5:42                         BENSON
        Sarah Gilbert 5:49                          Edith Mae 7:71
        William 5:49                                Lydia 5:15, 18
                                                    Samuel 7:71
Belnap see Belknap                                  Sarah 7:71
BEN                                         Benten see Benton
        Dina J. 1:49
        Nancy 1:49                          BENTLEY
        Peter 1:49                                  German Beekman 4:258
                                                    Harmess 4:258
BENEDICT (Benadict, Benedick)                       Mary Ann 4:258
        Abigail 1:30
        Emma 8:9                            BENTON
        Hannah 1:80                                 Alice Idora 7:96
        Thomas 1:81                                 Fred Weber 7:96
                                                    Lucretia' 7:96
BENHAM                                              Mary E. 2:154
        Clara 4:307, 308                            Virginia Belle 6:23
BENISTON                                    BERG
        W. W. 4:311                                 Carrie 5:70
                                                    Gena Elmona 5:70
BENJAMINE                                           Peter J. 5:70
        Sarah 1:74
BENNETT (Bennet)                                    Joana 3:180
        ------- 5:26
        Anna-Blodgett 2:123                 BERGMAN
        Elizabeth Maria. 2:123                      Levi 5:65
        Emily Ivan 2:122                            Lydia 5:65
        Florence 2:122                              Polly 5:65
        Harriet Irene 2:122
        John Newton 2:122                   BERGSTRAND
        Joseph Hayden 2:123                         August 1:71

BERRY                                       BEST (cont)
        Alice Etta 5:69                             Grace D. 4:229
        Anne 1:60                                   Hannah 4:229
        Charles H. 5:41                             Ivan 4:229
        Charles Jerome 5:69, 70, 71                 John H. 4:229
        Fern 5:70                                   Mamie 4:229
        Fifield H. 2:152                            Robert 5:64
        Frank L. 5:69, 70                           Sarah 7:12, 57, 79
        Fred 7:83
        Frederick Arthur 7:83               BETTS (Betz)
        Gena Elmona 5:70                            Angeline 1:59
        George 5:64                                 Hannah 1:47
        George Milton 5:70                          Helen 8:5, 30, 31, 32, 34
        George Washington 5:65                      Joseph 8:5, 30, 31, 32, 34
        Georgia LaJune 5:69                         Thomas 7:18
        John 2:149
        Lola Fern 5:70                      Betz see Betts
        Luce 2:149
        Martha 2:152                        BEVERLY
        Mary 5:69                                   Ann 1:36
        Nellie Bird 7:83
        Noble Wade 5:69                     BEVIN
        Orrie Ellen 5:69                    ------ 7:1
        Reuben J. 5:69
        Richard Jerome 5:70                 BICE
        Salina 7:83                                 Leonora 1:31
BERTHA of Holland 1:83                      BICKLE
                                                    Elizabeth Ann 1:5
BERTRAM                                             Elizabeth M. 1:5
        Edward R. 7:69                              Jesse C. 1:5, 6
        Lotta E. 7:69
        Maude. 7:69                         BICKNELL
        Wilbur Elvin 7:69                           Andrew 7:33
                                                    Eliza 7:33
BESSE                                               Mary 8:8, 43
        Frederick 2:132
        Sophia Frances 2:132                BIDDLE
                                                    E. E. 1: 27
BEST                                                Nettie O. 1:27
        A. J. 4:229
        Anna 5:64                           BIERER (see also Berry)
        Bessie 4:229                                Ambrose 5:41
        (Mrs.) C. H. 1:28, 44; 4:272                Amos 5:40
        Charles H. 4:229                            Andrew Gregg Curtin 5:64
        Elizabeth 4:229                             Anne 5:64
        Ethel 4:229                                 Barbara 5:40

BIERER (see also Berry) (cont)              BIGGS
        Barbara M. 5:41                             ------ 7:86
        Bathsheba 5:41                              Eliza 4:281
        Bion B. 6:64
        Catherine 5:64                      BIGLER
        Catherine Welty 5:41                        Rebecca 3:196
        Charles E. 5:65                             Simon 3:196
        Charlotte 5:41                              W. B. 5:196
        Clara E. 5:65
        Daniel Welty 5:65                   BILLINGHURST
        David 5:40, 64                              Harriet 8:30
        Elizabeth 5:41
        Ellen C. 5:64                       BILLINGS
        Emily I. 5:64                               Josh 3:187
        Esther 5:70                                 Richard 4:234
        Everard 5:64
        Everhardt 5:40, 64                  BILLIPS
        Frederick 5:40, 41                          Edward 5:24
        Frederick C. 5:41                           Sally 5:24
        George 5:64                                 Sarah 5:25, 26
        George E. 5:41                              Susanna 5:24
        George Washington 5:65                      Thomas 5:24
        Hannah 5:41
        John L. 5:41                        BINGHAM.
        John M. 5:39, 40                            Chester 4:292
        Joseph 5:64                                 Eli 1:70
        Joshua 5:64, 65                             Eliphas (Elisha) 4:292
        Laura Ann 5:65                              Elisha 4:292
        Lavina 5:65                                 Gustavus 4:292
        Leah 5:70                                   Harmony 4:292
        Levi Elsworth 5:65, 70                      Joanna 4:292
        Luke 5:40                                   John 4:292
        Marie 5:40                                  Juda 4:292
        Mary 5:41                                   Lydia 4:292
        Polly 5:65                                  Nathaniel 2:292
        S. Wakefield 5:65                           Patria 4:292
        Salome 5:41                                 Theodorus 4:292
        Samuel J. 5:64, 65
        Samuel W. 5:41, 64                  BIRD
        Sarah, A. 5:64                              Abner 5:24
        Sarah 5:41                                  Jane 5:24
        Sophia Fredericka 5:41
BIGELOW                                             ------ 2:109
        Abigail 5:46                                Abigail 3:211
        Charles Russel 7:79                         Benjamin 3:211
        Edwin Wilder 7:79                           Farnham 4:253
        Joel 5:46                                   Margaret 1:29
        Margaret 8:30, 31                           Susanna 3:211
        Marian 7:79                                 Thomas 1:29
        Maud E. 7:79
        Russel 7:79
        Wilder 7:79                          

BISSELL                                     BLAKELY see also Blackley)
        Sarah 1:38                                  Maggie C. 2:153 4:240
                                                    Nathan 2:153
        Earl 1:55                           BLAKESLEY
        Johney 1:55                                 Adah 3: 205, 206
        Marion 1:55                                 Obed 3:205, 206
        Minerva 1:55
BIXBY                                               Miriam 1:91
        Addie Murray 7:56
        Adelaide Sarah 7:56                 BLAKER
        Anna Murray 7:56                            Hannah 4:228
        Clara Murray 7:56
        Hiram 7:56                          BLANFORD
        Murray Doty 7:56                            John 5:38
                                                    Sarah 5:39
Blachley see Blackley
                                            BLEAKLEY (see also Blackley, Blakely)
BLACK                                               Ann 1:6, 7, 28
        Delonzon 1:70                               Benjamin Franklin 1:7; 5:49
                                                    Garry Edna 1:7
BLACKLEY (Blaohley)                                 Catherine 1:6
        David 2:95                                  Clark 1:7
        H. W. 2:113                                 Clementine Lillian 1:7
        Hanna, 2: 113                               Cynthia Ann 1:7
        Jully Ann 7:7                               Edward 1:6
        Mehitable 2:95                              Emma Esther 1:7; 5:49
                                                    Fergus  1:6, 7, 28, 38, 63
BLACKWELL                                           Frank LeLon 1:7
        Margaret Elizabeth 1:42                     Hannah 1:6
        William R. 1:42                             Isabella 1:6
                                                    James 1:6, 7
BLAIR                                               Jane 1:6, 28
        William 2:98                                Janet 1:6
                                                    Julia Ann 1:6
BLAISDELL                                           John 1:7
        Betsey 7:42                                 Lewis 1:7
        D. 7:42                                     Lucinda 1:7
                                                    Margaret 1:6, 7, 63
BLAKE                                               Mary  1:28
        Bette 5:63                                  Mary W. 1:6
        Bridget 5:38                                Nancy 1:6
        Elizabeth 1:78                              Pauline 1:7
        Esther 5:63                                 Samuel 1:6, 7, 28
        Esther Lavina 5:14                          Sarah 1:6, 7
        Ezra 5:63                                   William 1:6, 7, 28
        John 5:14, 38                               William Wade 1:7
        John Emmons 5914                            Winona 1:7
        Lavina 5:14
        Mary 7:55                           BLEAKNEY
        Robert 5:39                                 Fergus 1:38
        Sarah 5:39

BLEVINS                                     BLODGETT (cont)
        Charlotte Ann 4:301; 5:55                   Olive 1:77
        Christopher C. 5:55                         Pamelia 2:122
        Eleanor Cline 5:55, 84                      Paul 2:121
        Harrison Halstead 5:55, 84                  Pearl Davis 2:122
                                                    Perley Davis 2:122
BLIMLING                                            Rebecca 2:120, 122
        Vera Bird 5:2                               Richard Anson Hayden 2:122
                                                    Ruth 2:120
BLINMAN                                             Samuel 2:120, 121
        Richard 2:147                               Sarah 2:120
                                                    Susanna 2:120, 121
BLODGETT                                            Thomas 2:120
        Abigail 2:121                               William 2:120
        Augusta, Maria 2:122                        William Winthrop 2:122
        Benjamin 2:120, 121, 122
        Betsy 2:122                         BLOOD
        Caleb 2:120                                 Ruth 1:14
        Caroline 2:122
        Constantine. 2:122                  BLUE
        Dan 2:122                                   Azuba 5:46
        Daniel 2:120, 121
        Dinah 2:121                         BLUMEL
        E. A. 2:121                                 Marie 8:43
        Elenor 2:121
        Eli 2:122                           BLUMIDGE
        Elijah 2:122                                R. 2:154
        Elijah Dickinson 2:122
        Elizabeth Mandane 2:122             BLUNT
        Hannah 2:121, 122                           Mary 6:10
        Harriett Irene 2:122
        Heman 2:122                         BLYTH
        Hulda 2:120, 121                            Catherine 7:39
        Irene 2:122
        J. E. 2:153                         BODDIE
        James 2:121                                 William Willis 2:158
        John 2:120, 122
        Joseph 2:121, 122                   BODEN
        Joshua 2:120, 121                           Edward 4:226
        Josiah 2:120, 121
        Katherine 2:121                     BODGE
        Laban 2:122                                 Ada 7:69
        Lois 2:122                                  Azro 7:69
        Luther 2:122
        Mariah 2:122                        BODONE
        Martha 2:120                                Hortense G. Z. 2:154
        Mary 2:120, 121, 122
        Myra 2:122                          BOEGEL
        Nancy C. 2:153                              Charlotte 8:3
        Nathan 2:120

BOGART                                      BOOTH (cont)
        Jacob 3:182                                 Joseph l:53
                                                    Lach 4:278
BOITNOTT                                            M. 1:53
        George 5:25                                 Margaret 1:53
        Polly 5:25                                  Mary P. 1:53
                                                    Samuel 1:53
BOLES                                               Sarah 1:53
        Mary 4:278
BOLOGNETTI                                          Hannah 7:20
        Don Alessendra Cenci 7:5
        Felicite 7:5                        BORDEN
                                                    Mary. 5:15, 16
        Edward 1:65                         BORMGEN
        Elizabeth 2:156                             Frances 4:310
                                                    Shilvrum 4:310
BONEL (or Bond)
        Edward 1:65                         BOSSLER
                                                    Mary 1:27
BONNER                                              S. A. 1:27
        James 1:50
        Mary 1:50                           BOTSFORD
                                                    Abiah 7:41
BONNEY                                              Alice 7:41
        ------- 2:109
BONSAT                                              Cornelius 7:5
        Rebecca 4:260                               Frances Adah 7:5
BOONE                                       BOURDON
        Elizabeth 5:25                              Irette l:83
        Fleming 5:24
        John 5:25, 26                       BOW
        Katherine 5:25                              Alexander 2:95
        Martha 5:26                                 Mary 2:95
        Susan 5:25
        Susanna 5:25                        BOWEN
                                                    Alma Angeline 1:15
BOOTH                                               Ella 5:28
        Abigail 1:74                                Harry T. 1:15
        Amy 5:7                                     Julia Ann 1:49
        Charles 1:74                                Katherine 6:4
        David 1:74                                  Will 5:28
        Hannah 1:74
        J. 1:53                             BOWER
        James Arthur 5:7                            Annie Myra 5:82
        Janet Athalia 5:7                           Irene 5:82
        John l:74                                   Joseph Alden 5:82

BOWERS                                      BOYER.
        Alta 7:82                                   Catherine 3:196, 216
        H. E. 7:82                                  Elizabeth 3:196, 216
                                                    Frederick 3:196
        Ann Eliza 5:10                      BRACE
        Betsy 7:55                                  Belle 7:14
        Catherine 5:24, 83                          William F. 7:14
        Charles W. 5:l0, 38
        Daniel 5:25                         BRADBURY
        John M. 5:10                                Abner. 5:63
        Sands 5:10                                  Elizabeth 5:62
        Sarah 5:10                                  Eunice 5:63
        Susannah 5:26                               Jabez Page 5:63
        William Dodgson 7:9                         Jacob 5:62
                                                    Lucy Maria 5:63
BOXLEY                                              Mary 5:38
        George 2:154                                Rebecca 5:39
        Lizzie K. 2:154                             Ruth 5:63
                                                    Sarah 5:63
BOYCE                                               Sarah Hilton 5:63
        Adaline 4:307                               Thomas 5:38, 63
        Alonza H. 5:64                              William 5:39
        Betsy Reed 4:307
        Emily I. 5:64                       BRADEN
        Eva 5:83                                    Eva Florence 1:55
        Floyd 5:30, 83                              John 1:53
        Philip G. 4:307                             Lydia 1:53
        Sally Barlow 5:30                           Matilda 1:53
        William 5:30
BOYD                                                Alice 5:17
        Anice 5:8                                   Alice Southworth 5:16
        Edward 5:73, 74                             Anna 6:47
        George Josiah 5:73, 74                      Dorothy 5:17
        James 5:73                                  Hannah 5:17
        James Christien 5:73, 74                    John 5:17, 19
        Jasper 5:73                                 Joseph 5:17
        John 5:73, 74, 85                           Mary 5:15, 17, 18, 19
        John G. 5:8                                 Melathia 5:17
        John Robert 5:73, 74                        Mercy 5:l7, 19
        Lavinia 5:73                                Samuel 5:17, 18, 19
        Margaret Jane 5:73, 85                      Sarah 5:17, 18, 19; 8:16
        Mary Ellen 5:73, 74                         Thomas 5:17
        Mollie 5:73                                 William 2:122; 5:17, 19; 7:77
        Nathan T. 5:8                               Zilpha 3:187
        Phebe E. 5:8
        Sarah Ann 5:73, 74, 85
        Sarah Eliza 5:73, 74

BRADLEY                                     BRAZELTON (cont)
        Ann 6:29                                    John Fremont 5:85, 86
        Cynthia 1:81                                Kitty Ann 6:75
        Elizabeth 5:194                             Lucy  5:86
        Hannah 3:194                                Margaret Belle 4:242; 5:85, 86
        Hester 6:29                                 Margaret Jane 5:73, 74, 85, 86
        Nathan 6:29                                 Mary 5:74, 75
        Peter 3:194                                 Mary Ann 5:75
                                                    Rebecca 5:74, 75
BRADY                                               William 5:74, 75, 76, 85
        Catherine 7:94                              William B. 5:74, 75
        Elnore E. 7:94                              William Peyton 5:76
        James C. 7:94
                                                    Edward 7:65
BRAFFIT                                             Sarah Elizabeth 7:65
        Eveline 2:148
BRAINARD                                            Philip. 2:137
        Augusta 5:59
        Narcissa 3:170                      BREMMER
                                                    Flora 7:62
        Emiline Homer 4:299                 BREWER
        Jane 1:6                                    ------- (Col.) 5:23
        William 1:6                                 Harriet 7:66
                                                    Nancy 6:18
BRANT                                               William 7:18
        Ada 7:34
                                            BREWSTER (Bruster)
BRASHEER                                            Ann 6:24
        Charles 2:154                               Deborah 2:124
                                                    Elizabeth 3:194
BRAZELTON                                           Grace 1:25, 26
        Catherine 5:74, 75                          Jerusha 1:23
        Cornelia 5:76                               Jonathan 1:25, 26; 3:194
        Edward 5:74, 75                             Joshua 2:124
        Eliza 5:74,75                               Love 2:124
        Eliza Jane 5:76, 85                         Lucretia 3:194
        Ellzabeth 5:74, 76, 85, 86                  Mary 3:194
        Isaac 5:74, 75                              Ruth 3:194
        Isabella 5:76                               Sarah 2:124, 125
        Jacob 5:75                                  William 1:25, 26; 2:124; 3:194, 205
        James 5:74
        James Franklin 5:76, 85             BREYN
        Jane 5:74, 75                               Rebecca 1:16
        Jasper Franklin 5:85, 86
        John 4:242; 5:74, 75, 76, 86        Brian see Bryan.
        John Bowan 5:73, 76, 85, 86

Briant see Bryant                           BRIGGS  (cont)
                                                    Norton A. 5:84
BRIAR                                               Susannah 5:15
        Hannah 8:15                                 Tama 4:262
        Simon 8:15                                  Verlina D. 5:84
BRICE                                       BRILL
        Ebenezer 1:53                               Flager 4:290
        Joanna Goble 1:53                           Ruth 4:290
        Phoebe: 1:53
BRIDGE                                              Albert 4:283
        Ebenezer 3:161                              Carolina 4:283
                                                    Cornelius 4:283
BRIDGER                                             Francis 4:283
        Harriet 4:277                               Frank 4:284
                                                    Fred 4:283
BRIDGES                                             Meda 4:284
        Annie 8:19                                  Phennie 4:283
        Annie Louise 7:64
        Donald 8:19                         BRINKERHOFF
        Elwin 7:64 8:19                             Benjamin 4:260
        Ethel 7:64                                  Hepsibeth Rebecca 4:260
        Ethel Lugene 7:64
        G. W. 1:5                           BRINN
        Nelson 7:64,                                Ann 5:59
BRIGDEN.                                    BRISCOE
        Joanna 5:45                                 Abigail 1:46
                                                    Ruth 1:46
        Anthony 4:308                       BRISTOL
        Anthony J. 5:84                             ----- 4:262
        Augusta 5:84
        Augustus Norton 4:255, 308          BRIZZJ
        Clara 4:307, 308                            Obelia 6:47
        Davis W. 4:308; 5:82
        Ethel 5:8                           BROCKWAY
        Gladys 5:84                                 Opa 8:48
        Hannah 4:308; 5:15                          Nellie 8:53
        Harold G. 5:84
        Harriett 4:307                      BRODIE
        Homer Everett 4:308                         Elmer E. 7:64
        Irene 5:82                                  Judith 7:64
        Jabez 4:307, 308
        John 5:15                           BRONSON
        Martha 4:308                                Abigail 5:62, 63
        Mary Alida 5:84                             Asahel 4:304
        Mary Sabra 4:308                            Augusta 5:59

BRONSON (cont)                              BROWN (Browne)
        Benjamin A. 5:59                            ------ 4:267
        Cornelius 5:62                              Addie Eliza 5:67
        Elizabeth 5:39                              Albert 4:305
        Frederick A. 4:304                          Alma 1:14
        Frederick Asahel 5:59                       Alva 1:50
        Hannah 5:62, 63                             Alzare 1:14
        James White 4:304; 5:59                     Amos 5:23
        Jarah 1:38                                  Anna 1:32
        Katherine 5:59                              Arran V. 3:165
        Laura Margretta 5:59                        Arthur 1:14
        Philena 4:304                               Asbury 1:14
        Richard 5:39                                Babbette Angeline 1:59
        Tamar 3:189                                 Barnum 3:162
        Timothy 5:62 ,63                            Benjamin Perry 7:39
        William W. 5:59                             Bessie Kent 5:67
                                                    Bethel Leonora 1:26
BROOKS                                              Caroline 1:50
        Barbara 7:45                                Charles 7:39; 6:53
        Charles W. 6:9                              Charles Henry 7:42
        Elizabeth 2:109                             Charles Perry 7:39
        Gertrude. 7:45                              Clara 6:10
        Grace 3:208                                 Clara Maria 7:43
        Henry. 1:37                                 Clarissa 3:162
        James 7:45                                  Clavin L. 8:17
        John 1:38, 53; 2:109                        Cordelia 7:42
        Lydia A. 5:29                               Cornelia Angenette 7:42
        Mary 1:38                                   Daniel Grinnell 7:42; 8:18
        Nancy 1:53                                  Dorcas 6:8
        Robert 2:109                                Edith Blandina 7:42
        Susanna 1:37                                Elijah 5:46
                                                    Eliza 1:13, 14
BROOME                                              Elizabeth 1:14, 33; 3:165
        Enos 7:44                                   Emily 2:157
        Mary 7:44,                                  Frances 7:39
        Phebe Jane 7:44                             George 1:13
                                                    George O. 5:67
BROOMELL                                            George W. 1:13
        James H. 2:154                              Gertrude 2:157
                                                    Hamilton J. 1:14
BROWDER                                             Hannah 5:46; 7:67
        Geraldine 5:79                              Hannah E. 7:43
        James D. 5:79                               Helen Maria 7:42
        Josephine 5:79                              Hester A. 4:312
        Josephine Lester 5:79                       Hugh 1:13
        Maudestelle 5:79                            (Mrs.) J. S. 2:156

BROWN (Browne) (cont)                       BROWNELL
        John 1:14; 4:233; 7:39; 8:17                Amos 4:281
        Joseph B. 7:43                              Ann 4:239
        L.. P. 2:153                                Ann Eliza 4:280
        Laura 7:39                                  Anna 4:239; 5:11
        Louisa. 1:14                                Belle 5:11
        Lydia 8:19                                  Carrie E. 5:83
        M. W. 1:43                                  Charles, 4:234, 239, 240
        Mabel Mayhew 5:67                           Charles Sumner 5:11
        Mabel S. Emroy 1:43                         Charles W., 4:281
        Margaret 1:14                               Clifford W. 5:11
        Maria 3:208                                 Cornelia 4:281; 5:11
        Mary 1:14; 5:37; 6:8                        Cornelia Mae 5:11,83
        Mary G. 1;14                                Deborah 4:281
        Mary E. 2:153                               Dorothy 5:11, 83
        Mary Elvira 7:42                            Eliza 4:281
        Mary W. 4:305                               Emma 5:11
        Matilda M. 2:153                            Flora 5:83
        Mehitable 1:58, 59; 7:42                    Florence 5:83
        Nathaniel 7:39                              Fred 4:284
        Nicodemus 1:13, 14                          Fred W. 4:284
        Othel C. 1:26                               George 4:239
        Ozwell 1:14                                 George O. 4:281
        Pamelia 6:8                                 Hannah Mary 4:284
        Perley 7:39                                 Harriett 4-.284; 5:9
        Peter 5:37                                  Henry 4:281
        Philip Perry 7:39                           Hiram 4:281; 5:9, 11
        Polly 8:18                                  James 4:239
        Ralph Davis 2:157                           Jane 5:9
        Robert Norris 3:208                         Janet 5:11
        Ruffin 5:24                                 Jeremiah 4:239
        Ruth 1:13                                   John 4:239
        Sally 1: 13.                                John C. 5:11
        Sarah 1:13; 4:233; 7:91; 8:20               John D. 4:281
        Simeon M. 7:42                              John L. 4:284
        Sophia 5:14                                 John M. 4:284
        Susanna 1:14                                Josephine 5:83
        T. W. 2:154                                 Lemuel 4:239
        Timothy 2:99                                Margaret 4:281
        Wallace Clarence 7:42                       Martha 4:239
        Will-am 3:162; 4:305; 6:8                   Mary 4:234, 239, 240
        William Bradford 7:77                       Maurice 5:11

BROWNELL (cont)                             BRYAN
        Maurice H. 5:83                             ------ 7:58
        Myers 4:281; 5:11, 83                       Alexander 7:18
        Nathaniel 4:281, 284; 5:11                  Margaret 1:50
        Paul R. 5:11, 83                            Nellie 2:110
        Phebe 4:240                                 Patrick 1:50
        Ralph C. 5:11                               Prudence 2:110
        Robert 4:239                                Sarah 2:133
        Ruth 4:233, 234, 239, 240
        Thomas 4:239                        BRYANT
        William. 4:239, 281                         Annie Louisa 2:132
        William Frederick 5:11, 83                  Charles H. 2:132
        Winnie 5:11                                 Cornelia Emeline 2:133
                                                    Ebenezer 2:132
BRUBAKER                                            Ebenezer Sumner 2:132
        Christiana 5:25                             Edward L. 2:132
        Henry 5:25                                  Elizabeth C. 2:132
        Sallie 5:25                                 Ella F. 2:132
                                                    Ernest Sumner 2:133
BRUCE                                               George Clifton 2:132
        Agnes 3:192                                 Hiram 2:132
        Burdette 3:192                              Isaac 2:132
        Charles H. 3:191, 192,                      Jane 2:133
        Elizabeth 3:192                             John 3:205
        Ella 3:192                                  Lena S. 2:132
        Frances 3:192                               Lizzie 2:132
        George E. 3:192                             Louisa Maria 2:132
        George G. 3:192                             Maybelle 2:133
        James 3:192                                 Minnie Frank 2:132
        Marion 3:192                                Rebecca 2:132
        Martha 3:191, 192                           Sarah 4:312
        Minerva 3:192                               Sophia 2:132
        Sarah J. 3:192                              Sophia Frances 2:132
        Sarah Olive 3:192                           Stephen 3:205
                                                    William R. 2:132
        Herman 7:39                         BRYARLY
        Marjorie 7:39                               Isabel Jane 2:157
                                                    Margaret 2:157
BRUSH                                               Samuel W. 2:157
        Ruth 1:23
BRUSIE                                              Catherine 2:96
        L. 6:8                                      John G. 2:96
        Margaret Ann 6:8                            Mary Elizabeth 2:96
Burster see Brewster

BUCK                                        BUNHAM
        Borredell 1:72                              Silas 7:1
        Cordelia 6:43
        Moses 1:72                          BUNKER
                                                    Deborah 6:5
BUCKINGHAM                                          Elizabeth 6:5
        Ida 4:261                                   George 5:61, 6:5
        Sarah R. 4:261                              Jane 5:61
        Spencer 4:261                               Jonathan 6:6
                                                    Mary 5:61; 6:5
Buckley  see Bulkeley                               William 6:5
BUCKMAN                                     BURCH
        Hannah 5:46                                 Naomi 4:290
BUDD                                        BURCHFIELD
        Anne P. 7:36                                Magdalena 3:197
        Annie 1:73
        Francis 7:36                        BURDETTE
        Jane 1:73                                   Lucy M. 4:310
        Joseph 1:74                                 Thompson 4:310
        Mary 1:74
        Ralph 3:218                         BURDICK (Burdic)
                                                    Catherine 1:49
Buehrer see Bierer                                  Lucy 5:86
                                                    Nathan 1:49
        Jennie 2:137                        BURGESS
                                                    Abner 2:131
BUGEN                                               Edith May 7:51
        John 1:66                                   John 2:125
                                                    John Edgar 7:5l
BUGGERT                                             Judith 2:132
        Ludwig 6:43                                 Lucia 2:131
        Wilhelmine 6:43                             Mary 2:132
                                                    Meroy 2:125
BULKELEY (Buckley)                                  Ruth 1:45; 2:125, 131
        Dorothy 7:49                                Sophia 2:125; 6:46
        Gershon 7:49                                Susan 2:125
        Grace 7:49                                  Thomas 3:205
        Peter 5:21; 7:49                            William 2:131
        Sarah 7:49                                  Zerviah 2:125
BULL                                        BURK (Burke)
        Cynthia 4:230                               Amanda 5:89
                                                    Ann Gray 5:89
BUNDY                                               Charles 4:310
        Henry 2:110                                 Clara 5:89
        Lucy 2:110                                  Cynthia C. 5:89

BURK (Burke) (cont)                         BURT
        Eliza 5:89                                  Elsy 1:53
        Eliza M. 5:89                               Isaac 1:53
        Ellen 5:89                                  Nathaniel 1:53
        George 5:89                                 Susan 1:53
        John 4:311
        Martha 5:89                         BURTCH
        Nancy 5:91                                  Anne 8:31
        Philip 5:89, 90                             Elizabeth 8:33, 34
        Sarah 5:89                                  Sarah 8:30, 31, 32, 33
        Sarah L. 5:90
BURKHOLDER                                          Albert 4:260
        Christian 3:195                             Carey S. 4:260
        Margaretha 3:195                            Edwin 4:260
                                                    Judith 4:286, 290
BURLINGAME                                          Phebe Ann 4:260
        Alta 8:8
BURNETT                                             Alice 2:108
        Edmund 1:16                                 Elizabeth 2:108
        Enos 1:16                                   Stephen 2:108
        William 1:16                                Thomas 2:108
BURNHAM                                     BURWELL
        Mary 5:38                                   Alice 2:135
        Ruth 5:39
        Thomas 5:38                         BUSHNELL
                                                    Ellzabeth 7:28
        Aaron 3:166                         BUSWELL
        Anna Mary 3:166                             Sarah 6:48
        Cynthia C. 7:88
        Joseph 7:88                         BUTLER.
        Julia Flake 2:158                           A. J. 7:30
        Margaret 7:88                               Abbie D. 5:84
        Mary Savage 7:52                            Abigail 1:16
        Matthew Spence 7:88                         Betsy 3:190, 214; 4:241; 5:86; 8:20
        Thomas J. 7:52                              Dorothy 1:38
                                                    Elizabeth 3:190
BURR                                                Ethel 7:30
        Abbie 7:70                                  Jennette Welles 4:243
        Eliza 7:70                                  Laura 7:30
        Elizabeth 3:210                             Mary 5:50; 8:20
        Warren 7:70                                 Pierce 3:218
                                                    Sabre, 6:38; 7:32, 33
BURROWS                                             Verel 7:30
        ------ 4:310                                William 5:50
        Elizabeth 5:35
        Jeremiah 5:37

BUTTERFIELD                                BUYCE
        Isabel Jane 2:157                          Daerial 1:66
        Nathaniel 2:157
BUTTON                                             Elizabeth. 1:14
        Charles B. 6:37
        Charle's Willis 6:37               BYNUM
        Eveline 6:37                               Annie 4:278
        Willis 6:37                                James 4:278
                                                   Lee 4:278
BUTTS                                              Margaret 4:278
        Amy F. 5:8.                                Mary 4:278
        Catherine A. 4:279                         Milly 4:278
        Ethel 5:8                                  Patsy 4:278
        Henry F. 4:279; 5:8                        Tapley 4:278
        Horace 4:279                               William 4:278
        Jane 4:279
        Mary Ann 4:283
        Millard F. 5:8
        Ruth 5:8
        Susan F. 4:279; 5:7
        Welthea 5:8               

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