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Nebraska & Midwest Genealogical Record

The first four volumes of this magazine were paged continously through the four, whereas the succeeding volumes (five to eight, inclusive) of the earlier editors to were paged separately by volumes. It was apparently the intention of the earlier editors to issue an Index to each four volumes, thereby enabling them to be bound together.

In this index the references are to volume and page thus: 4:287, the figure preceeding the colon refering to the volume, the figure following the colon indicatng the page.

It should also be noted that names beginning with Mac. and Mc are treated as though they all began with Mac.

REMEMBER: Vol. II, no 4 through Vol. V, no 1 are copywritten and NOT AVAILABLE on-line. Consult the Table of Contents (on the index page) for the article title, and contact NSHS for a copy of the original.





R.                                          RANDALL (cont)
        S. A. 8:54                                  Elvira (Barstow) 7:57
                                                    Emma Ellen 7:57
RACKET                                              Idelle 4:252
        Jonathan 1:74                               Jane 1:51
        Rachel 1:74                                 Polly Sherwood 3:178
                                                    Robert W.. 7:76
RADELL                                              Sarah J. 1:36
        Pauline 5:34                                Warren  1:51
RADEMAN                                     RANDLE
        Accie (Whitted) 3:61,                       James 1:65
        John P. 8: 61
RAINES                                              Frances Pearle (Pumpelly) 7:40
        J. S. 3:204                                 Mae 5:53
                                                    Marjorie Frances 7:40
RAINY                                               O. T.  5:53
        Betsy 4:278                                 Oscar 7:40
        James 4:278                                 Oscar Dean 7:40
RALEIGH                                     RANNEY (see also RANNIE)
        Jane Griffin 8:36                           Esther 7:1, 4, 41
                                                    George 7:1, 41
RALPH                                               Hannah (Sage) 7:1, 41
        Francis A. 1:71
RAMOND                                              Bertha Lucille 7:84
        Lemuel 3:211                                Edith Brownlee 7:84
        Lydia 3:211                                 Eldon 7:84
                                                    Eva W. (Murray) 7:84
RAMSEY                                              Howard Erwin 7:84
        Daniel Cook 5:16
        Elizabeth Case 5:16                 RANSOM
        Mary Elizabeth 5:16                         Charles Newton 4:245
        William Crited 5:16, 18                     Howard Stephen 4:245
                                                    Mary 5:44; 6:14
RAND                                                Olive Berke 2:104
        John 5:27                                   Susan Howard 4:245
        Mehitable 5:27
RANDALL (see also RANDLE)                           ---- 1:55
        Abigail 1:59                                Christena  1:55
        Abraham 6:48
        Catherine 1:51                      RATANOM
        Charles 1:51                                Daniel 1:50
        Charles Champion 7:57                       Elizabeth 1:50
        Elizabeth (Hinds) Kirby 6:48                Jacob 1:50

RATCLIFFE                                   RATLIFF (cont)
        ---- Radcliffe 7:25                         Elias 7:30
        Cornelius 7:26                              Elizabeth 7:26, 27, 28, 29, 3O
        John 7:25                                   Elizabeth (Hollowell) 7:26
        Lulitia 7:74                                Elizabeth (Jordan) 7:26
        Nancy 3:185                                 Elizabeth (Pearson) 7:29
        Richard 7:26                                Elizabeth (Saint) 7:27
        Samuel 7:26                                 Emily 7:29, 30
        Susan 7:26                                  Ephraim 7:28, 29
        William 7:25, 26                            Gabriel 7:29
                                                    George 7:30
RATENAM (see also RATNAM)                           Guela Elma 7:28
        Daniel 1:65                                 Hannah 7:28, 29
                                                    Hannah (Cleare) 7:26
RATERNAM                                            Hannah (Munden) 7:28, 29
        Margaretta 1:65                             Hulda 7:27, 30
                                                    Jane (Small 7:29
RATHBURN                                            John 7:26, 30
        Constance Darline 4:243                     Jonathan 7:29
        Constance Elizabeth 4:243                   Joseph 7:8, 9, 27, 28, 29, 75
        Elizabeth Gaylord 5:85, 86, 87              Joshua 7:28, 29, 30
        Emily Elizabeth 4:242, 243                  Laura 7:30
        Howard 4:242, 243                           Letitia (Prevo) 7:29, 30
        (Mrs.) Howard M. 3:214; 4:243               Margaret 7:28
        Lois Mercedes 4:243                         Mary 7:26, 27, 28, 29
        Margaret 4:243                              Mary (Fletcher) 7:8, 9, 27, 28, 29
        Mary Helen 4:243                            Mary (Hobson) 7:29, 30
        Winthrop Gaylord 4:243                      Mary (Kindley) 7:28
                                                    Mary Letitia 7:30
RATLIFE (see also RATLIFFE, RATLIFF)                Millicent 7:28
        Ann 7:25                                    Nathan 7:29
        Isack 7:25                                  Oscar 7:30
        Rodger 7:25                                 Phineas 7:28
                                                    Polly 7:27
RATLIFF                                             Rebecca 7:26
        Abigale 7:28,75                             Rebecca (Lamb) 7:29
        Achsah  7:28                                Richard 7:26, 27, 29, 30
        Albert 7:30                                 Ruth 7:29
        Alice (McAllister) 7:30                     Samuel 7:29, 75
        Amelia 7:29                                 Samuel Prevo 7:29, 30
        Anna 7:29, 30                               Sarah 7:26, 27, 28
        Anna Sourwine 7:86                          Sarah (Newby) 7:27
        Benjamin 7:28                               Sarah (Shugart) 7:28
        Caroline 7:30                               Sarah (Palmer) 7:29
        Charles 7:30                                Tamar Anna 7:30
        Clarence 7:30                               Thomas 7:26, 27, 28, 29
        Cornelius 7:26, 27, 28, 29                  Thomas B. 7:30, 86
        Damaris (Nixon) 7:26,27                     William  7:30, 75
        Dessa Maye 7:30

RATLIFFE                                    RAY (cont)
        Elkington 7:25                              Mary Grose 1:33
                                                    Mildred J. 1:32
RATNAM (see also RATENAM)                           Miller Scott 1:34
        Ellen 1:66                                  Molly (or Mary) 1:33
        Garret 1:67                                 Nelson 1:33
                                                    Ollie 1:33
RATTLE                                              Priscilla (Macy) 6:7
        Elizabeth Goodwin 4:241                     Rebecca 1:32, 33
        William 4:241                               Rebecca Rose 1:34
                                                    Reuben 1:33
RAWLSON                                             Robert 1:32
        Ira L. 6:31                                 Robert Ervin 1:34
        Marcia (Carpenter) 6:31                     Rosa 1:33
                                                    Samuel 1:32
RAY                                                 Sarah 1:33
        ____ 1:33                                   Sarah Rosann 1:33
        Americus Miller 1:33                        Theodore W. 1:33
        Anna 1:32, 34                               William 1:32, 33; 7:6
        Arethusa 1:34                               William Riley 1:33
        Artimacia 1:33
        Caroline 1:33                       RAYMOND (see also RAMOND, REYMOND)
        Centenary A. 1:33                           Abigail 1:65
        Charles Wayne 1:34                          Elizabeth 6:33; 7:14
        D. B. 1:42                                  Rich 7:18
        Daisy 1:34
        Demerris Anna 1:33                  RAYNOR
        Elizabeth 1:33                              Jonathan 2:115
        Emma D. 3:185, 215, 216
        Enoch 6:7                           READ (see also REED)
        Harriett Alma 1:34                          Joanna 4:292
        Helen Estelle 1:34
        Hester Ann 1:33                     READING
        Isaac 1:32, 33                              Harriet 3:165
        Isaac M. 1:32                               Sidney 3:165
        Isaac Newton 1:33
        James B. 1:32, 33                   REAM
        Jane 1:32                                   Maud 3:204
        John 1:32, 33
        John Elery 1:33                     REARDON
        John Henry 1:33                             Verlina D. 5:84
        Laura (Collie) 4:261
        Laura (Kester) 1:34                 REDDEN
        Marian 1:33                                 Adelbert Jackson 7:15
        Marietta 1:33                               Carlos Murray 7:15
        Martin M. 1:32                              Eliza Naomi 7:15
        Mary 1:33                                   George Grant 7:15
        Mary Etta 1:32                              Heber Roswell 7:15

REDDEN (cont)                               REEDE
        Heman Murray 7:15                           Hamlin 1:67
        John Henry 7:15
        Murray Carlos 7:15                  REEL
        Naomi Eliza (Murray) 7:15                   Henry 5:24
        Return Jackson 7:15                         Patty 5:24
        Richard Edmon 7:15
        Vilate Murray 7:15                  REESE
        William Carlos 7:15                         A. A. 4:311, 312
REDDING                                     REEVES
        Theodore 1:71                               Carrie 2:126.
                                                    Charles S. 8:25
REDDINGTON                                          George 2:126
        Clara Murray 6:31                           Mary   8:25
        Franklin Murray 6:31
        Heman Murray 6:31                   REID
        John 6:31                                   Cordelia (White) 7:10
        Reuben Murray 6:31                          Wm. C. 7:10
        Sarah (Murray) 6:31
REDELFS                                             (Mrs.) John J. 1:1, 17
        Grace (Troup) 6:16
        Lammert Herman 6:16                 REIN (or BEIN)
                                                    Clemina 1:31
        Pauline 5:47                        REISTER
                                                    Ada 7:45
REECE                                               Alice (McCutheon) 7:45
        Cornelia 1:51                               Alma 7:45
        Hamlin 1:51                                 Claude G. 7:45
        Hamlin Reed 1:51                            Claudio Leroy 7:45
                                                    Evelyn 7:45
REED (see also REEDE, REID)                         Fannie 7:44
        Bowes 6:21                                  Frank 7:45
        Cecil Verne 7:90                            George 7:44
        Charles G. 7:90                             George 7:45
        D. E. 8:291, 31                             Harriet 7:45
        Daniel E. 8:1                               Harry H. 7:45
        Delmar Francis 7:90                         Harry Scott 7:45
        Emma 4:245                                  Helen Louise 7:45
        Florine Adele 1:27                          Ida 7:45
        James 2:115; 3:178                          Louisa (Shaw) 7:44, 45
        Loretto 3:178                               Lucile 7:45
        Nancy A. 3:217                              Marguerite 7:45
        Phebe 3:222                                 Martha 7:45
        Sarah 2:115                                 Mattie (Walters) 7:45
        Theodore Wesley 7:90                        Maud (Thompson) 7:45
        Vivienne Rearl (Maxfield) 7:90              Nellie 7:45

REISTER (cont)                              REYMOND
        Ray 7:45                                    Abigail 1:50
        William S. 7:45                             Catherine 1:50
        Winfield Scott 7:44, 45                     Eliza 1:50
                                                    Ichabod 1:50
REITZ                                               Truman 1:50
        Ada Anameth 7:40                            Truman N. 1:50
        Ella Catherine (Parke) 7:40
        Elvie (Welling) 7:40                REYNOLDS
        Flora M. (Ardrey) 7:40                      B. A. 8:13
        Flora M. (Powers) 7:40                      C. Amerel 7:10
        Frederick Marshall 7:40                     Dawn Murray 8:13
        George Colyer 7:40                          Dorothy Margaret 8:13
        Helen Hallie (Plagge) 7:40                  Eadys Ruth 8:13
        Herman Jacob 7:40                           Elizabeth 5:25
        Leita Katherine 7:40                        Emily Almira 8:13
        Louise Powers 7:40                          George E. 8:61
        Maxine Flora 7:40                           Herman M.3:178
        Shirley Parke 7:40                          Jessie Austin 5:62
        Thomas Marshall 7:40                        John 8:61; 7:18
        Thomas Max 7:40                             John Fewell 2:157
        Thomas Russell 7:40                         Joseph 5:42
                                                    Katherine 5:61
REJAN                                               Lucelia B. 8:61
        J. M. 4:311                                 Nehemiah 5:42
                                                    Pauline (Burkitt) 8:67, 69
REMER                                               Robert Leo 8:13
        --- 8:59
        Arthur M.8:61                       RHAMEY
        Benjamin 8:61                               William H. 8:51
        Rebecca 8:61
RENALDS                                             Carrie Edna 1:7
        Mary 3:177                                  Clara (Wright) 7:67
                                                    Elizabeth 3:214, 215
RENAUD                                              Frank 4:278
        Count de Reimes 1:82                        John 4:278
                                                    Lonon 5:23
RENYALD                                             Paysy 4:278
        Mary 5:83                                   Sallie 4:278
RESAR                                       RHOMBERG
        Sarah 4:266                                 Mary Elizabeth 5:79
                                                    Natalie 5:79
REUTER                                              Titus E. 5:79
        Carrie E. 5:83

RICE (see also ROYCE)                       RICE (cont)
        Aaron 2:102                                 Lucretia 2:102
        Abigail 1:30; 2:150                         Lucy 2:150
        Abner 1:30                                  Lydia 5:37
        Alfred Dennison 1:30                        Lyman 2:140, 150
        Aller 2:139, 151                            Mabel 1:30
        Amasa 2:139, 152                            Mally 2:102
        Ambrose 2:102                               Mary 5:22
        Amos 1:30, 44, 52                           Mary Elizabeth 7:70
        Anna 2:102, 140, 152; 5:22                  Mary Gibbs 7:10
        Anne 2:102                                  Mary Tyler 2:101
        Asahel 2:152                                Melinda 2:140
        Barbara 1:87                                Merab 1:44
        Benjamin 2:139, 140, 151, 152;              Merat 1:30
           3:219; 5:22                              Mercy 6:10
        Charles Perkins 2:101                       Mindwell 2:139,150
        Charlotte 2:140                             Moses 1:30
        Edward 5:22                                 Nancy 2:101
        Elantha M. 1:30                             Nehemiah  2:101
        Elias Hall 1:30                             Noah Yale 2:102
        Elijah 2:101                                Olive 2:140
        Elizabeth 1:30; 2:101; 5:37                 Phebe 2:101, 102, 139, 140
        Elizabeth Hall 2:101                        Polly 2:150
        Emiline 2:101                               Pullman 1:30
        Emily Abigail 2:101                         Rachel 2:150; 5:38
        Emma 2:101; 5:2                             Rebecca 2:140,150
        Ephriam 2:150                               Reuben 7:10
        Eunice 2:140                                Reuben. J. 2:140
        Ezekiel 2:140, 151                          Rev. --- 8:2
        Ezra 2:140                                  Robert 1:30, 140
        George 1:50                                 Roxana 2:150
        George Henry 2:101                          Ruth Curtis 3:219
        Halsey 2:140, 151                           Sally 1:30
        Hannah 2:150                                Samuel 2:151
        Harriet 7:10                                Sarah 1:44, 50
        Henry 6:37                                  Sherman 2:150
        Henry Birney 2:101                          Silas 2:140, 152; 3:219
        Isaac 2:150, 152; 3:219                     Susan Ann 1:50
        Irene 7:37                                  Susan Hall 2:101
        James 2:102                                 Tabethe 2:152
        James Elijah 2:101                          Thankful 1:30; 2:139
        Jane 2:140                                  Thomas 1:30
        Jemima 2:140                                Titus Andrews 3:219
        Joel 2:102, 140, 152
        Joseph 2:140                        RICHARD (see also RICHARDS)
        Kesiah 1:30                                 Franklin L. 5:69
        Kezia 2:102                                 Julia Ann 5:69
        Lee 3:219                                   Orrie Ellen 5:69
        Levi 2:150

RICHARDS                                    RICKARD
        Alice 4:253; 5:17                           Abner 2:125
        Amos R. 1:72                                Susanna 2:125
        Artha Calhous 3:210; 4:253
        Bertha Calhoun 3:210; 4:253         RICKER
        Eliza Malvina 3:210                         James 3:171, 172
        George M. 6:32
        Joseph Calhoun 4:253                RIDIGLEY
        Laura 1:49                                  Katherine 7:39
        Martha 3:209
        Martha Calhoun 3:210                RIDDLE (RIDDELL)
        Mary 2:135                                  Mary 2:121
        Max Austen 4:233
        Rowena 7:56                         RIGGALL
        Thomas P. 5:17                              Sarah E. 8:42, 50
        Thomas Benjamin 3:209, 210
RICHARDSON                                          Aanson 1:61
        Asa 3:189                                   Edward 1:91, 92
        Bridget 1:36, 37                            Eliza 1:73
        Ezekiel 1:37                                Elizabeth 1:91, 92
        Hannah 1:37                                 Experience 1:91
        Jane 3:189                                  Hetty 1:61
        Joanna 1:37; 7:20                           Joseph 1:91
        Joseph' 1:37; 2:120                         Josiah 1:91
        Mary 1:37, 38; 2:120                        Laura May 8:20
        Samuel 1:37                                 Leonard W. 8:20
        Stephen 1:37, 38                            Lydia 1:61, 91
        Susanna 1:37                                Mary 1:91, 92; 2:141
        Tamar 3:189                                 Miles 1:61, 91
        Taswell 7:7
        Theophilus 1:37, 38                 RIGHT
        William 3:189                               Marguerite 5:56
RICHE                                       RILEY
        Edith Mary 5:84                             Florence 5:80
        Harry E. 5:84                               Josephine Lester 5:80
                                                    Richard Chamberlain 5:80
RICHERT                                             William Pitt 5:80
        George 1:44
        Hettie 7:44                         RINES
        Ida (Shaw) 7:44                             Elizabeth 5:24.
        Lucile 7:44                                 James 5:23
                                                    John 5:24
        John 4:278
        Rosy 4:278

RING                                        ROBERTS
        Betsy 8:16, 22                              Abraham 8:54
        Elizabeth 8:16, 22                          Anna 8:17
        Elizabeth (Maxfield) 7:23                   Delia 8:17
        Theodore 7:23                               Harriet V. 8:17, 18
                                                    Harriett V. (Carpenter)  7:23
RISLEY                                              Icelina 8:18
        --- 1:31                                    Jestine 1:71
                                                    Julia A. 8:54
RIVERS                                              Martha 1:31
        Sarah 5:68                                  Mary 8:17
                                                    Nary Elizabeth 8:54
RIXON                                               Matthew 7:23; 8:17
        Mary Ann 1:67                               Roxy  1:46
ROACH                                       ROBERTSON
        Mary 8:69                                   Alexander 6:9
                                                    Florence Loweless, Keeney 8:70
ROBBINS                                             Harriet 8:33, 34
        Annie Maria 5:53, 54, 55                    John 2:116
        Caroline 2:141                              John H. 8:68
        Charles H. 4:306                            Julia Frances 8:5
        Charles Warren  5:64, 55, 84                Mary D. (Hazelrigg) 8:68
        James 2:141                                 Polly 7:35
        Josiah 5:55                                 William 2:115
        Lewis 5:55
        Makala 5:55                         ROBEY (see also ROBY)
        Mary Louisa 5:54, 84                        Florence L. (Ashley) 7:36
        Minnie 4:304                                Frances Marion 7:36
        Phebe 5:55                                  Henrietta Griswold (Murray) 7:36
        Ricliard, 2:141                             Kennerly 7:36
        Sarah 2:141                                 Mabel Alida 8:36
        William Henry 2:141                         Townley 7:36
ROBERT:                                     ROBINSON
        II, Duke of France 1:83                     Aaron 7:69
        Earl of Leicester 1:84                      Almeda 8:20
        Earl of Mellent 1:82, 83                    Annie Louise 8:39
        Fortis, Duke of France 1:83                 Atwood 3:204
        King of France 1:82, 83                     Christiana 2:132

ROBINSON (cont)                             ROESNER
        Edson Eugene 8:39                           Adah Avice (Maxfield) 7:93
        Eliza H. 3:178                              Alice Adah 7:94
        Emily (Maxfield) 7:69                       Arthur E. D. 7:93
        Harry Erskine 5:84                          Augusta (Scrieber) 7:93
        John 4:231                                  Bernard Frederick 7:94
        John B. 3:178                               Donald Edward 7:94
        Mary 3:159                                  Edward 7:93
        Mary Spittler (Sigerfo s) 7:51              Glen Arthur 7:93
        Renah Lillian 5:84                          Laverne Harriet 7:93
        Rhody 1:74                                  Pyrle Evelyn 7:93
        Robert 1:74; 3:159
        Samuel 7:51                         ROFF
        Virginia 3:202                              Emma 8:36
        Virginia Anne 8:39
        William 2:132                       ROGER
                                                    Earl of Winchester 1:84
        Hannah 7:47                         ROGERS
                                                    Caroline 4:290
ROCKWELL                                            Charlotte 5:33
        David 1:91                                  Deborah 5:6
        Elizabeth 1:91                              Eliza 5:89
        Mehitable 1:91                              Eliza Burk 1:9, 4:229
        Samuel 3:212                                Elizabeth 4:229
        Sarah 3:212                                 Elizabeth Hope 5:33
        William 3:212                               Eunice 4:286, 290
                                                    Gilbert 4:290
RODEHEAVER                                          Grace D. 4:229
        Lewis 7:11                                  Hannah 4:289, 290
        Pearl (Rush) 7:11                           Harrison (Harry) 4:286, 290; 5:33
                                                    Harry 4:286
RODEKER                                             Henry 6:42
        Arthur 5:83                                 Henry Walter 7:12
                                                    Hezekiah 4:289, 290
RODGERS (see ROGERS)                                Isaac B. 7:12
                                                    Isabella 5:6
RODIG                                               James 2:110
        (Mrs.) C. F. 3:204                          James S. 4:286, 290
                                                    James U. 5:33
ROE                                                 Jane 4:290
        George 3:204                                John 4:186, 190; 4:286, 290
        Libby 1:25                                  Joseph C. 4:229
        Poly 1:24                                   Judith 4:290
        Thomas 1:25                                 Julia 6:42

ROGERS (cont)                               ROSELLE (see also ROZELLE)
        Laban 4:290                                 --- 4:260
        Lopher 4:290
        Louisa C. 4:290; 5:33               ROSENFIELD
        Margaret 4:290                              Jonas 7:88
        Maria 4:290; 7:56; 8:38                     Julie Beatrice (Alter) 7:88
        Martha Maria (Murray) 7:12
        Mary 4:286, 290                     ROSS
        Mary C. 4:286, 290                          Attra P. 3:204
        Melissa 6:42                                Bethuel Shepard 7:11
        Mordica 3:204                               Caroline Alice (Murray) 7:11
        Naomi 4:290                                 Charles Fremont 7:11
        Phebe 4:289, 290                            Charles H. 6:37
        Ruth 4:290                                  Deborah 2:116
        Sarah 7:11                                  Emma Meriel 7:11
        Sarah Elizabeth 7:12                        Eugene Samuel 7:11
        Stephen 4:290                               George Daniel 7:11
        William 4:229; 5:33, 89, 91;                Helen 4:254
           7:18, 58                                 Ichabod 6:37
        (Mrs.) William 1:1, 17, 19, 46;             Isabelle Cady (Murray) 6:37
           2:112, 155; 3:164, 175, 192,             James F. 6:37
           204, 220; 4:247, 272; 6:48               John 4:254
        William Murray 7:12                         Martha 7:32; 8:8
                                                    Mary E. 6:37
ROLFE                                               Nancy 2:130
        Hester 1:61                                 Olivia 6:37
                                                    Samuel S.  7:11
        Joseph 3:165                        ROTMAN
        Joseph T. 3:178                             George 1:31
        Sarah C. 3:178                              Penelope 1:31
ROOSA                                       ROUNDS
        Elizabeth 1:92                              Jane Murray (Snow) 6:35
                                                    John 6:35
        Fordyce 3:178                       ROUSE
        Rosalie C. 3:178                            Maggie Laura 5:55
ROSBOROUGH                                  ROWE
        --- 2:126                                   Barbara 5:58
                                                    Constance 1:60
ROSE                                                Edward J. 5:58
        Polly 2:104                                 Gertrude 5:58
        Sarah E. (Pike) 6:42                        Joseph 7:22
                                                    Martha Brooks 7:14
ROSECRANS                                           Mehitable 7:22, 42, 43, 45, 47; 8:16
        Henry 8:61                                  Nicholas 7:22
        "Infant" 8:61                               Robert 7:22
        Mary (Lilley) 8:61                          Ruth (Sherburnes) 7:22

ROWELL                                      ROYCE (cont)
        Caleb 7:4                                   Henrietta 2:101
        Deborah 1:8                                 Hezekiah 3:169
                                                    Huldah 3:169
ROWLEY                                              Ira 1:52
        Irenah (Guernsey) 6:32                      Isaac 1:30, 44; 2:99, 150, 151
         Reuben 6:32                                Jacob 1:44, 52; 2:140; 3:169
                                                    James 2:100, 101; 3:219
ROYAL                                               Jared 1:52
        E. R. 8:54                                  Jerusha 2:150
        James L. 8:54                               Jesse 3:169
        W. H.  8:54                                 Joanna 1:80; 2:140; 3:168
                                                    Joash 3:169, 219
ROYCE (see also RICE, ROYS)                         Joel 2:100, 101
        Abel 1:80; 3:168, 169, 219                  John 1:52; 3:169
        Abigail 2:99, 100, 101, 150,                Jonathan 2:99
           151; 3:169                               Joseph 1:44; 3:219
        Abijah 1:52                                 Josiah 2:150; 3:168, 169
        Abner 3:219                                 Justus 3:219
        Allen 2:150; 3:169                          Kesiah 2:149; 3:169
        Ambrose 2:100                               Keziah 2:100, 149
        Amos 1:52; 3:219                            Laura 2:100
        Ann 2:149                                   Lent 3:169
        Anna 3:219                                  Lidia 2:100
        Annah 2:149                                 Lint 3:168
        Arba 1:52                                   Lois 2:149
        Asa 2:149, 151; 3:219                       Luce 2:149; 3:169
        Benedict 1:8; 3:169                         Lucretia 2:101
        Benjamin 2:151; 3:168, 169                  Lydia 2:149
        Caleb 3:169                                 Mary 1:80; 2:90, 100, 140, 150; 3:219
        Charles 3:168                               Mehitable 2:140; 3:169
        Clark 3:169                                 Merah 1:52
        David 3:219                                 Mindwell 2:101, 150; 3:169
        Deborah 2:99, 149; 3:169                    Miriam 2:100
        Dinah 2:149                                 Nait 3:219
        Ebenezer 2:151; 3:219                       Nathaniel 1:44; 2:99; 3:168, 169, 219
        Elisha 3:168                                Nehemiah 1:44; 2:99, 100, 101
        Elizabeth 1:30; 2:100                       Oliver 2:151; 3:219
        Ephriam 2:100, 140, 151;                    Phebe 3:219
           3:169, 219                               Phoebe 3:169
        Esther 2:99, 100, 140                       Philip 2:149
        Eunice 2:100, 101, 140; 2:219               Prudence 2:100
        Ezekiel 2:150, 151; 3:169                   Rachel 2:140, 150; 3:219
        Ezra 2:151; 3:168, 219                      Rebecca 3:219
        Gideon 2:149, 150, 151; 3:219               Reuben. 2:149; 3:219
        Hannah 1:52, 80; 2:99, 100,                 Robert 1:30, 44, 80; 2:99,
           149; 3:219                                  100, 150, 151; 3:168
        Hannah Lydia 3:168                          Ruth 2:100, 101; 3:169

ROYCE (cont)                                RUBLE
        Samuel 1:44, 80, 81; 2:99,                  Polly 3:188
           100, 150, 151 3:219
        Sarah 1:44, 52; 2:99, 100,          RUDD
           147, 149                                 Annis 1:23
        Sedwich 2:100                               Bezaleel 1:23
        Seft 3:169                                  Bezaleel W. 1:23
        Seth 3:219                                  Harriet 1:23
        Solomon 3:169                               Hilen 1:23
        Stephen 2:101, 149; 3:168, 219              Jerusha 1:23
        Sylvester 2:101                             John 1:23
        Timothy 3:169                               Olivia 1:23
        Thankful 1:44,52; 2:149                     Polly S. 1:23
        Thomas 2:140                                Reuben B. 1:23
        Timothy 2:150; 3:169                        Ruth 1:23
        Titus 1:140; 3:219                          Semanthe 1:23
                                                    Theron 1:23
ROYER                                               Zebulon 1:23
        Elizabeth 3:166
ROYS                                                F. B. 1:43
        Aaron 2:101                                 John H. 1:44
        Abel 1:80, 81                               Mary. 1:43
        Abigail 2:101, 102
        Benedict 1:80                       RUNDALL (see also RUNDLE)
        Daniel 2:102                                Anna Rebecca (Wilson) 7:89
        Ebenezer 2:101, 102                         Chloe Frances (Maxfield) 7:89
        Elizabeth 2:102                             Carol Louise 7:89
        Ephriam 2:101                               Florence 7:89
        Eunice 2:101, 102                           Frances Rebecca 7:89
        Hesekiah 1:80                               Napolean Bonaparte 7:89
        Hester 1:80                                 Simeon Salathiel 7:89
        Hulda 1:80
        Joanna 1:80, 81                     RUNDLE
        Keziah 2:101                                Anthony Merritt 4:306
        Margery 2:101                               Christine 4:306
        Mary 2:101, 102                             G. Mortimore 4:306
        Mehitable 1:80                              Lavina Cornell 4:306
        Michael 2:102                               Marguertie 4:306
        Mindwell 2:101                              Rupert 4:306
        Olive 1:81                                  Samuel H. 4:306
        Phebe 2:101, 102
        Prudence 4:244                      RUNYON
        Rhoda 1:80                                  Peter 1:16
                                                    Providence 1:16
ROZELLE (see also ROSELLE)                          Rosannah 1:16
        Naomi 4:228

        Alcina F. 3:162,163                 RUSSELL (cont)
        I. Daniel 3:163                             Delia 8:17
                                                    Ellen 6:42
RUSE                                                Elom B. 8:62
        Hannah 1:58                                 Leroy Parker 8:17
                                                    Lucia 6:42, 46
RUSER                                               Rachell 7:21
        Henry 8:61
        Martha 8:61                         RUST
                                                    Deliverance (Dille) 1:45
RUSH                                                Keziah 1:45
        Abner 7:13                                  Noah 1:45
        Alice (Seaverns) 7:11
        Amy 7:11                            RUTAN
        (Mrs.) C. H. 3:175, 207                     Alexander S. 2:116
        Pearl 7:11                                  Daniel 2:116
        Roma Ailene 1:27                            Israel 2:116
                                                    Kaziah 2:116
RUSHMORE                                            Marhta 2:116
        Jane 5:31                                   Samuel 2:116
                                                    Sarah 2:116
RUSSEL (see also RUSSELL)                           William C. 2:116
        Chloe 6:47
        Ebenezer 6:47                       RUZICKA
        Eliab 6:47                                  Frank 3:204
        Ephraim 6:47
        Fannie 5:2                          RYAN
        Hepsibath 6:47                              A. 1:44
        James 6:47                                  Arramantha 2:116
        Jedediah 6:47                               Catherine  1:44
        Jesse 5:2
        N. 4:312                            RYBURN
        Rhoda 6:47                                  Charlotte 1:71
        Sally P. 6:47
        Samuel 6:47                         RYKER
        William 6:47                                Jacob S. 5:76
RUSSELL                                     RYNERIUS
        Agnes 6:42                                  Count of Hainault 1:82, 83
        Andrew 6:42                           

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