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Nebraska & Midwest Genealogical Record

The first four volumes of this magazine were paged continously through the four, whereas the succeeding volumes (five to eight, inclusive) of the earlier editors to were paged separately by volumes. It was apparently the intention of the earlier editors to issue an Index to each four volumes, thereby enabling them to be bound together.

In this index the references are to volume and page thus: 4:287, the figure preceeding the colon refering to the volume, the figure following the colon indicatng the page.

It should also be noted that names beginning with Mac. and Mc are treated as though they all began with Mac.

REMEMBER: Vol. II, no 4 through Vol. V, no 1 are copywritten and NOT AVAILABLE on-line. Consult the Table of Contents (on the index page) for the article title, and contact NSHS for a copy of the original.





MAAS                                           MCCARTY
        Asmus, 8:60                                    A. 8:61
        Pauline L. 8:60                                Albert 8:60
                                                       Almeda 8:60
MABEE                                                  Amy 8:60
        Hesther 2:129                                  "Baby" 8:60
                                                       C. J. 8:60
McADAMS                                                E. 8:01
        Louisa 1:14                                    E. H. 8:63
                                                       E. J. 8:61
McALLISTER                                             Elizabeth 8:60
        Alice 7:30                                     Ella, -- 8:60
                                                       Ellen 8:66
McARTHUR                                               Elliott Hugh 8:60
        Constant Elizabeth 7:6                         Enoch 8:60
        Hannah (Murray) 6:37                           Freddie 8:60
        Joan Dean Gillet (Barnes) 7:6                  Freddie M. 8:6l
        Joan Gillett 7:6                               Hazel 8:61
        Selim Walker 7:6                               Isaac 8:61
                                                       Isaac F. 8:61
McBRIDE                                                J. 8:61
        Helen Janet (Murray) 7:15                      J. E. 8:60
        James 8:60                                     J. L. 8:61
        Lucretia L. 7:15                               J. R. 8:60
        Helesia 8:60                                   Jessie L. 8:61
        William 7:15                                   John R. 8:61
                                                       Judy A. 8:61
McBURGES                                               Logan 8:61
        Elizabeth 7:28                                 Louisa 8:61
                                                       R. N. 8:60
McCABE                                                 Robert 8:60, 61
        Polly 4:278                                    Robert Allen 8:61
                                                       Robert M. 8: 61
McCALLA                                                S. A. 8:60
        Nathaniel 1:63                                 S. E. 8:61
                                                       Simmon G. 8:60, 61
McCALMONT                                              William M. 8:61
        Lottie 2:126
McCARTHY                                               Benjamin 1:71
        Della 8:62                                     Harriet 1:71

McGEE see also McKEE                           McCOLLUM
        Robert 1:10                                    Asa 2:114
                                                       Denis D. 2:114
McCLAUGHRY                                             Elizabeth 2, 114
        James 4:301; 5:4                               Melissa 2:114
McCLEAN                                        McCONAHEY
        John 2:114                                     Euphernia (Shaw) 7:44
        Rachel 2:114                                   Frank 7:44
                                                       Mary Frances 7:44; 8:18
McCLELLAND                                             Marjorie Mae 7:44
        Abiah 3:214
        Charles 4:312                          McCONNELL (McCONNEL)
        Sarah 4:312                                    --- 5:90
        William 3:214                                  Elizabeth 1:57
                                                       Elizabeth (Murray) 6:33
McCLURE                                                John 6:33
        Adelaide 8:47                                  Murray 6:33
        Agnes (Wallace) 6:22                           Sara 1:57
        Benjamin 6:22
        Betsy 6:22                             McCORD
        Edward 6:22                                    Adelle 4:254
        Esther 6:22                                    Catherine 4:282
        George A. 6:22                                 James Hamilton 4:254
        Gertie 6:22                                    Mary Elizabeth 4:254
        Hannah A. 6:22                                 Rebecca A. 4:228
        James 6:22
        James N. W. 7:5                        McCORMICK
        Jane 6:22                                      Mary 3:178
        John 1:15; 6:22                                Mary C. (Spear) 6:23
        John Dean Gillett 7:5                          Paul 6:23
        John Joseph 6:22                               S. 3:178
        Lemira Katherine Gillett (Hill) 7:5
        Mary 6:22                              McCOY
        Mina 6:22                                      John 3:177
        Nancy J. 6:22                                  Nancy E. 3:177
        Nancy (Means) 6:22
        Rebecca (Miller) 6:22                  McCRAW
        Robert 6:22                                    Susanna 5:25
        Stella 6:22
        Thompson 6:22                          McCRILLIS
        William 6:22                                   Jane 7:43, 64, 65, 67, 68, 8:70
        William Chesta 6:22                            John 7:43
                                                       Lydia (Morrill) 7:43
McCOLLOUGH see also McCULLOUGH                         William 7:43, 67
        Samuel J. 2:115
        William Ellsworth 2:115                McCROSSEN
                                                       Ellen 1:66

        Emma 3:216                                     Elizabeth (Keays) 7:5
        John 4:311                                     William 7:5
        Mary 4:311
McCULLOCK (see also McCULLOCH, McCULLOUGH)             Peggy 8:50
        Dorothy 6:8
        Esther Dimmick 6:8                     McELROY
        John 6:8                                       George 5:73
                                                       Mary 5:73
McCULLOUGH (see also McCULLOUCH, McCULLOCK,            Sarah Ann 5:73, 85
        Catherine 3:216                        McFALL
        Emma 3:216                                     Lura E. 3:203
        Hugh 3:216
        John W. 3:216                          McFARLINE
        Mary 3:216                                     Alexander 6:18
                                                       Cynthia (Spencer) 6:18
McCULLOM (see also McCullum)
        Cornelia Parke (Murray) 7:51           McGARTH
        Donald Rea 7:51                                Agnes C. 7:37
        Helen Eugene 7:51                              Ethel (Eignus) 7:37
        Henrietta 7: 51                                Grace 7:37
        Mary Elizabeth 7:51                            Harriet H. (Snyder) 7:37
        Oscar 7:51                                     Harry E. 7:37
        Oscar D. 7:51                                  James W. 7:37
        Virginia Lee 7:51                              Julia (Owings) 7:37
                                                       Margaret E. 7:37
McCULLUM (see also McCULLOM)                           Mary (Albertsen) 7:37
        Elizabeth 5:30                                 P. L. 7:37
                                                       Sheldon F. 7:37
McCULLUN                                               Thomas P. 7:37
        Annie 8:42
                                               McGOWAN (see also McGOWN)
McCUTHEON                                              Barbara 1:10
        Alice 7:45                                     John 1:10
McDEVITT                                       McGOWN (see also McGOWAN)
        Charles 5:43                                   Cora Belle (Danforth) 7:62
        Ellen 5:43                                     Isla B. 7:62
        Lary Ellen 5:43                                Otis 7:62
                                                       Vernon 7:62
        John 6:37                              McGREGOR
        Milon (Steele) 6:37                            J. A. 3:203
McDONALD                                       McHUGH
        Hugh Colder 5:82                               Eleanor 7:39
        Margaret 1:50                                  Frances (Brown) 7:39
        Mary B. 8:65                                   Jerome Anthony 7:39
        Mary Briggs 5:82                               Joseph Weir 7:39
        Patrick 1:50

McHUGH  (cont)                                 McKEE (see also McCEE, McKIE)  (cont)
        Keith Peter Stratton 7:39                      Deland 2:105
        Lerah Gillett (Stratton)                       Electa 2:103, 104
          7:1, 37, 39, 41, 49, 50                      Eliezur 2:103
        Peter 7:39                                     Eliza 2:106
        Peter Joseph 7:39                              Elizabeth 2:103
                                                       Emeline 2:104
McINTIRE                                               Esther 2:103
        Eleanor 8:45                                   Ezra 2:104
        Leo 8:45                                       Frances 2:104
        Leon 8:45                                      George Hollister 2:105
                                                       Hannah 2:103
McINTOSH                                               Harriet 2:104
        Catherine 8:61                                 Hiram 2:103, 104
                                                       James 2:104, 105
McKAY                                                  Jason 2:104
        Alice Ann 8:44                                 Jerusha 2:103
        H. C. 6:39                                     Jesse 2:106, 105
        Harry 6:39                                     Joel 2:103
        Kellian 6:39                                   John 2:103, 105
        Murray 6:39                                    John Hills 2:104
        Prudence (Murray) 6:39                         Joseph 2:102
        Sarah 4:291                                    Joseph Randall 2:105
                                                       Julius Clark 2:105, 106
McKEAN (see also McKEEN)                               Laura 2:103
        Benjamin 2:148                                 Loren 2:105
        James 2:148                                    Lorenzo Shepard 2:105
        Jane 2:148                                     Lucinda 2:105
        Lucy 2:148                                     Lucy 2:104, 105
                                                       Lucy Almeda 2: 105
McKEE (see also McCEE, McKIE)                          Lyman 2:104
        Aba 2:103                                      Mabel 2:103, 104
        Abigail 2:103                                  Malona Adah 2:105
        Abra 2:130                                     Malvina 2:105
        Alexander 2:103, 104                           Marquis 2:104
        Almira 2:104                                   Martha Lodema 2:105
        Alonzo 2:105                                   Martin Mason 2:104
        Alvin 2:104                                    Marvin 2:103
        Andrew 2:102, 103                              Mary 2:104
        Appleton 2:103, 104, 105                       Mercy 2:104
        Appleton Cooper 2:105                          Monroe H. 2:105
        Appleton Hollister 2:104, 105                  Nancy 2:104
        Ardelia 2:104                                  Nathaniel 2:102
        Asa 2:103                                      Olive Berke 2:104
        Austin 2:106                                   Permila 2:105
        Betsy 2:103, 104                               Persis 2:106
        Catherine 2:103                                Perlina 2:106
        Charlotte 2:104                                Phila 2:104
        Chauncey 2: 103                                Phitotus 2:104
        Chester 2:104                                  Polly 2:103, 104, 105
        Clarissa 2:103                                 Robert 2:102, 103, 107
        Daniel 2:106

McKEE (see also McCEE, McKIE)  (cont)          McLEAN
        Rosella 2:105                                  Christine 4:306
        Sabira 2:104                                   Elizabeth 7:31
        Sabra 2:104, 105                               Stuart 4:306
        Sally 2:104
        Samuel Cooper 2:106                    McLENNAN
        Sarah 2:104, 105                               (Mrs.) L. W. 5:92
        Sarah Maria 2:105
        Sidney 2:103                           McLEOD
        Sophia 2:104                                   Alice J. (Maxfield) 7:63
        Statira 2:103                                  Alexander 7:63
        Varum 2:103
        Watson 2:106                           McMAHAN
        William 2:103                                  George 1:10
        Wirt 2:106                                     Thankful 1:10
McKEEN (see also McKEAN)                       McMAKAN (see also (McMECHAN, McMECKIN)
        Genevieve E. 8:43, 51                          Catherine 1:90
                                                       Joseph Hamilton 1:90
McKENNEY (see also McKINNEY)                           Laura Sophronia 1:90
        Anna 2:128
        Daniel 2:128                           McMANANY
        L. 2:128                                       James 3:166
        Lucy C. 4:238
McKENZIE                                               Ann 2:97
        Archie 8:61                                    Hugh 2:128
        Duncan 6:61                                    Martha 2:128
        Marjorie 8:61                                  Thomas 2:98, 128
McKIE (see also McKEE, McCEE)                  McMECHAN (see also McMAKAN, McMECKIN)
        Abigeal 2:128                                  Matilda 3:208
        John 2:128
                                               McMECKIN (see also McMAKAN, McMECHAN)
McKINLEY                                               Winnie 5:63
        Ida (Saxton) 8:69
        William 8:69                           McMITCHELL
                                                       Mary Ann 6:34
        --- 1:33                               McMULLEN
        Anna 2:128                                     (Mrs.) Adam 1:71
        Daniel 2:128                                   Margaret 8:54
        Edmund 8: 1, 2, 6                              Mary Frances 8:54
        Mary 2:128                                     William 8:54
        Patrick 2:128
        Sarah 1:33                             McNAIR
        Sarah J. 2:128                                 James Britley 2:158
        Theresa 8:1, 2
McLAUGHIN                                              Grace E. 8:8
        William 8:2, 29, 60, 31, 33, 34                Murray William 8:8
                                                       W. J. 8:8

McPHERSON                                      MADISON
        Abagil 2:130                                   Leonora Theresa (Espy) 6:40
        Isabella 1:31                                  William 6:40
McQUILLEN                                      MAGNUS
        Nancy 2:142                                    Hugh, Count de Vermandois 1:82, 83
McQUIRE                                        MAGUIRE
        Benjamin F. 8:45                               Nellie Blanch 5:66
        Florance K. 8:45
McVANE                                                 Mary 4:227, 228
        Agnes (Russell) 6:42
        Daniel 6:42                            MAHIEU
        Isabella 6:42                                  Hester 5:37
        John 6:42                                      Hester, the "Walloon" 4:232
        Peter 6:42
McVAY                                                  Daoris 7:65
        Benjamin Franklin 2:114
        Caroline 2:114                         MALIN
        Elmas D. 2:114                                 Florence C. 8:60
        Hannah B. 2:114                                Ida B. 8:60
        Jacob 2:114                                    Robert J. 8:60
        John 2:114                                     Samuel C. 8:60
        Samuel 2:114
        Warren 2:114                           MALLET
                                                       Mary 2:120
        Keziah 7:46                            MALLETTE (see also MALLET)
                                                       Sarah Albon (Maxfield) 7:92
MACY                                                   Sidney Francis 7:92
        Abigail (Coffin) 6:7
        Bethia 6:5                             MALLORY
        Deborah 6:6                                    Alice E. 5:53
        Elizabeth 6:7                                  Arthur L. 5:56
        Jabez 6:7                                      Ethel M. 5:56
        John 6:5                                       Eunice E. 5:56
        Mary 6:5                                       Fred W. 5:56
        Matthew 6:7                                    Howard E. 6:56
        Priscilla 6:7                                  Jennie A. 5:57
        Robert 6:7                                     Jennie Maude 5:56
        Thomas 6:6; 5:51, 52                           Joseph F. 5:56
        Zach 6:7                                       Marvin E. 5:57
                                                       Maudy M. 5:56
MADILL                                                 Mehitable 6:16
        Maggie M. 7:38                                 Robert C. 5:56
                                                       Ruby H. 5:56

MALOY                                          MANTOR (see also MANTER)
        Mayme 4:254                                    Gracia 1:60
                                                       James 1:60
MANAHAN                                                Margaret de Romi 1:83
        Elizabeth 4:227                                Marie Adelaide 3:160
MANCHESTER                                     MANWARING
        Stephen 5:23                                   Oliver 7:16, 58
MANDERVILLE                                    MARDIS
        E. Antoinette 8:11, 44                         Frank 8:60
                                                       J. 8:60
MANN                                                   W. L. 8:60
        Curtis A. 4:309
        Eva M. 4:309                           MARINE
                                                       Carl H. 7:31
MANNEY                                                 Rosie (wood) 7:31
        Alleda 4:289                           MARK
        Cynthia Collins 4:289                          Melissa 3:202
        Elizabeth 4:289
        George Collins 4:280                   MARKHAM
        John 4:285, 289                                Ina 8:27
        Maria 4:289                                    J. M. 8:27
        Mary Ward 4:289                                John N. 8:26, 27
        Rhoda Collins 4:285, 289                       Lucy 3:26
        Solen 4:289                                    Lucy Aubin 8:27
        Winer 4:289
MANNING                                                Beatrice 4:243
        (Mrs.) Martha 4:308
        Mary 3:210                             MARKLE
        William H. 3:206                               Rufus 1:10
MANROSE                                        MARKS
        Nehemian 2:149                                 Mary 8:30, 31
        Sarah 2:149
MANSFIELD                                              George M. 3:203
        Jane 1:32
MANSFIEND                                              Daniel 3:177
        Caroline 2:122                                 E. 8:54
                                                       Eliza 1:48
MANTER (see also MANTOR)                               Elizabeth 4:232
        Sarah 2:125                                    Enoch P. 7:43

MARSH (cont)                                   MARTIN
        Hannah E. (Brown) 7:43                         Ambrose. 5:21
        John 8:54                                      Benjamin P. 7:63
        L. P. 8:54                                     Emily A. (Maxfield) 7:63
        Mary 5:38                                      George 6:32
                                                       Hetly 1:61
MARSHAL (see also MARSHALL)                            Jerome 2:105
        Rebecca 3:221                                  Lucinda 2:105
                                                       Lucy (Gaylord) 6:32
MARSHALL (see also MARSHAL)                            Lydia 3:136
        Deborah (Squier) 6:21                          Thomas 6:188
        Edward J. 1:10
        Ellathan 4:238                         MARTZ
        (Mrs.) H. B. 1:1, 18, 41, 57, 59;              Bess P. 849
           2:111, 127, 143; 3:159, 175,                Edith E. 8:49
           191, 207; 4:223; 5:21                       Sophia 8:3
        Hellen E. 1:10
        Ida 1:10                               MARVIN
        John 4:238; 8:30, 31                           Abigall 2:106
        Ruth 4:238                                     Edward 2:106
        Sally 4:238                                    Elihu 7:55
        Thomas 5:23                                    Elizabeth 2:106
                                                       George R. 7:58
MARSHOLLAND                                            Hannah 2:106
        Betsy 4:278                                    Jean Frances 8:39
                                                       Margrett 2:106
MARSTON                                                Marie 2:106
        --- 7:58                                       Mathew 2:106
        Anna 4:266                                     Murray Sands 8:39
        Benjamin 2:109                                 Rachel 2:106
        Caleb 4:266                                    Samuel 2:106
        Elizabeth 2:109                                Sarah 2:106
        John 7:59                                      Sarah A. 7:55
        Lucia 2:109                                    Thankful (Barnard) 7:55
        Lydia 4:266                                    Walter S. 8:39
        Patience 2:109
        Robert 7:59                            MASON
        Sally 2:109                                    Alex F. 7:13
        Sarah 2:109                                    Charles Adrian 8:40
        Thomas 4:266; 7:59                             Dorothy Vivie 8:40
        William 7:59                                   Edith May 8:40
        Winslow 2:109                                  Electa (Murray) (Hewett) (Flower) 6:33
                                                       Elijah 6:33
MARTENS                                                Forest 8:40
        Alfred 7:83                                    Florence Elaine 8:40
        Fannie Minerva (Clark) 7:83

MASON  (cont)                                  MATILDA
        Frederick Marion 8:40                          of Oldenberg 1:82
        Grace Viola 8:40
        Hollie Murray 8:40                     MATTER
        Holly 8:40                                     Frank 4:309, 310
        Mary 4:299                                     John 1:81
        Mathilda 7:89
        Nancy 7:13                             MATTHEWS
        Philo Murray 7:16                              Marjory Erma (Whetstone) 7:34
        Sherman Minott 7:13                            Walter F. 7:34
        Welcome Franklin 7:13
MAST                                                   Edward Eauo 4:276
        Belle 4:246                                    Eloise 4:276
                                                       Helen Aline 4:276
MASTEN                                                 John Newell 4:276
        Sally D. 8:28                                  Mary Cutter 4:276
                                                       Veva Aline 4:276
MASTERS (Mastes, Mastus)
        Abigail 5:46                           MAUGER
        Aram 5:46                                      Hester 3:177
        Hannah 5:46
        John 5:46                              MAVERICK
                                                       Moses 1:12
MASTERTON                                              Remember 1:18
        Alexander 1:42
        Joseph T. 1:42                         MAXFIELD
        Mary Augusta 1:42                              Abbie C. (Burr) 7:70
        Virginia 1:42                                  Abigail 7:21, 22, 23, 24; 8:17, 22
                                                       Abigail H.(Cutts) 7:61, 69
MATHEWS                                                Abner Ralph 8:21
        Aaron 6:47                                     Abraham 7:21
        Alice 1:81                                     Abraham Lincoln 8:21
        Bell 5:47                                      Abraham Russell 7:21, 24
        Charles 1:81                                   Abraham Sisson 7:24
        Charlie 1:25                                   Ada 7:69
        Cynthia 1:81                                   Adah 7:87, 93
        John 1:81                                      Adah Avice 7:93
        Lyman 6:47                                     Adah (Arnold) 7:65, 87
        Mary 1:81                                      Addie 7:70
        Miranda J. 1:25                                Adeline 7:65
        Olive 1:81                                     Adda 7:68
        Rosamund 6:47                                  Adella (Colby) 7:69
        Rose 6:47                                      Adolphus 7:93
        W. 1:25                                        Alfred W. 7:18

MAXFIELD (cont)                                MAXFIELD (cont)
        Alice Idora (Benton) 7:96                      Charles Henry 7:67, 89
        Alice J. 7:63                                  Chloe Esther 7:91
        Alice (Mortimer) 7:71                          Chloe Frances 7:89
        Alma Lena, 8:20                                Chloe Washburn (Dexter) 7:66, 87, 88, 89, 90
        Almira 7:24                                    Clarince Channing 8:20
        Almon 7:62, 70                                 Clyde 7:93
        Alfred 7:64                                    Collins Smith 7:24
        Allen Russell 7:24                             Colonel Dexter 7:95
        Alvah 7:63                                     Cora Piper 8:20
        Alzina 8:17                                    Cora Ernestine 7:90
        Amelia Agnes (Albon) 7:91, 95, 96              Cora Estelle 7:70; 8:19
        Angie 8:20                                     Currier 7:20, 23, 42, 61, 62, 63; 8:16, 17
        Anna 8:19                                      Cynthia 7:24
        Anna 7:20, 61                                  Cynthia C. (Parrish) 7:88, 94
        Anna B. 8:19                                   Cynthia Cornelia (Stone) 7:86
        Anna Burr 7:77                                 Cyrus 7:47, 68
        Anna (Freeze) 7:87                             Dana Hanson 7:65
        Annie (Phillips) 7:69                          Daniel 8:15
        Annie Maria 7:68                               David 7:21, 23, 24, 65, 87; 8:16, 18
        Annie Marie 8:20                               David Carr 7:42; 8:17
        Asa 7:45, 47, 68, 92                           David E. 7:67
        Asceneth 8:16                                  Day E. 7:63
        Asenath 7:68                                   Delisha (Eldridge) 7:68, 92
        Asenatha J. 8:19                               Dinah 7:21
        Augusta Priscilla 7:90                         Dinah (Sherman) 7:21
        Avis 7:43                                      Donald Thomas 7:94
        Belinda 7:63                                   Dorothy 7:23, 42, 92; 8:15, 17, 19
        Belle 8:15                                     Dorothy Alice 7:96
        Benjamin 8:15                                  Dudley 7:20, 23, 42, 63, 70; 8:17, 18, 19
        Benjamin F. 8:22                                 Page 63, Dudley b. Aug.3, 1812, is not
        Benjamin Rowe 7:23 8:17                          the Son of Samuel, but  is the son of
        Benjamin Tucker 7:24                             Eliphalet (5), Eliphalet (4), Eliphalet
        Berton Lewis 7:70                                (3), Nathaniel (2), John (1)
        Betsey 7:42, 45                                Earl 7:93
        Betsy 8:16, 18, 19                             Ebenezer 7:22
        Betsy F. 8:22                                  Eda V. 7:61
        Betsy W. 8:20                                  Edmund 7:20, 23, 24
        Bette 8:15, 16                                 Edith 7:71
        Betty 8:22                                     Edward 7:87
        Byron 8:92                                     Edwin 7:66, 89
        Carol Lucine 7:90                              Edwin Augustus 7:65
        Carrie E. (Welty) 7:94, 96                     Electa Elizabeth, 8:18; 7:62
        Celia 7:69                                     Elias Ellsworth 7:89, 94, 96; 8:19
        Charles 7:65, 87, 89, 92                       Eliphalet  7:22, 23, 43, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68;
        Charles Albert 7:62                                 8:15, 16, 18, 19, 70
        Charles H. 7:89                                Elizabeth 7:21, 23, 45; 8:15, 16, 19, 20

MAXFIELD (cont)                                MAXFIELD (cont)
        Elizabeth Alden 7:92                           George 7:69, 87, 92
        Elizabeth (Colby) 7:20                         George Clark 7:67, 87, 91, 94
        Elizabeth F. 7:92                              George Dexter 7:66, 94, 96
        Elizabeth (Hathaway) 7:21                      George Elwin 8:20
        Elizabeth Jane 7:67                            George Frederick 7:91, 95
        Elizabeth (Thompson) 7:62; 8:70                George Henry 7:70
        Ella L. (Gove) 7:70                            George Sidney 8:17
        Ella Melrose 7:62                              Gertrude 7:93
        Elle 7:23                                      Gertrude Gardner 7:92
        Elle Norton 8:17, 19                           Glenn Cecil 7:94, 96
        Elmer 7:63                                     Grace 7:92
        Elmina 7:62                                    Grace (Sherman) 7:22
        Ellen Delisha 7:69                             Grant 7:22, 42, 89
        Elnore E. (Brady) 7:94                         Guy 7:92
        El Reno LaVere 7:95                            Guy Waldo 7:92, 96
        Elsie H. (Harris) 7:90                         Hannah 7:23, 24; 8:15, 16
        Elvira 8:20                                    Hannah (Bachelder) 7:46, 67, 68
        Enoch 8:22                                     Hannah (Bootman) 7:20
        Emily 7:69                                     Hannah Brown) 7:67
        Emily A. 7:63                                  Hannah H. 7:47
        Emma M. (Dodge) 7:63                           Hannah (Hill) 7:47, 68
        Erastus D. 7:68                                Hannah (Moody) 7:42
        Ernest 8:20                                    Hannah Norton 8:16
        Esther Nancy Anne (Wethern) 7:95               Hannah Smith 7:24
        Eugene L.7:89; 8:19                            Harold 7:70
        Eugenia 7:63                                   Harold W. 7:94, 96
        Eva Jennette 7:94                              Harriet 7:45, 63; 8:16
        Everett 7:93                                   Harriet (Mellen) 7:71
        Everett Evarts 7:90, 95                        Harry 7:68
        Everett Roger 7:95                             Harvey Page 7:61, 69
        Ezra 8:22                                      Hattie 7:87
        Ezra Kempton 8:20                              Hazel (Simpson) 7:96
        Fannie (Dodge) 7:69                            Helen 7:47, 63
        Florence Atta 7:70                             Helen (Fuller) 7:87
        Floyd 7:93                                     Helen (Warren) 7:96
        Frances 7:92                                   Henry 7:20, 21; 8:16
        Francina Sophia 7:61                           Henry Edgar 7:62, 70
        Francis 7:66                                   Henry Negust 8:16
        Frank 7:87                                     Henry Wheeler 7:65, 71
        Frank Harvey 7:70                              Hepcibeth (Bardeen) 7:42
        Fred 7:87                                      Herbert W. 8:20
        Frederick 7:66                                 Herman E. 7:70
        Freelove (Babcock) 7:21                        "Hipsey" (Russell) 7:24
        Gail Dexter 7:96                               Horace Benjamin 8:20
        Genevieve Ethelyn 7:91                         Hugh Kelsey 7:45
        Genevieve Mary (Frank) 7:95                    Huldah 7:46

MAXFIELD (cont)                                MAXFIELD (cont)
        Ida Luella (Miner) 7:93                        Kate B. 7:89
        Irene 7:70; 8:18                               Kate L. (Carr), 7:70
        Isaac Sherman 7:22                             Kathryn Frances 7:94
        Jack 7:70                                      Kittie 7:87
        Jacob 8:15                                     Laura May 8:20
        James 7:23, 24, 45, 67, 68; 8:18               Laura (Southwick) 7:69
        James B. 6:16                                  Lauren Manley 8:17
        James Bachlor 8:16                             Laurence Simpson 7:96
        James Dwight 8:20                              Lemica (Cutts) 7:62, 70
        James Henry 8:20                               Lemuel West 8:15
        James Quinby 8:19, 20                          Lena 7:70
        Jane 7:43, 65; 8:20                            Lena C. 7:63
        Jane (McCrillis) 7:43,64,65,66,67,68           Lenora 7:63
        Jane (Winter) 7:87, 92, 93                     Leroy Haskell 7:92
        Jay 7:92                                       Leslie 7:90
        Jemima Eaton 7:20                              Lester Brady 7:94
        Jennie (Hardacker) 7:70                        Lester Clarence 7:70
        Jeremiah Winter 7:87, 93                       Lestina Maroa 7:62
        Jessie Elizabeth 7:94                          Leverne 8:20
        Joanna 7:20; 8:15                              Lida 7:93
        Joanna (Richardson) 7:20                       Lidia 8:15
        Joel Sandress 7:63                             Lillian 8:19
        John 7:20,21,42,61,87; 8:15,16,18,21,22        Lillian Lenore 7:90
        John Arnold 7:65, 87, 92, 93                   Lillian May 8:21
        John B. 8:20                                   Linda A. 7:68
        John Bennock 7:67, 89, 94; 8:19                Lizzie M. (George) 7:06
        John C. 7:67, 93                               Lizzie (Thompson) 7:93
        John Cook 7:89                                 Lotan Dexter 7:87, 93
        John Elsworth 7:96                             Lottie (Cook) 7:89
        John Erford 8:20                               Louella 7:80
        Jonathan 7:21, 26, 24, 62                      Louise Sidway (Crawford) 7:92
        Jonathan Carr 7:42,61,70; 8:15,16,18           Lucien Moses 8:20
        Jonathan G. 7:42                               Lucretia Idora 7:98
        Jonathan Gordon 8:18, 19.                      Lucy 8:19
        Joseph 7:20, 21, 23, 24, 65; 8:15, 16          Lucy Ann 7:22
        Joseph Rowe 8:17                               Lydia 8:15, 19
        Joshua 7:20, 23, 42; 8:15, 16                  Lydia (Jones) 8:70
        Josiah 7:46, 67, 91                            Lydia T. 7:63
        Josiah Brown 7:92, 95                          Lydia Wood 7:65
        Josie Myrrl (Morse) 7:96                       Mabel 8:21
        Joy Myrrl 7:96                                 Mabel May 7:93
        Judith 7:21, 64; 8:15, 18                      Malvina A. (Comstock) 7:69
        Judith (Cheney) 7:61, 70                       Maria 7:45, 68
        Julian Gerald 7:90                             Maria (Hussey) 7:63
        Julien Frank 7:70                              Marian Ethel 7:90
        Juliette E. (Mitchell) 7:65                    Marilla 7:61

MAXFIELD (cont)                                MAXFIELD (cont)
        Marion Elizabeth 7:70                          Oscar Waldo 7:91, 95, 96
        Mark 8:18                                      Otis Carlton 7:91
        Martha 7:24, 63                                Otis P. 7:67
        Martha Elvira 8:21                             Page 7323
        Mary 7:24, 66, 69, 89                          Patience 7:24
        Mary (Cutts) 7:63                              Patience (Drinkwater) 7:21
        Mary E. (Gilbert) 7:47                         Patrick 7:21; 8:15, 16
        Mary Elizabeth 8:17                            Patty 8:22
        Mary Elizabeth (Rice) 7:70                     Phila 8:16
        Mary Elvira 7:42; 8:18                         Plesse (Johnson) 7:94, 96
        Mary Frances 7:71                              Polly 8:18
        Mary H. 8:20                                   Polly (Carr) 7:23, 42, 61, 62, 63
        Mary Jane 7:61, 67; 8:17                       Prince Shearman 7:24
        Mary (Parkman) 7:64                            Rachel 7:24; 8:15, 16
        Mary Parkman 7:64                              Rachel (Russell) 7:21, 23, 24
        Mary (Sowle)  7:24                             Ralph 7:68
        Massa 8:22                                     Ray Eugene 7:94
        Mathilda Mason 7:89                            Rhoda 8:21
        Matilda 7:47                                   Richard 8:22
        Mattie (Strong) 7:67                           Richard Lee 7:96
        Mehitable 7:23, 42; 8:16                       Robert Carr 8:21
        Mehitable (Rowe) 7: 22, 42, 43, 45, 47         Robert Warren 7:96
        Melissa 7:63                                   Rosill A. (Gove) 7:63
        Michael 8:20, 22                               Rouse B. 7:67
        Minnie Cecelia 7:91                            Roy 7:92, 93
        Minnie Luella 7:93                             Ruby Adora 7:90
        Molly 8:16, 22                                 Rufus 7:43, 44, 67; 8:18
        Moses 8:15, 19, 20                             Rufus P. 8:18
        Nabby 8:16, 17                                 Russell 7:23, 24, 61, 69
        Nancy 7:46; 8:18                               Russell Tubbs 7:42, 63
        Nancy E. 7:47                                  Ruth 7:23, 24; 8:16, 17
        Nathan 7:23                                    Sally 8:16, 17, 19, 22
        Nathan Hurd 7:42, 62, 70                       Sally (Ayers) 7:64, 70
        Nathan Norton 7:23, 47, 68; 8:17               Samuel 7:20, 21, 23, 63, 64; 8:15, 17, 19, 22
        Nathaniel 7:21,22,23,42,45,47,                 Samuel A. 7:69, 92
           65,67,87; 8:15, 16, 18, 19                  Samuel Shaw 8:17
        Nathaniel Dexter 7:67, 90, 95                  Sanders C. 7:61
        Nellie 8:21                                    Sarah 7:20, 23; 8:15, 16, 21
        Nellie (Coe) 7:87                              Sarah Albon 7:92
        Nellie Marilla 7:63                            Sarah (Anscomb) 7:87
        Obidiah 8:15                                   Sarah Ann 8:17
        Olive 8:15                                     Sarah (Currier) 7:20, 23, 42
        Olive L. 8:18, 22                              Sarah E. 8:17
        Onisephorus Page 7:42, 61, 62, 69              Sarah Elizabeth 7:65
        Oren 7:43,66,67,87,88,89,90; 8:19              Sarah Frances (Carr) 7:89, 94, 95
        Orissa Margaret 8:17                           Sarah (James) 7:61

MAXFIELD (cont)                                MAXWELL
        Sarah Jane 7:64                                Elizabeth 8:37
        Sarah (Lester) 7:93                            Grace (McGarth) 7:37
        Sarah Shockley 7:89, 94                        John 8:37
        Sarah (Swafford) 7:67, 91                      Sarah S. 8:37, 47, 48
        Sarah T. 8:16                                  W. K. 7:37
        Sarah (Tucker) 7:22
        Sarah Tucker 7:24                      MAY
        Sarah Viola 8:20                               D. A. 1:44
        Seth 7:21                                      Dorothy 5:17
        Silva 7:24
        Silva (Sherman) 7:24                   MAYBERRY
        Silva (Tucker) 7:24                            Richard 5:23
        Sophia Ann 7:65                                William 5:23
        Sophia (Parrish) 7:9_?
        Susan 7:24,44,69,92,93; 8:15,18        MAYHEW
        Susan Demerit 7:66, 88; 8:19                   Addie Eliza 5:28, 67
        Susan Florence 7:90                            Carrie June 6:67
        Susanna 7:23                                   Don Cameron 5:68
        Susannah 8:16, 21, 22                          Dorothy 5:71
        Sylvia Stephens 8:20                           Effie 5:68
        Thankful (Cutts) 7:42                          Eliza Moore 5:28
        Thankful Hurd 8:17                             Eliza Wright 5:57
        Thomas Arnold 7:65                             Ernest Davis 5:37, 67, 71
        Thomas Blaine 7:90, 94                         Ethel 5:71
        Thomas Hall 7:67, 89, 94, 95                   Fred Quinn 5:68, 71
        Thomas Jefferson 7:87                          George Albert 5:68
        Timothy 7:21; 8:15                             Grace 5:71
        Ulysses Grant 7:69                             Jacob Yellowby 5:37, 68, 72
        Vern Chester 7:93                              Josephine Aurelia 5:37
        Vivienne Pearl  7:90                           Laila Pauline 5:68, 72
        Wledon Cliford 7:90                            Marjory Jane 5:71
        Wentworth 7:64, 70; 8:19                       Maurice 5:71
        William 7:24, 46, 69; 8:18, 19                 Max Jacob 5:68
        William Claghorn 8:16                          Merwyn Lewis 5:68, 71
        William Edwin 7:71                             Mildred 5:68
        William M. 7:68                                Milford Fillmore 5:37, 68, 71
        William Mccrillis 7:43, 64, 71; 8:19           Nathaniel 5:28
        William Munroe 7:24                            Nathaniel Ranier 5:68
        William Parkman 7:65, 71                       Ruth Fray 5:68, 71
        Winifred H. (Hill) 7:70                        Thomas 5:50, 51, 52
        Woodbury 7:63                                  Winston Lewis 5:37
        Zadock 7:21, 23; 8:15
        Zilah 7:67

MEAD                                           MENAUGH
        Charles Sumer 5:53                             Gail E. 7:84
        Grace Allyce 5:53                              Gertie Elizabeth (Murray) 7:84
                                                       M. 7:84
MEADOR                                                 Rollie 7:84
        Louisa 5:25
MEAKIN                                                 Roxana 2:150
        Hannah 1:37
        Thomas 1:37                            MERIMAN
                                                       Thankful 2:149
        Nancy 6:22                             MERKEL
                                                       Dorothy 5:83
MEECH (see Meek)                                       John Y. 5:83
        Susan Billings 3:188
        Susan Spicer 3:188                     MERMIER
                                                       Inez 7:6
        Anna 8:17                              MERRIAM
        Bertha (Shaw) 7:44                             Burrage 2:150
        Clarice 7:44                                   Hannah 2:150
        Clark 7:44                                     Joseph 2:101
        James G. 8:17                                  Mindwell 2:101, 150
        Leona Estelle 7:44                             Sidney A. 8:14
MEEKS                                          MERRIFIELD
        (Rev.) James 8:65                              M. A. 6:42
MEHURON                                        MERRIGAN
        Frances Field 4:252                            John 5:2
        William Wallace 4:252                          Mary 5:2
MEIGS                                          MERRILL
        John 6:29                                      Annis 4:215
        Thankful (Murray) 6:29                         Clara F. 8:10, 44
                                                       Daniel 4:250; 5:39
MEIER                                                  Esther 4:251
        Mary Katheryn 7:30                             Jeremiah 4:250
                                                       John 4:250
MELLAR                                                 Lucy 4:251
        Carrie Jane 15:67 (5:67?)                      Lydia 4:251
                                                       Mary  4:251; 5:62; 7:20
MELLEN                                                 Mary Jane 4:251
        Harriet 7:71                                   Moses 4:251; 5:62

MERRILL (cont)                                 MEYER
        Nathaniel 4:250; 5:38                          Adam 1:50
        Peter 4:251                                    Dorothea Elizabeth 5:12
        Philura 4:251                                  Ella E. 8:61
        Priscilla 4:251                                Nancy 1:50
        R. S. 1:17                                     Otto H. 8:61
        Ruth 5:62                                      Sophia 8:3
        Sarah 4:250; 5:39, 63
        Susannah 4:250; 5:38                   MEYERS
        William 4:251                                  Lean S. 2:132
MERRITT                                        MICHAU
        Ichabod 4:238                                  Alfred 3:185
        Rebecca Jane 4:261                             Isabel 3:186
        Ruth 4:235, 238                                John 3:186
                                                       Nancy J. 6:185
        Julia 2:148                            MIDDLETON
        Truman. 2:148                                  Ann 3:178
                                                       George H. 6:31
MERTENS                                                J. J. 3:173
        Chrestop 1:56                                  Marcia 5:46
                                                       Mary Sophia (Jerome) 6:31
        Edward 3:203                           MILES
                                                       Charles O. 3:203
MESSENGER                                              Jessie D. 8:61
        Andrew 7:18                                    Lydia A. 8:61
        Daniel 2:100                                   Maria L. 8:61
        Lidia 2:100                                    Olive 8:59
MESSERSMITH                                    MILLARD
        Curtis 7:94                                    (Rev.) J. 2:150
        Plesse (Johnson) 7:94
METCALF                                                --- 1:53; 2:109; 5:25, 92
        Margaret 5:38                                  A. 8:61
        Sarah 5:39                                     Abraham 3:195, 196, 216, 217
                                                       A. J. 4:310, 311, 312
METZ                                                   Alexander C. 5:62
        George J. 8:18                                 Amos 3:217
        Lina Dorothy 8:18                              Andrew 3:195, 196
        Harriet V. 8:18                                Andrew C. 3:217
                                                       Andrew G. 3:216, 217
METZGER                                                Anlia 3:195
        George 3:171                                   Ann 4:284; 5:25

MILLER (cont)                                  MILLER (cont)
        Anna A. 3:217                                  Joseph 3:196, 216, 217
        Anna Barbara 3:195                             Julia A. 5:62
        Anna D. 1:5                                    Julius C. 1:6
        Anna Margaret 3:195                            (Mrs.) Kate 4:312
        Barbara 5:92                                   Lilley May 8:61
        (Mrs.) B. G. 1:1, 6, 15, 17, 19;               Lucy 1:50
             2:144, 157; 3:175; 4:247                  Lydia Ann 1:11
        Carrie Gertrude (Murray) 7:83                  M. 1:10
        Catherine 3:196, 216                           Mallary 5:60, 83
        Charles Hamilton 4:230                         Margaretha 3:145
        Charles Oscar 5:59                             Maria B. 4:291
        Charlotte L. C. 1:50                           Martha 3:216; 5:83
        Christian 3:195                                Martin 3:216, 217
        Christiana 3:195                               Mary 1:11
        Christiance 1:53                               Mary E. 3:217
        (Mrs.) C. O. 4:237, 304; 5:41                  Mary Elizabeth 5:58
        Cornelius Jackson 1:11                         Mary Louise 5:59
        D. C. 6:45                                     Miller 3:210, 217
        Daniel 3:216                                   Myron S. 7:83
        Ed 1:56                                        Nancy A. 3:217
        Edward White 5:59                              Raymond 3:203
        Eli 3:217                                      Rebecca 3:195, 196, 217; 6:22
        Elizabeth 1:11; 3:196, 216, 217                Sally Barlow 5:30
        Elizabeth White 5:69                           Samuel Timmerman 4:230
        Ella E. (Smith) 4:253                          Sarah 1:63
        Ellen 3:216, 217                               Sarah E. 3:217; 7:34
        Elsie L. 1:10                                  Solomon 3:217
        Emily Wilber 4:230                             Stephen 1:11
        Ephraim 3:216, 217                             Susan Hand 4:230
        Esquire 1:11                                   William E. 3:217
        Esther 1:11
        Fred L. 7:83                           MILLES
        Frederick R. W. 1:50                           Catherine 4:293
        Grace 7:83                                     Simeon Cornelius 4:293
        Hannah 3:196, 217
        Harriet 1:65                           MILLETT
        Henrietta M. 3:217                             Helen 7:90
        Henry 1:56
        Isaac 3:196                            MILLIGAN
        J. O. 1:10                                     Bertha Evelyn 7:16
        Jacob 3:195, 196, 217                          Edith Laverne 7:16
        Jalina 1:50                                    Frank G. 5:83
        James 1:50                                     Minerva Anna (Murray) 7:16
        James E. 8:61                                  Susie Ellen 5:63
        James W. 1:50                                  Theodore 7:16
        Jessie Fremont 4:230                           Theron 7:16
        John 3:210, 216, 217                           William 7:16
        John R. 3:216, 217
M (cont)

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