Wood County, Wisconsin

1868 Real Estate Assessment, Bk. 2

Town of Johnson, Wood Co., Wis., Now The Town of Lincoln

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[1860s Index]

[Book 3 - T 25 R 3] [Book 1]

[pg. 1-6][pg. 7-12][pg. 13-20][pg. 21-27][pg. 28-34][pg. 35-39]

[Proceedings 1868-1878][Index Board Proceedings 1868-1874]

Contributed by Kenneth Wood


Owner's Name Description Section Town Range No. of Acres & 100s Value Fixed by Assessor  Value fixed by Board of Review Remarks
Page 35                
Morrison, Wm. NE  NE 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00 Across the top of the page:
Morrison, Wm. NW  NE 34 25 2 40 $45.00 $90.00  
Morrison, Wm. SW  NE 34 25 2 30 $38.50 $75.00 Lincoln Wood Co. Wisc.
Morrison, James H. SE  NE 34 25 2 50 $62.50 $125.00 Good Morning,
                Mr. Fisherman
Morrison, Wm. NE  NW 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Morrison, Terry NW  NW 34 25 2 40 $56.00 $112.00 (Signed)
Morrison, Wm. SW  NW 34 25 2 40 $57.00 $114.00 J. G. Hart
Morrison, Wm. SE  NW 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00 J. H. Morrison
                J. H. Baker
Mitchell, J. B. NE  SW 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Graves, J. G. NW  SW 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Chambers, J. SW  SW 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Mitchell, J. B. SE  SW 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Frasier, J. L. NE  SE 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00 McDonnel
Frasier, J. L. NW  SE 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Frasier, J. L. SW  SE 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Frasier, J. L. SE  SE 34 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
        Totals 640   $1,616.00  
Page 36                
Nason, S. L. NE  NE 35 25 2 40 $30.00 $60.00  
Nason, S. L. NW  NE 35 25 2 40 $30.00 $60.00  
Hodgdon, John SW  NE 35 25 2 40 $30.00 $60.00  
Hodgdon, John SE  NE 35 25 2 40 $30.00 $60.00  
Hodgdon, John NE  NW 35 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Hodgdon, John NW  NW 35 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Hodgdon, John SW  NW 35 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Hodgdon, John SE  NW 35 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Hodgdon, John NE  SW 35 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Hodgdon, John NW  SW 35 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Hodgdon, John SW  SW 35 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Hodgdon, John SE  SW 35 25 2 40 $50.00 $100.00  
Hodgdon, John NE  SE 35 25 2 40 $55.00 $110.00  
Hodgdon, John NW  SE 35 25 2 40 $55.00 $110.00  
Williams, D. R. SE  SE 35 25 2 40 $55.00 $110.00  
Hodgdon, John SW  SE 35 25 2 40 $55.00 $110.00  
        Totals 640   $1,380.00  
Page 37                
Shores, F. J. NE  NE 36 25 2 40 $30.00 $30.00 S. L. Nason
Crossed out NW  NE 36 25 2 40 $30.00 $30.00 S. L. Nason
Crossed out SW  NE 36 25 2 40 $30.00 $30.00 S. L. Nason
Crossed out SE  NE 36 25 2 40 $30.00 $30.00 S. L. Nason
Hodgdon, John SW  NW 36 25 2 40 $25.00 $25.00 S. L. Nason
crossed out SE  NW 36 25 2 40 $25.00 $25.00 S. L. Nason
crossed out NE  SW 36 25 2 40 $25.00 $25.00 P. Robinson
Brown, E. NW  SW 36 25 2 40 $60.00 $120.00  
Brown, E. SW  SW 36 25 2 40 $60.00 $120.00  
  SE  SW 36 25 2 40 $25.00 $25.00 P. Robinson
Taylor, G. B. NE  SE 36 25 2 40 $40.00 $40.00  
Taylor, G. B. NW  SE 36 25 2 40 $25.00 $25.00  
Taylor, G. B. SW  SE 36 25 2 40 $25.00 $25.00  
Taylor, G. B. SE  SE 36 25 2 40 $40.00 $40.00  
        Totals 560   $590.00  
Page 38                
Lands belonging to the State                
Not taxable NE 1/4 NW 1/4 16 25 2        
Page 39                
Total Valuation   1 25 2 550.57 $1,486.00    
    2 25 2 556.67 $1,622.00    
    3 25 2 174.52 $446.00    
    4 25 2 448.21 $1,194.00    
    5 25 2 650.84 $1,628.00    
    6 25 2 587.44 $1,454.00    
    7 25 2 502.4 $1,246.00    
    8 25 2 600 $1,538.00    
    9 25 2 600 $1,696.00    
    10 25 2 600 $980.00    
    11 25 2 640 $1,155.00    
    12 25 2 640 $1,600.00    
    13 25 2 640 $1,600.00    
    14 25 2 640 $815.00    
    15 25 2 640 $760.00    
    16 25 2 560 $1,400.00    
    17 25 2 640 $1,252.00    
    18 25 2 237.97 $1,388.00    
          9909.04 $23,330.00    
Total Valuation   19 25 2 560 $1,400.00    
    20 25 2 640 $1,373.00    
    21 25 2 600 $1,219.00    
    22 25 2 640 $760.00    
    23 25 2 640 $1,200.00    
    24 25 2 640 $1,540.00    
    25 25 2 640 $1,480.00    
    26 25 2 640 $1,570.00    
    27 25 2 600 $945.00    
    28 25 2 600 $690.00    
    29 25 2 640 $1,910.00    
    30 25 2 416.25 $570.00    
    31 25 2 546.28 $1,224.00    
    32 25 2 640 $1,715.00    
    33 25 2 640 $1,600.00    
    34 25 2 640 $1,675.00    
    35 25 2 640 $7,380.00    
    36 25 2 560 $590.00    
          10922.53 $22,882.00    
Total brought up  Column 1         9909.04 $23,330.00    
Total brought up  Column 2         10922.53 $22,882.00 $46,212.00  
Total Amount Personal Property           $1,094.00    
Amt. Taxable           $47,305.00    
No. Acres Assessed         20831.51      
  Town 25 Range 2 East Section            
No. 3   1 $1,486.00          
    2 $1,622.00          
    11 $1,155.00          
    12 $1,600.00          
    13 $1,600.00          
    14 $875.00          
    23 $1,200.00          
    24 $1,640.00          
    25 $1,480.00          
    26 $1,570.00          
    35 $1,380.00          
    36 $590.00          
No. 2   3 $446.00          
    4 $1,194.00          
    9 $1,696.00          
    10 $980.00          
    15 $760.00          
    16 $1,400.00          
    21 $1,219.00          
    22 $760.00          
    27 $945.00          
    28 $690.00          
    33 $1,600.00          
    34 $1,616.00          
No. 3   5 $1,628.00          
    6 $1,454.00          
    7 $1,246.00          
    8 $1,538.00          
    17 $1,262.00          
    18 $1,388.00          
    19 $1,400.00          
    20 $1,372.00          
    29 $1,910.00          
    30 $570.00          
    31 $1,224.00          
    32 $1,716.00          

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