Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Cass County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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(H - L)
Hagar, Isaac A. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Hahn, Samuel Organization
Hain, South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Haines, J. W. Pioneer Association
Haines, John W. Pioneer Association
Haines, Mary (Mrs.) Pioneer Association
Hall, A. W. Louisville: Business Houses
Hall, Allie I. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hall, E. W. Plattsmouth: Religious
Hall, Emma J. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hall, George Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hall, James Cass County Agricultural Society
Hall, James Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hall, John H. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hall, Joseph H. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hall, M. Anderson Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hall, Martha C. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hall, Sumner S. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hamilton , Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hammer, Thomas M. Indian Troubles
Hammond, Calvin Organization
Hanley, Catherine Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hanna, Plattsmouth: Banks
Hanna, T. K. Plattsmouth: City Government
Hanna, T. K. Plattsmouth: General Business Interests
Hanna, T. K. Plattsmouth: Societies
Hanna, Thomas K. Plattsmouth: Societies
Hannah, Thomas K. Ferries
Hansen, P. J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hanson, J. G. Early Settlement
Harden, Edward (Judge) Organization
Hardman, William H. (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Harmon, E. T. Official Roster
Harper, J. Plattsmouth: Societies
Harper, Joseph Plattsmouth: City Government
Harper, Joseph Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Harper, Joseph Plattsmouth: Societies
Harper, Joseph Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Harper, Sarah E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Harrington, Amanda Melvina Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Harris, C. M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Harris, Charles L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Harris, Samuel Plattsmouth: Societies
Hart, David (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Hartigan, Michael A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hartman, Etta Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hartman, J. Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Hartman, J. S. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hartman, Jerry D. Plattsmouth: City Government
Hartman, Lilly Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hartman, Mamie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hartzell, Miss Sue C. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hasemeier, Benjamin Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hasemeier, Charles Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hasemeier, Jacob A. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hasemeier, John H. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hasemeier, Mary C. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hastings, Martha J. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hatch, George Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hathaway, H. D. Plattsmouth: The Press
Haven, Gilbert (Bishop) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Haven, Gilbert (Bishop) Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hawksworth, David Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hawksworth, Frank Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hawksworth, Joseph Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hawksworth, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hayden, M. Organization
Hayes, J. G. Pioneer Association
Hayes, President Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Haygood, J. McF. Indian Troubles
Haygood, J. McF. Pioneer Association
Haygood, J. McF. Rock Bluff City
Haygood, John McF. Organization
Hays, (Father) Plattsmouth: Religious
Hays, Charles W. Weeping Water: Societies
Hays, J. Newt. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hays, Mrs. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hayward, M. L. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Heffner, J. H. Plattsmouth: Societies
Hefner, Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hefner, Elizabeth J. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Heisel, Conrad Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Heisel, Conrad Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Hemple, Ben Pioneer Association
Hendricks, Margaret E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Henton, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, Charles Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, Christian G. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, Dora Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, Edward Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, Elizabeth (Mrs.) Pioneer Association
Herold, Emma Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, Ernest Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, Henry Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, James Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, William Pioneer Association
Herold, William Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herold, William Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Herrmann, Frederick Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hesser, Mary (Miss) Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hesser, Samuel Clayton Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hesser, William J. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hiatt, Berrien W. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hiatt, Charles M. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hiatt, Demmit L. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hiatt, Moses Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hiatt, Rose Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Higgins, J. M. Cass County Agricultural Society
Hill, Euphemia Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hill, W. D. South Bend
Hinkley, Gustavus Greenwood
Hitchcock, P. W. Plattsmouth: Government Offices
Hobbs, N. R. Rock Bluff City
Hobbs, Noah R. (Dr.) Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hobbs, W. L. Official Roster
Hobbs, William L. Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hobson, Dorthy Ann (Miss) Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hobson, George A. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Hobson, Rebecca M. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Hobson, Samuel Lee Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Hobson, Stephen B. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Hoffman, C. J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hoham, O. C. Greenwood
Holmes, Alvin Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, Chestinia I. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, Elizabeth Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, George Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, J. B. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, John Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, Joseph Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, Lena Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, Nicholas Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, Peter Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, Rose Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Holmes, William A. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hooff, John Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Amelia Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Andrew Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, B. G. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, B. G. Louisville
Hoover, Benjamin G. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Charles C. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Earl E. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Elizabeth Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Ellen C. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Isabella Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, J. T. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, J. T. A. Louisville: Educational
Hoover, J. T. A. Louisville
Hoover, J. T. A. Louisville: Manufactories
Hoover, James M. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, James T. A. (Capt) Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Mary Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, Maud Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hoover, William Herman Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Horning, Sarah E. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Horning, Susan E. (Miss) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Horton, Willis J. Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Houck, Bettie (Miss) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Howard, G. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Howard, J. S. (Mrs.) Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Howdeshell, Josiah Organization
Howland, Annie Belle Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Howland, Frederick G. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Howland, Henry Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Howland, Jasper N. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Howland, William I. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hubbard, Annie Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hubbard, Frank Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hubbard, Harry Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hubbard, Henry Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hubbard, John Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hubbard, Maud Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Hudgens, John Organization
Hughes, John (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Hughes, Matthew Organization
Hull, Abram Pioneer Association
Hunt, George Factoryville
Hunter, Mary Ann (Miss) Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hunter, Sarah M. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Huoffunhele, Isa (Miss) Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Hyers, Alberta Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hyers, Gustave Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hyers, R. W. Cass County Agricultural Society
Hyers, R. W. Official Roster
Hyers, Reuben W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hyers, Rosa Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Hyers, Wilbur Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Barbara Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Burkhardt Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Catharine Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Christian Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Claopha Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Emma Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Frank Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Henry Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Jacob Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, John Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Margaret Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Mary Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Matthew Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Imhelder, Ulrich Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Ingalls, J. D. Plattsmouth: The Press
Ingram, Adam Early Settlement
Ingram, James Early Settlement
Inhelder, John Other Towns
Irish, Mrs. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jackman, A. H. Louisville: Manufactories
Jackson, Ellen (Miss) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jackson, John Organization
Jackson, Moses R. Organization
Jacobs, Margaret E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
James, Greenwood: General Matters
James, Anna (Miss) Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
James, L. H. Official Roster
James, Sarah Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Jean, Alice Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jean, Charles L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jean, Harriet J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jean, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jean, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jean, Nelson Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jean, Sarah Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jean, W. Pioneer Association
Jeans, Harriet Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jeary, Edwin Cass County Agricultural Society
Jeary, Edwin Greenwood: General Matters
Jeffries, L. D. Plattsmouth: The Press
Jeffries, L. G. Plattsmouth: Religious
Jenkins, Elijah Louisville: Religious
Jenks, Julia E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Jenks, Sarah (Mrs.) Weeping Water: Religious
Jenks, W. C. Weeping Water: Organization
Jenks, William C. Weeping Water: Organization
Jenks, William C. Weeping Water: Religious
Jennett, (Father) Plattsmouth: Religious
Jennings, George Factoryville
Jennings, J. W. Official Roster
Jennings, J. W. Plattsmouth: Societies
Jennings, John W. Pioneer Association
Jennings, John W. Plattsmouth: Societies
Jennings, John W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jennings, John W. Factoryville
Johnson , D. D. Weeping Water: Organization
Johnson, Algernon Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Andrew (President) Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, D. D. Weeping Water: Societies
Johnson, Frank Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Gertrude (Miss) Plattsmouth: Educational
Johnson, J. W. Official Roster
Johnson, J. W. Plattsmouth: City Government
Johnson, J. W. Plattsmouth: Societies
Johnson, James E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, John Club Law
Johnson, John Organization
Johnson, John J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Joseph W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Julia C. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Kate Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, L. C. Pioneer Association
Johnson, L. F. Pioneer Association
Johnson, Letitia Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Lewis Club Law
Johnson, Lewis Organization
Johnson, Lorenzo Early Settlement
Johnson, Lou S. (Mrs.) Pioneer Association
Johnson, Mary A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Mr. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, O. F. Plattsmouth: Government Offices
Johnson, O. F. (Mrs.) War History
Johnson, Oscar F. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Oscar K. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Seth Organization
Johnston, Lucinda Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jokim, Elizabeth Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jones, Lydia Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Jones, W. D. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jordan, Mary A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Jorden, Phoebe Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Kahl, Henry Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Kanoba, John Early Settlement
Kauble, Melissa C. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keithley Bros. Weeping Water: The Press
Kelly, Charles Club Law
Kelly, George W. Organization
Kempton, William Organization
Kenaston, Flora T. Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Hampton R. Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Harney Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Harry W. Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Harvey E. Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Helen M. Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, James Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, James A. (Dr.) Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Robert Logan Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Roy Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Sanford Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kenaston, Walter A. Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kennedy, Barton Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kennedy, Mary E. (Mrs.) Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keplinger, Martin Organization
Kerns, Jonathan Organization
Keyes, Henry South Bend
Killer, Nancy Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Killkeney, Ellen Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Kimball, Charles Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Kimball, Richard Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
King, C. H. Official Roster
King, C. H. Pioneer Association
King, C. W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
King, Martha Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Kirk, William (Dr.) South Bend
Kirkpatrick, D. A. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Kirkpatrick, H. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Kirkpatrick, Margaret Maria Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Kirkpatrick, Miss Elizzie H. Avoca: Biographical Sketches
Kirkpatrick, Samuel Early Settlement
Kirkpatrick, Samuel M. Organization
Kirkpatrick, Samuel M. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Klepser, Charlotte E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Klepser, Daniel Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Klepser, F. S. Weeping Water: Societies
Klepser, Kate Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Klepser, Letitia Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Knowles, David (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Koehnke, C. Plattsmouth: Societies
Kuntz, Catharine Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lafferty, George Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Laird, William T. Organization
Laman, W. N. Plattsmouth: Societies
Lambing, G. W. Weeping Water: Societies
Lambing, George Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Lambing, George Weeping Water: Organization
Lambing, George W. Weeping Water: Organization
Lane, J. H. (Gen.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lange, B. Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Latham, Fred Plattsmouth: Religious
Latham, Frederick Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Latham, Hattie Gore Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Latham, I. M. Organization
Lathan, John Organization
Latta, Elizabeth Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Latta, John A. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Laub, Kate Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laughlin, William Greenwood: Religious
Laverty, A. A. Official Roster
Laverty, Alexander Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laverty, Alvin Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laverty, Anson A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laverty, Clyde Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laverty, Cora Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laverty, Guy Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laverty, J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laverty, Jessie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Laverty, Richard Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Law, Mary A. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Law, Sarah E. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lazenby, Ambrose Plattsmouth: City Government
Leavitt, William (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Lee, R. E. (Gen.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Leesley, John Plattsmouth: Societies
Lehnhoff, Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Lehnhoff, F. D. Pioneer Association
Lehnhoff, Frederick Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lehnhoff, Frederick D. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lehnhoff, George D. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lehnhoff, Henry Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lehnhoff, Matilda Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Leigh, Elizabeth (Lady) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lemon, Thomas B. Other Towns
Leonard, V. V. Plattsmouth: Societies
Leonard, V. V. (Mrs.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lesard, A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lewis, Early Settlement
Lewis, Charlotte A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lewis, E. B. Plattsmouth: Religious
Lewis, E. B. Plattsmouth: Societies
Lewis, E. B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lewis, E. B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lewis, E. C. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lewis, Eugene B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lewis, Sarah E. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lillie, Albert Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lillie, Justus Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Linville, Barbara Y. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Linville, Nancy E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lisa, Manuel Early Settlement
Livingston, R. R. Cass County Medical Society
Livingston, R. R. Pioneer Association
Livingston, R. R. Plattsmouth: City Government
Livingston, R. R. Plattsmouth: Government Offices
Livingston, R. R. Plattsmouth: Societies
Livingston, R. R. (Dr.) War History
Livingston, R. R. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Livingston, R. R. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: The Medical Profession
Livingston, R. R. (Mrs.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Livingston, Robert Ramsay (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lloyd, Chauncer A. Organization
Longsignaut, Joseph Organization
Lonsdale, Cecilia A. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Loofbourrow, W. K. Greenwood: General Matters
Loofbourrow, W. K. (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Loomis, George (Rev.) Early Schools
Lousignout, Joseph Indian Troubles
Love, J. W. (Prof.) Plattsmouth: Educational
Love, Lydia A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Lucas, Lois Organization
Lukeborough, W. K. Weeping Water: Religious
Lykes, Anna South Bend: Educational
Lynch, P. (Father) Plattsmouth: Religious
Lynch, P. (Rev. Father) Greenwood: Religious
Lynch, P. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
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