Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Cass County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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Adair, M. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Adams, Elizabeth A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Adams, George W. Avoca: Biographical Sketches
Adams, Himenus Avoca: Biographical Sketches
Adams, Jacob Organization
Adams, Jacob Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Adams, Loveria A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Adams, Lydia E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Adams, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Adams, Thaddeus Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Adams, William Thomas Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Agnew, W. J. (Mrs.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Agnew, William J. Plattsmouth: Societies
Ahl, Carrie Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Ahl, Henry Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Ahl, John Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Ahl, Mary Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Albee, Frank Louisville: Business Houses
Albin, Benjamin Official Roster
Albin, Benjamin Pioneer Association
Albin, Benjamin Rock Bluff City
Alder, H. H. Greenwood
Allen, Frederick (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Alley, Frederick Weeping Water: Religious
Alon, Cyrus Official Roster
Alsbaugh, Kate (Miss) Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Alton, C. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Alton, C. (Rev.) Louisville: Religious
Alton, Cyrus Cass County Agricultural Society
Alton, Cyrus Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Ames, Mercy Maria Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Amick, Berinthia Flower (Mrs.) Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Amick, David Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Amick, George D. Pioneer Association
Amick, George D. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Amick, John Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Amick, Minerva Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Amison, Henry Ferries
Amison, Henry Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Amsbury, M. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Anderson, W. H. Ferries
Anderson, William H. Plattsmouth: Religious
Andrews, Edward G. (Bishop) Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Archer, D. L. (Capt) Early Settlement
Archer, Mary Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Armstrong, A. J. (Rev.) Indian Troubles
Armstrong, Mary S. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Armstrong, Thomas Avoca
Arnold, T. J. Plattsmouth: Religious
Arnold, W. B. Official Roster
Ashley, A. O. Plattsmouth: Societies
Ashley, A. O. Weeping Water: Organization
Ashley, Julia A. (Mrs.) Plattsmouth: Societies
Ashley, Thomas Indian Troubles
Ashley, Thomas Plattsmouth: Religious
Ashley, Thomas B. Organization
Ashmun, Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Ashmun, Edward H. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Ashmun, George A. Plattsmouth: Societies
Ashmun, George A. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Ashmun, Helen (Miss) Weeping Water: Societies
Ashmun, Russell Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Ashmun, William B. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Ashmun, William H. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Aton, A. P. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Atwood, S. H. (Mrs.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Babcock, Charles C. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Babcock, Halsey Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Babcock, Maria Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bailey, Laura H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Baird, Caroline I. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Baird, John T. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Baird, Mary A. H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Baird, W. T. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Baird, William N. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Baker, America A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Baker, Catherine Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Baker, Ruhamah H. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Baker, Sarah War History
Baker, W. H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Balance, William Plattsmouth: Religious
Ballance, Francis Robert Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Ballance, Harriet A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Ballance, Mary J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Ballance, Robert Plattsmouth: Societies
Ballance, Robert Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Ballance, William Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Ballou, William Organization
Balsingar, Elizabeth Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Banning, Factoryville
Banning, James E. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Barker, Samuel Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Barnes, A. G. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Barnes, James N. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Barnes, John Wesley Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Barnes, P. S. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Barnes, P. S. Weeping Water: Organization
Barnum, Evander W. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Barnum, Thomas G. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Barr, South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Barrett, George W. Weeping Water: Societies
Barrows, Simon Weeping Water: Religious
Barry, G. S. Weeping Water: Societies
Bartle, W. T. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Bass, S. B. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Bassett, William H. Plattsmouth: Societies
Bates, Clemenza Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bates, F. A. Pioneer Association
Bauer, John H. Louisville: Religious
Bauer, John H. (Mrs.) Louisville: Religious
Beardsley, Abbie I. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Beardsley, Charles P. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Beardsley, Eva Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Beardsley, Frederick Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Beardsley, J. M. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Beardsley, Joseph M. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Beardsley, Nellie E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Beardsley, P. E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Beardsley, P. E. Weeping Water: Organization
Beardsley, S. W. Weeping Water: Societies
Beaver, Albert R. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, Alice L. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, Daniel Other Towns
Beaver, David J. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, Isabella L. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, John H. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, Lucinda E. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, Martin L. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, Mary M. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, Peter Early Settlement
Beaver, Peter Other Towns
Beaver, Peter T. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, Robert A. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, V. M. Pioneer Association
Beaver, Valentine M. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beaver, William H. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beck, Adam (Dr.) Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beck, William H. Weeping Water: Societies
Becker, Dora A. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Becker, George A. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Becker, Henry E. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Becker, John H. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Becker, Mary E. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Becker, Phillip T. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Becker, William A. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Beckner, Phoebe S. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Beeson, Plattsmouth: The Bar
Beeson, Allen D. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bell, Gertrude Miranda Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bellows, Anna Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Bellows, Celestia (Mrs.) Weeping Water: Educational
Bellows, Harlow Weeping Water: Educational
Bemarden, E. P. Plattsmouth: Societies
Beneke, Gustav Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Bennett, Carrie L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bennett, Elberta Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bennett, Grace L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bennett, J. D. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bennett, L. D. Plattsmouth: Societies
Bennett, L. D. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bennett, Lloyd D. (Capt) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Benninger, Miss Anna Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Berger, E. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, Enos Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, Fannie Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, Fannie M. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, George Enos Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, George T. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, J. W. Pioneer Association
Berger, Jacob Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Berger, James L. Organization
Berger, James W. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, John P. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, John W. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, Josephine S. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, Luella M. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, Mary (Miss) Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Berger, Mary E. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Berger, William Other Towns
Berkley, James Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Bestor, Charles K. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bestor, Francis M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bestor, Guy H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bestor, Harmon Cass County Agricultural Society
Bestor, Harmon Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bestor, Henry Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bethel, S. C. Greenwood
Bethel, Smith Greenwood
Bethel, W. S. Greenwood
Betts, (Mr.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Betts, George C. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Betts, Miss Annie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Billings, B. F. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Billings, Clinton J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Billings, Elizabeth I. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Billings, Ella M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Billings, George S. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Billings, Grace D. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Billings, Harriet L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Billings, Spencer S. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bird, Elizabeth S. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Black, Agnes Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Black, Charles E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Black, E. W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Black, Frederick H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Black, G. H. Pioneer Association
Black, G. H. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: The Medical Profession
Black, George H. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Black, John Cass County Medical Society
Black, John Plattsmouth: Religious
Black, John Plattsmouth: Banks
Black, John Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Black, John (Dr.) Plattsmouth: The Medical Profession
Black, Nellie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Blackburn, W. J. Plattsmouth: Societies
Blanchard, Genevria Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blanchard, Hiram P. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blanchard, Lafayette W. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blanchard, Nancy Ordelia Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blessington, Allie Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blessington, Bridget Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blessington, Daniel Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blessington, John Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blessington, Kate Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blessington, Margaret Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blessington, May Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blessington, Patrick Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Blimyre, A. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bobal, (Father) Plattsmouth: Religious
Boeck, Henry Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Boeck, Ida Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bons, Florence P. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bons, Frank A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bons, Henry M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bons, J. Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Bons, John Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bowman, Thomas (Bishop) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bradford, Ezra Plattsmouth: Religious
Bradley, Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bradley, Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Bradley, Ada Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Brannon, David C. Organization
Brenton, R. L. Plattsmouth: Religious
Brewster, Dr. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Briggs, B. W. Cass County Agricultural Society
Brinson, Lucinda Jane Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Broadley, Mary J. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Brom, L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Brooke, Henrietta M. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Brossmer, F. X. Weeping Water: Societies
Brown, Annette Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Brown, J. H. Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Brown, J. H. Plattsmouth: The Bar
Brown, Mary E. Indian Troubles
Browne, W. L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Bruechart, F. S. W. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Bryant, Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buck, Abbie J. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Buck, John F. Organization
Buck, John F. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Buck, John S. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Buck, Maria A. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Buck, Sarah Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Buck, Theodore D. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Burch, Hiram (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Buren, E. D. South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Burgess, H. B. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Burnett, J. H. Cass County Agricultural Society
Burnside, Gen. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Burrell, Dr. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Burrows, Sarah A. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Burt, Francis Organization
Bushe, Annie Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Emma Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Frank Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Frank P. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Ida Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, John Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Kate Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Margaret Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Mary Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Matilda Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushe, Rose Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Bushnell, H. M. Plattsmouth: The Press
Butler, Agnes E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Butler, B. W. (Dr.) Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Butler, Charrie A. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Butler, Frances R. (Miss) Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Butler, M. M. Weeping Water: Societies
Butler, M. M. (Dr.) Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Butler, Mattie Rawls Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Butler, Micajah M. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Butterfield, Annie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, Adelaide E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, Frank Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, J. H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, J. H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, John Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, Jonas H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, Margaret B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, Marquis E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Buttery, Sarah P. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Calkin, Julia A. (Miss) Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Came, Charles F. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Came, Charles F. Louisville: Business Houses
Cameron, D. W. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Campbell, Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Campbell, D. A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Campbell, Edna E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Campbell, J. M. South Bend: Educational
Campbell, Miss Ellen H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cannon, Greenwood: General Matters
Cannon, Joseph T. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Cannon, Joseph Wallace Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Cannon, Mary A. He Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Cannon, Samuel L. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Cannon, William T. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Cardwell, Jackson Organization
Cardwell, Welcher Organization
Cardwell. Welcher Organization
Carmichael, A. Official Roster
Carnith, Frank Plattsmouth: Societies
Carpenter, A. W. Early Schools
Carpenter, Rosanna N. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Carr, J. S. Avoca
Carruth, Frank Plattsmouth: Societies
Carruth, Frank Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Carruth, Fred Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Carruth, Glenn Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Carter, O. M. Greenwood
Case, Laura Z. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Case, M. B. Organization
Case, R. B. Organization
Cassel, Elizabeth Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Catlin, William Weeping Water: Religious
Chalfant, J. M. Rock Bluff City
Chamberlain, A. P. (Dr.) Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Chamberlain, Sarah Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Channon, Philip E. Organization
Chapman, Plattsmouth: The Bar
Chapman, E. J. (Dr.) Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Chapman, Ella (Mrs.) Plattsmouth: Societies
Chapman, S. M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Chapman, S. M. Jr Plattsmouth: Societies
Chapman, Samuel Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Chase, C. M. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Chase, J. Weeping Water: Organization
Chase, James B. Jr Weeping Water: Religious
Chassot, C. E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Chevrout, M. E. Greenwood
Child, A. L. Official Roster
Child, A. L. Pioneer Association
Child, A. L. (Dr.) Pioneer Association
Child, A. L. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Child, Cora W. (Mrs.) Pioneer Association
Child, Julia Pioneer Association
Child, Julia E. Pioneer Association
Chittenden, Charles F. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Chittenden, William R. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Chivett, Wilson Organization
Chubbuck, H. C. Pioneer Association
Churchill, Levi Indian Troubles
Churchill, Levi Cass County Agricultural Society
Claiborne, Richard Weeping Water: The Press
Clark Early Settlement
Clark Bros Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Clark, George W. Greenwood
Clark, J. R. Plattsmouth: Banks
Clark, John Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clark, John R. Plattsmouth: Banks
Clark, John R. Plattsmouth: Government Offices
Clark, John William Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clark, R. M. Plattsmouth: Societies
Clark, Rebecca K. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Rev. Mr. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clark, T. Official Roster
Clark, Thomas King Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Timothy Cass County Agricultural Society
Clark, Timothy Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clark, Timothy Byron Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clarke, Robert M. Official Roster
Clarke, Willis Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Clarkson, (Bishop) Plattsmouth: Religious
Clements, (Mrs.) War History
Clements, F. Plattsmouth: City Government
Clemmons, Christenia Indian Troubles
Clemmons, Eliza Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Clemmons, John Indian Troubles
Clemmons, John Organization
Clemmons, Rebecca Indian Troubles
Clinton, S. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clinton, Samuel Weeping Water: Business Interests
Clinton, Samuel Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Clinton, Samuel Weeping Water: Organization
Clizbe, Edith D. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clizbe, George E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clizbe, Grace Weeping Water: Societies
Clizbe, Grace E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clizbe, James Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clizbe, James Weeping Water: Organization
Clizbe, James L. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clizbe, Jessie E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clizbe, May B. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Clouser, P. Avoca
Clutter, G. W. Plattsmouth: Societies
Clutter, G. W. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Coglizer, Florence Weeping Water: Societies
Coglizer, S. G. Weeping Water: Societies
Coglizer, S. W. Weeping Water: Societies
Cole, (Rev. Mr.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Cole, Alice A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Alva R. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Broad Organization
Cole, D. Official Roster
Cole, Ella E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Elmer E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Ida A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Mary E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Ransom M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Shadrach Pioneer Association
Cole, Shadrach Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Shadrach O. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Stephen B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, William T. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cole, Zerah W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Coleman, Ann E. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Coleman, Anna Greenwood: Religious
Coleman, William Greenwood: Religious
Collins, Robert (Capt) Indian Troubles
Colnes, Robert Organization
Colvin, George W. Plattsmouth: Societies
Colvin, Salena Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Combes, Michael (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Combs, Sophia Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Comes, M. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Connelley, G. D. South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Conner, J. A. Plattsmouth: Societies
Conner, W. W. Other Towns
Connor, J. A. Plattsmouth: General Business Interests
Connor, J. A. Plattsmouth: Societies
Connor, Joseph Plattsmouth: Societies
Connor, P. E. (Gen.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Connors, Joseph Greenwood
Conoren, J. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Conran, James (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Converse, J. N. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cook, Solomon T. Organization
Cook, Susan Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cooley, (Rev. Mr.) Other Towns
Cooley, Emma Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Cooley, Frances A. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Coolidge, H. P. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Coolidge, J. W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Coon, Libeas T. Early Settlement
Coon, Libeas T. Ferries
Cooper, C. L. Plattsmouth: City Government
Coulson, Henry Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Cox, J. D. Plattsmouth: Religious
Cox, John R. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Craig, Anna M. Pioneer Association
Craig, E. J. Pioneer Association
Craig, Elizabeth Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Craig, J. M. Cass County Agricultural Society
Craig, James Monroe Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Craig, John Other Towns
Craig, John M. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Craig, Samuel Monroe Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Craig, William W. Organization
Cranney, Hiram Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Cranney, Hiram Weeping Water: Organization
Cranney, Philander Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Crawford, Diana South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Crawford, James Official Roster
Crawford, James Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Crawford, James South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Crawford, James (younger) South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Crawford, Mattie South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Crawford, Melissa South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Crawford, Robert South Bend: Biographical Sketches
Creamer, Charles L. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Creamer, Emily F. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Creamer, George A. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Creamer, Manda L. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Creamer, Margaret J. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Creamer, Mariam R. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Creamer, Thomas Pioneer Association
Crippen, G. B. Official Roster
Critchfield, Bird Weeping Water: Societies
Crites, Plattsmouth: The Press
Crowther, C. L. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Cuming, Thomas B. Organization
Cummins, Ada May Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cummins, Charles Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cummins, Edgar D. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cummins, Frank L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cummins, J. C. Cass County Agricultural Society
Cummins, J. C. Official Roster
Cummins, J. C. Plattsmouth: City Government
Cummins, J. C. Plattsmouth: Societies
Cummins, John C. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cummins, S. H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cunningham, E. E. Pioneer Association
Cunningham, E. E. Plattsmouth: Government Offices
Cunningham, E. E. (Gen.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Curran, Michael M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Current, Mary A. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Curtis, F. W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Curtis, Gen. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Curtis, Gen. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Cushing, Edmund L. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Cushing, R. C. Plattsmouth: Banks
Cutler, M. B. Cass County Agricultural Society
Cutler, M. B. Official Roster
Cutler, M. B. Pioneer Association
Cutler, M. B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Cutler, M. B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
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