Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Cass County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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Mackelvey, Charles (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
MacMurphy, J. A. Plattsmouth: Societies
MacMurphy, John A. Pioneer Association
MacMurphy, John A. Plattsmouth: The Press
MacMurphy, John A. Plattsmouth: Societies
Maldaner, F. J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Manwell, (Rev. Mr.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Marquett, I. M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Marquette, D. (Rev.) Louisville: Religious
Marquette, David (Rev.) Weeping Water: Religious
Marquette, T. M. Plattsmouth: City Government
Marquette, T. M. Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Marquette, T. M. Plattsmouth: The Bar
Marquette, T. M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Marrow, Miss Jane Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Alfred L. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Arthur Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Charles Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, G. A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, J. C. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, J. T. Weeping Water: Societies
Marshall, J. W. Official Roster
Marshall, J. W. Pioneer Association
Marshall, J. W. Plattsmouth: City Government
Marshall, J. W. Plattsmouth: Societies
Marshall, J. W. Weeping Water: Organization
Marshall, J. W. (Capt) Plattsmouth: Government Offices
Marshall, John Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, John T. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, John Wesley Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Joshua (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Louisa Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Lucy Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Mary Isabella Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Paul J. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, W. Plattsmouth: City Government
Marshall, W. Plattsmouth: Societies
Marshall, William Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Charles L. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Constant J. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Elza Indian Troubles
Martin, Mattie M. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Rose Lily Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Samuel Early Settlement
Martin, Samuel Organization
Martin, Samuel Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Martin, Samuel Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Martin, William H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Martindale, D. D. Official Roster
Martindale, D. D. Louisville: Educational
Martindale, D. D. Louisville: Religious
Martindale, Esther A. (Mrs.) Louisville: Religious
Massey, Thomas Club Law
Maston, Greenwood
Mather, A. E. (Mrs.) Weeping Water: Societies
Mather, P. S. (Rev. ) Weeping Water: Religious
Mathews, Ernest Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mathews, James S. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mathews, Lillie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mathews, Luella Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mathews, Olive Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mathews, Susie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Matthews, (Rev. Mr.) Louisville: Religious
Matthews, J. A. Weeping Water: The Press
Matthews, U. V. Plattsmouth: Societies
Mattison, George D. South Bend
Maxfield, J. B. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Maxfield, J. B. (Rev.) Weeping Water: Religious
Maxwell, Plattsmouth: The Bar
Maxwell, Samuel Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Maxwell, Samuel Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mayer, Simon D. Plattsmouth: Societies
Mayfield, Greenwood
Mayfield, George Official Roster
Mayfield, George W. Greenwood: General Matters
Mayfield, George W. (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
McBroom, Rebecca Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCaig, Agnes Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCaig, Daniel Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCaig, David Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCaig, John Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCaig, Joseph Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCaig, Sarah Jane Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCaig, William Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCain, George H. South Bend
McCall, Frank Organization
McCallan, Catherine Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McCallan, Daniel Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McCallan, Patrick Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McCallum, P. Plattsmouth: City Government
McCarty, William Plattsmouth: Religious
McClain, William (Capt) Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Mccleod, P. Plattsmouth: Religious
McClintic, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McConihie, John Plattsmouth: Societies
McCord, W. D. Cass County Agricultural Society
McCord, W. D. Official Roster
McCord, W. D. Plattsmouth: Societies
McCorkle, Catharine E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McCrea, John L. (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McCune, Erastus Organization
McDonagh, F. M. Plattsmouth: The Press
McElwain, Bertie A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McElwain, Marshall Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McElwain, Myron A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McElwain, Rena J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McElwain, Roy L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McFarland, R. G. South Bend
McKeever, John Plattsmouth: Hotels
McKinnon, D. W. Official Roster
McKnew, W. H. Plattsmouth: Religious
McKnew, W. H. Plattsmouth: Missouri River Improvement
McLaughlin, A. W. Plattsmouth: Banks
McLaughlin, A. W. Plattsmouth: Societies
McLaughlin, Andrew W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McLennan, Plattsmouth: The Bar
McLennan, William Nelson Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McMaken, Joseph H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McMaken, Sarah J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
McMerlin, Matilda Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McMillan, Elizabeth Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Mcmurphy, J. A. Railroads
McWilliams, J. A. Plattsmouth: Societies
Meade, Hamilton (Dr.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Meikle, J. B. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Meikle, James B. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Meisinger, J. B. Cass County Agricultural Society
Menges, N. C. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Merges, Peter Plattsmouth: Societies
Merges, Peter Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Merrill, O. (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Mertens, William Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Merwin, Miss L. S. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Meyar, Corp. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Mickelwait, Early Settlement
Mickelwait, Fred Indian Troubles
Mickelwait, W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mickelwait, Wheatley Club Law
Mickelwait, Wheatley Ferries
Mickelwait, Wheatley Organization
Mickelwait, Wheatley Plattsmouth: City Government
Mickelwait, Wheatley Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Mickelwait, Wheatley Plattsmouth: Government Offices
Mickelwait, Wheatley Plattsmouth: Hotels
Mickle, William Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Milgrim, S. A. Louisville: Manufactories
Miller, Amanda M. Pioneer Association
Miller, C. A. Plattsmouth: Religious
Miller, C. A. (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Miller, D. Plattsmouth: City Government
Miller, David Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Harry Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Miller, J. G. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Miller, Lawrence Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Lawrence Factoryville
Miller, Samuel Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Thomas E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Minchell, J. Sr Plattsmouth: Societies
Minshall, Mollie War History
Minshall, Sadie War History
Mitchell, Frances L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mitchell, Mattie (Miss) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Montgomery, Sarah Greenwood: Religious
Moore, C. P. Official Roster
Moore, C. P. Pioneer Association
Moore, Charles R. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Clara Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, J. B. Official Roster
Moore, Jennie Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Jessie Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, John E. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, John T. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Joseph B. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Llewellyn A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Moore, May Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Minnie Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Samuel L. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, William Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, William F. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Morgan, Miles Ferries
Morris, Bishop Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Morris, Sarah Indian Troubles
Morrisey, J. Plattsmouth: Banks
Morrison, George L. Railroads
Morrison, George S. Railroads
Morrison, J. E. Cass County Agricultural Society
Morrison, James E. Plattsmouth: Societies
Morrison, James E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Morrissey (Bros) Plattsmouth: General Business Interests
Mossman, Dr. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mowerer, A. E. Greenwood: General Matters
Mullholland, I. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mullin, Loudin Early Schools
Mullin, Sylvira E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Mullis, G. B. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Murdock, John Organization
Murfin, Alice Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Murfin, Annie Mary Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Murfin, Edwin J. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Murfin, Ellen Ophelia Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Murfin, John Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Murfin, John Factoryville
Murfin, Lucy Atherstone Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Murphey, (Marshall) Organization
Murphy, Charles Bennett Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murphy, E. B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murphy, Frederick A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murphy, Michael B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murphy, Minnie C. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murphy, P. B. Plattsmouth: Societies
Murphy, Patrick B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murphy, Thomas L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Ada Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Adeline Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Alice Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Alvis C. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Charles E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Emery E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Estella M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Jonathan Organization
Murray, Joshua Organization
Murray, Joshua Pioneer Association
Murray, Joshua Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Joshua L. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Lavina Indian Troubles
Murray, Lorena Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Luella Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Margaret J. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Mary Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Murray, Nelson Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, W. R. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murray, William R. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Murry, Mahama Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Mutz, Edna W. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Mutz, John Official Roster
Mutz, Lena F. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Mutz, Mamie P. Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Mutz, Otto Mt. Pleasant Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Nace, Weeping Water: Early Settlement
Napier, Archibald Organization
Napier, Hiram Organization
Nathan, Isaac Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Naylor, Deborah H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Nelson, Ellena Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Newell, Bertha Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Newell, Ella Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Newell, James W. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Newell, Josephine Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Newell, Mary Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Newell, W. H. Official Roster
Newell, W. H. Plattsmouth: Religious
Newell, W. H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Newell, William H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Newman, H. Plattsmouth: Societies
Nieman, Frank Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Noel, E. A. (Mrs.) Greenwood
Norris, Dr. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Noyes, Elijah Louisville: Business Houses
Nuckolls, C. Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Nuckolls, Columbus Organization
Nuckolls, Lafayette Ferries
Nuckolls, Lafayette Organization
Nuckolls, Lafayette Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
O'Brien, J. S. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
O'Donohoe, Michael Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
O'Neil, Elijah Organization
O'Neil, Elizabeth Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
O'Neil, Elizabeth (Mrs. Herold) Pioneer Association
O'Neil, James Early Schools
O'Neil, James Early Settlement
O'Neil, James Court House and Jail
O'Neil, James Ferries
O'Neil, James Official Roster
O'Neil, James Organization
O'Neil, James Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
O'Neil, James Plattsmouth: Religious
O'Neil, James Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
O'Neil, Richard Plattsmouth: Societies
O'Neil, William Organization
O'Rourke, Annie Louise Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
O'Rourke, John Plattsmouth: City Government
O'Rourke, John Plattsmouth: Banks
O'Rourke, John Plattsmouth: Societies
O'Rourke, John (Capt.) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
O'Rourke, John Gilmore Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
O'Rourke, John Sr Plattsmouth: Societies
O'Rourke, Joseph Thomas Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
O'Rourke, Marie E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Obernotte, Miss Henrietta Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Obison, William H. Organization
Oldham, Dora Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Orr, Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Orr, J. S. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Orton, Allie Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Orton, Chauncey Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Orton, Mary Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Orton, S. W. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Pagnard, Lucy J. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Paine, Stella A. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Palmer, Clara Agnes Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Palmer, George Henry Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Palmer, H. E. Cass County Agricultural Society
Palmer, Henry E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Palmer, J. G. Ferries
Palmer, J. G. Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Palmer, Miranda Greenwood: General Matters
Palmer, Robert Official Roster
Palmer, T. G. Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Palmer, Thomas G. Organization
Palmer, Thomas J. Organization
Pankratz, Annie M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Panmon, Giles Organization
Parker, J. E. (Judge) Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Parkins, Clara E. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Parkins, Earl D. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Parkins, Joseph F. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Parmele, C. H. Plattsmouth: Banks
Parmele, C. H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Parmele, Calvin H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Parmele, Charles Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Parmele, Hallie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Parmele, Myrtle Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Parmele, Nellie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Parmele, Thomas Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Parr, Margaret A. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Patten, Nancy E. (Mrs.) Pioneer Association
Patterson, A. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Ambrose Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Charles Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Edith Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Eliza Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Ellen Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Irene Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, J. D. (Prof.) Rock Bluff City
Patterson, J. D. (Prof.) Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, J. M. Official Roster
Patterson, J. M. Plattsmouth: City Government
Patterson, J. M. Plattsmouth: Banks
Patterson, J. M. Plattsmouth: Societies
Patterson, J. M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, J. M. Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, James Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, James M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Jennie C. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, L. W. Pioneer Association
Patterson, Mary Pioneer Association
Patterson, May Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, P. C. Official Roster
Patterson, Ray Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Samuel Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, Thomas Cass County Agricultural Society
Patterson, Thomas Rock Bluff City
Patterson, Thomas M. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Patterson, W. A. Official Roster
Pattimer, John Plattsmouth: Religious
Pattison, John Plattsmouth: City Government
Pearson, Dana Plattsmouth: Educational
Pepperberg, Abraham Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pepperberg, Julius Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pepperburg, Julius Plattsmouth: Manufactories
Perkins, C. E. Plattsmouth: Hotels
Pertle, Rufus (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Peters, Harriet A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pettee, Charles J. Plattsmouth: Societies
Pettit, Reuben Organization
Phelps, Benjamin F. Organization
Philpot, Charles Weeping Water: Societies
Phipps, Oliver Organization
Pickens, William H. Plattsmouth: Societies
Pickering, J. E. Weeping Water: Business Interests
Pieper, J. B. Plattsmouth: The Press
Pierce, President Early Settlement
Pinkham, C. H. South Bend
Pitman, Birdie D. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pitman, Charles L. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pitman, Edward A. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pitman, Hattie Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pitman, James Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pitman, John W. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pitman, Melissa J. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pitman, Relia A. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Place, Samuel Elmwood Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Platt, M. F. Weeping Water: Religious
Platt, M. V. (Rev.) Greenwood: Religious
Polin, Henry Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Polin, Mary Rock Bluff Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Polk, John F. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Polk, John F. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Polk, M. D. Louisville: Manufactories
Polk, Milton B. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Polk, Milton D. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Polk, R. L. (Judge) Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Adeline Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Emma A. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Hattie A. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Herbert W. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Isaac Official Roster
Pollard, Isaac Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Issac Official Roster
Pollard, L. C. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Leona Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Lottie M. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Mark T. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Mary Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Nelson Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Raymond Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollard, Sallie Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Pollock, T. Weeping Water: Biographical Sketches
Pollock, Thomas Plattsmouth: Religious
Pollock, Thomas Plattsmouth: Societies
Pollock, Thomas Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pool, W. H. Cass County Agricultural Society
Porter, Ada Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Porter, Ada Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Porter, Amanda Plattsmouth: Societies
Porter, Carrie N. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Porter, Elizabeth Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Porter, James R. Official Roster
Porter, James R. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Porter, James R. Factoryville: Biographical Sketches
Porter, Julia H. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Porter, William B. Plattsmouth: Societies
Porter, William B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Porter, William B. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Porter, William B. Jr. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pottenger, Willett Plattsmouth: City Government
Pottenger, Willett Plattsmouth: The Bar
Potter, Mary Magdalena Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Pottinger, Willet Plattsmouth: Early Settlement
Powell, C. A. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Powers, Gardner Organization
Powers, Gardner Louisville
Presson, J. W. (Rev.) Plattsmouth: Religious
Price, Gen. Louisville: Biographical Sketches
Price, Gen. Center Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Pronger, George E. Pioneer Association
Pronger, George E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pronger, George F. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pronger, Hattie Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pronger, James Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Pronger, John E. Plattsmouth: Biographical Sketches
Propst, Elizabeth E. Eight-Mile Grove Precinct: Biographical Sketches
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