St. John’s Lutheran Church Spencer, Clark Co., Wisconsin 1878 – 1978 Contributed by Jean Dahl & transcribed by Tanya Paschke St. John’s Altar Guild The guild was formed in March of 1953 as an auxiliary group of the Ladies Aid. Mrs. Walter Justman, Mrs. Herman Andre and Mrs. Henry Wachholz were the first committee. Their function was to care for and replace paraments as needed, set up for communion, care for the communion ware, order flowers for special services and the first communion Sunday of the month. These ladies had many other little items that kept them busy. Complete records of who made all the altar cloths have not been kept but there are some we know for sure. Mrs. Dora Voelker made the lace around the fair linen. Mrs. Walter Fischer and Mrs. Violet Seefeldt helped with some of the cloths. Mrs. Walter Neumann and Mrs. Vein Diethman also made cloths. Some of the cloths were given as memorials, again we don’t know all of them but these are the ones we know for sure: Mrs. Gust Frank - Red - 1969 Mr. Maynard Wachholz - White - 1971 The green cloths we use at this time were donated by the Ladies Aid for the new altar, in 1976. The blue contempory cloth was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Neumann, in 1976. Baptismal Napkins were also a part of this work. Mrs. Walter Justman made the first ones along with Mrs. Walter Fischer. Now, Mrs. Maynard Neumann makes them even though she is not on the committee. The committee has changed somewhat over the past few years. In order for more women to have the opportunity to serve in this special area it was decided that each person serving ask another lady of the congregation to take her place each serving for one year and with another lady. We hope that when you are asked you will find it a privilege to say ‘yes’. Recollections of St. John’s Parochial School PUPILS: 1st row, kneeling, L to R: Regina Ziehlsdorff, Emmie Brusewitz, Ernie Brusewitz, Harold Nitzlaff, and Vernis Andre. 2nd row: Ruth Ziehlsdorff, Lauren Andre, Hilda Andre, Elsie Griepentrog, Lydia Damrow, Frances Nennian. 3rd row: Esther Justman, Ida Frank 4th row: Elsie Hahn, Emma Damrow, Rosetta Seefeldt, Susie Martens, Leota Andre Boys on the left: Walter Neunen, John Brewitz, John Frank. Right: Bill Frank, Alfred Griepentrog, Olaf Manthe In front of the door: Myron Krause The children generally attended school from age six until confirmation. They also participated in school programs, congregational picnics, and Christmas programs which often lasted two hours. The church pastor served as the school teacher, and his wife generally assisted, especially when the pastor was called away. Since money was very limited, and the pastor received little salary, the congregation provided him with what in German was called "love gifts". This included flour, sugar, meat, potatoes, and the like. The pastor also had a cow to provide him with additional support. The emphasis of the old parochial school was of course on religious instructions, and the majority of the school’s time was spent in this. A typical day began at 9:00 A.M. with song and prayer. This was followed by the recitation of memorized portions of the catechism and with instructions. At 10:30 a half hour recess was enjoyed. From 11:00 until noon the children studied reading and language. During the afternoons the students were instructed in Bible history, geography, arithmetic, and American history. School dismissed at 4:00 P.M. with singing and prayer. All of the early education was of course taught and learned in German. Norvel Justman, Verner Oelrich, Alvin Frank, Walter Luepke, Martin Griepentrog, Ervin Schweke, Maynard Schwantes, Bertha Neumann, Francis Neumann, Adalia Frank, Hilda Andre, Ruth Ziehlsdorff, Amanda Damrow, Emme Bruesewitz
August Siecke - teacher