St. John’s Lutheran Church Spencer, Clark Co., Wisconsin 1878 – 1978 Contributed by Jean Dahl & transcribed by Tanya Paschke
St. John's First Constitution As, according to God’s Word, in every congregation (1 Cor. 14:40, Col. 2:5) everything should be done in decency and in proper order, so have we, a number of German Lutherans living in this locality, united to build a parish, and we lay down through this document the ordinances on which we as a congregation stand and with which we will carry out the business of our congregation. Article 2 Our congregation shall be named, The German Evangelical Lutheran St. John’s Congregation of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession at Spencer, Marathon county, Wisconsin.
Frank Krause Article 3 In our congregation all the canonical books of the Old and the New Testament will be accepted as the inspired Word and these are found in the Symbolical books of the Ev. Lutheran Church as being taken from the Word of God in form and norm. These are the three Ecumenical Creeds, (Apostolic, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds), The Unaltered Augsburg Confession, and the Apology to it, the Smalcald Articles, Luther’s Small and Large Catechism and the Formula of Concord. August Bruesewitz Article 4 In our church services and in the instruction in the Christian doctrine, we may use such books which are in accord with our confession. Article 5 Only he can be a member of the congregation and can take part in the rights of a member who: a) is baptized. b) holds to all books of Old and New Testament and accepts them as a rule and guide in faith and life. c) knows at least the Small Catechism and professes it. d) does not live in open gross sins of the flesh (Gal. 5:19,20) but lives a Christian life. e) if he is an adult, takes holy communion often. f) supports the present and future ordinances of the church unless they are contrary to the Word of God, and lets himself be admonished in brotherly love if he errs. g) is not a member of a secret society Carl Luepke Article 6 Eligible voters are only those males who are 21 years of age who sign the constitution, and only those can be chosen for an office if they have reached the age of 25. Article 7 Every member is obligated to contribute to the needs of the congregation according to his ability. Carl (Charles) Stoltnow Article 8 The business matters of the congregation should be considered in orderly meetings. A meeting is valid when it is announced previously. At least a 2/3 vote of those present at the meeting is necessary. Every member is obligated to attend the meetings. The absent ones have no right to vote. William Mellenthin Article 9 If a member falls into open gross sin, he should be admonished in Christian love, according to Matthew 18:15-20. An excommunication can only occur when the admonished one, in spite of all loving admonitions, still is openly unrepentant, and he loses all rights of the congregation until he repents and makes up with God and the congregation. August Luepke Article 10 The position of the pastor in the congregation can only be assigned to such a preacher who holds to all the canonical books of the Old and New Testament, as God’s inspired Word, and to the related Symbolical books of the Ev. Lutheran Church named in Article 3, which he is requested to uphold in his vocation. Article 11 The elders have no more, and only as far and for so long, power in the congregation as if given to them by the congregation. Instructions given by the congregation can also be changed by the congregation. Gustave Matter Article 12 All officers can be taken out of office: a) by holding on to false teachings. b) through angry actions. c) by willful miscarriage of duties. Article 13 If a split developes in the congregation about doctrine, God forbid, then all property and what is connected with it goes to those in the congregation who hold to the Unaltered Augsburg Confession and who decide according to the Symbolic Books of the Ev. Lutheran Church
William Schwantes Article 14 All property should be administered by the trustees in the name of the congregation. What the trustees do at the decision and order of the congregation stands. If they do things on their own without the permission of the congregation, they personally are responsible and have to answer to the congregation. Signed by: August Bruesewitz William Mellenthin Herman Boeder Frank Krause Gustave Matter Frank Neumann Carl Stoltnow Carl Lupke August Luepke Christon Vouth William Schwantes William Brummer
Frank Neumann