St. John’s Lutheran Church Spencer, Clark Co., Wisconsin 1878 – 1978 Contributed by Jean Dahl & transcribed by Tanya Paschke St. John’s Sunday School The children of St. John’s enroll in Sunday School soon after their third birthday or as soon as they will sit still and enjoy the Bible stories. They attend until they are confirmed. Before the parish hall was built the younger classes met in the little brick school. They then graduated to the church building where the older classes met. Now the upper grade classes meet in the church basement and the younger classes meet in the parish hall. Our Christmas program practice always starts the first Sunday following Thanksgiving and ends with the last Sunday before Christmas. This practice is followed by a party given for the children. The program has been held on Christmas Eve since 1882. After the program the children are given a sack of candy. The church members donate. money for the candy and the teachers pack the bags. The children have had the opportunity to sing at a nursing home and to put on their Christmas program for the elderly. The children receive many smiles or even a squeeze of the hand to show how much the older people enjoy it. It is also a practice that the children sing in church each month on the fourth Sunday. The Sunday School has taken part in many mission projects. Money from the last Sunday of each month is used for mission work. In February of each year, money is collected on the Sunday before Valentines Day. This is used for Hearts For Jesus, another mission project. The money has been used to help a blind school and to help build a church in New Guinea. The children also brought articles to make up some Klenli-Kits to send to World Relief. Sunday School teachers have many anxious, surprising, and rewarding moments. Usually the teachers are sure the Christmas program will be a flop, only to find that the children surprise them by doing their very best. A teacher’s time is interlaced with humorous things also. One Christmas program there were angels looking at a cross. One little boy had an itch, and he ended up with his wings tipped to the side and his garland over one eye, but he still looked up at the cross. There was the teacher who was teaching the word love. One of her little boys raised his hand to say, "I know what it is ‘cause all the girls in school love me." One Easter morning during a film strip, one little girl surprised us. Most of the children would bring along something small to chew on, but this little girl opened her purse to pull out a dill pickle and ate it. A Sunday School can only be successful through the efforts of many dedicated persons who serve Christ by teaching His little children. St. John’s has been blessed with many workers who have given their time and talents to the Lord. It would be extremely hard to name all who have served as teachers and very easy to accidentally omit someone’s name. St. John’s thanks all who have served in the past and who now serve. St. John’s first Bible School, June 1953 SUNDAY SCHOOL 1977 – 1978 Row 1: Terry Hopfensperger, Stephanie Marden, Bryan Hopfensperger, Jenni Martin, Kimberly Ault, Craig Berger. Row 2: Michelle Marden, Carrie Seefeldt, Tami Hopfensperger, Troy Luepke, Neil Neumann, Jeana Mellenthin, Denise Neumann, Philann Neumann, Wendy Hopfensperger, Tricia Kilty, Valarie Jacobitz. Row 3: Pete Mellenthin, (superintendent), Virjean Mellenthin (teacher), Tim Gallion, Cory Seefeldt, Patrick Kilty, Janell Schwantes, Tim Ault, Dale Berger, Renee Mellenthin, Vickie Jacobitz, Kathryn Sundell. Row 4: Penny Miller, Jeffery Hanson, April Neumann, Denise Marden, John Ault, Chad Neumann, Richard Freezy, Shane Vaughn, Jacqueline Hebert, Michelle Oelrich, Mrs. Alvera Klein (teacher). Row 5: Mrs. Dianne Vaughan (teacher), DeAnn Hanson, Steve Murphy, Jeffrey Day, Wade Vaughan, Terry Gallion, Todd Seefeldt, Steve Gallion, Sara Stroetz, Mrs. Irene Toltzman (teacher), Mrs. Leona Wachholz (teacher). Sunday School Vacation Bible School Kindergarten Class of 1955
Sunday School