St. John’s Lutheran Church Spencer, Clark Co., Wisconsin 1878 – 1978 Contributed by Jean Dahl & transcribed by Tanya Paschke Remember When . . .
1881 -Remember when cemetary lots were $2 for Adults and $1 for Children. 1882 -Remember when members were asked to provide a half cord of firewood for the church 1882 -Remember when everyone who wished to attend communion was to announce to the pastor personally. 1882 -Remember when the first outhouse was built, 6x4x8 with two compartments and two seats each. 1884 -Remember when members who were delinquent in dues were given a 25% reduction upon payment. 1886 -Remember when Pastor Siebrant had to be "fetched" and driven home to Wein. 1892 - Remember when the congregation built a barn for the Pastor. 1893 -Remember when it was voted that each member give the pastor two bushels of oats for his livestock. 1898 -Remember when an addition was built on to the parsonage and each member was asked to donate $6.00 for it. 1913 -Remember when trees were planted on the parsonage lawn. 1914 -Remember when klingelbeutel were used for collections. 1914 -Remember when the OK was given for members to build a horse stall for the congregation if they were willing to do it free of charge. 1916 -Remember when the church and inventory was insured for $4000. 1916 -Remember when the Pastor was paid $2.00 a year for sweeping the church. 1924 -Remember when the church bell was rung between 11:00 and 12:00 p.m. after a death. 1924 -Remember when the elders were to take turns sitting in the choir loft to keep order. 1934 -Remember when the minutes of the voters meetings had to be read in both English and German.
Remember when Mission Festivals were celebrated in Matter’s woods. Remember when Pastor Ziehlsdorff pastured his cows in the road ditches. Remember when there was no basement under the church. Remember when the parochial school students spent the day chasing the pastor’s cow. Remember when the ladies and men sat on opposite sides of the church. Remember when hot water had to be carried into the basement kitchen when dinners were held at the church, and the dish towels were dried in the cernetary. Remember when the organ had to be pumped. Remember when real candles were used on the Christmas tree and an elder stood nearby with a sponge on the end of a pole to extinguish small fires. Remember when the parochial school students husked corn for the chickens at noon. Remember when the minister preached here and took the horse to Abbotsford to preach. Mission Festival Celebration in Matter’s Woods