Lincoln County, Wisconsin

~~ Biographical Index K ~~


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Bio: Kabat, Leonard B. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Kaiser, Amanda (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Kallock, George W. (History - b 1825)
Bio: Kaltenborn, Rudolph V. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Kamer, Mercedes Lou (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Kaminski, Carter Stephen (Birth - 2007)
Bio: Kamrath, Kailey Rae (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Kanitz, Leah (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Karlen, Nathan Benjamin (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Kasten, Cassandra Jean (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Kautz, Esther (100th Birthday – 2005)
Bio: Kimball, Bryant B. (History - b 1828)
Bio: Kimps, Wendy (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Klade, Jacklyn N. (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Kleinschmidt, Austin Robert (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Kleinschmidt, Carl - Kleinschmidt Sawmill (8 Jan. 1975)
Bio: Kleinschmidt, Carl - The Kleinschmidt Story (26 June 1974)
Bio: Kleinschmidt, Heaven Leigh (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Kleinschmidt, Stephanie Lynn (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Kline, Dan A. (History - b 1854)
Bio: Klockziem, Jill Marie (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Klosinski, Cade Joseph (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Kluetz, Edward (History - b 1844)
Bio: Klug, Melissa M. (Engagement - 2006)
Bio: Knauf, John (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Knoeck, Paula (Engagement - 2006)
Bio: Knospe, Logan Davis (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Koehler, Alexsis Marie (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Koehler, Gustav F. (History - b 1854)
Bio: Koehler, Gustav F. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Koelsch, Kody William Ervin (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Kohnhorst, Christy Ann (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Kommers, Courtney (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Kottke, Grace Marian (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Kostka, Doreen (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Kraft, Stacie (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Krajnik, Noah John (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Kramer, Lisa (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Krause, Norbert (Freezes Feet - 23 Feb. 1929)
Bio: Kremsreiter, Erin Ann (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Krueger, Marley Ann (Birth - 2007)
Bio: Kunkel, August (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Kunkel, Tricia Sue (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Kyes, Henry A. (History - b 1834)
Bio: Kyes, Henry A. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

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