Faas, Louis Fires in Omaha Fabre, Bishop E. Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Fagan, James Fire Department Fair, Mary Jane (Miss) Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS Faist, Louis Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Falconer, Allan Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Falconer, N. B. Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Falconer, Nathaniel Bell Business Interests of Omaha Falconer, Thomas Miscellaneous Societies Falconer, Thomas Allan Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Falconer, Thomas Drysdel Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Falconer, William Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Falls, Hadley Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Farmer, Religious (Cont.) Farrant, Mary I. Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb Farrington, Mattie M. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Faulkner, Col. Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Faust, Emil Knights of Pythias Fawcett, William Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Fawdrey, T. E. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Fearon, Elizabeth (Miss) Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Feckenscher, Paulina Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Feeney, John H. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Feldskamp, Marie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Feller, John Miscellaneous Societies Felton, E. R. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Ferguson, A. N. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Ferguson, A. W. Public Schools Ferguson, Alice S. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Ferguson, Attorney Crimes of a Later Date Ferguson, Judge Medical Profession Ferguson, Judge Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Ferguson, Miss Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Ferry, Annie Elizabeth Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Ferry, James Religious (Cont.) Ferry, Mr. Religious (Cont.) Festner, J. T. Miscellaneous Societies Feucht, Annie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: CRITTENTON~DIETZ Ficenez, Anna Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Field, Alice A. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Field, C. C. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Field, George E. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Field, George W. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Field, J. N. Banks and Banking Field, John Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Field, John Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Field, Joseph N. Banks and Banking Fifteenth, S. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Filkins, Lida L. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Filkins, Morgan Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Filnton, Mary Ann (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Fink, W. W. (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Finklestein, Nancy (Miss) Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Finley, Annie Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Finnerau, Thomas Ancient Order United Workmen Fischer, A. Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Fischer, Carl Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Fisette, Charles I. O. O. F. Fisher, Boyd's Pork Packing House Fisher, Charles Fire Department Fisher, H. D. Religious Fist, Emanuel Jr Masonic Fitch, C. H. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fitchett, George H. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fitzpatrick, Edward Religious (Cont.) Flach, Edward N. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Flach, George Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Flacker, Eva (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Flag, John Miscellaneous Societies Fleck, Charles Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, Catherine Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, Charles Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, George Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, Isabella Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, Jane Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, Margaret Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, Marion Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, Mitchell Miscellaneous Societies Fleming, Mitchell Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, Robert Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, W. M. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fleming, William Religious (Cont.) Fleming, William Miscellaneous Societies Fleming, William (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Flint, J. B. Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Flint, Lizzie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Florey, Charles Fires in Omaha Flynn, W. F. Temperance Societies Flynn, William Police Department Fogelstrom, E. A. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fogelstrom, Erick A. Religious (Cont.) Fogg, Charles (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Fontenelle, Logan Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD For, N. Y. Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Forbes, G. W. Omaha in 1870 Ford, A. C. The Arrow Ford, C. L. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Ford, Captain Omaha in the Pawnee War Ford, Hobart Omaha in the Pawnee War Ford, J. H. Commerce in 1859 Ford, James H. Lynch Law Ford, P. The Present Municipal Government Forney, The Death of Gov. Cuming Forrer, John Knights of Pythias Forster, Margaret Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Forsyth, Fannie Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Forsyth, James Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Forzahin, A. E. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Foster, William M. Business Interests of Omaha Fostick, Edward Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS Fouche, J. A. Religious Fouth, Lena (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Fox, Anna E. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Fox, Bridget E. Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Fox, John Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fox, Joseph Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Fox, Mr. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER France, James S. Masonic France, James S. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD France, James Squire Masonic France, Joseph Religious (Cont.) France, Miss Miscellaneous Societies France, William Masonic Franconi, Cardinal Biog. Sketches: O'CONNOR~PEABODY Frank, Post Office Frank, Elmer D. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Frank, Jacob Knights of Pythias Frank, Mr. Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Franklin, Caroline (Miss) Brownell Hall Fraser, Georgie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: COFFMAN~CREIGHTON Frederick, Fires in Omaha Frederick, C. H. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Frederick, C. H. (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Frederick, Louisa Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Fredericks, Margaret A. Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Frederickson, Andrew Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Freeman, Edward L. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Freeman, J. W. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fremont, John C. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT French, E. E. Omaha in 1870 French, E. E. Ancient Order United Workmen French, E. E. Knights of Pythias French, Edwin A. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD French, Egbert E. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD French, Florence V. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD French, Georgie M. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD French, Guy B. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD French, J. B. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD French, W. M. Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb Frenk, John Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Frenk, Nellie Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fretwell, D. S. M. Miscellaneous Societies Fretwell, D. S. M. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fried, C. S. Business Interests of Omaha Fried, Carl A. Masonic Fried, Carl A. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fried, Carl A. Jr Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fried, Emily M. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fried, Ernest G. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fried, Esther B. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fried, Evaline C. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fried, Matilda A. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fried, Theron Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fries, Charles A. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fries, George W. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fries, Gus Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Fries, Gust Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fries, Henrietta H. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fries, Rudolph Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fritchie, C. L. Miscellaneous Societies Fritscher, Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Fritscher, Charles L. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fritscher, Charles L. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Fritscher, Henry W. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fritscher, Louisa F. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fritscher, Robert E. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Frost, G. W. Union Elevator Fruehauf, Fannie Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fruehauf, Fritz Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fruehauf, Henry Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fruehauf, J. I. Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Fruehauf, J. S. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fruehauf, Louisa Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fry, Gas Works Fullriede, A. W. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fullriede, Mabel M. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Fulton, Henry Knights of Pythias Furay, Alice L. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furay, Charles E. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furay, Clarence M. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furay, Edward S. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furay, Frank A. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furay, Guy V. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furay, J. B. Post Office Furay, James H. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furay, John B. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furey, John V. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Furnas, R. W. I. O. O. F. Furnas, Robert W. Masonic Fusselman, Harriet E. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON