Sabin, Margaret L. Medical Societies Sahler, John H. Official Roster Sahler, John H. Police Department Sahler, John J. Masonic Salisbury, & Manufacturing Interests of Omaha Salisbury, A. F. Religious Salisbury, M. Biog. Sketches: O'CONNOR~PEABODY Salomon, Gov. Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Salter, Charles A. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Salveter, Emma L. Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Sampson, Lizzie B. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Samuel, Eliza B. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Samuel, G. W. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Sanborn, John D. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Sander, A. H. Fire Department Sander, A. H. Miscellaneous Societies Sander, Adella Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sander, Albert Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sander, Albert H. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sander, Ellenora Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sander, Emil Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sander, Henrietta Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sander, Paulina Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sanders, Loretta (Miss) Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Sanders, W. O. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sandquist, J. G. Religious (Cont.) Sapp, William F. Official Roster Satorius, Agnes (Miss) Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Sauer, Geo. F. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sauer, George F. Miscellaneous Societies Sauers, Prof. Boyd's Opera House Saulter, Geo. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saulter, Michael Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunder, Alvin Public Schools Saunders, Alvin Gas Works Saunders, Alvin Religious (Cont.) Saunders, Alvin Banks and Banking Saunders, Alvin Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, Charles Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, Elizabeth Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, G. P. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, Governor An Indian Scare Saunders, J. K. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, Jane A. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, Mamie Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, Murray Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, Percy Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, Platt Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Saunders, W. O. Miscellaneous Societies Sausen, Mary (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sausen, Wilhelmina (Miss) Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Savage, Col. The Baker-Higgins Tragedy Savage, J. W. Omaha in 1870 Savage, J. W. The Baker-Higgins Tragedy Savage, J. W. The Killing of Davis Savage, J. W. Libraries Savage, J. W. (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Savage, James W. Libraries Savage, James W. The Legal Profession Savage, James W. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Savage, James W. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Savage, Judge Crimes of a Later Date Savage, Judge The Great Strike Savage, Judge Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Saxe, De Forrest W. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Sayward, Lilian A. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Scanlan, Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Scanlan, Father Religious (Cont.) Schaaf, W. P. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schank, Susan Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Scharff, Fredrica (Miss) Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Scherb, Emily Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scherb, Eugene Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scherb, Ignace Fire Department Scherb, Ignace Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schield, Louis P. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schipporeit, August Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Schlank, C. Miscellaneous Societies Schlank, Charles Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Schlechter, Joe Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schlechter, John Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schlieder, Frederika Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Schmid, Anna Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Schmid, William F. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schmidt, C. J. I. O. O. F. Schmidt, George Knights of Pythias Schmidt, Maggie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Schmidt, Maria (Miss) Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Schmit, Rosa (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Schneider, E. Miscellaneous Societies Schneider, E. F. The Omaha Republican Schneider, F. A. Commerce in 1859 Schneider, F. W. Miscellaneous Societies Schneider, J. I. O. O. F. Schneider, Mary Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Schneidewind, Otto Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schnoor, Margaret (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Schonborn, Lee (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Schorr, Annie Biog. Sketches: LEHMAN~LOWE Schreiner, Jacob Fire Department Schroedel, Eliza (Miss) Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Schroeder, A. H. L. Miscellaneous Societies Schroeder, Anna Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroeder, Clara Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroeder, Ernest Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroeder, Ferdinand Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroeder, Ferdinand (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Schroeder, Louis Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroeder, Louisa Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroeder, Paulina Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroter, Alfred Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroter, Minnie Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schroter, William Percival Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Schultz, C. D. The Omaha Republican Schultz, E. J. Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Schultz, Josephine (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Schuyler, W. H. Fire Department Schwabe, Henry Miscellaneous Societies Schwalenberg, Sadie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Schwalenburg, F. H. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Schwenck, Charlie Biog. Sketches: Douglas Precinct Schwenck, John Biog. Sketches: Douglas Precinct Schwenk, Dora Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Scott, Alice M. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, Alzina (Miss) Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Scott, Bishop Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Scott, Elizabeth C. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, Florence Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, Francis R. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, Frank A. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, George Masonic Scott, George Washington Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, Jane (Miss) Biog. Sketches: Douglas Precinct Scott, John A. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, John R. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, Margaret R. John R. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, Oellig B. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Scott, W. H. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Seaman, W. T. Religious Seaman, W. T. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seamans, Mary G. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Searles, Josephine Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Sears, Delia L. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Seaton, Allen Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seaton, Charles Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seaton, John H. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seaton, John S. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seaton, Lizzie Ella Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seaton, Nora Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seeley, J. G. Official Roster Seeley, Jonas Religious Seely, Joseph S. Lynch Law Segelke, Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Segelke, William Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Seifken, Adolph Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Selby, James Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Selden, O. B. An Indian Scare Selin, John Religious (Cont.) Senkel, Elizabeth (Miss) Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS Settled, B. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Seward, H. L. Official Roster Seward, H. L. Religious Seward, Wm. H. Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Sewell, Thomas Masonic Sexton, William Religious Seybolt, Fanny Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seybolt, Frederick Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seybolt, George Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seybolt, George L. Post Office Seybolt, George L. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seybolt, Nellie Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Seymore, F. (Miss) Public Schools Seymore, Robert Masonic Seymour, Dr.J. H. Medical Profession Seymour, E. S. Knights of Pythias Seymour, Emerson Summary Justice Seymour, J. H. Medical Profession Seymour, J. H. Medical Societies Seymour, S. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Shade, Martha Jane (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Shane, Odd Fellow's Hall Shank, Edmund S. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shank, G. Adolphus Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shank, J. W. Religious Shank, John W. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shank, John W. Jr. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shank, William W. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shannon, Bernard Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shannon, Bernard C. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shannon, John J. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shannon, Margaret Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shannon, Mary Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, Beula Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, Georgie Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, Harry Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, Ida Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, Jack Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, Judith Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, Mattie Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, Ninnie Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharp, P. H. Conflagration of 1877 Sharp, P. H. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Sharp, W. A. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharpe, Kate (Miss) Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharpless, Oscar B. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sharpless, Vera Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shavlick, Barbara Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Shaw, J. R. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Shaw, John R. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shaw, Mary A. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Shaw, Thomas L. Summary Justice Sheahan, John Fire Department Sheahan, John Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shears, S. Hotels Shears, Samuel Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sheeks, Benjamin The Baker-Higgins Tragedy Sheeley, G. F. Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Sheeley, Georgiana Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Sheeley, Grace Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Sheeley, J. F. Official Roster Sheeley, J. F. Fire Department Sheeley, J. F. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Sheeley, John M. Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Sheeley, John W. Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Sheeley, Joseph Fires in Omaha Sheeley, Joseph F. Official Roster Sheeley, Julia Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Sheeley, Mary A. Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Sheeley, Walter S. Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Sheely, J. F. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sheely, Lillie Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sheely, Mr. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Sheely, Nellie Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shelby, Charles F. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shelby, Ed. Miscellaneous Societies Shelby, Frances N. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Shelby, John P. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shelby, Mary F. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shelby, P. P. Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Shelby, P. P. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shelby, Paul M. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shelby, Rose M. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sheldon, A. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Shelton, Frank Miscellaneous Societies Shelton, H. (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Shelton, N. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Shelton, Nathan Water Works Shelton, Nathan Miscellaneous Societies Shelton, Nathan Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shelton, Nathan Jordan Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sheltrom, Otelia (Miss) Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Shepard, Ellen O. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Sheppard, Mary A. Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Sherill, Mr. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Sherlock, James Religious Sherlock, James (Mrs) Religious Sherman, John The Nebraskian Sherman, W. T. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Sherrill, Alvin F. Religious Sherwood, Charles L. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sherwood, Cora A. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Sherwood, Edwin Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sherwood, Edwin E. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sherwood, Edwin H. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sherwood, Emma Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sherwood, Mary A. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sherwood, Nettie Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shield, Robert Masonic Shields, Arthur Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shields, Edith Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shields, George W. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shields, James Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shields, Jennie Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shields, Robert J. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shields, William H. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shinn, Elder M. F. Religious Shinn, Elder Moses F. Religious Shinn, M. F. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shinn, Stephen D. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shiverick, Anna Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shiverick, Asa Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shiverick, Charles Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Shops, U. P. Company Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Shourds, Ella M. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Shreve, J. R. Business Interests of Omaha Shropshire, J. S. Knights of Pythias Shull, Miss Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Shultz, A. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Shulz, G. Miscellaneous Societies Sibley, Hiram Biog. Sketches: COFFMAN~CREIGHTON Sickles, T. E. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Sidner, Mary E. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Siefken, Adolph Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Siemen, Justine (Miss) Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Siemon, Richard Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Siemon, Richard (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Siert, Anna Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Siert, Henry Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Siert, J. Henry Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Siert, John Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Siert, Mary Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sieverling, Ella Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sieverling, Fred W. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sieverling, Irwin R. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sieverling, Julius D. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sieverling, Julius W. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sieverling, Louise Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sievers, Charles H. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sievers, William Miscellaneous Societies Sievers, William Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Siggins, E. L. Medical Societies Siggius, E. L. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Sigmund, Emma E. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Sigwart, A. F. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Sigwart, A. T. Miscellaneous Societies Silver, Frances Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Simeral, Edward W. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Simmonds, Charles P. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Simon, C. A. I. O. O. F. Simon, E. Miscellaneous Societies Simon, E. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Simonson, Margaret Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Simpkins, Mary H. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Simpson, Conflagration of 1877 Simpson, A. J. An Indian Scare Simpson, A. J. Official Roster Simpson, A. J. Fire Department Simpson, A. J. Public Schools Simpson, A. J. Banks and Banking Simpson, A. J. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Simpson, A. J. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Simpson, A. J. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Simpson, A. J. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Simpson, Abbie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Simpson, Andrew J. Fire Department Simpson, Charles Fire Department Simpson, D. L. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Simpson, Ella L. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Sincere, Henry Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Sindbold, John Religious (Cont.) Sisson Etta Blanche, Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Sisson, S. N. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Sixtus, Christiana (Miss) Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Skinner, Charles Knights of Pythias Slatter, Ella Beatrice Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Slatter, J. O. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Slatter, James Garfield Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Slatter, Joseph M. And Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Slatter, Mathilda Augusta Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Slatter, Rebecca O. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Slaughter, W. B. Religious Slaughter, W. B. (Mrs) Religious (Cont.) Slocum, H. W. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Sly, John Miscellaneous Societies Smallwood, C. J. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smart, Joseph Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smertz, William E. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Smidt, George Fire Department Smiley, J. B. Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Smiley, Miss Public Schools Smiley, Nannie Religious (Cont.) Smiley, Robert Religious (Cont.) Smiley, Robert (Mrs) Religious (Cont.) Smith, Conflagration of 1877 Smith, Banks and Banking Smith, Manufacturing Interests of Omaha Smith, A. C. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, Arthur N. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, C. B. The Arrow Smith, C. W. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, Christiana (Miss) Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Smith, Cora D. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, David Miscellaneous Societies Smith, E. V. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Smith, E. V. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, E. V. Jr Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, Ester E. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, Etta E. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Smith, F. S. Miscellaneous Societies Smith, Francis Summary Justice Smith, Frank R. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, George Official Roster Smith, George Post Office Smith, George R. Official Roster Smith, H. B. Libraries Smith, H. S. Other Journalistic Ventures Smith, Hannah (Miss) Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Smith, Howard B. Libraries Smith, Howard B. (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Smith, J. L. Miscellaneous Societies Smith, James Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, Kirby Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Smith, Leonora Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, Mrs. The Murder of Watson B. Smith Smith, N. J. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, R. C. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, Ralph N. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, Roswell & Mrs. Religious Smith, Sidney Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smith, W. A. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Smith, W. B. The Baker-Higgins Tragedy Smith, W. B. The Tribune
Smith, W. B. Religious (Cont.) Smith, W. M. Religious Smith, Watson B. The Murder of Watson B. Smith Smith, Watson B. Religious (Cont.) Smythe, E. F. Crimes of a Later Date Smythe, Edith E. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smythe, Edwin F. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Smythe, Edwin Franklin Biog. Sketches: LEHMAN~LOWE Snider, Frances L. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Snowden, W. P. Official Roster Snowdon, Mr. The Arrow Snyder, Alexander Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Snyder, Annie Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Snyder, Blanche Hoxie Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Snyder, Ella Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Snyder, J. A. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Snyder, Jacob F. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Snyder, May E. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Snyder, Victoria Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Snyder, Webster Biog. Sketches: CRITTENTON~DIETZ Snyder, Webster Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Snyder, Webster Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Snyder, Webster (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Snyder, William Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Soldermann, Mary Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Sorenson, Alfred The Omaha Republican Sorenson, Alfred The Omaha Bee Sorenson, Alfred Miscellaneous Societies Sorenson, Carrie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Souer, A. R. The Omaha Bee Southard, Clara (Miss) Post Office Southard, J. B. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Soxman, Phillip A. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spafford, S. W. Sr Religious Spalding, Bishop Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Sparling, F. M. Temperance Societies Spearman, J. D. Crimes of a Later Date Specht, C. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Specht, Joseph Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spect, Christian Manufacturing Interests of Omaha Speice, C. A. I. O. O. F. Spence, W. R. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spencer, P. R. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Spencer, R. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Sperry, C. C. Official Roster Spetmann, Alvina Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spetmann, Augusta Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spetmann, Clara Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spetmann, J. H. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spigel, Eva Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spigel, H. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Spigel, Nellie Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE St. Felix, Henry Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE St. Felix, Mary Estella Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Staack, Fred Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stafford, Charles L. (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Stahl, Agatha Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Staley, John F. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Staley, S. B. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Staley, T. J. I. O. O. F. Staley, Winfield Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stall, Daniel M. Knights of Pythias Stamm, L. Fire Department Stanberry, Byron Masonic Stanley, Permelia Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Stanton, Edwin Knights of Pythias Stanton, Edwin M. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Stanton, Flora Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stanton, Josephine Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stanton, Maude Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stanton, T. H. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Starbuck, Sarah T. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Stebbins, C. S. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stebbins, Eunice Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stebbins, Joel Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Steel, R. C. Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS Steele, L. A. Miscellaneous Societies Steele, Mr. Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Steen, John Official Roster Steinhauser, F. M. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stelling, G. T. Religious (Cont.) Stenberg, M. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stenburg, E. M. Miscellaneous Societies Stephans, William Religious (Cont.) Stephens, Caroline Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Stephens, Helen L. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Stephens, Kittie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Stephenson, Bessie V. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stephenson, James Incorporation Stephenson, James Official Roster Stephenson, James The Great Strike Stephenson, James Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Stephenson, James Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stephenson, James Jr Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stephenson, Mary (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Stephenson, Mildred Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stephenson, Mr. Donations Stephenson, William Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevens, Charles Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevens, Frederick Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevens, G. E. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevens, G. E. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Stevens, Hattie Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevens, Ida May Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevens, Ira A. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevens, Robert L. Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Stevens, Z. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevenson, G. Masonic Stevenson, G. Temperance Societies Stevenson, Gustavus Masonic Stevenson, Gustavus Miscellaneous Societies Stevenson, Gustavus Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stevenson, Gustavus Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Stewart, Carrie Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stewart, Earnest Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stewart, George D. Religious (Cont.) Stewart, Ida Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stewart, J. W. Religious Stewart, John W. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stewart, Mary E. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Stickles, Benjamin Summary Justice Stickles, Benjamin Fire Department Stigers, Annie E. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Stillman, W. D. Medical Societies Stills, Judge Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Stillwagon, Margaret (Miss) Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Stoddard, W. F. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Stolle, Dorothea Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Stone, C. E. The Arrow Stone, E. L. Biog. Sketches: CRITTENTON~DIETZ Stone, E. L. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stone, Letta Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stone, R. M. Medical Societies Stone, Robert M. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stone, Sadie Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Storrs, Emery A. Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Storz, Gottleib Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stoul, E. J. Sr Miscellaneous Societies Stout, Libbie Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Stowell, A. D. Religious Straight, C. L. I. O. O. F. Straight, C. L. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Straight, Florence Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Straight, O. P. (Mrs) I. O. O. F. Straight, William A. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Strang, A. L. Business Blocks Strang, A. L. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Strang, A. L. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Strang, George Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Strang, Laura Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Strang, Leonard Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Strang, Rena Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stratmann, Alma Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stratmann, Amanda Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stratmann, Augusta Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stratmann, Ernst Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stratmann, G. E. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stratmann, Wanda Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stratton, W. H. J. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Street, The Arrow Streeter, Clara A. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Strickland, A. S. Omaha in 1870 Strickland, S. A. Libraries Strickler, J. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stringham, Alice Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stripe, H. W. Great Western Business College Stroebel, Conrad Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stroetzel, Otto Other Journalistic Ventures Strong, H. F. Post Office Stubbs, Sarah A. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Stuben, John Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Studebaker, Jane (Miss) Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Stull, Homer Incorporation Stull, Homer The Present Municipal Government Stull, Homer Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Stull, J. W. I. O. O. F. Sturges, Hiram A. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Sturges, Pauline E. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Sturman, Mose Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Sturny, Paulina (Miss) Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Sturtevant, J. M. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Suessenbach, H. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Sullivan, John H. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Sullivan, M. Police Department Sunley, John A. Lynch Law Sutphen, D. C. Incorporation Sutphen, D. C. Official Roster Sutphon, D. C. Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Sutton, Religious (Cont.) Sutton, T. L. Official Roster Svacina, Jacob Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Svacina, John Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Svanson, G. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Swan, Bros Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Swan, Ella M. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Swanson, Nels Religious (Cont.) Swart, Bartholomew Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Swart, Catherine Biog. Sketches: O'CONNOR~PEABODY Swart, Charlotte Victoria Gratiot Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Swart, Harriet Alma Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Swart, Isabella W. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Swartz, George B. Miscellaneous Societies Swartzlander, Albert Libraries Swartzlander, B. Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Swedus, A. N. Religious (Cont.) Swift, Religious (Cont.) Switzler, Warren Religious (Cont.) Switzler, Warren Miscellaneous Societies Swobe, Dwight M. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Swobe, Edwin F. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Swobe, Thomas Incorporation Swobe, Thomas Official Roster Swobe, Thomas Hotels Swobe, Thomas Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Swobe, Thomas Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Swoboda, Frank Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Swoboda, Phillipena (Miss) Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Sylvester, George Religious (Cont.)