Mack, William Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Mackabee, C. E. Miscellaneous Societies Maddox, Wilson M. Masonic Madsen, B. F. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Madsen, Christian Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Madsen, N. Religious (Cont.) Magin, L. F. Masonic Maginnis, B. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Maginnis, Edward Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Maginnis, James Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Maginnis, Rose Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Magrane, Thomas G. Miscellaneous Societies Magrane, Thomas J. Miscellaneous Societies Maguire, Charles Official Roster Mahannah, John Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mahoney, Jeremiah Official Roster Mahoney, John Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mahoney, John P. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mahoney, T. P. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mailander, Theresa (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Mailey, Emily (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Majo, Justin C. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Malcolm, Dr. Medical Profession Mallery, Oliver Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mallet, John Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mallette, S. G. Official Roster Mallette, S. G. The Present Municipal Government Maloy, Thomas Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Manchester, Eva F. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Manchester, Frank P. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Manchester, George W. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Manchester, J. R. Miscellaneous Societies Manchester, John R. Miscellaneous Societies Manchester, John R. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mandersen, Gen. Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Manderson, C. F. Omaha in 1870 Manderson, C. F. The Present Municipal Government Manderson, Charles F. Libraries Manderson, Charles F. The Legal Profession Manderson, Charles F. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Manderson, Gen. Boyd's Opera House Manderson, General Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mannie, Annie Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Manning, Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Manning, William F. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mansfield, A. S. V. Medical Societies Mantz, Mary E. Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Manville, F. W. I. O. O. F. Marble, Manton The Death of Gov. Cuming Marhoff, H. H. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Marhoff, H. H. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Markel, J. Fire Department Markel, J. E. Hotels Markel, J. E. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Markel, J. E. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Markham, George S. Knights of Pythias Marlow, William A. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marquett, D. Religious Marquett, David Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marsh, Allen Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marsh, Charles Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marsh, Frank Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marsh, Harry Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marsh, W. F. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marsh, W. W. Incorporation Marsh, W. W. Union Elevator Marsh, William Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Marsh, William Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marsh, William W. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marshall, Brooks & Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Marshall, M. M. Religious Marshall, M. M. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Marston, George H. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Marston, John Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Marston, John M. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Martenson, Charles Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Martenson, Mads Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Martenson, Martha Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Martenson, Mary Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Martenson, Olga Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Martin, C. A. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Martin, Eliza J. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Martin, Ethel Ainsworth Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Martin, James P. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Martin, Lulie Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Martin, Mr. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Martin, S. A. Religious (Cont.) Martin, Thomas Official Roster Martin, Thomas Banks and Banking Martinovich, Matthew S. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mason, Adaline F. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Mason, Frederic G. Religious Mason, Lida (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Mathewson, H. P. Medical Societies Mathewson, J. H. P. Medical Societies Mathis, Edwin L. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mathis, Edwin R. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mathis, Helen Irene Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mathis, W. R. I. O. O. F. Matthews, William D. Biog. Sketches: CRITTENTON~DIETZ Mauer, Ed. Fire Department Mauer, Edwin Fire Department Maul, Business Blocks Maul, W. G. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Maulsby, Rosealtha (Miss) Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS Maurer, Ed. Miscellaneous Societies Maurer, Edward Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mauss, C. (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Mauzy, Mary Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Maxfield, J. B. Religious Maxfield, John B. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Maxwell, Caroline Augusta (Miss) Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Maxwell, James Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Maxwell, Philip Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT May, Commerce in 1859 May, General Dwight Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON May, Mary E. Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS May, Michael Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER May, W. L. Official Roster May, William L. The Baker-Higgins Tragedy Mayer, George F. Miscellaneous Societies Maynard, F. E. Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb Maynard, F. E. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mayor, George I. Religious McArdles, Religious (Cont.) McAusland, A. D. Miscellaneous Societies McAusland, Kate C. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McAvery, R. H. & C. Business Interests of Omaha McCaffrey, Joseph Miscellaneous Societies McCague, J. L. Religious (Cont.) McCague, John L. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCague, Thomas Religious (Cont.) McCague, Thomas Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCandlish, Isabella Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD McCandlish, William Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCartney, Mr. Religious (Cont.) McCarty, O. P. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClay, Samuel I. O. O. F. McClellan, William Medical Societies McClelland, Dr. Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD McClelland, John Masonic McClelland, W. Medical Societies McClure, Ada J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Bertha J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Deputy-Marshal The Great Strike McClure, Dwight F. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, E. A. The Omaha Republican McClure, E. A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, E. A. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE McClure, Edwin S. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Elisabeth Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Emily J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Frank Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Fred Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, George A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Harry Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Hattie G. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, J. A. Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb McClure, J. A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, Lillie May Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, May Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McClure, William J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConihe, John Omaha in the Pawnee War McConikia, Mary A. Biog. Sketches: CRITTENTON~DIETZ McConnell, Charles S. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, Clara W. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, Fannie L. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON McConnell, Francis L. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, Fred R. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, Harry Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, Jane L Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, Joseph H. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, N. A. Religious (Cont.) McConnell, Robert Fire Department McConnell, Robert Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, Robert J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McConnell, Willie E. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCormick, J. S. Official Roster McCormick, J. S. Omaha in 1870 McCormick, J. S. Fire Department McCormick, John Official Roster McCormick, John Gas Works McCormick, John Banks and Banking McCormick, John Union Elevator McCormick, John Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER McCormick, John Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING McCormick, Perry Crimes of a Later Date McCowen, Mary Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb McCoy, George A. Religious McCoy, George A. (Mrs) Religious McCoy, J. C. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha McCoy, Mrs. Religious McCreary, Charles F. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCreary, Edward S. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCreary, Emmet H. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCreary, James H. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCreary, John Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCreary, John A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCreary, Mary A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCreary, William W. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCumbe, Manufacturing Interests of Omaha McCune, A. J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McCune, Joseph M. Official Roster McCune, William Police Department McDermott, Mary Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD McDonald, John Fire Department McDonough, F. M. Other Journalistic Ventures McElhany, Mattie E. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER McElwee, A. Medical Profession McElwee, A. Medical Societies McGath, Mr. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD McGavock, A. Incorporation McGavock, A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGavock, Alexander The Present Municipal Government McGavock, Eliza Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGavock, Fannie A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGavock, Lucy Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGavock, Mamie Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGavock, P. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGavock, Sarah A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGeath, James G. Hanscom Park McGee, G. H. Miscellaneous Societies McGinn, Frank C. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGinn, M. A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGovern, Religious (Cont.) McGrath, James G. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha McGuckin, D. L. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGuckin, Mary Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGuckin, Sarah J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGue, Annie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE McGuire, J. H. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McGuneon, Elizabeth R. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT McHugh, James Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McInnis, Alex Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS McIntosh, Helen L. (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: O'CONNOR~PEABODY McIntosh, William Biog. Sketches: O'CONNOR~PEABODY McKay, Henrietta (Miss) Biog. Sketches: CRITTENTON~DIETZ McKelligon, M. J. Official Roster McKelvey, C. Religious McKenzie, A. Miscellaneous Societies McKoon M. G. Ancient Order United Workmen McKoon, Elfie Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McKoon, Harold S. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McKoon, Henry H. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McKoon, Horace C. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McKoon, M. G. Ancient Order United Workmen McKoon, M. G. Knights of Pythias McKoon, M. G. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McKoon, May Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McKoon, Merritt P. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McKoon, Vernet Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McLaughlin, Austin I. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McLaughlin, Clara B. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McLaughlin, E. D. Knights of Pythias McLaughlin, E. D. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McLaughlin, James Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN McLaughlin, Julia F. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McLaughlin, Mary E. Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN McLean, Lizzie Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD McLeod, Isabel (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD McLeran, Abbie E. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR McLeran, William Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR McMahon, Father Religious (Cont.) McMahon, John Post Office McMahon, John Mott Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McMahon, Lawrence Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN McMahon, Lawrence Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McMichael, James Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McNamara, Jennie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE McNamara, Kate Crimes of a Later Date McNamara, M. A. Incorporation McNamara, M. A. The Present Municipal Government McNamara, Patrick Crimes of a Later Date McNamara, William Fires in Omaha McNeil, Major Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN McPherson, John Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb McPherson, Mary Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL McRae, Jennie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN McShane, Alice Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McShane, Edward Lee Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McShane, Ellen (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING McShane, F. J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McShane, James H. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McShane, John A. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) McShane, John A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McShane, John A. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT McShane, John A. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON McShane, John Augustin Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McShane, Kate M. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD McShane, T. A. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER McShane, T. A. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF McShane, Thomas J. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Mead, Bessie L. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mead, C. W. Miscellaneous Societies Mead, C. W. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Mead, C. W. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mead, Charles H. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mead, Charles W. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha Mead, Charles W. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Mead, Eliza Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mead, H. W. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha Mead, John Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mead, Mary B. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mead, Sarah A. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Meadimber, Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Meder, William F. Lynch Law Medlock, George Religious (Cont.) Meeks, H. W. Brownell Hall Megeath, Commerce in 1859 Megeath, George Francis Train Megeath, J. G. Official Roster Mehring, Anna (Miss) Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Meldrun, Thomas Miscellaneous Societies Mendelssohn, Hotels Mendelssohn, Louis Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Menter, C. J. Miscellaneous Societies Menter, Charles J. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mercer, D. S. D. Religious (Cont.) Mercer, Dr. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Mercer, S. D. Medical Societies Mercer, Samuel D. Medical Societies Mercer, Samuel D. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Meredith, J. R. Union Elevator Meredith, John R. Religious (Cont.) Meredith, John Reid Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mergell, Alice J. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mergell, Charles F. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mergell, John Edward Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mergell, Josephine F. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mergell, Mable C. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mergell, Sophia H. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mergell, William B. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mergell, William O. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mericle, G. C. Official Roster Mericle, George C. Official Roster Merriam, Alphonso Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Merriam, L. A. Medical Societies Merriam, Mattie D. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Merriam, N. Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Merriam, N. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Mertene, Wilhelmine Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Merwin, Minnie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Metcalf, F. E. Business Interests of Omaha Metcalf, J. M. Business Interests of Omaha Metcalf, T. E. Business Interests of Omaha Metz Bros. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha Metz, Arthur Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Metz, C. Miscellaneous Societies Metz, Charles Frederick Jr Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Metz, Estella (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Metz, Estelle Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Metz, Frederick Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Metz, Herman Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Metz, Louis Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Metz, Louisa Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Metz, Minnie Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Metz, Phillip Miscellaneous Societies Metz, Tony Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Meyer , Mr. Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Meyer, Bertie Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Meyer, Freddie Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Meyer, Hermann Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Meyer, J. C. (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Meyer, Judge Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Meyer, Julius Miscellaneous Societies Meyer, Julius Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Meyer, Katie Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Meyer, Max Miscellaneous Societies Meyer, Max & Bro. Miscellaneous Societies Meyers, Mr. Creighton College Michal, J. Post Office Midgley, Charles Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Miege, Bishop Religious (Cont.) Milduer, Clara Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Miles, T. H. Creighton College Miles, Thomas H. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Millard, E. Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Millard, Ezra Incorporation Millard, Ezra Official Roster Millard, Ezra Police Department Millard, Ezra Religious (Cont.) Millard, Ezra Public Schools Millard, Ezra Boyd's Opera House Millard, Ezra Business Blocks Millard, Ezra Banks and Banking Millard, Ezra Union Elevator Millard, Ezra Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Millard, Ezra Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Millard, Ezra. Banks and Banking Millard, J. H. Hotels Millard, J. H. Banks and Banking Millard, J. H. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Millard, James H. Incorporation Millard, James H. Police Department Millard, Joseph H. Official Roster Millard, Mr. Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Miller, Commercial Depression Miller, (Mrs) Religious (Cont.) Miller, D. R. Religious (Cont.) Miller, David N. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Miller, Dr. Commercial Depression Miller, Dr. The Nebraskian Miller, Dr. The Omaha Herald Miller, F. J. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: CRITTENTON~DIETZ Miller, G. L. The Arrow Miller, G. L. Medical Profession Miller, George L. Lynch Law Miller, George L. Omaha in the Pawnee War Miller, George L. Official Roster Miller, George L. The Omaha Herald Miller, George L. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Miller, Hans Other Journalistic Ventures Miller, John Religious (Cont.) Miller, L. A. Official Roster Miller, Lorin Incorporation Miller, Lorin Official Roster Miller, Lorin Police Department Miller, Lorin Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Miller, Lucy A. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Miller, Mary L. Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Miller, Mattie J. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Mills, G. M. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Mills, George M. Official Roster Millspaugh, C. M. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Millspaugh, Elvira Rosebrook Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Millspaugh, F. R. Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Millspaugh, F. R. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Millspaugh, Francis R. Religious Miner, I. W. The Omaha Republican Miner, S. N. Religious (Cont.) Minty, Col. Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Miser, Catherine T. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Mitchell, D. S. Fire Department Mitchell, D. S. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Mitchell, Miss Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Mitchell, Robert Religious (Cont.) Mitchell, Rosa U. Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Mockbee, C. E. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moe, H. A. Miscellaneous Societies Moehle, Frederick Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moehle, Frederick H. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moehle, Hermine Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moeller, Martha E. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Moestrick, Anton Crimes of a Later Date Moffat, D. A. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moffat, Dave Banks and Banking Moffat, Eugene Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moffat, Minnie Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moffat, Sam Banks and Banking Moffat, Samuel Religious Moffett, Nancy Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Mohr, B. M. Post Office Mohr, B. M. I. O. O. F. Mohr, Dora Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Molineux, Phoebe S. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Monell, & G. C. (Mrs) Religious (Cont.) Monell, Anna M. Religious (Cont.) Monell, Dr. Fire Department Monell, G. C. The Inception of the U. P. Monell, G. C. Official Roster Monell, G. C. Police Department Monell, G. C. Religious (Cont.) Monell, G. C. Public Schools Monell, G. C. Medical Profession Monell, G. C. Medical Societies Monell, Gilbert C. The Omaha Republican Monell, Gilbert C. Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb Monell, Gilbert C. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Monell, J. J. Public Schools Monell, J. J. Knights of Pythias Monell, John J. Masonic Monell, John J. Jr Masonic Monier, H. A. Knights of Pythias Monk, Dora F. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Montgomery, C. S. (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Montgomery, Carroll S. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Montgomery, Charles Carroll Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Montgomery, Huldah Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Montgomery, Milton Gray Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Montgomery, P. J. Medical Societies Moodie, John C. Miscellaneous Societies Moody, Jennie L. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Mooney, Mr. Gas Works Moore, Dr. The Murder of Watson B. Smith Moore, Dr. Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Moore, Elizabeth J. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Moore, F. M. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moore, Helen B. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moore, James W. Masonic Moore, John D. Masonic Moore, Lydia G. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moore, Mary H. Biog. Sketches: GELATTE~GROSSMANN Moore, Mary S. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moore, Mr. Omaha in the Pawnee War Moore, R. C. Board of Health Moore, R. C. Medical Societies Moore, Richard C. Medical Societies Moore, Richard C. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moran, William H. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL More, A. B. Religious (Cont.) Moreing, Susie Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Mores, Emma Temperance Societies Morey, W. R. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Morford, G. V. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morford, Grace Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morford, Harry Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morford, Jerome F. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morgan, A. S. Official Roster Morgan, Augustus Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Morgan, B. T. C. Official Roster Morgan, F. C. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Morgan, G. N. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morgan, Helen A. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Morgan, J. E. Biog. Sketches: O'CONNOR~PEABODY Morgan, Lloyd Religious Morgan, Mary Clark Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Morony, Edward Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morony, Ellen Louise Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morony, Frederick A. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morony, Lionel Gratiot Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morony, Lois Edward Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morrell, Bertha Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morrell, John Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morrell, John J. Jr. Knights of Pythias Morrell, John W. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morrell, Lizzie H. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morrell, Lulu G. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morrell, Oliver P. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morrill, Bishop Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Morris, A. D. Miscellaneous Societies Morris, Haie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Morris, Lucy (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Morris, S. Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Morris, W. H. The Baker-Higgins Tragedy Morrison, Anna (Miss) Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Morrison, David W. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morrison, William Miscellaneous Societies Morse, Annie Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, Bessie C. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, Blanchie Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Morse, Charlie Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Morse, Cora Belle Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, Emma C. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, J. W. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, John G. Miscellaneous Societies Morse, John G. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, Kittie Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, L. O. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Morse, L. V. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, Lillie May Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, Lottie B. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, Mamie S. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, S. P. Biog. Sketches: CRITTENTON~DIETZ Morse, S. P. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, W. V. Omaha in 1870 Morse, W. V. Banks and Banking Morse, W. V. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morse, W. V. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Morse, Willie Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Morseman, E. M. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Morton, J. Sterling Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Moshur, A. D. Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Mosier, Caroline C. Biog. Sketches: LEHMAN~LOWE Motz, Samuel Knights of Pythias Moulton, Florence (Miss) Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Mount, D. T. Official Roster Mount, D. T. Fires in Omaha Mount, William J. Masonic Moyer, A. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha Moyer, A. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Moyer, Andrew Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Mueller, E. Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Mullett, A. B. Post Office Mulligan, Agnes Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Mulligan, James Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Mulligan, Kate Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Mulligan, Mary E. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Mulligan, Michael Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Mundy, Mary M. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Munger, Cordelia M. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Munger, William H. Masonic Munroe, J. A. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Murfey, G. S. Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Murphy, Edward Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Murphy, Frank Official Roster Murphy, Frank Gas Works Murphy, Frank Religious (Cont.) Murphy, Frank Banks and Banking Murphy, Frank Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Murphy, Jane Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS Murphy, John Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Murphy, John D. Fire Department Murphy, M. The Arrow Murphy, M. T. Miscellaneous Societies Murphy, Martin T. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Murry, Thomas Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Muss, Emma Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Musser, William B. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Mutton, Frederick Knights of Pythias Myer, Max The Omaha Bee Mylhausen, George Miscellaneous Societies