Taffe, John An Indian Scare Taffe, John Post Office Taffe, John The Omaha Republican Taft, Smaller Fires Taft, Mr. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Taft, R. K. Business Interests of Omaha Taft, Robert Official Roster Taft, Robert K. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Taggart, C. F. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Taggart, Celia Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Talmage, V. Union Elevator Taner, Religious (Cont.) Tappan, Louis Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Tarbell, A. C. (Miss) Brownell Hall Tator, Cyrus The Execution of Tator Tator, Cyrus Biog. Sketches: BOYER~BURNHAM Taylor, C. T. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Taylor, Col. Smaller Fires Taylor, E. B. The Omaha Republican Taylor, E. B. Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Taylor, George Summary Justice Taylor, J. G. Ancient Order United Workmen Taylor, J. G. Masonic Taylor, J. G. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Taylor, J. H. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Taylor, James R. Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Taylor, John Knights of Pythias Taylor, John G. Masonic Taylor, John Gilbert Masonic Taylor, Mabel I. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Taylor, Mance Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Taylor, Mrs. Summary Justice Taylor, W. O. Religious Taylor, W. O. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Teasdale, John H. The Omaha Republican Tebbins, J. H. Post Office Teed, John Fire Department Telford, Ella R. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Templar, Knight Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Templeton, Jennie (Miss) Biog. Sketches: COFFMAN~CREIGHTON Tennent, Charles E. Miscellaneous Societies Tenth, S. Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Terry, Mrs. Police Department Test, James D. The Arrow Teura, Ella (Miss) Biog. Sketches: O'CONNOR~PEABODY Thain, H. W. Knights of Pythias Thayer, Col. Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Thayer, Elmer A. (Mrs) Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Thayer, Gov. Conflagration of 1877 Thayer, John M. Post Office Thayer, John M. Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS They, John M. Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Thiele, Adolph Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thiele, Arthur Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thiele, Clara Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thiele, Emma Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thiele, Julius Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thiele, Minnie Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thilenius, Doris (Miss) Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Thoelecke, Johanna (Miss) Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Thomas, Augustus E. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, C. B. The Omaha Republican Thomas, C. B. The Tribune Thomas, Charles L. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, Clara Belle Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, D. L. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, Daisy Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, Dexter L. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, Fannie Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, G. W. Jr Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, George H. Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Thomas, Guy Dexter Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, Hugh S. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, Minnie F. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, Rollin R. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thomas, Uriah Omaha in the Pawnee War Thompson, A. E. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thompson, Annie B. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Thompson, Bishop Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Thompson, Helene Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Thompson, Jeremia Religious Thompson, Lovena (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Thompson, Oren P. Religious (Cont.) Thompson, Prof. Public Schools Thompson, Sarah (Miss) Biog. Sketches: PAUL~READ Thompson, Walter J. Masonic Thornburg, Major Biog. Sketches: O'CONNOR~PEABODY Thrall, George Fires in Omaha Thrall, George Miscellaneous Societies Thrall, George (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Thrall, George E. Religious Thrall, W. R. Medical Profession Thrall, W. R. Medical Societies Throughton, Kittie Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Throughton, William M. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thue, Metta M. Biog. Sketches: MILLSPAUGH~NINDEL Thurber, F. B. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thurber, H. K. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thurston, Charles P. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thurston, Clarence L. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thurston, Frank Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Thurston, J. M. Official Roster Thurston, J. M. (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies Thurston, John M. Incorporation Thurston, John M. Libraries Thurston, John M. Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Thurston, John M. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tibbals, G. W. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tibbles, T. H. The Independent Tibbles, T. H. Religious Tibke, Martin Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tiernan, Religious (Cont.) Tietz, Charles Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Tietz, Charles T. Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Tietz, Ella L. Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Tietz, Frank A. Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Tietz, Willie C. Biog. Sketches: West Omaha Precinct Tilden, George Omaha in 1870 Tilden, George Medical Societies Tilden, George Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tilden, Mr. The Omaha Herald Timmerman, Mary E. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Tobin, Anne (Miss) Biog. Sketches: LUDINGTON~MARHOFF Todd, Police Department Todd, Mr. Prospect Hill Cemetery Tompert, Elizabeth A. Masonic Tongue, Thomas O. Religious Toomey, Boyd's Opera House Tootle, Commerce in 1859 Tootle, Business Blocks Tootle, Mr. Biog. Sketches: MANNING~MILLER Torrey, Isabelle (Mrs) Public Schools Torrey, T. J. Official Roster Tousley, Charles W. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tousley, Will J. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Touzalin, A. E. Miscellaneous Societies Touzalin, A. E. Banks and Banking Touzalin, A. E. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Touzalin, A. E. Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Town, Leonard Biog. Sketches: WOODARD~ZEHRUNG Towne, Sarah F. Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Towner, Mira Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Towner, William Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Townes, Ella Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS Townsend, Robert Omaha in 1870 Townsend, Robert Libraries Towsley, J. W. Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Tracy, Father Religious (Cont.) Train, George Francis George Francis Train Train, George Francis The City During the War Train, George Francis Biog. Sketches: BARTLETT~BOYD Train, George Francis Biog. Sketches: HOLDREDGE~JORGENSEN Traynor, A. Miscellaneous Societies Traynor, A. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Traynor, Anna Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Treitschke, Crimes of a Later Date Treitschke, Bertha Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Treitschke, J. Fire Department Treitschke, Julius Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Treitschke, Louis F. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Treleshka, Julius Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Trelolar, Mary Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Tremann, Augustus Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Trenkle, Herman H. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Trevett, T. M. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Trisler, Sarah E. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Trostler, S. Miscellaneous Societies Troup, A. C. Miscellaneous Societies Troxell, B. F. Business Interests of Omaha Troxell, B. F. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Troxell, B. F. Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Trumble, A. W. Crimes of a Later Date Tucker, Alanson Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Tucker, Lucy Biog. Sketches: ROSENBERY~SCOTT Tulleys, James A. Masonic Turley, The Arrow Turner, C. R. (Mrs) Religious Turner, Carrie A. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: REDICK~ROGERS Turner, Charles Official Roster Turner, Father Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Turney, Charles Masonic Turney, Charles R. Masonic Turney, Charles Rice Masonic Turney, Chas. R. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Turney, Frank Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tuttle, Dean Gilliland Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tuttle, H. W. Commerce in 1859 Tuttle, H. W. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Tuttle, L. R. Official Roster Tuttle, L. R. Biog. Sketches: LEHMAN~LOWE Tuttle, Leroy Banks and Banking Tuttle, Thomas F. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tyler, B. B. Religious (Cont.) Tyler, James Masonic Tyler, James Biog. Sketches: SEAMAN~SIMPSON Tyler, John Religious (Cont.) Tzschuck, Agnes Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tzschuck, Alice Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tzschuck, Bruno Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tzschuck, Bruno N, Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tzschuck, Clara Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tzschuck, George B. Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Tzschuck, Tony Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Umpherson, Annie Masonic Umphreson, William Biog. Sketches: STORZ~UMPHRESON Underhill, Octavia S. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Upjohn, Helena E. Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Urlau, F. G. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Urlau, Julius Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Urlau, William Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Valien, Emma Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Valien, Hilda Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Valien, John Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Valien, Nettie Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Vallien, John Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Vallien, Mr. Biog. Sketches: ABLE~BARRIGER Van Camp, Albert Eugene Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Camp, Bertha Falk Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Camp, Clara Bute Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Camp, Hamilton Brisbon Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Camp, Ira Medical Profession Van Camp, Ira Medical Societies Van Camp, Ira Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Camp, Ira L. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Camp, Jane Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Cott, Mrs. Religious Van Court, E. D. Business Interests of Omaha Van Court, Elbert D. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Dervoort, W. C. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Deusen, Henry Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Devoort, Grace Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Devoort, Paul Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Devoort, Percy Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Devoort, Samuel Miller Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Dorn Bros. Manufacturing Interests of Omaha Van Dorn, Biog. Sketches: WILDE~WOOD Van Dorne, Bros Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Van Etta, Mary Biog. Sketches: SINCERE~STONE Van Kuran, Andrew S. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Kuran, Helen M. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: GROSS~HAVENS Van Kuran, Laura Belle Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Van Kuren, A. S. Ancient Order United Workmen Van Nostrand, J. W. Official Roster Van Nostrand, J. W. Religious Van Nostrand, James W. Religious Van Noy, W. H. Miscellaneous Societies Van Ostran, James Fire Department Van Ostrand, James (Mrs) Miscellaneous Societies VanAntwerp, W. A. Religious VanBuren, President Biog. Sketches: LEHMAN~LOWE Vandenburg, L. H. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Vanderveer, Mr. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Vandyke, Mary E. Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Vaughn, Albert Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Veirs, Benjamin F. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Veirs, Brice Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Veirs, Edwin W. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Veirs, Kate C. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Veirs, Rachael (Miss) Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Veirs, Ray E. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Veirs, Thomas J. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Vellstad, Ellen W. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: DINSMOOR~FAWCETT Vernette, A. (Miss) Biog. Sketches: BURR~CONKLING Vernon, Belle Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Virtue, James W. Religious (Cont.) Visscher, Manufacturing Interests of Omaha (Cont.) Visscher, H. H. Incorporation Visscher, H. H. Official Roster Visscher, H. H. Biog. Sketches: JOSLYN~LEISENRING Visscher, Henry H. Conflagration of 1877 Visscher, Mr. Religious (Cont.) Vissher, Henry Biog. Sketches: FEARON~GAYLORD Volkmeier, Bertha Louisa Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Volkmeier, Ernst Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Von Heilen, Annie Biog. Sketches: HAWES~HOILE Von Windheim, Philian Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Vondorn, Theodore L. Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR Voss, Henry Biog. Sketches: URLAU~WILBUR