Lincoln County, Wisconsin

~~ Biographical Index S ~~


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Bio: Sales, Henry (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Salisburgy, Alicia Jean (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Sallet, Friedrich Wilhelm (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Samphier, Peter (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Schantner, Areianna Rose (Birth - 2007)
Bio: Schaupp, William (15 Sept. 2004)
Bio: Schield, Carl W. (History - b 1858)
Bio: Schield, Sarah J. (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Schleh, John (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Schlising, Roger (6 March 1947)
Bio: Schmeltzer, Addison Claire (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Schmeltzer, Amanda Rae (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Schmidt, Angela M. (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Schmidt, Katie Lynn (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Schmidt, Kristy L. (Engagement - 2004)
Bio: Schmidt, Owen Richard (Birth - 2006)
Bio: Schoepke, Heidi Sue (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Schoerner, Tanya R. (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Schofield, Jillian (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Schotz, Brennen Nathaniel (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Schram, Stephanie (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Schroeder, Aiyanna Leigh (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Schroeder, Gottlieb (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Schuette, Rosemarie (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Schumitsch, Kate Josephine Belle (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Schwark, Rebekka (Engagement - 2003)
Bio: Scott, James W. (History - b 1842)
Bio: Searl, Charles E. (History - b 1851)
Bio: Searl, Charles E. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: See, Tryphena Rose (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Sefton, Morgan Rae (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Severt, Jackson John (Birth - 2007)
Bio: Severt, Jalie Julianna (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Shanak, Jaclyn (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Shanak, Nicole (Engagement - 2006)
Bio: Shull, Truman James (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Simpson, Tyler James (Birth - 2007)
Bio: Sjoberg, Kristina (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Smith, Anson (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Smith, Deanne Helen (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Smith, O. B. (History - b 1823)
Bio: Spiegelberg, William F. (History - b 1850)
Bio: Spoehr, Paige Renae (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Standifur, Jonathon Wade (Birth - 2008)
Bio: St. Amour, Ulric S. (History - b 1837)
Bio: Stange, August H. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Stockman, Conner James (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Stintzi, Robert J. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Strand, Athena (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Sturm, Kristy (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Sweeney, Mitchell W. (History - b 1850)
Bio: Swinehart, William H. (History - b 1855)

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