Bio: Alger, Martha (90th Birthday - 2009) |
Bio: Babich, Nicole (President’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Bach, Sara (Academic Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Bardeleben, Frank (1952) |
Bio: Bartnik, Lee J. (High Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Bender, Kathleen Ann (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Bennett, David Allen (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Bennett, David Allen (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Beran, Sara (Honor Society - 2009) |
Bio: Bertram, Vincent John (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Beyer, Blanche (90th - 2009) |
Bio: Bieneck, Amber Marie (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Binning, Katie M. (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Bobbe, Larry Jay (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Boie Family Reunion (2009) |
Bio: Bredow, Kathleen Marie (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Brunkhorst, John Thomas (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Bunkelman, Kimberly S. (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Burt, Aiden Robert (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Burt, Aiden Robert (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Busse, Angela (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Calley, Addison Edward (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Cardiff, Cole Hughes (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Decker, Megan A. (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Denzine, Gene Lawrence (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Dietrich, Dustin (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Eckert, Matthew Gerald (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Eggebrecht, Dustin (Academic Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Ellenbecker, Megan R. (President’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Ellis, Beth Marie (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Emerson, R. J. (1909) |
Bio: Erickson, Allie Catherine (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Etten, Joseph (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Feldbruegge, Sarah (Honor Roll - 2009) |
Bio: Ferk, Chelsea (Chancellor’s Award - 2009) |
Bio: Firnstahl, Amy (Academic High Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Fitense, Baby Girl (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Foster, John W. (1952) |
Bio: Freimuth, Kristin (Honor’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Fristad, Verna Dean (Engagement - 1950) |
Bio: Frome, Parker Lee (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Frome, Parker Lee (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Gamoke, Benjamin C. (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Gemoke, Benjamin C. (Award - 2009) |
Bio: Gorsegner, Ella (106th Birthday - 2009) |
Bio: Grefe, Evan Bruce (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Grieser, Randy Marvin (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Gust, Inez May (Engagement - 1952) |
Bio: Gwiazdon, Lillian (90th Birthday - 2009) |
Bio: Hackel, Taryn (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Hartzell, Richard Emmett (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Heart, William Wallace (1920 - 1942/1943?) |
Bio: Heindl, Tina (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: History: Clark County Historical Society (2009) |
Bio: Horacek, Anthony John (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Huntley, John (1910) |
Bio: Jochimsen, Jackie (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Jochimsen, Jill (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Johnson, Baby Boy (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Johnson, Jessica (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Kiefer, Dakota (1923 - 2009) |
Bio: Kleinschmidt Family Reunion (2009) |
Bio: Kleinschmidt Family Reunion (2009) |
Bio: Kollmansberger, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Ervin
(Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Koltis, Walter (90th - 2009) |
Bio: Kubow, Jessica (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Kunze, Kaden Anthony (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Larson, Lisa (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Larson, Lisa (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Lato Family Reunion (2009) |
Bio: Leichtnam Family Reunion (2009) |
Bio: Leichtnam Family Reunion (2009) |
Bio: Lueck Family Reunion (2009) |
Bio: Maier Family Reunion (14th - 2009) |
Bio: Mantik, Sally Kay (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Mauritz, Nancy Lu (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Melvin, Ryan Andrew (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Melvin, Ryan Andrew (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Mercier, Megan (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Metcalf, Dale (College Honor Roll - 1952) |
Bio: Meyer, Nicolas E. (Award - 2009) |
Bio: Meyers, Britney (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Michlig, Graham J. (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Moser, Jessica (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Muehler, Janet Adell (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Mundt, Rafe David (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Nelson, Jaurdon (High Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Nikolay, Frank L. (Career - 1952) |
Bio: Nikolay, Jim (Award - June 14, 1945) |
Bio: Oehmichen, Matthew J. (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Orth, Susan Mary (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Osterling, Rebecca (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Patel, Krunal G. (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Perkins, Mert (10 JUL 1909) |
Bio: Pfennig, Kay Lynn (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Phaneuf, Baby Girl (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Plautz, Baby Girl (Birth - 1959) |
Bio: Pradt, David Frederick (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Prestebak, Megan (High Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Rau, Collin Wayne (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Rau, Rhys Vincent (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Rau, Stephanie (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Rosemeyer, Lucas (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Roth, Sabrina R. (High Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Roth, Sabrina R. (High Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Rougeux, Brian (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Schaefer, Baby Boy (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Schaefer, Benjamin (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Schilling, Kyle J. Sr. (Deans List - 2009) |
Bio: Schindler, Kalli (Chancellor’s Award - 2009) |
Bio: Schindler, Katy (Chancellor’s Award - 2009) |
Bio: Schindler, Katy (Chancellor’s Award - 2009) |
Bio: Schjoneman, Cody (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Schmitz Family Reunion (2009) |
Bio: Schoenborn, Bryce (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Schoenborn, Rebecca (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Schommer, Dennis Anthony (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Schraufnagel, Baby Girl (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Schreiner, Katie M. (President’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Schug, Amanda (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Schultz, Kayla Dawn (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Seidel, Briana (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Seidel, Kyle (Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Shattuck, Britney (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Shattuck, Holly (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Slaby, Amy (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Sossaman, Travis Alan (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Sossaman, Travis Alan (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Soyk, Jamie (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Steinmetz, Sara (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Sterzinger, Stacey (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Stowe, Marie Clara (Birth - 1950) |
Bio: Strzok, Delores (Jandrt) (80th Birthday - 2009) |
Bio: Stuttgen, Katy (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Taylor, Collin (2009) |
Bio: Tischendorf, Jennifer (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Tischendorf, Jessica (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Treankler, Greenly Marie (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Ullman, Erin (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Vorland, Colby (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Vorland, Corey (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Weber, Jamie (Graduation - 2009) |
Bio: Weideman, Davis Andrew (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Weideman, Davis Andrew (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Weix, Mindy (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Witte, Jackson Joseph (Birth - 2009) |
Bio: Writz, Daniel L. (Highest Honors - 2009) |
Bio: Writz, Patrick (Dean’s List - 2009) |
Bio: Young, April (Engagement - 2009) |
Bio: Zondlo, Kathleen (Birth - 1950) |
BioA: Baker, Mr. & Mrs. James (Golden - 1952) |
BioA: Billington, Allen, Mr. & Mrs. (50th - 1952) |
BioA: Billington, Allen, Mr./Mrs. #2 (50th - 1952) |
BioA: Durham, Keith and Betty (Golden - 2009) |
BioA: Grottke, Roger & Linda (Golden - 2009) |
BioA: Gust, Mr./Mrs. Carl (25th - 1950) |
BioA: Hansen, Jim P., Mr. & Mrs. (60th - 1952) |
BioA: Hensen, Emil, Mr. & Mrs. (50th - 1952) |
BioA: Hutchings, Sam & Margarette (50th - 1909) |
BioA: Kauffman, Mr./Mrs. Wesley (55th - 1949) |
BioA: Krueger, Mr./Mrs. Henry (25th - 1950) |
BioA: Moldenhauer, Mr. & Mrs. Walter (Golden –1952) |
BioA: Parge, Mr./Mrs. Henry (50th - 1950) |
BioA: Paulson, Mr. & Mrs. Ross (54th Ann - 1952) |
BioA: Phillips, George & Mary #2 (50th - 1910) |
BioA: Plank, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester (Golden - 1952) |
BioA: Rosenquist, John, Mr. & Mrs. (50th - 1952) |
BioA: Seidel, Mr./Mrs. Frank (25th - 1950) |
BioA: Skaleski, Ves and Phyllis (Golden - 2009) |
BioA: Tysver, Mark & Donna (25th - 2009) |
BioA: Warns, Fred, Mr. & Mrs. (54th - 1952) |
BioA: Wesenberg, Norman & Carol Jean (Golden - 2009) |
BioA: Zrutskie, Harry & Margaret (70th - 2009) |
BioM: Ackerman, Janet #2 (1952) |
BioM: Ackerman, Ruth #2 (1909) |
BioM: Adams, Julia (1952) |
BioM: Adney, Violet June (1950) |
BioM: Anderegg, Viola #2 (1945) |
BioM: Anderson, Beverly Ann (1950) |
BioM: Anderson, Marie #2 (1950) |
BioM: Andreasen, Inger (1952) |
BioM: Andrew, Evelyn Margaret #3 (1950) |
BioM: Apfelbeck, Pat Caroline #2 (1953) |
BioM: Augustine, Lucille #2 (1952) |
BioM: Babich, Mary (1945) |
BioM: Barb, Celine (1950) |
BioM: Barker, Elizabeth (1912) |
BioM: Baronsky, Janet #3 (1952) |
BioM: Baronsky, Janet Marion #2 (1952) |
BioM: Barrone, Lillian (1950) |
BioM: Beardsley, Myrtle #2 (1909) |
BioM: Beaver, Marjorie #2 (1945) |
BioM: Becker, Mabel (1950) |
BioM: Bender, Betty Jean #2 (1952) |
BioM: Bender, Virginia Belle (1951) |
BioM: Blaschke, Helen (1911) |
BioM: Bobbe, Vangel (1950) |
BioM: Bochanyin, Mary (1912) |
BioM: Bowen, Geraldine A. #2 (1952) |
BioM: Bower, Eda (Ada?) E. #2 (1910) |
BioM: Brill, Agnes Elizabeth #3 (1950) |
BioM: Brimer, Myrle (1952) |
BioM: Broniaczyk, Theresa L. (1945) |
BioM: Brooks, Mabel (1909) |
BioM: Brooks, Sharon M. (1952) |
BioM: Bruesewitz, Cindy (2009) |
BioM: Buchholz, Vera V. (1945) |
BioM: Bullis, Allie #2 (1909) |
BioM: Burlingame, Gwendoline (1909) |
BioM: Bush, Betty Elva #2 (1950) |
BioM: Buskovik, Mary (1910) |
BioM: Capes, Jeanette E. (1952) |
BioM: Cardarelli, Anna (1910) |
BioM: Carl, Evelyn (1952) |
BioM: Chesemore, Jean (1952) |
BioM: Christiansen, Ida M. #2 (1909) |
BioM: Ciokiewicz, Irene (1953) |
BioM: Clouse, Gertrude M. (1951) |
BioM: Colby, Virginia (1945) |
BioM: Counsell, Belle (1910) |
BioM: Cutter, Evelyn R. (1909) |
BioM: Daenicke, Elaine #3 (1950) |
BioM: Dahl, Martha (1909) |
BioM: Damgaard, Doris (1952) |
BioM: Davis, Florence Elinor (1950) |
BioM: Dearth, Clara (1952) |
BioM: Diercks, Marie #2 (1945) |
BioM: Dolan, Jane M. (1950) |
BioM: Domer, Elaine Jeanette #3 (1951) |
BioM: Douglas, Effie #2 (1909) |
BioM: Drake, Dora #2 (1909) |
BioM: Drake, Dora #3 (1909) |
BioM: Du Cate, Amy (1911) |
BioM: Dulek, Rosella (1953) |
BioM: Dunn, Lila (1945) |
BioM: Dux, Grace #2 (1909) |
BioM: Ellenbecker, Theresa (1950) |
BioM: Ellerman, Loretta (1950) |
BioM: Elstrom, Shirley Jeanne #3 (1950) |
BioM: Engels, Clara (1910) |
BioM: Eunson, Era #2 (1910) |
BioM: Ewert, Brooke (2009) |
BioM: Fierke, Elizabeth Ann (1950) |
BioM: Flentie, Irene E. (1910) |
BioM: Fricke, Yvonne #2 (1950) |
BioM: Froeba, Viola (1952) |
BioM: Gall, Louise (1952) |
BioM: Gauerke, Nelda (1950) |
BioM: Glass, Mayble / Mabel Claire (1907) |
BioM: Glenzer, Adeline (1911) |
BioM: Goessl, Patricia Elizabeth #3 (1950) |
BioM: Grade, Anna (1910) |
BioM: Grasser, Alma #2 (1909) |
BioM: Halverson, Rachel #3 (1950) |
BioM: Hansen, Adeline C. #2 (1952) |
BioM: Hanson, Ethel C. #2 (1951) |
BioM: Hapeman Beatrice Mrs. (1950) |
BioM: Harriman, Grace #2 (1910) |
BioM: Hauge, Ruth #2 (1952) |
BioM: Hauge, Ruth Marie (1952) |
BioM: Hauge, Susan (1912) |
BioM: Hause, Doloris Ruth (1952) |
BioM: Hein, Julia #2 (1909) |
BioM: Hiebsch, Lois C. (1952) |
BioM: Hill, Ruth (1952) |
BioM: Hofmann, Marianne (1950) |
BioM: Hogenson, Jennie (1909) |
BioM: Hohenstein, Bonita (1950) |
BioM: Holt, Mary Ellen (1952) |
BioM: Hopfensperger, Julia Ann (1950) |
BioM: Hull, Nancy L. (1952) |
BioM: Humes, Myrtle #2 (1910) |
BioM: Jackson, Carol #2 (1951) |
BioM: Jacobi, Leona (1950) |
BioM: Jaskot, Adeline D. (1953) |
BioM: Jewett, Lulu Mrs. #2 (1951) |
BioM: Johns, Betty (1952) |
BioM: Johnson, Geraldine E. (1945) |
BioM: Johnson, Iris #3 (1950) |
BioM: Johnson, Vera B. (1952) |
BioM: Kahl, Mary E. (1911) |
BioM: Kapke, Georgine (1910) |
BioM: Karpinski, Eleanor J. #2 (1952) |
BioM: Keller, Geraldine #2 (1949) |
BioM: Ketelhut, Hattie #2 (1909) |
BioM: Ketelhut, Ida (Eda?) #2 (1909) |
BioM: Kettel, Hazel #2 (1951) |
BioM: Kirschboum, Clara (1912) |
BioM: Korth, Eileen Nina (1952) |
BioM: Krackenberger, Nora (1911) |
BioM: Kraus, Beatrice #2 (1953) |
BioM: Kraut, Marie (1951) |
BioM: Krouse, Betty Jane #2 (1953) |
BioM: Krug, Beatrice #2 (1952) |
BioM: Kuczenski, Frances (1912) |
BioM: Kunze, Estella Marie #2 (1951) |
BioM: Lamer, Elsie (1911) |
BioM: Langjahr, Irene #3 (1950) |
BioM: Lapp, Phyllis Joan #2 (1953) |
BioM: Larson, Pearl (1909) |
BioM: Laske, Theresa (1911) |
BioM: Leach, Mary Kathryn (1950) |
BioM: LeClaire, Edith (1912) |
BioM: Liebke, Joan (1952) |
BioM: Lindberg, Beverly Jean #2 (1952) |
BioM: Lindberg, Phyllis J. (1950) |
BioM: Lott, Verla Faye #4 (1950) |
BioM: Lye, Eda (Ida?) #2 (1910) |
BioM: Mabie, Laura #2 (1910) |
BioM: Mahoney, Jean S. (1953) |
BioM: Marg, Shirley (1952) |
BioM: Marking, Eunice (1952) |
BioM: Marriage Licenses (1952) |
BioM: Marsh, Melissa (2008) |
BioM: McKinney, Venida (1952) |
BioM: McManus, Beverly J. (1953) |
BioM: Melhus, Andree (1952) |
BioM: Merow, Gertrude (1952) |
BioM: Meske, Agnes (1952) |
BioM: Mildbrand, Arlene (1952) |
BioM: Mildbrand, Marjorie #3 (1951) |
BioM: Miller, Carole Mae #2 (1950) |
BioM: Mueller, Catherine (1909) |
BioM: Mueller, Vera #2 (1951) |
BioM: Neitzel, Bonnie #2 (1950) |
BioM: Neitzel, Florence Mrs. #2 (1951) |
BioM: Nelson, Myrtle (1952) |
BioM: Neuhaus, Ella L. #2 (1950) |
BioM: Neuhaus, Helen Elizabeth #2 (1952) |
BioM: Nitsch, Hattie (1912) |
BioM: Noeldner, Laura (1945) |
BioM: Noonan, Maraget (1950) |
BioM: Owens, Eileen (1952) |
BioM: Pacholke, Leona (1952) |
BioM: Pargee, Alma (1912) |
BioM: Phaneuf, Grace (1911) |
BioM: Phaneuf, Phyllis Jean (1950) |
BioM: Pope, Joyce Rae (1950) |
BioM: Poppe, Tillie (1910) |
BioM: Potocnik, Doris J. (1952) |
BioM: Prohaska, Mary Ann (1952) |
BioM: Quelle, Dawn (1952) |
BioM: Radley, Dorothy (1953) |
BioM: Riechling, Mary F. (1952) |
BioM: Rilling, Winnifred Dorothea (1950) |
BioM: Ripienski, Mary Ann (1952) |
BioM: Ristow, Jane Mary #2 (1952) |
BioM: Rockow, Alice #3 (1951) |
BioM: Roix, Bonnie L. (1952) |
BioM: Romaine, Jessie #2 (1909) |
BioM: Rude, Barbara Martha (1952) |
BioM: Ruggles, Helen? (1952) |
BioM: Ruosch, Marlene C. (1952) |
BioM: Sapetta, Louise E. (1951) |
BioM: Saupe, Martha #2 (1909) |
BioM: Sazama, Janet #2 (1951) |
BioM: Schaefer, Elaine #2 (1950) |
BioM: Schafer, Alice (1952) |
BioM: Schauer, Francis #2 (1952) |
BioM: Scheel, Marthel Farrell #3 (1950) |
BioM: Schulz, Anna (1912) |
BioM: Schumacher, Celine Ellen (1950) |
BioM: Schwellenbach, Rita M. (1952) |
BioM: Sebold, Mary (1911) |
BioM: Sedlack, Bertha (1911) |
BioM: Shummel, Grace (1909) |
BioM: Smith, Carole #2 (1953) |
BioM: Smith, Elaine Marie (1952) |
BioM: Smith, Shirley (1952) |
BioM: Stayton, Luella (1945) |
BioM: Steinberg, Pauline (1910) |
BioM: Strozewski, Donna Mae (1952) |
BioM: Stuhr, Marie (1950) |
BioM: Sumpter, Juanita A. (1952) |
BioM: Talberg, Eunice (1950) |
BioM: Thayer, Bess A. (1909) |
BioM: Thompson, Ellen Janet #2 (1951) |
BioM: Thompson, Evonne Rose #2 (1951) |
BioM: Thompson, Mary L. #3 (1952) |
BioM: Thompson, Mary Louise #2 (1952) |
BioM: Tischendorf, Rose (1911) |
BioM: Torres, Phoebe A. (1945) |
BioM: Treankler, Virginia #2 (1952) |
BioM: Tresemer, Susan (1952) |
BioM: Trewartha, Helen (1952) |
BioM: Uhlig, Janet June (1949) |
BioM: Visgar, Mida #2 (1910) |
BioM: Wagner, Bernice C. (1950) |
BioM: Wagner, Elsa H. (1909) |
BioM: Wagner, Elsa H. (1909) |
BioM: Walkama, Geraldine R. (1951) |
BioM: Walters, Betty Jane (1950) |
BioM: Walters, Thelma #2 (1910) |
BioM: Waniger, Lois (1952) |
BioM: Welch, Arlene (1952) |
BioM: Welsch, Paulina #2 (1909) |
BioM: Wendt, Luella #2 (1909) |
BioM: Wenzel, Kathryn C. #2 (1909) |
BioM: Westfall, Lizzie #2 (1909) |
BioM: Westfall, Lizzie (1909) |
BioM: Wilhelmi, Miss (1949) |
BioM: Williams, Mary #2 (1909) |
BioM: Wiltjer, Jeanette #2 (1952) |
BioM: Witt, Joan J. #4 (1952) |
BioM: Witt, Joan Joyce #3 (1952) |
BioM: Wollum Judith A. #2 (1952) |
BioM: Wollum, Judith Ann (1952) |
BioM: Wood, Elsie #2 (1909) |
BioM: Woskie, Mina Gertrude #2 (1950) |
BioM: Wright, Lois E. (1950) |
BioM: Youmans, Beth #2 (1909) |
BioM: Zieman, Edna #2 (1953) |
BioM: Zuther, Doris J. (1952) |
Church: Abbotsford Assembly of God (Dedication -
2009) |
Church: Colby St. Mary’s (Graduates - 2009) |
Church: Colby Zion Lutheran Confirmation (May 17,
2009) |
Church: Dorchester Salem United Methodist (May 31,
2009) |
Church: Dorchester St. Peter’s (Confirmation - 2009) |
News Colby, Wis. (June 11, 1879) |
News Colby, Wis. (June 18, 1879) |
News: Abbotsford #2 (2 Nov. 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (12 Oct. 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (13 Mar. 1952) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (14 Sept. 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (17 Apr. 1952) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (18 May 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (2 Nov. 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (26 Oct. 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (28 Dec. 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (28 Sept. 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (6 Mar. 1952) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (7 Sept. 1950) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (June 21, 1945) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (June 7, 1943) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (May 24, 1945) |
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (May 24, 1945) |
News: Butler’s Corners (13 July 1900) |
News: Butler’s Corners (20 July 1900) |
News: Butler’s Corners (22 June 1900) |
News: Butler’s Corners (6 July 1900) |
News: Dorchester, Wis. (June 14, 1945) |
News: Eidsvold (19 Nov 1953) |
News: Eidsvold (20 July 1900) |
News: Eidsvold (22 June 1900) |
News: Granton (13 July 1900) |
News: Granton (22 June 1900) |
News: Granton (27 July 1900) |
News: Granton (29 June 1900) |
News: Greenwood (13 July 1900) |
News: Greenwood (20 July 1900) |
News: Greenwood (22 June 1900) |
News: Greenwood (27 July 1900) |
News: Greenwood (29 June 1900) |
News: Greenwood (6 July 1900) |
News: Hemlock (13 July 1900) |
News: Hemlock (22 June 1900) |
News: Hemlock (27 July 1900) |
News: Hemlock (29 June 1900) |
News: Hemlock (6 July 1900) |
News: Humbird (13 July 1900) |
News: Humbird (27 July 1900) |
News: Humbird (29 June 1900) |
News: Longwood (13 July 1900) |
News: Longwood (27 July 1900) |
News: Longwood (6 July 1900) |
News: Loyal - Greenwood (29 June 1900) |
News: Lynn (6 July 1900) |
News: Owen (5 Jun 1952) |
News: Schilling Station (13 July 1900) |
News: Schilling Station (20 July 1900) |
News: Schilling Station (22 June 1900) |
News: Schilling Station (27 July 1900) |
News: Schilling Station (29 June 1900) |
News: Schilling Station (6 July 1900) |
News: Shortville (22 June 1900) |
News: Tioga (27 July 1900) |
News: Twenty-Six Road (20 July 1900) |
News: Twenty-Six Road (22 June 1900) |
News: Twenty-Six Road (29 June 1900) |
News: Worden (19 Nov 1953) |
Obit: Ackerman, Fred W. (1866 - 1952) |
Obit: Adams, Freida M. (1930-2009) |
Obit: Adams, Frieda M. #2 (1930 - 2009) |
Obit: Amidon, Charles (1849? - 1909) |
Obit: Anderson, John (1877 - 1952) |
Obit: Anderson, Kristian "Chris" (1865 - 1952) |
Obit: Anderson, Victor #2 (1885 - 1952) |
Obit: Anderson, Victor #3 (1885 - 1952) |
Obit: Anderson, Victor (1884 - 1952) |
Obit: Apfelbeck, Leon C. #2 (1921 - 2009) |
Obit: Apfelbeck, Leon C. (1921 - 2009) |
Obit: Archibald, Mrs. A. A. (1835 - 1910) |
Obit: Arndt, Carl (1948 - 1952) |
Obit: Atkins, Daniel #2 (1852 - 1910) |
Obit: Baehler, Cheryl Dawn #2 (1949 - 2009) |
Obit: Baehler, Cheryl Dawn (1949 - 2009) |
Obit: Baehr, Anna #2 (1878 - 1953) |
Obit: Baker, Todd J. (1960 - 2009) |
Obit: Baker, Todd J. #2 (1960 - 2009) |
Obit: Bancroft, Nancy Ann (1938 - 2009) |
Obit: Bangart, Thomas J. (1955 - 2009) |
Obit: Bark, Margaret #2 (1872 - 1952) |
Obit: Barth, Bernard J. (1929 - 2009) |
Obit: Barton, Frances #2 (1910 - 1910) |
Obit: Beck, Shirley #3 (1929 - 2008) |
Obit: Becker, Peter Jacob #2 (1871 - 1953) |
Obit: Behling, Norma E. #2 (1922 - 2009) |
Obit: Behling, Norma E. (1922 - 2009) |
Obit: Bennett, Frederick #2 (1876 - 1952) |
Obit: Berdal, Edward Theodore (1918 - 2009) |
Obit: Berg, Seth (1882? - 1909) |
Obit: Berger, William #2 (1865 - 1909) |
Obit: Bergerson, Georgina (1903? - 1909) |
Obit: Berry, William L. #2 (1883 - 1953) |
Obit: Bertelsen, Maryan L. (1916 - 2009) |
Obit: Beyer, Joanne L. (1968 - 2009) |
Obit: Beyer, Joanne Lynn #2 (1968 - 2009) |
Obit: Beyer, Joanne Lynn #3 (1968 - 2009) |
Obit: Billings, James (1827 - 1909) |
Obit: Bissell, Orvilla J. #2 (1859 - 1909) |
Obit: Blaha, Vlasta Mary (1914 - 2009) |
Obit: Blaha, Vlasta Valenta (1914 - 2009) |
Obit: Block, Bonnie Mary Lou (1945 - 2009) |
Obit: Borgemoen, John #2 (1890 - 1951) |
Obit: Boullion, Effie L. (1863 - 1909) |
Obit: Bourget, Aaron R. (1981 - 2009) |
Obit: Bowen, Millard Ervin #3 (1918 - 1951) |
Obit: Braasch, Baby Boy (1952 - 1952) |
Obit: Brandt, Benjamin (1884 - 1952) |
Obit: Bremer, John Henry #2 (1861 - 1952) |
Obit: Broeren, Ted #2 (1899 - 1953) |
Obit: Brooks, Alonzo #2 (1832 - 1910) |
Obit: Brouiant, Joseph (? - 1909) |
Obit: Brueske, Arthur D. (1927 - 2009) |
Obit: Bruski, Agnes #2 (1870 - 1909) |
Obit: Buchholz, Richard (1873? - 1950) |
Obit: Bundgaard, Lawrence C. (1886 - 1952) |
Obit: Bunnell, Monroe C. (1881 - 1949) |
Obit: Burgess, William (1832? - 1910) |
Obit: Burke, Alta #2 (1869 - 1916) |
Obit: Burtard, Elizabeth #2 (1880 - 1952) |
Obit: Burzinski, Verna M. #2 (1919 - 2009) |
Obit: Burzinski, Verna M. (1919 - 2009) |
Obit: Buss, Benjamin #2 (1923 - 1950) |
Obit: Buss, Fred #2 (1891 - 1952) |
Obit: Busse, Gustave Emil Otto #2 (1877 - 1953) |
Obit: Campbell, Robert M. #2 (1848 - 1909) |
Obit: Candahl, Edgar M. (1916 - 1952) |
Obit: Cannon, Charles D. #2 (1870 - 1909) |
Obit: Carskadden, Mamie (1883 - 1910) |
Obit: Carter, Ed (1863 - 1952) |
Obit: Cattanach, Dorothy Faye (1934 - 2009) |
Obit: Cesarec, Frank I. (1918 - 2008) |
Obit: Champa, Ursula #1 (1877 - 1952) |
Obit: Champa, Ursula #2 (1877 - 1952) |
Obit: Chandler, Carlton L. #2 (1822 - 1910) |
Obit: Chapple, Joe Mitchell (1867? - 1950) |
Obit: Christianson, Vernon #2 (1907 - 1910) |
Obit: Christofferson, Rickie #2 (1876 - 1952) |
Obit: Christofferson, Rickie #2 (1876 - 1952) |
Obit: Christofferson, Rickie #4 (1876 - 1952) |
Obit: Church, Lynn E. (1886 - 1945) |
Obit: Churkey, Henry #2 (1861 - 1952) |
Obit: Churkey, Henry (1861 - 1952) |
Obit: Cleland, Paul C. (1871 - 1951) |
Obit: Clintsman, Ellen #2 (1869 - 1952) |
Obit: Colby, Hermie #3 (1895 - 1952) |
Obit: Cornell, Robert D. #2 (1945? - 1952) |
Obit: Cornell, Robert D. (1945 - 1952) |
Obit: Cowles, Michael J. (1945 - 1945) |
Obit: Craig, Cornelia (1831 - 1902) |
Obit: Cross, Harry, A. #2 (1878 - 1910) |
Obit: Danielewicz, Alfretta "Alfy" (1946– 2009) |
Obit: Darling, Leonard (1888 - 1910) |
Obit: Darling, Solon #2 (1845 - 1909) |
Obit: De Noble, Anna (1882? - 1950) |
Obit: Dehn, Karl R. (1952 - 2009) |
Obit: Demand, Anna (1882 - 1952) |
Obit: DeMert, Gertrude E. #2 (1917– 2009) |
Obit: DeMert, Gertrude E. (1917 - 2009) |
Obit: Denning, Brian F. (1969 - 2009) |
Obit: Denning, Brian F. (1970? - 2009) |
Obit: Devine, Margaret (1878 - 1952) |
Obit: Dykstra, Paula Jane (1935 - 2009) |
Obit: Dyre, Olive G. #2 (1919 - 2009) |
Obit: Dyre, Olive G. (1919 - 2009) |
Obit: Eckes, Arnold J. (1942 - 2009) |
Obit: Eldridge, James B. #2 (1885? - 1952) |
Obit: Ellensohn, Charles (? - 1952) |
Obit: Ellingson, Emma (1871 - 1951) |
Obit: Elpert, Mary J. (1885 - 1945) |
Obit: Engel, Becky J. ( 1944 - 1945) |
Obit: Esselman, Clemens #3 (1834 - 1909) |
Obit: Ewert, Herman #3 (1890 - 1954) |
Obit: Fackler, Katherine (1874 - 1945) |
Obit: Farning, Anna #2 (1866 - 1908) |
Obit: Fasse, Caroline (1899 - 1950) |
Obit: Fecker, Adeline #2 (1876 - 1951) |
Obit: Fierke, Eleanore Ann (1904 - 1951) |
Obit: Fletcher, Florence (1866 - 1952) |
Obit: Flores, Isaura B. (1916 - 2009) |
Obit: Fokett, William (1873 - 1950) |
Obit: Foote, Lucille H. (1916 - 2009) |
Obit: Foote, Lucille Helen #2 (1916 - 2009) |
Obit: Fosnow, Peter (1878 - 1952) |
Obit: Fradette, James (1880 - 1953) |
Obit: Frederickson, Leland Earl (1918 - 1950) |
Obit: French, Robert B. Sr. (1838 - 1909) |
Obit: Fritsche, Frank (1880 - 1950) |
Obit: Frohling, Ronald A. (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Fulwiler, Israel #2 (1838 - 1910) |
Obit: Furlong, Mary #2 (1825 - 1910) |
Obit: Gabrys, Katherine (1914 - 2009) |
Obit: Gabrys, Katherine (1914 - 2009) |
Obit: Gangler, Catherine #2 (1848 - 1909) |
Obit: Garbrecht, George (1922 - 1950) |
Obit: Gehrke, Russell E. (1963 - 2009) |
Obit: Gehrke, Russell E. (1963 - 2009) |
Obit: Gerhardt, William #2 (1825 - 1909) |
Obit: Gibson, Joseph #2 (1848 - 1909) |
Obit: Gleiter, Elizabeth (1863 - 1945) |
Obit: Gluch, Daniel Albert (1879 - 1952) |
Obit: Goeden (Gaden), Peter #2 (1859 - 1910) |
Obit: Gosse, Ernest J. #2 (1884 - 1951) |
Obit: Grambort, Bertha #2 (1873 - 1950) |
Obit: Grambort, Fred #2 (1865 - 1952) |
Obit: Groettum, Mary Ann (? - 2009) |
Obit: Grow, Charles F. #3 (1848 - 1909) |
Obit: Haas, Lorenz #2 (1861 - 1909) |
Obit: Hagedorn, Frederich W. (1883 - 1952) |
Obit: Hansen, Hans #2 (1892 - 1952) |
Obit: Hansen, Hans (1892 - 1952) |
Obit: Hansman, August #2 (? - 1909) |
Obit: Hanuszczak, Nicole Elizabeth (1983 - 2009) |
Obit: Hardrath, Delbert L. #2 (1952 - 2009) |
Obit: Hardrath, Delbert L. #2 (1952 - 2009) |
Obit: Hardrath, Delbert L. (1952 - 2009) |
Obit: Harris, John Franklin (1924 - 2009) |
Obit: Hasler, Georgine (1920 - 2009) |
Obit: Hasler, Georgine (1920 - 2009) |
Obit: Hautamaki, John (1886 –1953) |
Obit: Head, Alanson (1856 - 1909) |
Obit: Heart, William Wallace #3 (1920 - 1942) |
Obit: Helgerson, Mary M. (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Hemp, Mrs. Frank (? - 1952) |
Obit: Hermann, Bertha #2 (1893 - 1951) |
Obit: Herrick, Mildred A. ( 1926 - 2009) |
Obit: Herrick, Mildred Ann (1926 - 2009) |
Obit: Hewett, Emeline #2 (1829 - 1909) |
Obit: Hiles, Walter Charles #2 (1940 - 2009) |
Obit: Hiles, Walter Charles (1940 - 2009) |
Obit: Hinkel, Geraldine Lucille (1912? - 2008) |
Obit: Hodd, Robert, Jr. (1945 - 1952) |
Obit: Hoeft, Dorothy (1858 - 1952) |
Obit: Hoeft, Frederick Johann #2 (1875 - 1951) |
Obit: Holeton, Mabel Claire (1880 - 1950) |
Obit: Hollister, G. W. (? - 1909) |
Obit: Holverson, Jerold L. #2 (1903 - 1910) |
Obit: Hoover, Joe (1902? - 1910) |
Obit: Horn, Adel O. #2 (1923 - 2009) |
Obit: Horn, Adel O. (1923 - 2009) |
Obit: Horn, Louisa #2 (1854 - 1952) |
Obit: Horn, Louisa #3 (1854 - 1952) |
Obit: Horner, Frank J. #3 (1859 - 1952) |
Obit: Howard, Ida (1872 - 1953) |
Obit: Hryniewicki, Edward (1892 - 1953) |
Obit: Hubing, Nicholas #2 (1853 - 1910) |
Obit: Huebscher, Catharine #2 (1867 - 1953) |
Obit: Hughes, Jack (John) #2 (1844? - 1909) |
Obit: Hull, Charles (1860 - 1952) |
Obit: Hull, Charles F. #2 (1860 - 1952) |
Obit: Iffland, Hugh W. (1893 - 1952 ) |
Obit: Ignowski, Vincent #2 (1876 - 1953) |
Obit: Ignowski, Vincent (1876 - 1953) |
Obit: Jackson, Walter #2 (1876 - 1953) |
Obit: Jacques, George F. #2 (1838 - 1910) |
Obit: Jakel, Anna #2 (1894 - 1953) |
Obit: Jakel, Charles #4 (1881 - 1951) |
Obit: Jasmer, Vernon L. "Honey" #2 (1923 - 2009) |
Obit: Jasmer, Vernon L. (1923 - 2009) |
Obit: Jennings, Mary B. "Marilee" (1938 - 2009) |
Obit: Jennings, Mary B. #2 (1938 - 2009) |
Obit: Johnson, Helen Pauline #2 (1912 - 2009) |
Obit: Johnson, Helen Pauline (1912 - 2009) |
Obit: Johnson, Joanne Christine #2 (1947 - 1950) |
Obit: Johnson, Robert William (1926 - 2009) |
Obit: Johnson, Samuel John (1950 - 1950) |
Obit: Johnson, Solomon #2 (1820 - 1909) |
Obit: Junchen, Nellie (1913 - 1952) |
Obit: Junker, John D. (1963 - 2009) |
Obit: Kaczor, William L. #2 (1924? - 2009) |
Obit: Kaczor, William Louis (1923 - 2009) |
Obit: Kalepp, Margaret (1912 - 2009) |
Obit: Karnopp, Phoebe A. #2 (1918 - 2009) |
Obit: Karnopp, Phoebe A. (1918 - 2009) |
Obit: Karow, Augusta (1869 - 1952) |
Obit: Karpinski, Joyce Hildur (1924 - 2009) |
Obit: Karsten, Bertha #2 (1882 - 1952) |
Obit: Karsten, Bertha #3 (1882 - 1952) |
Obit: Karye, Hannah (1876 - 1952) |
Obit: Kayhart, Charles #2 (1844 - 1909) |
Obit: Kayhart, John W. #2 (1878 - 1950) |
Obit: Kaz, Ray P. #2 (1928 - 2009) |
Obit: Kaz, Ray P. (1928 - 2009) |
Obit: Keskimaki, Hanna #2 (1881 - 1952) |
Obit: Keskimaki, Hanna (1881 - 1952) |
Obit: Kimball, Elmer #2 (1870 - 1909) |
Obit: Klein, Katherine W. (1948 - 2009) |
Obit: Kline, Margaret (1882 - 1945) |
Obit: Klingeberger, Rev. John C. (1891? - 1952) |
Obit: Klopf, Paulina #2 (1834 - 1910) |
Obit: Kluve, Helga #2 (1885 - 1952) |
Obit: Kluve, Helga #3 (1885 - 1952) |
Obit: Knight, Helga #2 (1884 - 1950) |
Obit: Kotecki, Josephine P. #2 (1930 - 2009) |
Obit: Kotecki, Josephine P. (1930 - 2009) |
Obit: Kotila, Kari H. (1872 - 1951) |
Obit: Kotowski, Donald Emil "Gator" (1948 - 2009) |
Obit: Kovatch, Yernie (1871 - 1952) |
Obit: Kramer, Ernest (1889 - 1950) |
Obit: Kramer, James J. (1934 - 2009) |
Obit: Kramer, James J. (1934 - 2009) |
Obit: Krause, Elaine R. #2 (1931 - 2009) |
Obit: Krause, Elaine R. (1931 - 2009) |
Obit: Kroll, Wilmer Edward #2 (1927 - 2009) |
Obit: Krom, Ben #2 (1873 - 1952) |
Obit: Krom, Ben (1873 - 1952) |
Obit: Krueger, Patricia Ann #2 (1945 - 1952) |
Obit: Krueger, Patricia Ann #3 (1945 - 1952) |
Obit: Kryzanski, Dolores A. (1935 - 2009) |
Obit: Kryzanski, Dolores Adele (1935 - 2009) |
Obit: Kutsche, Catherine #2 (1872 - 1952) |
Obit: Kutsche, Catherine (1872 - 1952) |
Obit: Laabs, Myron Kenneth (1949 - 2009) |
Obit: Lamarr, Joe (1900? - 1950) |
Obit: Landgraf, Edna (1886 - 1910) |
Obit: Lavin, Frank N. (1916 - 2009) |
Obit: Lavine, Adolph #4 (1886 - 1951) |
Obit: Lee, Miranda (1875 - 1952) |
Obit: Lester, Earl W. (1931 - 1952) |
Obit: Lezotte, Mary (1896 - 1910) |
Obit: Lieders, Elizabeth #2 (1868 - 1949) |
Obit: Lindberg, Albin #2 (1890 - 1952) |
Obit: Lipprandt, Herman #2 (1869 - 1952) |
Obit: Lis, Donna Mae "Dolly" #2 (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: LIS, Donna Mae "Dolly" ( 1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Lisiecki, Rose (1907 - 1953) |
Obit: Loewe, John (? - 1909) |
Obit: Looker, Emma #2 (1866 - 1952) |
Obit: Lorentzen, Mary Jane (? - 1952) |
Obit: Love, Leo P. (? - 1952) |
Obit: Loy, Joe #2 (1884? - 1909) |
Obit: Luber, Bertha (1873 - 1952) |
Obit: Luhrsen, August Henry #2 (1863 - 1953) |
Obit: Luhrsen, Culla A. (? - 1950) |
Obit: Lundahl, George #2 (1887 - 1950) |
Obit: Luzinski, Sandra Louise (1942 - 2009) |
Obit: Madsen, Caroline (1883 - 1952) |
Obit: Madsen, Hans Albert #2 (1888 - 1952) |
Obit: Madsen, Hans Albert (1888 - 1952) |
Obit: Maki, Frank (1865 - 1952) |
Obit: Malchow, Roger Wesley (1931 - 2009) |
Obit: Malinowski, Mike (? - 1953) |
Obit: Manecke, Orville W. (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Marcott, LaVern Charles #2 (1915 - 2009) |
Obit: Marcott, Lavern Charles (1915 - 2009) |
Obit: Marg, Keith Walter #2 (1941 - 2009) |
Obit: Marg, Keith Walter (1941– 2009) |
Obit: Maves, Earl C. #2 (1923 - 1952) |
Obit: McAdams, George W. #2 (1817 - 1909) |
Obit: McKimm, Robert #2 (1856 - 1909) |
Obit: Meeks, Ralph R. (1885 - 1952) |
Obit: Meier, George #2 (1843 - 1909) |
Obit: Melin, Fannie (1867 - 1952) |
Obit: Mertens, Nicholas (1885 - 1952) |
Obit: Merwin, Reginald (1919? - 1950) |
Obit: Metcalf, Dale R. (1927 - 2009) |
Obit: Meyer, Louis C. (1873 - 1952) |
Obit: Miller, Jack L. (1922 - 2009) |
Obit: Miller, Nora #2 (1899 - 1952) |
Obit: Mitchell, Ed R. (1873 - 1950) |
Obit: Mizell, Joyce #2 (1915 - 1952) |
Obit: Moe, Oscar (1888 - 1953) |
Obit: Morey, William (1882 - 1952) |
Obit: Morris, Thomas M. #2 (1854 - 1910) |
Obit: Morrison, Mae Joann (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Mueller, Paulette Mae (1950 - 1950) |
Obit: Mueller, Son of Peter (1907? - 1910) |
Obit: Mundt, Robert (1870 - 1909) |
Obit: Neff, Frank C. (1883 - 1952) |
Obit: Neff, Nellie (1865 - 1952) |
Obit: Nelson, Gostaf (Gustave) #2 (1860 - 1910) |
Obit: Nelson, Johanna (1866 - 1909) |
Obit: Nelson, William N. #2 (1878 - 1945) |
Obit: Nesvacil, Ellen H. (1949 - 2009) |
Obit: Newell, Carrie Bell (1869 - 1952) |
Obit: Nissen, Robert (1888 - 1952) |
Obit: Norton, Mary (1884 - 1952) |
Obit: Notbohm, Emma (1879 - 1950) |
Obit: Nowobielski, Bernice (1862 - 1953) |
Obit: O’Connor, Gretchen M. (1913 - 2009) |
Obit: Oakley, E. B. #2 (1858? - 1910) |
Obit: Ockerlander, John Mrs. (1892? - 1950) |
Obit: Olichwier, Edward Peter (1914 - 2009) |
Obit: Olson, Anton (1875 - 1952) |
Obit: Olson, Freda (1878 - 1952) |
Obit: Olson, Frieda #2 (1878 - 1952) |
Obit: Opelt, Norman A. (1915 - 2009) |
Obit: Orth, George #2 (1886 - 1950) |
Obit: Panek, Estelle J. #2 (1911 - 2009) |
Obit: Parker, Emma E. (1851 - 1910) |
Obit: Parrish, Clarence 1906? - 1950) |
Obit: Pasterski, Peter (1879 - 1953) |
Obit: Peissig, Emery H. "Pete" (1910 - 2009) |
Obit: Pernsteiner, Marilyn G. (1836? - 1952) |
Obit: Peterson, Adolph (1849? - 1910) |
Obit: Petrowsky, Walter L. (1895? - 1945) |
Obit: Pflughoeft, Ida (1871 - 1952) |
Obit: Phillips, Jean (1887 - 1952) |
Obit: Philson, Chandler Stone #2 (1998 - 2009) |
Obit: Philson, Chandler Stone (1998 - 2009) |
Obit: Pietras, Zofia (1889 - 1953) |
Obit: Piont, Dorothy J. "Dottie" (1940 - 2009) |
Obit: Pipkorn, Andrew D. (1966 - 2009) |
Obit: Pipkorn, Andrew Don #2 (1966 - 2009) |
Obit: Pitcher, Charles H. #2 (1822 - 1910) |
Obit: Plauman, Otto (1884 - 1952) |
Obit: Poate, Frances #2 (1819 - 1910) |
Obit: Pollnow, Ella W. (1888 - 1952) |
Obit: Primeau, Charles #2 (1873 - 1951) |
Obit: Quinlan, John (? - 1910) |
Obit: Rabska, Richard #2 (1865 - 1952) |
Obit: Rabska, Richard (1866 - 1952) |
Obit: Ramminger, George (1866 - 1952) |
Obit: Randall, Harry L. #2 (1880 - 1952) |
Obit: Randall, Harry L. (1880 - 1952) |
Obit: Randorf (Rondorf), Matt (1870 - 1952) |
Obit: Rath, W. H., Mrs. (1875? - 1910) |
Obit: Raymond, Edith #2 (1877 - 1909) |
Obit: Reichersamer, Ludwig #2 (1905 - 1953) |
Obit: Reis, Joseph #2 (1870 - 1951) |
Obit: Reitcel, Henry (1825 - 1909) |
Obit: Resong, Michael (1827? - 1909) |
Obit: Richelieu, Ida #2 (1866 - 1950) |
Obit: Ringquist, Gregory Louis (1956 - 2009) |
Obit: Riplinger, Henry (1873 - 1953) |
Obit: Ristola, Nestor (1878 - 1952) |
Obit: Roberts, Marjorie M. (1919 - 2009) |
Obit: Roenz, Brookelyn #2 (2009 - 2009) |
Obit: Roenz, Brookelyn Gwen (2009) |
Obit: Roethe, E. J. (? -1952) |
Obit: Romens, Joan Lucy (1933 - 2009) |
Obit: Ross, Mary Jane #2 (1831 - 1909) |
Obit: Rusch, Albert #3 (1876 - 1953) |
Obit: Sarafin, Michael (1889 - 1953) |
Obit: Schaefer, Nettie (1864 - 1945) |
Obit: Schauer, Robert #2 (1933 - 1952) |
Obit: Scheeler, Herman G. (1877 - 1950) |
Obit: Scheibe, Herman T. (1864? - 1952) |
Obit: Scheller, Dawn M. #2 (1928 - 2009) |
Obit: Scheller, Dawn M. (1928 - 2009) |
Obit: Schemmer, A. L. Dr. #3 (1890 - 1951) |
Obit: Scherer, Mathew C. (1884 - 1952) |
Obit: Schmidt, Josephine E. #2 (1922 - 2009) |
Obit: Schmidt, Josephine E. (? - 2009) |
Obit: Schmitt, Alphonse Roman #3 (1927 - 1951) |
Obit: Schneider, Euphrosina (1857 - 1950) |
Obit: Schoenlaub, Helen G. (1877 - 1953) |
Obit: Schorer, Louis Gottwald #3 (1889 - 1950) |
Obit: Schreiner, Helen Louise (1930 - 2009) |
Obit: Schroeder, Ernest #2 (1872 - 1909) |
Obit: Schroeder, John #3 (1911? - 1950) |
Obit: Schuette, Hulda #4 (1985 - 1951) |
Obit: Schultz, Dale E. #2 (1947 - 2009) |
Obit: Schultz, Dale E. (1947 - 2009) |
Obit: Schultz, Dale Edward #2 (1947 - 2009) |
Obit: Schultz, John #3 (1878 - 1950) |
Obit: Schultz, Mary (1862 - 1952) |
Obit: Schutz, Gordon W. #2 (1949 - 2009) |
Obit: Schutz, Gordon W. (1949 - 2009) |
Obit: Scranton, Minnie #2 (1882 - 1910) |
Obit: Sedlack, Robert J. (1921? - 2009) |
Obit: Selves, Anna #2 (1922 - 2009) |
Obit: Selves, Anna Irene (1922 - 2009) |
Obit: Selves, Richard Nelson (1874 - 1952) |
Obit: Severs, John J. #2 (1879 - 1909) |
Obit: Shantini, Gilbert J. (1902 - 1949) |
Obit: Sinclair, Ruth Marie (1915? - 2009) |
Obit: Slocomb, Robert (1909 - 1910) |
Obit: Slocumb, Frederika #2 (1866 - 1909) |
Obit: Smith, Lloyd J. #2 (1896 - 1953) |
Obit: Snyder, Benjamin (1897 - 1952) |
Obit: Snyder, Grant #2 (1879 - 1945) |
Obit: Snyder, Rosa #2 (1863? - 1909) |
Obit: Soli, Jacqueline Ellen (1938 - 2009) |
Obit: Sonnemann, Faith A. #2 (1933 - 2009) |
Obit: Sonnemann, Faith A. (1933? - 2009) |
Obit: Sonnemann, Faith Ardell #3 (1933 - 2009) |
Obit: Sorenson, E. M. Mrs. (1866 - 1950) |
Obit: Sossaman, Herman (1927 - 2009) |
Obit: Sparks, Arthur (1884 - 1952) |
Obit: Spaulding, Gerald B. #3 (1903? - 1950) |
Obit: Stanley, Elvira #2 (1843 - 1909) |
Obit: Steager, Jacob #2 (1873 - 1952) |
Obit: Steager, Jacob (1873 - 1952) |
Obit: Steffen, Goldean "Goldie" (1925 - 2009) |
Obit: Steffen, Goldean D. #2 (1925 - 2009) |
Obit: Steger, Roy (1900? - 1909) |
Obit: Steinmetz, Roselyn #2 (1952 - 2009) |
Obit: Steinmetz, Roselyn #2 (1952 - 2009) |
Obit: Steinmetz, Roselyn (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Stephens, William S. (1867 - 1952) |
Obit: Stock, Hugo #3 (1891 - 1951) |
Obit: Stock, Viola #2 (1894 - 1952) |
Obit: Stock, Viola (1894 - 1952) |
Obit: Strade, Augusta #2 (1863 - 1952) |
Obit: Strade, Augusta #3 (1868 - 1952) |
Obit: Strebe, Libbie Bell #2 (1892 - 1953) |
Obit: Suckow, Jeannie #2 (1952 - 2009) |
Obit: Suckow, Jeannie (1952 - 2009) |
Obit: Svetlik, Frank J. Sr. (? - 1952) |
Obit: Swanson, Charles G. (1876 - 1950) |
Obit: Tamm, Otto (? - 1952) |
Obit: Taylor, Grace L. (1882 - 1910) |
Obit: Teske, Joseph (1872? - 1952) |
Obit: Tews, Edgar #2 (1921 - 2009) |
Obit: Tews, Edgar C. (1921 - 2009) |
Obit: Theis, Peter (1883? - 1909) |
Obit: Thompson, Theodore #4 (1882 - 1951) |
Obit: Thorson, Viola #3 (1896 - 1952) |
Obit: Thorson, Viola #4 (1896 - 1952) |
Obit: Thorson, Viola H. (1896 - 1952) |
Obit: Timlin, Alice D. (1935 - 2009) |
Obit: Tischendorf, Jimmy Wayne #2 (1955 - 2009) |
Obit: Tischendorf, Jimmy Wayne (1955 - 2009) |
Obit: Tomczak, Katherine J. (1930? - 2009) |
Obit: Tomkowiak, Evelyn E. #2 (1927 - 2009) |
Obit: Tomkowiak, Evelyn E. (? - 2009) |
Obit: Tragsdorf, Bernhard #2 (1855 - 1909) |
Obit: Trunkel, John #2 (1940 - 2009) |
Obit: Trunkel, John (1940 - 2009) |
Obit: Trybula, Kathleen Ann Mary #2 (1952) |
Obit: Urlaub, Bernice E. (1915 - 2009) |
Obit: Urlaub, Bernice Elizabeth #2 (1915 - 2009) |
Obit: Van Tassel, Lucy #2 (1890 - 1908) |
Obit: VandeBerg, Lory Lynn #2 (1961 - 2009) |
Obit: VandeBerg, Lory Lynn (1961 - 2009) |
Obit: Vaughn, Raynor Thomas (1897 - 1952) |
Obit: Vetterkind, Elsie A. (1901 - 1952) |
Obit: Vick, Henry (1857 - 1945) |
Obit: Virnig, Benjamin A. (1916 - 2009) |
Obit: Volkmar, Elizabeth #2 (1873 - 1951) |
Obit: Von Besser, Gerriann R. (1958 - 2009) |
Obit: Vorland, Gorton #3 (1908 - 1951) |
Obit: Wagner, William Douglas (1931 - 2009) |
Obit: Walter, Albert George (1917 - 2009) |
Obit: Weetz, Florence Marie #2 (1912 - 1951) |
Obit: Weinand, Bernard (1848 - 1909) |
Obit: Weirich, Clara B. (1868 - 1952) |
Obit: Weis, Marjorie A. (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Weis, Marjorie Alice #3 (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Weis, Marjorie Alice (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Wells, Donald A. (1923 - 2009) |
Obit: Wells, Donald Adelbert #2 (1923 - 2009) |
Obit: Welsh, George J. (1878 - 1945) |
Obit: Wenner, Peter, Mrs. (1889 - 1945) |
Obit: Wenzel, Christina #2 (1826 - 1909) |
Obit: Werner, Della #2 (1889 - 1953) |
Obit: Wetzel, Gusta (? - 1952) |
Obit: Wheeler, William H. #2 (1835 - 1910) |
Obit: White, Eva (1893 - 1945) |
Obit: White, Marie (1887 - 1952) |
Obit: Wibben Lyle (1928 - 2009) |
Obit: Wiese, Norman Edward #2 (1950 - 1952) |
Obit: Wigstadt, Ben #2 (1890 - 1950) |
Obit: Wilding, William H. #3 (1866 - 1909) |
Obit: Williams, Theodore W. (1926 - 2009) |
Obit: Williams, Theodore Walter #2 (1926 - 2009) |
Obit: Wilson, John Frederick (1911 - 1950) |
Obit: Winchester, Cordelia #2 (1818 - 1910) |
Obit: Winslow, Louis Oliver (1932 - 2009) |
Obit: Withee, Sarah #2 (1834 - 1910) |
Obit: Witkus, Rita Jean (1964 - 2009) |
Obit: Wolf, Charles (1886? - 1952) |
Obit: Wrath, Paul Wayne (1935 - 2009) |
Obit: Wrath, Paul Wayne (1935 - 2009) |
Obit: Wren, Marion #2 (1908 - 1910) |
Obit: Yaniga, Mary #2 (1868 - 1945) |
Obit: Yankee, Amelia #2 (1854 - 1908) |
Obit: Zeiglinski, Robert (1845 - 1908) |
Obit: Zielinski, Irene G. #2 (1909 - 2009) |
Obit: Zielinski, Irene G. (1909 - 2009) |
Obit: Zschernitz, Louis Allen Charles (1920 - 2009) |
Obit: Zschernitz, Randall Lee #2 (1955 - 2009) |
Obit: Zschernitz, Randall Lee #3 (1955 - 2009) |
Obit: Zschernitz, Randall Lee (1955 - 2009) |
Obit: Zugier, Ronald L. #2 (1945 - 2009) |
Obit: Zugier, Ronald L. (1945 - 2009) |
Obit: Genteman, Henry (1878 - 1952) |
School: Colby High 1949 Reunion (60th - 2009) |
School: Peterson School - Town of Thorp |
School: Teachers’ Institute (1900) |