Clark County, Wisconsin

Internet Library Archives

Index 55000-55999


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Bio: Antram, Christina Joy (Birth - 1991)
Bio: Archambo, James (Military - 1945)
Bio: Baehr, Otto Beckham (Birth - 2009)
Bio: Barr, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Bauman, Sharla Jean (Baptism - 1961)
Bio: Baumann, Sharla Jean (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Beil, William (Graduation - 2009)
Bio: Benzshawvel, Margaret (Marriage License - 1928)
Bio: Beyerl, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Beyerl, Frank (Family Reunion - 1961)
Bio: Binning, Katie M. (Chancellor’s List - 2008)
Bio: Blair, Sadie (Award - 2009)
Bio: Bobbe, Kay (Engagement - 1961)
Bio: Brock, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Civil War Vets at King, WI home
Bio: Daley, William #2 (July 1, 1931)
Bio: Decker, Pat (Graduation - 1961)
Bio: Delvis, Irene (Marriage License - 1928)
Bio: Eggebrecht, Dustin (Honors - 2008)
Bio: Eggleston, Thirza Mathilde Family
Bio: Endres, Tami (Engagement - 2009)
Bio: Erdman, Kristi (Engagement - 2009)
Bio: February Marriage Licenses ( 1951)
Bio: Feldbruegge, Sara (Honor Roll - 2008)
Bio: Fink, Donna Mae (Graduation - 1961)
Bio: Firnstahl, Amy (High Honors - 2008)
Bio: Fish, Molly Elizabeth (Birth - 2009)
Bio: Friday, Kenneth C. (Military - 1961)
Bio: Halopka, Wendy Jean (Dean’s List - 2008)
Bio: Hasenohrl, Samuel Steven (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Haslett, Harry (Occupation - 1928)
Bio: Heggestad, Ross Wayne (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Heinz, Peter (1951)
Bio: Hoefs, Jennifer (President’s List - 2008)
Bio: Hollman, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Horacek, Anthony John (Honor’s List - 2008)
Bio: Ives, Baby Boy (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Jaeger, Tania Lynn (Engagement - 2009)
Bio: Jansen, Xander Christopher (Birth - 2001)
Bio: Jirschele, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Johnson, Baby Boy (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Johnson, Elaine Ann (Engagement - 1941)
Bio: Justman, Scott Alan (Birth - 1991)
Bio: Kalson, Baby Boy (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Kelly, Baby Boy (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Kissner, Olivia Eunah (Adoption - 2009)
Bio: Klinkhammer, Daniel J. (Military - 1961)
Bio: Koestler, Jonathan Taylor (Birth - 2002)
Bio: Kraemer, Haley Marie (Birth - 2001)
Bio: Kramer, Vernon (Military - 1945)
Bio: Krone, Charles (Family Reunion - 1940)
Bio: Kuehn, Sue Marie (Engagement - 1961)
Bio: Kunze, Emily (Honors - 2008)
Bio: Kunze, Leann (Honor Roll - 2008)
Bio: Leichtnam, Ruth C. (Military - 1961)
Bio: Lenz, Gerald L. (Military - 1961)
Bio: Lueloff, Kathy (Confirmation - 1961)
Bio: Majerus, Dale R. (Military - 1961)
Bio: Marsh, Joseph C. (1923)

Bio: Matonich/Rollins Family Picnic (2012)
Bio: Matthias, Frank T. (Award - June 3, 1931)
Bio: McGhee, Alister Daniel (Birth - 2008)
Bio: Mellenthin, Dale (Confirmation - 1961)
Bio: Merritt, JoAnn (Engagement - 1961)
Bio: Michlig, Grahm (Chancellor’s List - 2008)
Bio: Nelson, Jaurdon (High Honors - 2008)
Bio: Ogden, Audrey (Skull Fracture - 1961)
Bio: Olson, Daniel family (1949)
Bio: Patrie, Ted (Military - 1945)
Bio: Penk, Kallie Marlene (Birth - 2009)
Bio: Phillips, Ilene Mrs. (Graduation - 1961)
Bio: Polster, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Prestebak, Megan (Highest Honors - 2008)
Bio: Prokop, Joseph Paul (Birth - 1991)
Bio: Red Cloud, Nellie (1951)
Bio: Reineking Family Name
Bio: Ridderbusch, Roy (Military - 1945)
Bio: Roman, Duane D. (Military - 1961)
Bio: Ronda Mae Seif (Birth - 1951)
Bio: Salter, George Harold (1923)
Bio: Sasse, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Schaefer, Benjamin James (Dean’s List - 2008)
Bio: Schmutzler, Sawyer (Birth - 2001)
Bio: Schoelzel, Arlyn A. (Military - 1961)
Bio: Schorer, Eric (Graduation - 2008)
Bio: Scott, Walter (Ordination - 1951)
Bio: Sebold, Rebecca (Engagement - 2009)
Bio: Seidel, Kyle (High Honors - 2008)
Bio: Shookman, Wayne (Military - 1945)
Bio: Soback, Jakob Richard (Birth - 2009)
Bio: Soyk, Jamie (Dean’s List - 2008)
Bio: Speich, Fred G. (1923)
Bio: Strathman, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Stuttgen, Samantha Lynn (Birth - 2001)
Bio: Thompson, Maurice (Military - 1945)
Bio: Uhlig, Alvin (100th Birthday - 2009)
Bio: Van Dreel, Baby Boy (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Wagner, Rachel Lynn (Birth - 1994)
Bio: Waldinger, Brenda Jean (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Weideman, Danielle M. (Engagement - 2009)
Bio: Weiland, Jonah Patrick (Birth - 2009)
Bio: Wiedenhoeft, Anna (80th Birthday - 1961)
Bio: Wiersig, Jean Elise (Birth - 1961)
Bio: Wiersma, Sarah (Feb. 25, 2009)
Bio: Wiesman, Alexis Rose (Birth - 2009)
Bio: Wolfe, Kayla R. (Dean’s List - 2008)
Bio: Zrutskie, Terry (19th Birthday - 1961)
BioA: Baumgart, Mr./Mrs. Otto (50th - 1961)
BioA: Broeske, Mr./Mrs. Elroy (40th - 1961)
BioA: Ciokiewicz, Joseph (1951)
BioA: Davis, Gordon, Mr./Mrs. (Golden - 1951)
BioA: Degener, Albert (Golden - 1951)
BioA: Duvall, Mr./Mrs. Leo #2 (50th - 1961)
BioA: Duvall, Mr./Mrs. Melvin (25th - 1961)
BioA: Franz, Mr./Mrs. Albert (50th - 1961)
BioA: Gosse, Mr./Mrs. Louis (50th - 1961)
BioA: Marg, Mr./Mrs. Frank (25th - 1928)
BioA: Miessner, Mr./Mrs. Adolph (50th - 1961)
BioA: Mikolainis, Gedmon, Mr./Mrs. (20th - 1951)
BioA: Neidhold, Mr./Mrs. Alvin (50th - 1940)
BioA: Olson, Mr. & Mrs. Oluf (Golden - 1951)
BioA: Schmidt, Paul, Mr./Mrs. (50th - 1950)
BioA: Schulz, Mr./Mrs. Louis (25th - 1961)
BioA: Weideman, Mr./Mrs. August (45th - 1940)
BioA: Wiersig, Mr./Mrs. Arthur (25th - 1961)
BioA: Wilhelm, William A., Mr./Mrs. (50th - 1950)
BioA: Ziebarth, Mr./Mrs. Charles (50th - 1940)
BioA; Rush, Mr./Mrs. Walter (50th - 1903)
BioM: Ambrose, Donnagene (1951)
BioM: Arndt, Barbara Jean (1961)
BioM: Aspen, Patricia Elaine (1950)
BioM: Asselin, Leatryce (1950)
BioM: Bargenquast, Sadie (1941)
BioM: Bauer, Helen (1951)
BioM: Beilfuss, Bonnie (1951)
BioM: Beisner, Judith Ann (1961)
BioM: Bennett, Erva #2 (1940)
BioM: Bernaman, Gladys (1950)
BioM: Bertram, Helen (1940)
BioM: Bivans, Laurel L. (1951)
BioM: Braun Bernice E. #3 (1944)
BioM: Broeren, Ardis C. (1951)
BioM: Browe, Shirley (1950)
BioM: Brown, Cora E. (1951)
BioM: Brunton, Lorrain H. (1950)
BioM: Bryan, Viola (1950)
BioM: Buck, Carolyn (1961)
BioM: Budjac, Audrey (1951)
BioM: Bulgrin, Betty Lou (1948)
BioM: Burzynski, Martha (1951)
BioM: Burzynski, Theresa (1951)
BioM: Byrnes, Rose M. P. (1950)
BioM: Casler, Hazel Irene (1951)
BioM: Castens, Patricia Ann (1951)
BioM: Chronquist, Minnie (1940)
BioM: Ciolkosz, Sylvia (1951)
BioM: Cook, Carole Dianne (1961)
BioM: Curry, Bernadine #2 (1944)
BioM: Dahl, Anne Marie (1961)
BioM: De Vore, Doris A. (1944)
BioM: Deak, Barbara (1944)
BioM: Decker, Patricia Elizabeth (1961)
BioM: Deegan, Helen (1950)
BioM: Devlin, Lillian (1951)
BioM: Edblom, Eileen #3 (1951)
BioM: Fechhelm, Mary E. (1951)
BioM: Fenner, Wilma Jean (1961)
BioM: Fink, Goldie (1940)
BioM: Finstad, Ruth (1944)
BioM: Fitzel, Marilyn Eleanor (1961)
BioM: Fleischman, Elizabeth (1961)
BioM: Fleischman, Virginia #2 (1941)
BioM: Forest, Millie (1941)
BioM: Foster, Judith Marie (1961)
BioM: Foster, Marion (1951)
BioM: Francel, Hedwig Ann (1951)
BioM: Frane, Ruth Ann (1961)
BioM: Fritz, Sharon Lee (1961)
BioM: Gehin, Elsie (1941)
BioM: Geiger, Janice (1961)
BioM: Glende, Linda L. (1944)
BioM: Goldamer, Audrey #2 (1941)
BioM: Guyette, Helen (1951)
BioM: Haas, Theresa (1950)
BioM: Hackel, Imogene (1961)
BioM: Hales, Darlene (1950)
BioM: Hardrath, Nona #2 (1961)
BioM: Haslow, Ruth (1944)
BioM: Hauser, Beverly Ann #2 (1950)
BioM: Henke, Phyllis (1951)
BioM: Henke, Ruth (1951)
BioM: Hessel, Dorothy (1940)
BioM: Hoag, Grace (1950)
BioM: Holman, Ruby (1951)
BioM: Holnbach, Arlene (1951)
BioM: Horn, Laverne I. (1951)
BioM: Huckstead, Ardith Annette (1951)
BioM: Johnson, Elaine (1941)
BioM: Kaminski, Rita (1950)
BioM: Karpinski, Martha (1951)
BioM: Kauffman, Grace #2 (1944)
BioM: Kettel, Hazel (1951)
BioM: Kintzele, Mary Ann (1950)
BioM: Kittl, Mary Josephine (1940)
BioM: Klessig, Karen Mae (1961)
BioM: Klettner, Elaine (1941)
BioM: Kluve, Marion #2 (1931)
BioM: Knight, Corrine E. (1961)
BioM: Koerner, Carol Marie (1961)
BioM: Konieczny, Leona (1951)
BioM: Konwinski, Theresa (1950)
BioM: Korth, Gretchen (1951)
BioM: Kroll, Eileen (1951)
BioM: Kukuk, Inez (1951)
BioM: Lamb, Carrole (1961)
BioM: Lang, Nora Mrs. (1961)
BioM: Lange, Lillian (1940)
BioM: Langfeldt, Janis (1950)
BioM: Larson, Virginia Ann (1950)
BioM: Lengyel, Marlene (1951)
BioM: Lewandowski, Marian J. (1951)
BioM: Liszewski, Jean (1951)
BioM: Lott, Virgie #2 (1949)
BioM: Loughead, Rae Ann #2 (1961)
BioM: Luck, Dorothy #2 (1941)
BioM: Lueck, Norma Jane (1951)
BioM: Luther, Jeanette #2 (1944)
BioM: Maki, Maria (1950)
BioM: Makkonen, Ruth (1950)
BioM: Markowski, Marian (1950)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (1951)
BioM: McNamer, Jeanette (1941)
BioM: Mews, Betty Jane (1961)
BioM: Milewski, Dorothy (1951)
BioM: Milewski, Geraldine (1951)
BioM: Molle, Vernetta (1951)
BioM: Morse, Altha (1944)
BioM: Mueller, Eleanore (1951)
BioM: Murphy, Eleanor Ann (1961)
BioM: Naedler, Irene (1951)
BioM: Nelson, Madeline (1961)
BioM: Neumann, Elsie (1961)
BioM: Niehoff, Clare (Darton) #2 (1944)
BioM: Olsen, Inez (1938)
BioM: Orth, Marie Margaret (1940)
BioM: Ortmeier, Irene #2 (1940)
BioM: Otto, Etta (1948)
BioM: Papierniak, Dorothy (1951)
BioM: Pearson, Christine Alyce (1961)
BioM: Petrie, Flora (1931)
BioM: Phelps, Mary (1951)
BioM: Pietenpol, Joanne Ruth (1951)
BioM: Pietrzak, Hattie (1951)
BioM: Ploeckelman, Sue Ann (1961)
BioM: Posda, Louise D. (1950)
BioM: Przewoznik, Helen (1951)
BioM: Przybylski, Barbara A. (1951)
BioM: Przybylski, Barbara Ann (1951)
BioM: Pyatt, Beverly Jean (1951)
BioM: Quast, Beverly (1951)
BioM: Romens, Darlene Marie (1961)
BioM: Ruda, Delores (1950)
BioM: Ruda, Lucille (1950)
BioM: Runzheimer, Karen (1961)
BioM: Rust, Betty Lou (1950)
BioM: Ruzic, Ann (1950)
BioM: Sawczuk, Frances (1950)
BioM: Schjoneman, Janice Marie (1961)
BioM: Schoengarth, Delores (1951)
BioM: Schultz, Irene (1931)
BioM: Schulz, Lucille L. #2 (1944)
BioM: Schwartz, Clara (1941)
BioM: Schwenke, Pearl (1940)
BioM: Sczygiel, Lorraine (1950)
BioM: Sivertson, Evelyn #3 (1933)
BioM: Skroch, Patricia Ann (1951)
BioM: Sluzewski, Lucille (1951)
BioM: Soborowicz, Valeria (1951)
BioM: Speich, Barbara J. (1951)
BioM: Staszcuk, Theresa (1951)
BioM: Sterzinger, Denise Helen (1961)
BioM: Straszkowski, Pearl B. (1951)
BioM: Stroinksi, Leona (1950)
BioM: Strzok, Lorraine (1951)
BioM: Stuttgen, Mary E. (1950)
BioM: Swim, Anita (1951)
BioM: Szatalowicz, Clara M. (1951)
BioM: Szczech, Jean (1951)
BioM: Szerlong, Eloise (1951)
BioM: Tesmer, Delores (1961)
BioM: Thompson, Betty M. (1950)
BioM: Thorn, Florence #2 (1941)
BioM: Tieman, Joyce E. (1951)
BioM: Tollefson, Phyllis (1951)
BioM: Turenne, Patricia L. (1950)
BioM: Valek, Anna #2 (1944)
BioM: Van Kirk, Virginia (1950)
BioM: Ver Hagen, Edna (1951)
BioM: Vesel, Josephine (1951)
BioM: Viviani, Deloris M. (1950)
BioM: Vobora, Josephine (1951)
BioM: Voge, Marion Elinor #2 (1941)
BioM: Weis, Elsie Frances (1961)
BioM: Weis, Margaret Isabelle (1961)
BioM: Wellman, Marion #2 (1940)
BioM: Weston, Elizabeth (1951)
BioM: Westphal, Leona (1941)
BioM: Wiater, Lorraine (1951)
BioM: Wiernasz, Helen (1950)
BioM: Wiese, Esther Marcella (1940)
BioM: Wiese, Ethel Tresella (1940)
BioM: Winkel, Carol Elizabeth (1961)
Church: Abbotsford, Wis. - St. Bernard’s Catholic (Confirmation - 1940)
Church: Abbotsford Christ Lutheran (July 8, 1931)
Church: Colby St. Paul’s Lutheran (June 17, 1931)
Church: Curtiss Congregational (July 8, 1931)
Church: Curtiss German Reformed (July 1, 1931)
Church: Curtiss Norwegian Lutheran (May 27, 1931)
Church: Curtiss Reformed (July 8, 1931)
Church: Curtiss Reformed (May 20, 1931)
Church: Curtiss Reformed (May 27, 1931)
Church: Curtiss St. Paul’s Lutheran (July 1, 1931)
Church: Curtiss St. Paul’s Lutheran (May 20, 1931)
Church: Hoard St. Paul’s Norwegian (July 1, 1931)
Church: Hoard St. Paul’s Norwegian (July 8, 1931)
Church: Neillsville - Methodist (100th Anniversary - 1958)
Church: Owen Congregational (July 8, 1931)
Church: Owen Congregational (June 24, 1931)
Church: Wolter Corner Congregational (Jul 8, 1931)
History: Republican County Convention (Neillsville - 1900)
Neillsville Graded School 1910
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (29 June 1961)
News: Butler Twp. (11 Jan 1951)
News: Butler Twp. (21 Dec 1950)
News: Butler Twp. (25 Jan 1951)
News: Butler Twp. (3 AUG 1950)
News: Butler Twp. (3 May 1951)
News: Butler Twp. (8 Feb 1951)
News Colby, Wis. (1 June 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (11 May 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (12 Oct. 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (20 Apr. 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (20 July 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (21 Sept. 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (24 Aug. 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (25 May 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (31 Aug. 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (5 Oct. 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (9 Feb. 1961)
News Colby, Wis. (9 Mar. 1961)
News: Curtiss & Clark County (July 1, 1931)
News: Curtiss, Wis. (July 1, 1931)
News: Curtiss, Wis. (July 8, 1931)
News: Curtiss, Wis. (June 17, 1931)
News: Curtiss, Wis. (June 24, 1931)
News: Curtiss, Wis. (June 3, 1931)
News: Curtiss, Wis. (May 20, 1931)
News: Curtiss, Wis. (May 27, 1931)
News: Eidsvold (20 Apr. 1900)
News: Eidsvold (20 Dec 1951)
News: Eidsvold (24 AUG 1950)
News: Eidsvold (28 Dec 1950)
News: Eidsvold (4 Jan 1951)
News: Eidsvold (5 Jul 1951)
News: Eidsvold (6 Sep 1951)
News: Granton (20 Apr. 1900)
News: Greenwood (13 Apr. 1900)
News: Greenwood (20 Apr. 1900)
News: Humbird (20 Apr. 1900)
News: Junction (29 Nov1951)
News: Junction (3 AUG 1950)
News: Junction (5 Oct 1950)
News: Junction (8 Mar 1951)
News: Longwood (13 Apr. 1900)
News: Mayville (May 20, 1931)
News: Neillsville (20 Apr. 1900)
News: Neillsville (6 Jan 1949)
News: Reseburg (20 Sep 1951)
News: Shortville (20 Apr. 1900)
News: Thorp Locals (11 Jan 1951)
News: Thorp Locals (13 Jul 1950)
News: Thorp Locals (15 Nov 1951)
News: Thorp Locals (20 JUL 1950)
News: Twenty-Six Road (20 Apr. 1900)
News: Wood Settlement (27 May 1905)
News: Wood Settlement (3 June 1905)
News: Worden (19 Jul 1951)
News: Worden (21 Jun 1951)
News: Worden (6 Jul 1950)
News: Wyeville (20 May 1905)
News: Wyeville (27 May 1905)
News: Wyeville (3 June 1905)
Obit: Abrahamson, Charles Albert (1929 - 2009)
Obit: Adams, Charles #2 (1863 - 1950)
Obit: Alger, Charles J. (1950 - 2009)
Obit: Altenburg, Elizabeth (1871 - 1950)
Obit: Amacher, Ronald Wayne (1937? - 2009)
Obit: Anderegg, Lillie (1885 - 1950)
Obit: Anthony, William (1856 - 1944)
Obit: Augustine, Dorothy Mae #2 (1950 - 1951)
Obit: Ayers, David W. (1950 - 2009)
Obit: Bach, Bernard J. (1923 - 2009)
Obit: Balicki, Mary (1874 - 1951)
Obit: Barski, John, Sr. (1862 - 1951)
Obit: Bashford, Earl M. (1899 - 1944)
Obit: Baxter, Harry Mrs. (? - 1940)
Obit: Becker, Gertrude J. #2 (1921 - 2002)
Obit: Bedroske, Fred (1854 - 1940)
Obit: Behringer, Debora K. (1954 - 2009)
Obit: Beil, Frank Joseph (1900 - 1941)
Obit: Beil, Joseph (1867 - 1940)
Obit: Beilfuss, Anna (1863? - 1941)
Obit: Beilfuss, Carl H. (1883 - 1951)
Obit: Beilfuss, Carl H. (1883 - 1951)
Obit: Bengford, Vivian M. (1924 - 1994)
Obit: Berg, Christian (1868 - 1951)
Obit: Berthold, Louise (1874 - 1951)
Obit: Beyer, Helen Alice #2 (1923 - 2009)
Obit: Bissell, David Ray (1885 - 1950)
Obit: Blado, Karl F. (1886 - 1951)
Obit: Boeger, Anton Henry (1881 - 1961)
Obit: Bohman, Robert F. (1925 - 2009)
Obit: Boie, Bertha M. (1891 - 1950)
Obit: Boss, Bernard (1917 - 1940)
Obit: Boyarski, Lillian (1914 - 1994)
Obit: Brady, Charles B. #2 (1881 - 1931)
Obit: Brehm, Marie #2 (1914 - 2006)
Obit: Briggs, Dallas L. (1881 - 1951)
Obit: Brown, Lucy (1868 - 1951)
Obit: Brown, Lydia T. (1928? - 2009)
Obit: Brown, William (1865? - 1951)
Obit: Bruesewitz, Arlyn Delmar (1938 - 1994)
Obit: Bruss, Elmer A. (1926 - 2009)
Obit: Buehler, Armin P. (1924 - 2009)
Obit: Burge, Lucille Dorothy (1919 - 1951)
Obit: Bush, Alma V. (1865 - 1951)
Obit: Bush, Orson Henry (1863 - 1951)
Obit: Bushnell, Virginia (1924 –2009)
Obit: Buttke, Wesley (1938 - 2009)
Obit: Buttke, Wesley A. #2 (1938 - 2009)
Obit: Cannon, Brian R. (1955? - 2009)
Obit: Cannon, Cora D. #2 (1865 - 1944)
Obit: Carlson, Elmer (1892 - 1979)
Obit: Castner, Daniel (1873 - 1950)
Obit: Cesnik, James Michael (1936? - 2009)
Obit: Champa, Ursula (1877 - 1952)
Obit: Chapman, Paul (? - 1951)
Obit: Chubb, Earl W. #3 (1922 - 2009)
Obit: Chubb, Earl Wilbur #2 (1922 - 2009)
Obit: Chubb, Leland Francis #2 (1916 - 1994)
Obit: Cieslik, John (1930 - 1949)
Obit: Ciokewicz, John (1874? - 1951)
Obit: Cline, George #2 (1869? - 1951)
Obit: Clouse, Ira, Mrs. (1889 - 1944)
Obit: Cole, Arthur (1865 - 1951)
Obit: Cole, Bird C. H. #2 (1889 - 1951)
Obit: Converse, Hugh V. (1879 - 1951)
Obit: Conway, Catherine E. (1868? - 1951)
Obit: Cowles, Hattie Ann (1872 - 1951)
Obit: Czech, Ida (1936 - 1950)
Obit: Daines, Clifford (1907 - 1961)
Obit: Darling, John B. (? - 1951)
Obit: Deauchamp, Mathilda (1875 - 1950)
Obit: Degenhardt, Edwin #2 (1927 - 2001)
Obit: Dehne, Arnold E. #2 (1919 - 2009)
Obit: Dehne, Arnold E. (1919 - 2009)
Obit: Demary, Maude (1898 - 1950)
Obit: Depa, Sophia (1891 - 1951)
Obit: Diedrich, Erna M. (1911 - 2005)
Obit: Dietsche, Marvin (? - 1968)
Obit: Doonan, William, Mrs. (? - 1951)
Obit: Dornik, Louisa (1873 - 1960)
Obit: Driessen, Fred (1873 - 1951)
Obit: Driessen, Fred J. #2 (1874? - 1951)
Obit: Dudkiewicz, Michael (1854 - 1951)
Obit: Duell, Frank (1893 - 1950)
Obit: Duellman, Henry H. (1881 - 1961)
Obit: Dunbar, Ida (1921 - 2006)
Obit: Ebert, Ida (1894 - 1961)
Obit: Ellingson, Mildred H. (1918 - 2009)
Obit: Erickson, Amy #2 (1962 - 2001)
Obit: Erickson, Joseph #3 (1865? - 1951)
Obit: Eroen, Louis (1906 - 1961)
Obit: Everson, Joan L. (1951)
Obit: Ewert, Nettie Elizabeth (1914 - 2006)
Obit: Ewert, Robert (1896 - 1973)
Obit: Farning, Robert (1896 - 1961)
Obit: Farrell, Margaret V. (1911 - 2005)
Obit: Fidler, Sharon M. (1953 - 2009)
Obit: Filipowicz, Mary A. (1868 - 1950)
Obit: Flood, Bessie (1885 - 1950)
Obit: Free, Richard E. (1885 - 1951)
Obit: Friemund, Otto (1887 - 1940)
Obit: Fults, Myrtle (1884 - 1961)
Obit: Furlong, J. C. (1889 - 1951)
Obit: Furlong, Minnie M. (1893 - 1951)
Obit: Galiger, Darlene A. (1931 - 2006)
Obit: Gall, Agnes (1898? - 1950)
Obit: Gall, Theodore (1878 - 1951)
Obit: Garbusch, Gladys (1904 - 1951)
Obit: Garvin, Laura (1863 - 1944)
Obit: Gellert, Bernice (1916 - 1951)
Obit: Gierl, John #2 (1875 - 1940)
Obit: Glasshof, William #2 (1878 - 1951)
Obit: Glasshof, William Sr. (1877 - 1951)
Obit: Gleason, Henry W. (1871– 1951)
Obit: Glowacki, Thomas (1927? - 1950)
Obit: Gosse, Anna #2 (1867 - 1949)
Obit: Grassman, Dorothy #2 (1916 - 2009)
Obit: Grassman, Dorothy (1916? - 2009)
Obit: Grassman, Edith Jane #2 (1925 - 2009)
Obit: Grassman, Edith Jane (1925 - 2009)
Obit: Gregory, DeWayne Charles (1904 - 1961)
Obit: Groelle, Otto H. (1878? - 1941)
Obit: Guenther, Anna (1879 - 1961)
Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth #2 (1924 - 2009)
Obit: Hanchman, Edwin O. #2 (1893? - 1951)
Obit: Handke, Fred J. (1866 - 1950)
Obit: Hanneman, Emil #2 (1891 - 1941)
Obit: Hanneman, Frank (? - 1951)
Obit: Hansen, Harry (1890 - 1950)
Obit: Hanson, Elizabeth (1893 - 1961)
Obit: Hare, Lois M. (1914 - 2009)
Obit: Hauser, John Mrs. (? - 1961)
Obit: Hautamaki, Mary (1899 - 1951)
Obit: Hazeltine, Albert J. (1872 - 1950)
Obit: Hebert, Leo Francis (1899 - 1961)
Obit: Heidemann, Ephraim F. (1881 - 1950)
Obit: Heiser, Michael (1881 - 1951)
Obit: Helmke, Otto D. (1923 - 2001)
Obit: Hemp, Anton (1877 - 1951)
Obit: Hillert, August George Gottlieb (1885 - 1951
Obit: Hintz, William E. (1881 - 1961)
Obit: Hodgins, Sally (1913? - 1961)
Obit: Hoeft, Mary Anna (1852 - 1941)
Obit: Horn, Oscar A. #2 (1887? - 1951)
Obit: Huber, Arthur G. (1908 - 2002)
Obit: Jacklin, Nina (1891 - 1950)
Obit: Jacobi, Augusta (1861 - 1940)
Obit: Jacque, Hance (1879 - 1951)
Obit: Jagielski, Mary (1870? - 1951)
Obit: Jakel, Ernst John (1851 - 1931)
Obit: Janos, Sebastian (1883? - 1951)
Obit: Jearesek, Mary J. (1862 - 1950)
Obit: Jellish, Joan R. (1924 - 2003)
Obit: John, Walter Fred (1926 - 2009)
Obit: Johnson, Albert K. (1867 - 1941)
Obit: Johnson, Gladys #2 (1914 - 1951)
Obit: Johnson, Gunhild #2 (1869 - 1951)
Obit: Johnson, Margaret L. #2 (1932 - 2009)
Obit: Johnson, Nathaniel H. #2 (1872 - 1951)
Obit: Johnson, Roy S. (1883 - 1951)
Obit: Kalepp, Eugene Clarence (1940 - 1940)
Obit: Kallien, Mathilda (1869 - 1940)
Obit: Kauffernus, Dennis Allen (1940 - 1940)
Obit: Kauffman, Richard R. (1929 - 1994)
Obit: Keinholz, Mary (1869? - 1951)
Obit: Keinholz, Ralph (1892? - 1950)
Obit: Keller, John (1899 - 1951)
Obit: Kenyon, Elliott Harlow (1920 - 2009)
Obit: Kern, Amelia (1891 - 1961)
Obit: Kingery, Sherman (1901 - 1950)
Obit: Klarich, Mary (? - 1951)
Obit: Klein, Marian (1918 - 1994)
Obit: Klieforth, Irve (1930 - 2009)
Obit: Kliefoth, Irve Neal #2 (1930 - 2009)
Obit: Klimek, Lawrence (1913 - 1940)
Obit: Klimmer, Melvin #2 (1937 - 2003)
Obit: Klocke, Arthur H. (1884 - 1950)
Obit: Klouda, Carl (1872 - 1951)
Obit: Klouda, Joseph #2 (1866 - 1950)
Obit: Knoll, Charles (1862 - 1941)
Obit: Kobs, August F. (1881 - 1961)
Obit: Kollmansberger, Robert M. #2 (1933 - 2009)
Obit: Kolnhoefer, John Alfred (1918 - 2002)
Obit: Korntved, Anna (1888 - 1951)
Obit: Kotchy, Anna (1863 - 1951)
Obit: Kowieski, John (1939 - 1951)
Obit: Kraus, Josephine (1888 - 1961)
Obit: Krepsky, Hattie (1886 - 1961)
Obit: Krohn, Dr. Irwin (1898? - 1951)
Obit: Krystofiak, John (1864 - 1951)
Obit: Kuechenmeister, Clemens (1868? - 1951)
Obit: Kuhn, Wayne Allen (1950 - 1950)
Obit: Kyle, Erma C. (1922 - 2009)
Obit: Larson, Peter (1914 - 1994)
Obit: Laveen, Jennie (1860 - 1940)
Obit: Leason, W. A. Dr. #2 (1860 - 1951)
Obit: Leason, W. A. Dr. (1860 - 1951)
Obit: Leverty, Francis (1901 - 1949)
Obit: Lichte, Mrs. Adolph (? - 1951)
Obit: Liebelt, Elnora (1942 - 2002)
Obit: Lieske, Theodore R. (1869 - 1951)
Obit: Lindow, Amiel Mrs. (1870 - 1951)
Obit: Liskow, Myrl Ione (1903 - 1951)
Obit: Litka, William F. (1878 - 1944)
Obit: Lockhart, Beverly D. (1929 - 2003)
Obit: Loveland, Burton B. (1916 - 1944)
Obit: Lunka, Frank (1863 - 1951)
Obit: Martin, Michael (1892 - 1961)
Obit: Mathis, Edison Howard #2 (1917 - 2009)
Obit: Mathis, Edison Howard (1917 - 2009)
Obit: Mathison, Ann #2 (1873 - 1944)
Obit: McConnell, Lucille M. (1912 - 2009)
Obit: Meacham, Fred E. #2 (1888 - 1951)
Obit: Meader, Ren L. (? - 1951)
Obit: Mehring, William (? - 1961)
Obit: Meier, Helen #2 (1897 - 1941)
Obit: Melius, Agnes #2 (1898 - 1951)
Obit: Mellenthin, Raymond (1917 - 1994)
Obit: Michur, Estelle E. (1950)
Obit: Micke, Barney (1870 - 1951)
Obit: Miller, Leo D. #2 (1922 - 2001)
Obit: Miller, Ottilia (1857 - 1941)
Obit: Miller, Richard (1888? - 1961)
Obit: Moore, George B. #2 (1920 - 2009)
Obit: Neiman, Frank P. (1878 - 1951)
Obit: Nelson, Irene (1898 - 1961)
Obit: Novak, George (1882 - 1950)
Obit: Novy, Joe (1863? - 1940)
Obit: Noyes, Charles Justin (1867 - 1951)
Obit: O’Brien, Mary Jane (1881 - 1961)
Obit: Obernberger, Beatrice M. (1917 - 1993)
Obit: Oblack, Mary (1890 - 1951)
Obit: Oestreich, Theresa (1865 - 1951)
Obit: Oldham, Michael R. (1943 –1996)
Obit: Olsen, Ole (1886 - 1950)
Obit: Olson, Alma #2 (1874 - 1951)
Obit: Olson, Gustav (1884 - 1950)
Obit: Olson, Sylvia (1902 - 1961)
Obit: Osborne, Mary Catherine (1919 - 2009)
Obit: Ovans, Thomas J. (1926 - 1999)
Obit: Panek, Estelle J. (1911 - 2009)
Obit: Panetti, Sophie (1865 - 1951)
Obit: Parkhill, Ella A. (1890 - 1961)
Obit: Parkhill, Frank #2 (1885 - 1941)
Obit: Pettet, Charles (1869 - 1951)
Obit: Phillips, Edith (1930 - 1950)
Obit: Pilarski, Edna (1873 - 1950)
Obit: Piwoni, Valeria (1887 - 1951)
Obit: Platten, Adam #2 (1859 - 1944)
Obit: Polzin, Bernard #2 (1922 - 2001)
Obit: Polzin, Lois M. #2 (1923 - 2009)
Obit: Prange, Lena (1873 - 1950)
Obit: Prentice, Lee (1871? - 1940)
Obit: Qualley, Herman Alfred (1876 - 1950)
Obit: Ramer, Michael (1875 - 1950)
Obit: Recheleu, Martin Theodore #2 (1864 - 1931)
Obit: Reed, Michael Duane E. #2 (1946 - 2009)
Obit: Reichert, Ralph F. (1906 - 2002)
Obit: Remus, George Edward (1863 - 1950)
Obit: Resong, Marie Josephine (1917 - 2009)
Obit: Richards, Clayton A. (1871 - 1944)
Obit: Richards, Margaret Agnes (1880 - 1950)
Obit: Richardson, Halford H. (1886 - 1950)
Obit: Richter, Augusta #2 (1863 - 1949)
Obit: Rifleman, Douglas (1920 - 1961)
Obit: Ringquist, Gust P. #2 (1880 - 1961)
Obit: Risavy, Mary (1878 - 1951)
Obit: Rivers, Frank (1880 - 1950)
Obit: Roberts, John H. (1921 - 2009)
Obit: Roder, Walter Ernest #2 (1930 - 2008)
Obit: Rood, Marilyn Joyce (1928 - 2009)
Obit: Rosandick, Paul J. (1919 - 2009)
Obit: Rossman, John (1868 - 1950)
Obit: Rossow, Bertha #2 (1863 - 1944)
Obit: Rudoll, Susan M. #2 (1947 - 2009)
Obit: Russ, Ryan M. (1977 - 2009)
Obit: Rutkowski, Roszella (1862 - 1950)
Obit: Ryan, Lucy (1879 - 1950)
Obit: Sawczuk, Frank (1883 - 1951)
Obit: Sawka, Proc (1892 - 1951)
Obit: Sazama, Elizabeth (1879 - 1961)
Obit: Schade, Scott Anthony (1969 - 2009)
Obit: Schafer, Olive (1887 - 1950)
Obit: Schalow, Lester C. (1937 - 2004)
Obit: Schlinsog, Evelyn F. #3 (1921 - 2009)
Obit: Schlinsog, Evelyn Florence #2 (1921 - 2009)
Obit: Schmidt, Albertina (1848 - 1941)
Obit: Schmidt, Frances (1885 - 1951)
Obit: Schmitt, Robert (1879 - 1941)
Obit: Schmitt, Virgil A. (1918 - 2009)
Obit: Schraufnagel, Margaret Elizabeth (1910 - 2004)
Obit: Schroeder, Adolf (1886 - 1949)
Obit: Schuelke, Emma (1887 - 1951)
Obit: Schultz, Donald #2 (1925 - 1961)
Obit: Schultz, Leonard Bernard (1881 - 1950)
Obit: Schultz, Mary Gertrude (1880 - 1951)
Obit: Schwantes, Herman W. #2 (1879 - 1961)
Obit: Schwartz, John A. (1880 - 1961)
Obit: Searvogel, Arthur Raymond (1903 - 1988)
Obit: Semuel, William (1877? - 1961)
Obit: Senkbeil, Henry A. (1889 - 1961)
Obit: Sharp, Mrs. Walter (1868? - 1951)
Obit: Shatswell, Charles (1869? - 1951)
Obit: Shirley, Wendell E. (1913? - 1950)
Obit: Sischo, Arthur W. #2 (1865 - 1951)
Obit: Sischo, Bessie #2 (1873 - 1951)
Obit: Skripjok, Richard Francis (1946 - 2009)
Obit: Skroch, Julia F. (1887 - 1950)
Obit: Skroch, Mrs. Paul (? - 1950)
Obit: Slupski, Sophie (1866 - 1951)
Obit: Smith, Elizabeth (1856 - 1951)
Obit: Smith, Richard L. #2 (1937 - 2009)
Obit: Smith, Richard L. (1937 - 2009)
Obit: Snowberg, Andrew (1889? - 1961)
Obit: Soderberg, Joan (1927 - 1951)
Obit: Sorenson, Carl #2 (1881 - 1951)
Obit: Sorenson, Harold Martin #2 (1924 - 2009)
Obit: Sorenson, Harold Martin #3 (1924 - 2009)
Obit: Sorenson, Harold Martin (1924 - 2009)
Obit: Stanley, Lorraine Shirley #2 (1929 - 2009)
Obit: Stanley, Lorraine Shirley (1929 - 2009)
Obit: Stark, Alfred (1896 - 1951)
Obit: Sternitzky, Selma #2 (1915 - 2002)
Obit: Stevens, Vera Susan (1903 - 1951)
Obit: Stewart, Lillian (1867 - 1961)
Obit: Storm, Frank W. (1901 - 1996)
Obit: Stowe, Rufus #2 (1892 - 1961)
Obit: Stremikis, Steven James (1974? - 2009)
Obit: Syryczak, Andrew #2 (1896? - 1951)
Obit: Tabor, Lucy Arabella (1866 - 1941)
Obit: Tennis, M. J. #2 (1903 - 1961)
Obit: Tesmer, George (1881 - 1961)
Obit: Tessmer, Harold #2 (1903 - 1941)
Obit: Theilig, George (1879 - 1961)
Obit: Thieme, Dorothy Mae #3 (1918 - 2002)
Obit: Thompson, Edward (1873 - 1940)
Obit: Thompson, Maynard H. (1924 - 1951)
Obit: Thompson, Thea #2 (1885 - 1949)
Obit: Thompson, Theodore #2 (1882 - 1951)
Obit: Thompson, Victoria (1885 - 1961)
Obit: Timm, Pauline E. (1940 - 2009)
Obit: Tischendorf, Clara Margaret (1890 - 1941)
Obit: Tomczak, Clarence (1936? - 1950)
Obit: Tomczak, Katherine Julie #2 (1929 - 2009)
Obit: Truckey, Alvin (1884 - 1951)
Obit: Van Slett, Francis J. (1915 - 2003)
Obit: Vander Wegen, Florence (1894 - 1951)
Obit: Vanderhyden, Barbara (1885 - 1951)
Obit: Vanderhyden, Barbara (1885 - 1951)
Obit: VanErt, Anna (1873 - 1951)
Obit: Vivoda, Julia D. (1917 - 2009)
Obit: Voelker, Harriet #2 (1907 - 1994)
Obit: Volk, Mary (1879 - 1951)
Obit: Vorland, Gorton #2 (1908 - 1951)
Obit: Walker, Dewey M. (1900? - 1950)
Obit: Wallenhorst, Richard (1942? - 1961)
Obit: Walsdorf, Mary #2 (1887 - 1950)
Obit: Wargolewicz, Katherine (1870 - 1951)
Obit: Wehling, Martha (1884 - 1951)
Obit: Weix, Mary Ann (1908 - 1998)
Obit: Wellman, Edna #2 (1907 - 1940)
Obit: Wells, Will N. (1865? - 1951)
Obit: Welsh, Richard Henry (1879 - 1951)
Obit: Wepfer, Myron C. (1961 - 1961)
Obit: White, George V. #2 (1926 - 2009)
Obit: Wiedenhoeft, Anna Augusta (1887 - 1961)
Obit: Williams, Griffith B. (1873 - 1951)
Obit: Wilsmann, Elizabeth (1860 - 1951)
Obit: Wilson, Jacqueline Rae (1947 - 2009)
Obit: Winterer, Hannah #2 (1874 - 1950)
Obit: Woik, Ernest #2 (1885 - 1961)
Obit: Woik, Ralph E. #2 (1923 - 2009)
Obit: Wojcik, John (1887 - 1950)
Obit: Wolf, Nora (1908 - 1951)
Obit: Wynimko, William (1886 - 1951)
Obit: Yoder, George (1873 - 1951)
Obit: Youker, Oscar Goger (1870 - 1951)
Obit: Young, Mrs. Jack (? - 1951)
Obit: Young, Viola (1870 - 1951)
Obit: Zabel, Rose M. #2 (1928 - 2009)
Obit: Zahorka, Helen (1886 - 1961)
Obit: Zarada, Thomas (1928? - 1951)
Obit: Zarada, Thomas E. #2 (1927 - 1951)
Obit: Ziebell, Paul #2 (1906 - 1944)
Obit: Zukowski, George (1880 - 1951)
Obit:: Longenecker, George W. (1861 - 1951)
School: Abbotsford High School (Class of 1939 Reunion - 1961)
School: Colby Hi Basketball (Conf. Champ. - 2009)
School: Colby High School (Forensics - 2009)
School: Curtiss Graded (May 20, 1931)
School: Curtiss Graded P.T.A. (May 27, 1931)
School: Unity Grade School (Graduation - 1961)

Obit: Maes, Michael J. (1949 - 2013) BioM: Anderson, Colleen (1966)
Obit: Orth, Karen M. (1948 - 2013) BioM: Hannan, Therese J. #3 (1966)
Obit: Telford, Alfred W. #2 (1926 - 2013) BioM: Hardrath, Fern #2 (1966)
Bio: Doner, Airman Michael A. (Military Notes - 1971) Obit: Grambach, Ben (1884 – 1966)
Bio: Kalsow, Lebrecht (87th Birthday - 1971) Obit: Wucherpfennig, Reinhold (1895 – 1966)
BioA: Staves, Mr./Mrs. William (Golden - 1971)
BioM: Munkholm, Janice (1971)
Obit: Becker, Frances (1911 - 1971)
Obit: Lippert, Clara M. (? - 1971)
Obit: Schafer, Melvin John (1908 - 1971)
Obit: Seltrecht, Vivian D. (1891 - 1971)
Obit: Thomas, Edna (? - 1971)
Obit: Beyerl, Mary J. #2 (1919? - 2013)
Obit: Clark, Corey N. A. (1979 - 2013)
Obit: Ellingson, Kenneth W. (1947 - 2013)
Obit: Firnstahl, Manny F. #2 (1924 - 2013)
Obit: Fredrick, Daniel H. #2 (1925 - 2013)
Obit: Gaede, Jeffrey R. #3 (1959 - 2013)
Obit: Gipp, Don L. (1950 - 2013)
Obit: Kelley, John L. (1945 - 2013)
Obit: Meyer, Doris J. (1944 - 2013)
Bio: Abrahamson, Infant Son (Birth - 1971)
News: Globe (11 Mar 1971)
News: Greenwood (11 Mar 1971)
News: Humbird (11 Mar 1971)
News: Humbird (18 Mar 1971)
News: Neillsville Locals (18 Mar 1971)
News: Washburn (11 Mar 1971)
Obit: Horle, William (? - 1971)
Obit: Rodahl, Mrs. Harold (? - 1971)
Obit: Abbiehl, Norman L. Jr. (1930? - 2013)
Obit: Bieniek, Frank (1935 - 2013)
Obit: Hauke, Kathleen A. (1955 - 2013)
Obit: Herrmann, Edward O. #2 (1921 - 2013)
Obit: Sill, Marie E. (1915 - 2013)
Obit: Untiedt, Norbert L. (1929 - 2013)
Obit: Van Der Leest, Marie V. A. (1919 - 2013)
Obit: Wisniewski, Barbara Ann (1944 - 2013)
Bio: Abeita, Sgt. Augustine D. #2 (Military Notes - 1971)
Bio: Jess, Infant Daughter (Birth - 1971)
Bio: Susa, Judith M. (Engagement - 1971)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Mar 1971)
BioM: Mortvedt, Barbara Jo (1971)
Obit: Jennings, Elmer (? - 1971)
Obit: Mortl, John #2 (1893 - 1971)
Obit: Mund, Glenn L. (1914 - 1971)
Obit: Snyder, Ernest H. (1889 - 1971)
Bio: Hameloth, Judith K. (Nurse’s Training - 1971)
Bio: Luchterhand, Armon E. (Military Notes - 1971)
Bio: Marcott, Pfc. Gary J. (Military Notes - 1971)
Bio: Scheel, Seaman Appr. Richard K. (Military Notes - 1971)
BioA: Fitzmaurice, Mr. and Mrs. Levi (Golden - 1971)
BioA: Polege, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore (55th - 1971)
BioA: Staves, Mr. and Mrs. William #2 (Golden - 1971)
Obit: Brown, Herbert Lee (1888 - 1971)
Obit: Hubing, Charles Michael (1895 - 1971)
Obit: York, Edward Fred (1902 - 1971)
Obit: Beckman, Judith M. “Judi” (1944 - 2013)
Obit: Esselman, Virgil A. #2 (1966 - 2013)
Obit: Knoop, Ervin F. (1935 - 2013)
Obit: Kuehn, Gerald Robert #2 (1933 - 2013)
Obit: Malinowski, Donald David Sr. (1949 - 2013)
Obit: Melvin, Shannon Dean (1974 - 2013)
Obit: Smith, Helen Katherine (1927 - 2013)
Obit: Toelle, Kayla Joy (1997 - 2013)
Bio: Christie, Lori (College days in Scotland - 2013)
Bio: Mahler, Pvt. Andrew M. (Military Notes - 2013)
Bio: Meihak, Linda (Honor Roll - 1971)
Bio: Rosemeyer, Justin (90th Birthday - 2013)
BioA: Greeler, Mr. and Mrs. Erland (Golden - 2013)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Oct-Nov 2013)
News: Globe (25 Mar 1971)
News: Humbird (25 Mar 1971)
News: Neillsville - Civil Leadership Courses (25 Mar 1971)
Obit: Dawson, Miree #2 (1941 - 2013)
Obit: Hoffman, Helen M. (1916 - 2013)
Obit: Jahnke, Jeffrey James (1968 - 2013)
Obit: Leffel, Betty (1932 - 2013)
Obit: Mc Lees, Esther S. (1914 - 2013)
Obit: Mucha, Walter T. (1917 - 2013)
Obit: Smedegard, Lyle B. (1914 - 2013)
Obit: Strange, Florence (1928 - 2013)
Obit: Zirngibl, Agnes J. (1923 - 2013)
Bio: Galstad, Marilyn (Wis. H.S. Honors Choir - 1971)
Bio: Hagedorn, David Michael (Birth - 1971)
Bio: Reinart, Dale (Speaking Contests - 1971)
Bio: Strangfeld, Susan Theresa (Birthday - 1971)
BioA: Hales, Mr. and Mrs. George (60th - 1971)
Church: Neillsville - St. John’s Lutheran (Confirmands - 1971)
News: Columbia (1 Apr 1971)
Obit: Keiner, Elise #2 (1876 - 1971)
Obit: Oswald, Violet #2 (1890 - 1971)
Obit: Zeng, Hulda (? - 1971)
Obit: Zschernitz, Robert M. (1921 - 1971)
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (April 1971)
Bio: Marg, Jeffrey (Confirmation - 1971)
Bio: Pagenkopf, Susan Kay (Engagement - 1971)
BioM: Capelle, Linda Marie (1971)
BioM: Conley, Patsy Rose (1971)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (April - 1971)
Obit: Djubenski, Stanley Phillip (1916 - 1971)
Obit: Fahey, Mathilda (1875 - 1971)
Obit: Pederson, Roger (? - 1971)
Obit: Schlinsog, Louise (1877 - 1971)
Obit: Steinbach, Phillip (Chuck) (1968 - 1971)
News: Greenwood (8 Apr 1971)
News: Neillsville Locals (8 Apr 1971)
News: Pleasant Ridge (8 Apr 1971)
News: Sherwood (8 Apr 1971)
News: Washburn (8 Apr 1971)
Obit: Babka, Mary (1892 - 1971)
Obit: Fahey, Mathilda #2 (1875 - 1971)
Obit: Gaffney, Judge Richard F. (? - 1971)
Obit: Rose, Martha (1886 - 1971)
News: Thorp - Campus Highlights (Stout - Oct 2013)
News: Thorp - Campus Hilites (BSU - Oct 2013)
Obit: Glasshof, Dale “J-J” (? - 2013)
Obit: Jacobs, Eleanor (Ellie) (1942 - 2013)
Obit: Marg, LTC Curtiss John Carl (1927 - 2013)
Obit: Salvack, Bernice Ann (1915 - 2013)
Obit: Swieso, Vernard D. (Vern) (1923 - 2013)
Obit: Tharp, Victor V. “Doc” (1921 - 2013)
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (April - 1971)
Bio: Ehlers, Kevin Laverne (Birth - 1971)
BioA: Brinkmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar (Golden - 1971)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (April 1971)
News: Greenwood (15 Apr 1971)
News: Lynn (15 Apr 1971)
News: Neillsville - Bryan Home (15 Apr 1971)
News: Neillsville Locals (15 Apr 1971)
News: Willard (15 Apr 1971)
Bio: Embke, Mr./Mrs. Ronald & Son Terry (Baptisms - 1971)
BioA: Artac, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Silver - 1971)
BioA: Wehrman, Mr. and Mrs. William (Golden - 1971)
BioM: Lewin, Mary Helen (1971)
BioM: Reshel, Gloria Jean (1971)
BioM: Reynolds, Nancy Jane (1971)
News: Willard (22 Apr 1971)
Obit: Ambelang, Ida Maria (1888 - 1971)
Obit: Bast, Mathilda (? - 1971)
Obit: McBride, Alice B. (1909 - 1971)
Obit: Price, Erna #2 (1889 - 1971)
Obit: Wischulke, Edward (1887 - 1971)
Bio: Krom, Debra (National Science Foundation - 1971)
Bio: Mott, Sp 5 Kenneth (Military Notes - 1971)
Bio: Scharf, Mamie (Gardner) (Retirement - 1971)
Bio: Schoenherr, Hedwig (81st Birthday - 1971)
BioM: Lanza, Diane M. (1971)
BioM: Munkholm, Shelley Jean (1971)
News: Granton (29 Apr 1971)
News: Lynn (29 Apr 1971)
Obit: Crandall, Guy (? - 1971)
Obit: Kelley, William J. (? - 1971)
Bio: Feldbruegge, Colby Robert (Birth - 2013)
Bio: Holtzhausen, Bree Ellen (Birth - 2013)
Bio: Nehrlich, Harlow Grace (Birth - 2013)
Bio: Podevels, Nikki (Graduation - 2013)
Bio: Strathman Brothers (High Ground - 2013)
Bio: Thieme, Kynzlie Marie (Birth - 2013)
BioM: Kuhls, Elizabeth Ann (20 Sep 2013)
Church: Colby St. Mary’s (Holiday Fair - 2013)
Church: Curtiss St. Paul’s (Harvest Dinner - 2013)
Obit: Bartoszewski, Geneva L. (1934 - 2013)
Obit: Bergner, 2nd Lt. Orle Sidney (1911 - 1951)
Obit: Deetz, Robert Leo (1929 - 2013)
Obit: Edelburg, Robert A. (1933 - 2013)
School: Abbotsford H.S.- Class of 1983 (30th - 2013)
Bio: Morien, Airman Robert J. (Military Notes - 1971)
News: Chili (29 Apr 1971)
News: Humbird (29 Apr 1971)
News: Willard (29 Apr 1971)
Obit: Barton, Elmo J. (? - 1971)
Obit: Bauer, Ralph Arthur (1919 - 1971)
Obit: Southard, Lena (1891 - 1971)
BioM: Beilke, Marianne Jean (1971)
News: Clark Co.Historical Society Meets (6 May 1971)
News: Granton (6 May 1971)
News: Sherwood (6 May 1971)
Obit: Matti, James “Jim” D. (1933 - 2013)
Obit: Wirkuty, Antonette Jane “Toni” (1952 - 1971)
Bio: Harvey, Robert (Vice-Pres. Wis.Press Association - 1971)
Bio: Lezotte, Kirt Douglas (Birth - 1971)
Bio: Quinlan, Eva (Retirement - 1971)
News: Clark County College Notes (Nov 2013)
Obit: Corey, Leah L. #2 (1903 - 1971)
Obit: Glasshof, Millard (? - 2013)
Obit: Gullickson, Gunda A. (1892 - 1971)
Obit: Koranda, Reta D. #2 (1926 - 2013)
Obit: Schmidt, Harold (1934 - 1971)
Obit: Witek, Elizabeth (? - 2013)
BioA: Linster, Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse (Golden - 1971)
BioM: Laib, Karlene Marie (1971)
Church: Neillsville Calvary Luth (Mother-Daughter Banq - 1971)
Church: Warner - Imm.UCC (Mother-Daughter Banquet - 1971)
News: Greenwood (13 May 1971)
News: Lynn (13 May 1971)
News: Neillsville Locals (13 May 1971)
Obit: Gullickson, Gunda #2 (1892 - 1971)
Obit: Hart, Bertha M. (1877 - 1971)
Obit: Horn, Glenn Walter #2 (1956 - 1971)
Obit: Lloyd, Thomas N. #2 (1909 - 1971)

