Bio: Bandow,
Ambrose (1907 - 1986)
Bio: Bandow,
William and Family
Bio: Bergeman, Gust
(26 March 1942)
Bio: Braddbury,
Jean (11 June 1942)
Bio: Brown,
Clifford (23 April 1942)
Bio: Cody, Pearle
(Engagement - 1936)
Bio: Delano, Silas
(5 March 1942)
Bio: Drescher -
Family Reunion (8 Aug. 2007)
Bio: Eder, Lillian
G. (Engagement - 1935)
Bio: Eide, Marvin
(19 March 1942)
Bio: Hanson, Marian
(1 Jan. 1942)
Bio: Harsch, Eugene
(19 March 1942)
Bio: Hintz, George
Jr. (26 March 1942)
Bio: Kreiser, Joel
Jon (15 Aug. 2007)
Bio: Lentz, Jacob
(5 March 1942)
Bio: Lieders,
Lillian (100th Birthday - 2007)
Bio: Loughead, Tom
- Family Reunion (12 June 1955)
Bio: Lulloff,
Margaret G. (Engagement - 1936)
Bio: Neff, Clara
(19 March 1942)
Bio: Noah, Family -
Family Reunion (22 Aug. 2007)
Bio: Oldham, Mr.
& Mrs. Charles (9 April 1942)
Bio: Ollech, Walter
E. (8 Aug. 2007)
Bio: Perkins, Mr.
& Mrs. John (1 Jan. 1942)
Bio: Perushek,
Anthony (19 March 1942)
Bio: Pietenpol,
John (29 Jan. 1942)
Bio: Poole, Mr.
& Mrs. Charlie (1 Jan. 1942)
Bio: Riedel, August George (1848 - 1942) |
Bio: Schwarze,
Henry (1883)
Bio: Slocomb, Lyle
(9 July 1942)
Bio: Smith, Herbert
(5 Feb. 1942)
Bio: Sundermeyer -
Family Reunion (8 Aug. 2007)
Bio: Tessmer, June
Bernice (Engagement - 1936)
Bio: Trost, Victor
(23 April 1942)
Bio: Van Gorden,
Heron (1 Jan. 1942)
Bio: Vandeberg,
Gale (23 April 1942)
Bio: Wharfield,
Aubrey & Helene (Divorce - 1935)
Bio: Wittke, Daryl
(12 Feb. 1942)
Bio: Zdun, Edward
(23 April 1942)
BioA: Bergant,
Mr./Mrs. Frank (35th - 1942)
BioA: Bogumill,
Joseph & Mary (Gold - 1937)
BioA: Cole, Beder
& Martha (Gold - 1938)
BioA: Degenhardt,
Mr./Mrs. (60th Anniv. - 1982)
BioA: Domer,
Mr./Mrs. William (50th Anniv. - 1935)
BioA: Geiger, John
E. & Gertie A. (1937)
BioA: Griffith, Mr.
/ Mrs. E. J. (Golden - 1941)
BioA: Hart, George
& Mira (Silver - 1900)
BioA: Hedler, Frank
& Ellen (Gold - 1937)
BioA: Hegenbarth,
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin (38th - 1959)
BioA: Hemp,
Mr./Mrs. Albert (Golden - 1942)
BioA: Johnson,
Mr./Mrs. Alfred (20th Anniv. - 1952)
BioA: Josephson,
Mr./Mrs. Edgar (25th Anniv. - 1953)
BioA: Josephson,
Mr./Mrs. Victor (65th Anniv. - 1952)
BioA: Loughead,
Mr./Mrs. Fred (25th Anniv. - 1955)
BioA: Maier, John
& Margaret (Gold - 1938)
BioA: Ohlinger,
Mr./Mrs. John (50th Anniv. - 1935)
BioA: Purkis,
Mr./Mrs. Edward (50th Anniv. - 1936)
BioA: Rasmussen,
Mr./Mrs. Charles (25th Anniv. - 1937)
BioA: Sazama,
Mr./Mrs. Wenzel (41st Anniv. - 1935)
BioA: Schmidt,
Mr./Mrs. Matthias (50th Anniv. - 1935)
BioA: Schulz,
Mr./Mrs. August (55th Anniv. - 1936)
BioA: Schweke,
Mr./Mrs. William (50th Anniv. - 1956)
BioA: Senkbeil,
Mr./Mrs. Henry A. (25th Anniv. - 1936)
BioA: Soli, Mr.
& Mrs. Victor (Gold - 1937)
BioA: Storey,
Mr./Mrs. Mat (Gold - 1938)
BioA: Wagner,
Mr./Mrs. Albert (Golden - 1942)
BioA: Wegner,
August & Maryanna (Gold - 1937)
BioM: Adler, Jane
BioM: Allen,
Rebecca #2 (1886)
BioM: Ampe, Ruth
BioM: Anderson,
Anna Audrey #2 (1937)
BioM: Baker,
Imogene (1938)
BioM: Bandow, Helen
BioM: Barry, Esther
BioM: Baumgart,
Helen (1935)
BioM: Bender,
Florence (1936)
BioM: Blasczyk,
Sally (1938)
BioM: Bobb, Ruby
BioM: Bogumill,
Lorrayne C. (1938)
BioM: Bombach, Vera
BioM: Bonczyk,
Stella F. (1937)
BioM: Bonk, Lillian
BioM: Boon, Pearl
BioM: Bourget,
Edith (1938)
BioM: Braatz,
Roberta Ruth (1942)
BioM: Bradford,
Florence (1942)
BioM: Bradle, Edith
BioM: Braithwaite,
Edith (1936)
BioM: Brehm, Leona
BioM: Brenner,
Lucille (1938)
BioM: Brothers,
Mamie (1887)
BioM: Brown, Valda
BioM: Bryden, Etta
#2 (1887)
BioM: Brzezinski,
Mary (1937)
BioM: Buchholz,
Martha (1935)
BioM: Buse,
Isabelle (1939)
BioM: Buss, Mildred
#2 (1937)
BioM: Buss, Mildred
BioM: Carlson,
Bernice Mildred (1935)
BioM: Carpenter,
Cathryn D. (1935)
BioM: Christensen,
Ruth (1939)
BioM: Clouse,
Beulah (1939)
BioM: Corbierre,
Eugenie (1936)
BioM: Cukla,
Catherine (1937)
BioM: Dechman, Rose
BioM: Delane, Ellen
Delia #2 (1887)
BioM: Dietrich,
Bernice #2 (1935)
BioM: Dietrich,
Marion M. (1936)
BioM: Draeger,
Henrietta M. (1936)
BioM: Duellman,
Marcella (1936)
BioM: Duvall, June
BioM: Dux, Lucille
BioM: Eder, Lillian
BioM: Einfeldt,
Elizabeth #2 (1942)
BioM: Elstrom,
Mildred #2 (1935)
BioM: Fechhelm,
Helen J. #2 (1935)
BioM: Fessenden,
Fanny (1900)
BioM: Figura, Olga
BioM: Fillipeck,
Magdaline (1938)
BioM: Fink, Mabel
Martha (1936)
BioM: Fischer,
Margaret E. (1937)
BioM: Flannigan,
Eleanor (1938)
BioM: Flora, Joyce
V. (1938)
BioM: Fravert,
Dorothy (1939)
BioM: Friske,
Florence #2 (1942)
BioM: Fulwiler,
Alice K. (1939)
BioM: Garbush, Emma
BioM: Gault,
Shirley Mae (1942)
BioM: Gierl, Mary
BioM: Gindt, Olive
BioM: Goldamer,
Ardyce (1935)
BioM: Goldstad,
Hope (1935)
BioM: Gosar, Mary
BioM: Grasel, Marie
BioM: Grether,
Marie (1942)
BioM: Gruescki,
Helen (1937)
BioM: Haas, Annabel
BioM: Haas, Dorothy
BioM: Hahto, Bertha
BioM: Hales, Marie
BioM: Hammond,
Alice M. (1935)
BioM: Hancroft,
Eleanore (1937)
BioM: Hanne, Audrey
Marie (1936)
BioM: Hastreiter,
Helen (1937)
BioM: Hasz, Edna
Helen #2 (1942)
BioM: Hayes, Eileen
BioM: Hederer,
Helen (1935)
BioM: Henkel, Carol
BioM: Heppner,
Bernice (1936)
BioM: Herman, Marie
BioM: Hermann,
Bernita L. (1935)
BioM: Hertz,
Margaret M. (1935)
BioM: Hildebrand,
Marie (1942)
BioM: Hoff, Ethel
E. (1938)
BioM: Holochwast,
Frances (1938)
BioM: Holtzhausen,
Ethel (1935)
BioM: Horvat, Helen
BioM: Howard,
Deloris (1942)
BioM: Hubbard, Maud
#2 (1900)
BioM: Huber,
Annette (1935)
BioM: Hubing, Betty
Jane (1942)
BioM: Hubing,
Lorraine (1941)
BioM: Huls, Eunice
BioM: Jahr, Lena #3
BioM: Jens, Violet
BioM: Johnson, Anna
#2 (1900)
BioM: Johnson, Evah
#2 (1886)
BioM: Johnson,
Margaret (1938)
BioM: Kaudy, Ione
Marie #2 (1935)
BioM: Keller, May
F. #2 (1900)
BioM: Kemery,
Ethelyn #2 (1900)
BioM: Kibble, Leona
BioM: King, Floy #3
BioM: Klein,
Elizabeth (1935)
BioM: Kmieciak,
Wanda (1937)
BioM: Knapp,
Dolores (1937)
BioM: Kobs, Alvina
BioM: Kobs, Dorothy
M. (1936)
BioM: Kobs, Sylvia
Ann #2 (1935)
BioM: Kondraszuk,
Genevieve (1937)
BioM: Konwinski,
Stella (1937)
BioM: Kowalk, Clara
BioM: Kramasz,
Stella (1937)
BioM: Krultz, Elma
BioM: Krych, Celia
BioM: Kuester,
Elmira #2 (1938)
BioM: Kuse,
Elizabeth Marie (1936)
BioM: Laager,
Bertha (1942)
BioM: Lapp, Eva
BioM: Lapp, Vera F.
#2 (1935)
BioM: Lazar, Anna
BioM: Lenz, Bethel
BioM: Lenz,
Katheryn (1936)
BioM: Lenzkow,
Dorothy (1942)
BioM: Lex, Lorraine
E. (1936)
BioM: Lindner, Ruth
BioM: Loos, Esther
Mrs. (1938)
BioM: Lube, Mary
Mrs. (1935)
BioM: Luchterhand,
Dorothy (1936)
BioM: Luepke, Hazel
#2 (1935)
BioM: Lulloff,
Margaret G. #2 (1936)
BioM: Mabbott,
Faith Audrey (1954)
BioM: Maciejewski,
Frances (1936)
BioM: Mallak, Alice
BioM: Marden, Jane
BioM: Marquardt,
Anita (1936)
BioM: Martin, Anna
BioM: McDonald,
Marie (1936)
BioM: McIntyre,
Marjorie (1941)
BioM: McNeight,
Winona (1936)
BioM: McNiel,
Martha A. #2 (1887)
BioM: Meacham, Joan
M. (1958)
BioM: Meng, Frances
#2 (1942)
BioM: Mertens,
Marie (1938)
BioM: Messing,
Delma (1942)
BioM: Meyer, Irene
BioM: Miller, Alice
BioM: Miller,
Dorothy (1935)
BioM: Miller, Ella
BioM: Miller, Leah
BioM: Misener,
Genevieve (1941)
BioM: Moen, Alice
Loretta (1941)
BioM: Napierala,
Theresa (1937)
BioM: Nelson, Miss
BioM: Nenahlo,
Cecelia Marie (1942)
BioM: Neverman,
Adeline (1900)
BioM: Neverman,
Anna #2 (1900)
BioM: Neverman,
Rose #2 (1900)
BioM: Nicholson,
Ella C. (1937)
BioM: Niedzwiecki,
Mary (1937)
BioM: Nikloay,
Helen (1935)
BioM: Oelriech,
Lillian (1939)
BioM: Oldenberg,
Gladys (1936)
BioM: Oleson,
Aslang (1887)
BioM: Ott, Ruth
BioM: Peters,
Nellie (1942)
BioM: Phelps,
Rosetta Marie (1942)
BioM: Phillips,
Esther (1938)
BioM: Phillips,
Jennie N. (1887)
BioM: Plecity,
Dorothy (1937)
Powszukiewicz, Rose (1938)
BioM: Prehn, Diane
Margaret (1963)
BioM: Puttkamer,
Helen Lillian (1942)
BioM: Rabska,
Florence (1937)
BioM: Ramberg,
Exelda (1937)
BioM: Ramberg, Nina
BioM: Ratsch, Anita
BioM: Reil, Luella
BioM: Ring,
Gertrude #2 (1887)
BioM: Ringquist,
Eleanor (1926)
BioM: Roder,
Veronica (1935)
BioM: Rohr, Fern
BioM: Rose, Annie
E. (1936)
BioM: Rose, Mary
BioM: Roth, Irene
BioM: Rueden, Elsie
BioM: Runge, Minnie
BioM: Rycerz, Helen
BioM: Sample, Helen
#2 (1935)
BioM: Scheel, Doris
Selma (1936)
BioM: Scheel,
Henrietta (1936)
BioM: Scheibe,
Adeline Mrs. (1936)
BioM: Schmidt,
Eleanor J. (1937)
BioM: Schmidt,
Hilda (1935)
BioM: Schmoll,
Norma (1942)
BioM: Schoengrund,
Lauretta (1939)
BioM: Schoenherr,
Mathilde (1942)
BioM: Schoenherr,
Vivian (1942)
BioM: Schwantes,
Viola Ann (1935)
BioM: Sczygiel,
Olive (1937)
BioM: Seif, Sylvia
BioM: Selby, Jane
BioM: Severson,
Dorothy #2 (1937)
BioM: Sharnek,
Matilda (1938)
BioM: Shumway, Edna
H. (1942)
BioM: Slupski,
Theresa (1937)
BioM: Smitke,
Cecelia A. #2 (1937)
BioM: Snyder, Hazel
BioM: Speck, Evelyn
#2 (1936)
BioM: Spencer,
Helen (1942)
BioM: Stanard,
Eunice Mrs. (1886)
BioM: Stangret,
Leona E. (1938)
BioM: Starks, Erma
BioM: Staron, Annie
BioM: Stetson,
Nancy Mrs. #2 (1887)
BioM: Stevens,
Eileen (1942)
BioM: Stochek,
Mildred Ann (1942)
BioM: Stock, Erna
BioM: Stong, Anna
BioM: Stowe,
Josephine (1939)
BioM: Subke, Emma
L. (1937)
BioM: Susha, Miss
BioM: Taggart, Irma
BioM: Tesmer,
Bernice (1935)
BioM: Tessmer, June
BioM: Thorn, Elsie
C. (1935)
BioM: Tramm,
Margaret Marie (1942)
BioM: Tylka, Stella
BioM: Vandehey,
Marie (1937)
BioM: VenRooy,
Magdeline (1935)
BioM: Vernam,
Carrie Belle (1886)
BioM: Vine, Etta A.
#2 (1887)
BioM: Wahlen, Irma
BioM: Walker,
Lorraine (1942)
BioM: Wanner,
Beatrice (1939)
BioM: Ward, Essie
BioM: Warnecke,
Jeannette Grace (1941)
BioM: Weideman,
Helen (1935)
BioM: Weisner,
Maggie #2 (1887)
BioM: Wellmann,
Ellen (1935)
BioM: Wetzel,
Evelyn (1942)
BioM: Wetzel,
Mildred (1939)
BioM: Wiesner,
Amelia #2 (1900)
BioM: Wilcott,
Marcella (1936)
BioM: Wilde, Laura
BioM: Wilding, Ida
#2 (1900)
BioM: Wilhelm,
Theresa Cathryn (1936)
BioM: Wilkerson,
Mildred (1939)
BioM: Wilson, Alice
M. #2 (1887)
BioM: Witt, Evelyn
BioM: Witte,
Madelyn (1936)
BioM: Zdrojkowski,
Harriet (1937)
BioM: Zillmann,
Marie Ann (1936)
BioM: Zschernitz,
Bertha (1900)
Charles Lincoln in
Poor Farm
Church: Colby - St.
Mary’s Catholic Church - 50th Anniversary (7 Sept.
Church: Curtiss -
Evangelical Lutheran Church - 50th Anniv. (28 July
Church: Dorchester
- Missouri Synod (29 Nov. 1882)
Church: Dorchester
- Missouri Synod (3 Dec. 1882)
Church: Dorchester
- Missouri Synod (3 July 1883)
Church: Dorchester
- Missouri Synod (3 Sept. 1888)
Church: Dorchester
- Missouri Synod (7 Jan. 1883)
News: Cannonville
(16 April 1942)
News: Chili (1 Jan.
News: Cozy Corner
(1 Jan. 1942)
News: Cozy Corner
(23 April 1942)
News: Cozy Corner
(29 Jan. 1942)
News: E. York &
W. Fremont (21 May 1942)
News: Eaton Center
(29 Jan. 1942)
News: Fremont (19
Feb. 1942)
News: Fremont (26
March 1942)
News: Globe (15
Jan. 1942)
News: Globe (9
April 1942)
News: Greenwood -
Community Spelling Contest (12 March 1959)
News: Greenwood -
FFA Members - Land O’Lakes (12 March
News: Greenwood -
Fire South of Town (16 Aug. 1887)
News: Greenwood -
Masonic Lodge #249 (2 Feb. 1949)
News: Greenwood -
Remember When (26 June 1973)
News: Greenwood -
Scandal (20 Sept. 1887)
News: Greenwood -
Snow Storm (12 March 1959)
News: Greenwood (2
April 1942)
News: Humbird (5
March 1942)
News: Levis (30
April 1942)
News: Longwood (4
Jan. 1887)
News: Lynn (16
April 1942)
News: Milan News
(11 June 1936)
News: N. W. Pine
Valley (28 May 1942)
News: Neillsville -
Locals (11 June 1942)
News: Neillsville -
Locals (14 May 1942)
News: Neillsville -
Locals (19 March 1942)
News: Neillsville -
Locals (9 April 1942)
News: Neillsville -
Locals (9 July 1942)
News: Neillsville -
North Grand Ave. (2 April 1942)
News: Neillsville -
Personal Mention (3 May 1887)
News: Neillsville -
Personal Mention (7 Dec. 1886)
News: Neillsville -
Personals (25 June 1942)
News: Neillsville -
Personals (26 March 1942)
News: Neillsville -
The Poor Farm (4 Oct. 1887)
News: North Colby
Town (11 June 1936)
News: North Colby
Town (3 Sept. 1936)
News: Reseburg
& Mead (5 Feb. 1942)
News: Seif &
Hendren (25 June 1942)
News: South Hull
News (25 June 1936)
News: Spring Creek
Valley (1 Jan. 1942)
News: Spring Creek
Valley (8 Jan. 1942)
News: Washburn
Center (29 Jan. 1942)
News: Weston (8
Jan. 1942)
News: Willard (4
June 1942)
News: Windfall
Corners (1 Jan. 1942)
News: Windfall
Corners (14 May 1942)
News: Windfall
Corners (26 March 1942)
News: Windfall
Corners (5 March 1942)
News: Windfall
Corners (8 Jan. 1942)
News: Wis. -
Historical Municipal Records Restored (15 Aug.
News: York Center
(14 May 1942)
News: York Center
(19 March 1942)
Obit: Acker, August
P. #2 (1860 - 1937)
Obit: Aden, Donald
R. #2 (1930 - 2007)
Obit: Aden, Donald
Ray (1930 - 2007)
Obit: Adrian, Peter
(1853 - 1936)
Obit: Alexander,
Mrs. Thomas (? - 1942)
Obit: Altenberger,
William (1887 - 1936)
Obit: Anger,
Lorraine M. (1935 - 2007)
Obit: Anthony,
Alice Eliza (1866 - 1942)
Obit: Arneson,
Mattie (1861? - 1945)
Obit: Artac, Jennie
M. (1908 - 1996)
Obit: Atkins,
Harvey James (1907 - 1935)
Obit: Aucutt, Harry
#2 (1868? - 1937)
Obit: Badzinski,
Alex Sam #2 (1919 - 2007)
Obit: Baer, F.
Joseph #2 (1879 - 1936)
Obit: Bailey,
George W. (1867 - 1938)
Baldeschwiler, Mrs. Alois (1859? - 1938)
Obit: Balicki,
Daniel C. (1959 - 2007)
Obit: Bancroft,
Francis B. #2 (1822 - 1900)
Obit: Barck, Violet
(? - 1942)
Obit: Barts, Fred
(1866 - 1935)
Obit: Bass, Clara
#2 (1824? - 1887)
Obit: Baumgartner,
Jacob #2 (1873? - 1942)
Obit: Beaver,
Richard Michael (1928 - 1997)
Obit: Beaver,
Rosetta #2 (1908 - 1990)
Obit: Beelar, Eva
#2 (? - 1886)
Obit: Bennett, Nels
J. (1859 - 1935)
Obit: Bentz,
Friedericka (1848 - 1936)
Obit: Benzschawel,
Barbara (1864 - 1937)
Obit: Bergstrom,
Harvey W. (1905 - 1937)
Obit: Bielecki,
Antonina (1866 - 1938)
Obit: Bielecki,
Joseph (1858 - 1937)
Obit: Bielke,
William (1864 - 1936)
Obit: Birkett,
Esther B. (1920 - 1938)
Obit: Bissell,
LeRoy (1873 - 1942)
Obit: Blackman,
Sims E. #2 (1846? - 1900)
Obit: Blanchard,
Horace J. (1882 - 1935)
Obit: Blanke,
Dierich #2 (1859 - 1935)
Obit: Bleichroth,
Traugot (1851 - 1937)
Obit: Bloom, Vivien
Esther (1925 - 2007)
Obit: Boardman,
Samuel C. #2 (1829 - 1900)
Obit: Bober,
Virginia Louise #2 (1919 - 2007)
Obit: Bochanyin,
Mary (1865 - 1937)
Obit: Boeger, Mrs.
William (1870? - 1942)
Obit: Bogumill,
Mary (1861 - 1938)
Obit: Boh, Margaret
(1879 - 1965)
Obit: Bortle, Irvin
Guy #2 (? - 1887)
Obit: Brandt, Carl
T. (1895 - 1968)
Obit: Braun, Herman
(? - 1900)
Obit: Brill,
Katherine (1859 - 1936)
Obit: Brisbois,
Gabriel Adelphus (1829 - 1887)
Obit: Broeske, Emma
E. (1902 - 1975)
Obit: Brotherton,
Minor #2 (1811 - 1887)
Obit: Brotherton,
Theodore Richard (1870 - 1935)
Obit: Brown, Ruth
(1929 –1936)
Obit: Burlingame,
Eileen P. (1925 - 2007)
Obit: Burzynski,
John Sr. (1850 - 1937)
Obit: Calhoun,
Claron (1914 - 1937)
Obit: Calway,
Forrest D. (1880 - 1942)
Obit: Campbell,
Charles M. (1855 - 1942)
Obit: Campbell,
Julius (1818 - 1900)
Obit: Canfield,
Mabel (1883 - 1941)
Obit: Cappel,
Charles (1861 - 1936)
Obit: Carlson, Emma
(1862 - 1936)
Obit: Carlson,
Gustave A. (1895 - 1986)
Obit: Carlson, Mrs.
(? - 1937)
Obit: Carlson,
Myrtle B. (1894 - 1976)
Obit: Cattanach,
Irene Louie (1922 - 1998)
Obit: Cawley,
Samuel #2 (1811 - 1900)
Obit: Chase, Dora
(1869 - 1942)
Obit: Christensen,
Stella K. (1904 - 2007)
Obit: Chudy, Ignatz
(1893 - 1938)
Obit: Clements,
Marval L. (1931 - 2007)
Obit: Clouse, Clara
#2 (1901 - 1990)
Obit: Colby, Henry
Dean (1889 - 1937)
Obit: Cole, Richard
#3 (1945 - 2007)
Obit: Cook, Henry
#2 (1861? - 1936)
Obit: Crump, Louise
#2 (1863 - 1900)
Obit: Curtis, Mary
A. #2 (1815 - 1900)
Obit: Dallmann,
Hertha (1924 - 1980)
Obit: Dallmann,
Theodore (1899 - 1979)
Obit: Darge, Mona
(1964 - 2007)
Obit: Davis, Allie
(1866 - 1937)
Obit: Decker,
Nanette Blanche (1928 - 2007)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Allen (1934 - 1975)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Frank (1906 - 1993)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Gertrude (1908 - 2007)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Harold James (1929 - 1975)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Henry (1899 - 1956)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Joyce M. (1932 - 1987)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Katherine (1880 - 1946)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Laverne (1909 - 1964)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Leo (1901 - 1987)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Martin #2 (1870 - 1936)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Mary (1902 - 1984)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Nancy Lee (1936 - 2001)
Obit: Degenhardt,
Roman M. (1930 - 1979)
Obit: Delo, Jessica
Rosa #3 (1983 - 2003)
Obit: Dessloch,
Jacob H. (1874 - 1936)
Obit: Dittmeyer,
Adolph August (1880 - 1936)
Obit: Drescher,
Oscar E. (1872 - 1941)
Obit: Driessen,
John (1901 - 1937)
Obit: Dubicki, Adam
(1889 –1938)
Obit: Dudley, Alice
Teressa (1869 - 1942)
Obit: Dunham, Edwin
S. (1870? - 1942)
Obit: Dunn, Edward
(1873 - 1900)
Obit: Duvall,
Madelyn #2 (1913 - 2007)
Obit: Edblom, Irene
V. (1931 - 2001)
Obit: Elstrom, Carl
(1901 - 1988)
Obit: Elstrom,
Viola #2 (1902 - 1979)
Obit: Engeldinger,
Caroline (1867 - 1936)
Obit: Enhelder,
Willis Enos (1881 - 1942)
Obit: Erickson,
Minnie (1887 - 1935)
Obit: Etta, Arthur
(1894 - 1939)
Obit: Ewert, Christ
(1861 - 1954)
Obit: Ewert,
Emeline Christine #2 (1859 - 1937)
Obit: Federwitz,
Anna (1875 - 1935)
Obit: Fenske,
Albert (1850 - 1942)
Obit: Ferris, Frank
(? - 1936)
Obit: Fessenden,
Elbert (1867 - 1942)
Obit: Fischer,
Margaret (1859 - 1938)
Obit: Flink, August
G. (1879 - 1958)
Obit: Flink, Carl
S. (1893 - 1960)
Obit: Foster, Alvin
C. (1883 - 1937)
Obit: Fradenburg,
Sarah A. (1826? - 1900)
Obit: Frank, Alice
(1864 - 1942)
Obit: Freeman, Cora
(? - 1887)
Obit: Fritsch, Anna
(1884 - 1972)
Obit: Fuller,
Elizabeth (1856 - 1942)
Obit: Fuller,
Kathryn (1894 - 1935)
Obit: Garbrecht,
William F. #2 (1883 - 1935)
Obit: Gauthier,
Frank (1883 - 1935)
Obit: Geary, John
(? - 1887)
Obit: Gehrke,
Russell A. #2 (1918 - 1941)
Obit: Geiger, Fred
(1861 - 1937)
Obit: Georgeson,
Mary (1851 - 1942)
Obit: Gerold, Mary
#2 (1910 - 2007)
Obit: Gerold, Mary
#3 (1910 - 2007)
Obit: Gerold, Mary
#4 (1910 - 2007)
Obit: Gerold, Mary
(1910 - 2007)
Obit: Gibbs, Reid
L. (1905 - 1968)
Obit: Glenzer,
Henry #2 (1852 - 1935)
Obit: Goeden,
Theodore (1863 - 1942)
Obit: Golden, Frank
(1902 - 1936)
Obit: Gorsegner,
Hattie (1902 - 1937)
Obit: Gorzelitz,
Angeline & Arlene (1907 - 1942)
Obit: Gotter, Elmer
(1906 - 1942)
Obit: Goutcher,
Alvin L. #2 (1898 - 1982)
Obit: Goutcher,
Edward #2 (1861 - 1944)
Obit: Greske,
William (1834 - 1935)
Obit: Grondine,
Harry Sr. (1913 - 2007)
Obit: Groneveldt,
Arnold (1931 - 1953)
Obit: Grow, Harold
Ernest #2 (1885 - 1942)
Obit: Gruber, Frank
(1880 - 1938)
Obit: Guenther,
William (1890 - 1935)
Obit: Gullickson,
George E. #2 (1899 - 1900)
Obit: Gullixson,
John Walther (1940 - 2007)
Obit: Haavisto,
John (1866 - 1937)
Obit: Hahn, Julius
Herman (1858 - 1935)
Obit: Hake, Rush S.
(1887 - 1942)
Obit: Hansen, Clara
(1910 - 1937)
Obit: Harriman,
James #2 (1801? - 1887)
Obit: Harris,
Charlotte A. (1851 - 1936)
Obit: Hart, Arthur
(1884 - 1900)
Obit: Hartford,
Fifield C. (1845 - 1887)
Obit: Haug, Emily
L. (1909 - 2002)
Obit: Haugen, Anne
(1870 - 1938)
Obit: Hawkins, Ben
(1882 - 1937)
Obit: Heagle, Olive
P. (1880 - 1938)
Obit: Hebert,
Leland Chester #2 (1923 - 2003)
Obit: Helsten,
Hattie (1899 - 1954)
Obit: Henderson,
Mary L. #2 (1877 - 1900)
Obit: Hendrickson,
Arthur (1901 - 1942)
Obit: Hensel,
Eunice (? - 1942)
Obit: Hickman,
Joseph #2 (1860 - 1937)
Obit: Hiles,
Charlie (? - 1941)
Obit: Hilton, Elma
Mae (1929 - 2007)
Obit: Hinker,
Barbara (1905 - 1998)
Obit: Hinker,
Jerome Edward #2 (1934 - 2002)
Obit: Hoffman,
Herman (1875 - 1942)
Obit: Hoffmann,
Harold G. (1903 - 1935)
Obit: Holewinski,
Frank (1861 - 1937)
Obit: Hollister,
Nellie #2 (1876? - 1938)
Obit: Hollman,
Hedwig (1873 - 1936)
Obit: Holt, Cheryl
Ann (1938 - 2007)
Obit: Hood,
Arieatta M. (1916 - 2007)
Obit: Hoppen, Cora
Marie (1888 - 1937)
Obit: Hoppen,
George J. (1882 - 1935)
Obit: Horn, Minnie
E. (1872 - 1936)
Obit: Horner, Frank
John #2 (1859 - 1952)
Obit: Horswill,
Hugh D. (1916 - 2005)
Obit: Howard,
Harvey E. (1872 - 1938)
Obit: Hubing, Anton
E. (1906 - 1974)
Obit: Hubing, Ethel
(1906 - 1985)
Obit: Hubing, John
(1875 - 1942)
Obit: Hudson, Lyman
O. (1853 - 1935)
Obit: Huls, Matilda
(1875 - 1938)
Obit: Humboldt,
William Henry (1869 - 1942)
Obit: Hutch, Child
of James (? - 1887)
Obit: Jacque, Emma
A. (1878 - 1938)
Obit: Janda, Betty
(1926 - 2007)
Obit: Jensen,
Christian (1858 - 1937)
Obit: Jewett,
Layton L. (1859 - 1936)
Obit: Johnson
Theresa A. (1893 - 1937)
Obit: Johnson,
Adelheid (1846 - 1936)
Obit: Johnson,
Clara Norella (1909 - 1996)
Obit: Johnson,
Edythe Olivia (1910 - 2000)
Obit: Johnson,
Elmer A. (1908? - 1959)
Obit: Johnson,
Elsie #2 (1866 - 1937)
Obit: Johnson,
Evelyn Anna #2 (1913 - 2007)
Obit: Johnson,
Forrest L. (1918 - 1982)
Obit: Johnson,
Genevieve M. (1918 - 1985)
Obit: Johnson,
Hannah (1880 - 1937)
Obit: Johnson,
Harold (1886 - 1937)
Obit: Johnson,
James A. #2 (1923 - 2007)
Obit: Johnson,
James Armand (1923 - 2007)
Obit: Johnson,
James P. (1872 - 1935)
Obit: Johnson, John
(1866? - 1935)
Obit: Johnson, Lena
(1874 - 1937)
Obit: Johnson,
Theresa A. (1894 - 1937)
Obit: Johnston,
Charles Allen #2 (1858 - 1942)
Obit: Josephson,
Edgar (1906 - 1957)
Obit: Justman,
Merlin Elroy (1916 - 1991)
Obit: Justman, Roy
James (1924 - 1953)
Obit: Kademan,
Oscar (1852? - 1936)
Obit: Kademan,
Wilhelmine (1860 - 1935)
Obit: Kanter,
Norman (1925? - 1936)
Obit: Kauffman,
Fred (1909 - 1970)
Obit: Kayhart,
Edward (1867 - 1939)
Obit: Kell, Roger
Charles #2 (1945 - 2007)
Obit: Kendall,
Lewis E. (1876 - 1935)
Obit: Ketel,
William #2 (1843 - 1900)
Obit: Ketsin, Carl
(1840 - 1900)
Obit: Keuer, Ernest
Henry (1877 - 1942)
Obit: Kile, Jennie
(1873? - 1938)
Obit: Kilty, Helen
(1935 - 1991)
Obit: Kleinschmidt,
Silas Fred (1926 - 2007)
Obit: Klimmer,
Grace M. (1899 - 1994)
Obit: Kops, Wallace
#2 (1905 - 1935)
Obit: Koschak, Mary
A. #3 (1915 - 2007)
Obit: Koschak, Mary
Ann #2 (1915 - 2007)
Obit: Koschak, Mary
Ann (1915 - 2007)
Obit: Kramer,
Gertrude (1861 - 1935)
Obit: Kriplean,
Janice (1936 - 1936)
Obit: Kropelin,
Anna (1863 - 1935)
Obit: Kropelin,
Fredrick (1861 - 1936)
Obit: Krutsch, Jean
#2 (1919 - 2007)
Obit: Krzyzanowski,
William (1913 - 1937)
Obit: Kurth, Mrs.
William (? - 1942)
Obit: Kurtz, Frank
G. (1860 - 1935)
Kwiesielewicz, Lorraine (? - 2007)
Obit: Laabs, Alfred
#2 (1932 - 2007)
Obit: Laabs, Alfred
(1932 - 2007)
Obit: Lafee, Ress
(1879 - 1935)
Obit: Lamond, Aris
(1859 - 1937)
Obit: Lamovec,
Frank (1881 - 1947)
Obit: Lanam, Elvin
Jackson (1872 - 1942)
Obit: Larson, Arne
(1853 - 1942)
Obit: Larson, Louis
(1865? - 1887)
Obit: Lastofka,
Martin J. (1874 - 1942)
Obit: Laursen, Ane
Marie (1862 - 1935)
Obit: LaVine,
Francis (? - 1887)
Obit: LaVine, Olive
#2 (? - 1887)
Obit: Leason,
Almina #2 (1842 - 1900)
Obit: Leiders,
Henry A. (1855 - 1935)
Obit: Lindgren,
Jayme Ann (1998? - 2007)
Obit: Lindquist,
Ephraim (1860 - 1937)
Obit: Lloyd, Harold
Douglas (1928 - 1942)
Obit: Loibl, Rose
C. (1909 - 2007)
Obit: Loos, Alex P.
#2 (1905 - 1984)
Obit: Loos, Hilda
Regina #2 (1906 - 1993)
Obit: Lube, August
(1858 - 1935)
Obit: Lubner,
Caroline (1844 - 1938)
Obit: Mais, John G.
(1874 - 1935)
Obit: Mais,
Margaret (1855 - 1936)
Obit: Mais, Stephen
(1852 - 1937)
Obit: Malecki,
Barney K. (1918 - 1938)
Obit: Malinowski,
Denise L. #2 (1954 - 2007)
Obit: Malinowski,
Denise L. (1954 - 2007)
Obit: Marcott,
Dorothy (1915 - 1960)
Obit: Marcott,
Wilfred J. (1911 - 1987)
Obit: Marden,
George #2 (1867 - 1942)
Obit: Marsh,
Lorinda (1838 - 1900)
Obit: Martin,
Barbara (1868 - 1936)
Obit: Mason, Etta
(1878 - 1953)
Obit: Mattick,
William M. (1880 - 1936)
Obit: May, Anna
(1870 - 1942)
Obit: McCutheon,
William R. #3 (1857 - 1938)
Obit: McKenzie,
Daniel #2 (? - 1887)
Obit: McMahon, Mary
(? - 1887)
Obit: Mead, Hixon
M. #3 (1874 - 1937)
Obit: Mead, Julia
(1842 - 1918)
Obit: Melander,
Johanna Adolphine (1870 - 1936)
Obit: Messer, Ansel
Edward (1913 - 1991)
Obit: Meyer, George
(1889 - 1938)
Obit: Michaelis,
Elizabeth (1855 - 1935)
Obit: Miller, Cora
#2 (1882? - 1935)
Obit: Miller, John
E. (1854 - 1936)
Obit: Miller, Mary
J. (1924 - 2007)
Obit: Miller, P. S.
(1827 - 1887)
Obit: Minor, Jon
Paul (1977 - 2007)
Obit: Minshall,
Flora #2 (1860 - 1935)
Obit: Misener, Ida
#2 (1890 - 1941)
Obit: Misener, Ida
(1891 - 1941)
Obit: Mitchell,
Mrs. Edward (? - 1887)
Obit: Mohr, Sophie
(1858? - 1936)
Obit: Montgomery,
Forrest W. (1918 - 2000)
Obit: Montgomery,
Mrs. A. L. (? - 1942)
Obit: Morrow, Betty
Lou #2 (1939 - 1939)
Obit: Mortimer,
Frank (1881 - 1937)
Obit: Mortimer,
Rosalind (1868 - 1936)
Obit: Mroz, Eva
(1857 - 1938)
Obit: Mueller,
Joseph (1875 - 1936)
Obit: Nawrocki,
Estelle (1913 - 2007)
Obit: Neff,
Albertus L. #2 (1821 - 1900)
Obit: Nelson,
Charles (1863 - 1955)
Obit: Nelson, Emma
(1903 - 1935)
Obit: Nelson, Oscar
(1902 - 1937)
Obit: Nickel, Anna
Charlotte Dorothy (1861 - 1935)
Obit: Nickel,
George (1855 - 1939)
Obit: Niehoff,
Henry #2 (1851 - 1936)
Obit: Niemiec,
Ralph J. (1921 - 2007)
Obit: Nomady,
Charles Thomas (1931 - 2007)
Obit: Norton, James
F. (1882 - 1937)
Obit: Nowack, Hulda
Emilia (1901 - 1946)
Obit: Nowobielski,
Albert (1901 - 1938)
O’Brien, Alma L. #2 (1898 - 1900)
Obit: Okonski,
Joseph (1879 - 1937)
Obit: Oldham, Dick
J. #2 (1940 - 2007) (10)
Obit: Ollech,
Walter E. #2 (1936 - 2007)
Obit: Orgish,
Bertha (1872 - 1935)
Obit: Ortmeier,
Louise (1855 - 1935)
Obit: Osgood, Mrs.
A. (1803? - 1887)
Obit: Osowski,
Joseph (1856 - 1938)
Obit: Paczkowski,
Martin (1865 - 1938)
Obit: Panke,
Frederick (1857 - 1936)
Obit: Parkhill,
Anna (1854 - 1937)
Obit: Parmenter,
Lionel #2 (1875 - 1936)
Obit: Pasnecker,
Anna #2 (1862 - 1935)
Obit: Pearce,
William (1850 - 1900)
Obit: Perry, Laura
#2 (1857 - 1935)
Obit: Petersen,
Agnes #3 (1916 - 2007)
Obit: Petersen,
Agnes E. #4 (1916 - 2007)
Obit: Petersen,
Agnes Emilie #2 (1916 - 2007)
Obit: Peterson, Ina
E. (1891 - 1983)
Obit: Petkovsek,
Frances #2 (1923 - 2007)
Obit: Petkovsek,
Frances #3 (1923 - 2007)
Obit: Petkovsek,
Frances (1923 - 2007)
Obit: Petkovsek,
Mary #2 (1878 - 1937)
Obit: Phaneuf,
Gunild Marie (1861 - 1936)
Obit: Phillips,
Nancy (? - 1887)
Obit: Piwoni, Steve
(1881 - 1937)
Obit: Plachy, James
(1883? - 1942)
Obit: Placzkowski,
Kostentena (1862 - 1938)
Obit: Plath, Herman
William (1854 - 1945)
Obit: Podevels,
Ernest (1863 - 1936)
Obit: Pokallus,
Louise (1870 - 1937)
Obit: Poling, Matie
(1888 - 1913)
Obit: Pollack,
Marguerite (1905 - 1976)
Obit: Poremba,
Joseph (1865? - 1937)
Obit: Pratt, Myrtle
(? - 1887)
Obit: Prock,
Sharron Kaye #2 (1940 - 2007)
Obit: Provinski,
Elsie M. (1892 - 1937)
Obit: Provinski,
Ida (1884 - 1936)
Obit: Pszeniczny,
Stanley (1919 - 1937)
Obit: Quast, Joseph
#2 (1857 - 1942)
Obit: Quicker,
Ernest William (1872 - 1942)
Obit: Rabenaw,
Chas. (1833? - 1887)
Obit: Raczykowski,
Bernard (1931 - 2007)
Obit: Radtke, Carl
L. Sr. (1863 - 1936)
Obit: Rahn, Ernest
O. C. #2 (1877 - 1939)
Obit: Rayner,
Lorinda J. (1918 - 1995)
Obit: Reddan, James
H. (1837 - 1900)
Obit: Reineke,
Barbara Ruth (1943 - 2007)
Obit: Reinke,
Louisa (1856 - 1936)
Obit: Rennak,
Leland C. (1925 - 1939)
Obit: Richardson,
George D. (1883? - 1900)
Obit: Richardson,
John N. (1857 - 1942)
Obit: Riedel,
August George (1848 - 1942)
Obit: Rizzi,
Sylvester (1939 - 1980)
Obit: Robaczewski,
Hattie (1917 - 1938)
Obit: Roohr,
William (1875 - 1948)
Obit: Rose, Joanne
Marlene (1950 - 2007)
Obit: Rossman,
Catherine Louise #2 (1800? - 1887)
Obit: Roth, Pearl
E. #2 (1892 - 1937)
Obit: Rude, Oscar
(1879 - 1900)
Obit: Ryan, Henry
(1912 - 1986)
Obit: Ryan, John
(1864 - 1946)
Obit: Ryan,
Lawrence #2 (1916 - 1990)
Obit: Ryan, Lucy
(1879 - 1950)
Obit: Rydberg, Emma
W. (1885 - 1953)
Obit: Salter, John
F. #2 (1883 - 1937)
Obit: Samulson,
Anna (1870 - 1937)
Obit: Sandley,
Harold D. (1934 - 2007)
Obit: Saule, Mary
A. #3 (1937 - 2007)
Obit: Saule,
MaryAnn M. (1937 - 2007)
Obit: Saule,
MaryAnn Marlene #2 (1937 - 2007)
Obit: Scheueren,
Joseph (1876? - 1935)
Obit: Schilling,
John (1858 - 1937)
Obit: Schjoneman,
Ernest E. (1910 - 1968)
Obit: Schjoneman,
Mogen L. (1875 - 1951)
Obit: Schlinsog,
Clara (1875 - 1942)
Obit: Schmelzer,
William #2 (1900 - 1937)
Obit: Schmidt, Emma
(1871 - 1936)
Obit: Schmidt,
Mathias (1861 - 1936)
Obit: Schmidt,
Richard W. (1887 - 1972)
Obit: Schmitt,
Edward H. (1888 - 1936)
Obit: Schneider,
Emma (1871 - 1960)
Obit: Schneider,
Ernest (1854 - 1938)
Obit: Schoettler,
Augusta #2 (1856 - 1939)
Obit: Schopfer,
John (1878 - 1937)
Obit: Schreiber,
Donald F. (1919 - 2007)
Obit: Schultz,
Esther Irene #2 (1900 - 1941)
Obit: Schultz,
Esther Irene (1900 - 1941)
Obit: Schultz,
William #2 (1854? - 1900)
Obit: Schuster,
Lillie #2 (1869? - 1887)
Obit: Schwarze,
Frieda #2 (1883 - 1969)
Obit: Schwarze,Vern
Howard #2 (1949 - 2007) (02)
Obit: Searvogel,
Nellie (1901 - 1960)
Obit: Seibold,
Edward (1873 - 1942)
Obit: Selby, John
H. #2 (1869 - 1935)
Obit: Seldon, Eva
B. (1854 - 1938)
Obit: Severson,
Perry LeRoy (1914 - 2004)
Obit: Shigley,
Yvette (1908 - 1958)
Obit: Short, James
Wallace (1856 - 1942)
Obit: Shupe, Jerome
L. (1935 - 2007)
Obit: Siggelkow,
Charles (1863 - 1937)
Obit: Simpson,
Martha C. (1840? - 1900)
Obit: Sivertson,
John (1866 - 1938)
Obit: Skrzypek,
Frank (1912 - 1937)
Obit: Slater,
William #2 (1818 - 1887)
Obit: Sluzewski,
Stanley (1878 - 1938)
Obit: Smith, Darwin
R. #2 (1947 - 2004)
Obit: Smith, Robert
(1905 - 1935)
Obit: Smudde,
Lester Charles (1935 - 1936)
Obit: Sokolewski,
Mary (1867 - 1937)
Obit: Soltow, Carl
R. (1930 - 1995)
Obit: Solvrud,
Oscar A. (1876 - 1937)
Obit: Sorenson,
Ernest Morton (1859 - 1945)
Obit: Sorenson,
John E. (1895 - 1953)
Obit: Sorenson,
Marie #2 (1868 - 1936)
Obit: Staniec,
Helen Catherine #2 (1913 - 2007)
Obit: Staples,
Albert M. (1861 - 1936)
Obit: Sterzinger,
George J. (1871 - 1936)
Obit: Stielow,
Henry (1865 - 1936)
Obit: Stillman,
Betty Jane (1923 - 2007)
Obit: Stochek, John
(1855 - 1939)
Obit: Stock, Julius
(? - 3 Aug. 1959)
Obit: Stockwell,
Bessie (? - 1887)
Obit: Stout, Mrs.
John (1860? - 1887)
Obit: Strassburg,
Lizzie (1875 - 1936)
Obit: Strey, Ramond
A. (1917 - 2007)
Obit: Stroota,
Arnold (1886 - 1937)
Obit: Struensee,
Joey Edward (1969 - 2007)
Obit: Strugala,
Thomas (1861 - 1938)
Obit: Stucki, Naomi
Bersch (1922 - 2007)
Obit: Stutte, Annie
(1873 - 1963)
Obit: Stutte, Carol
#2 (1940 - 1981)
Obit: Stutte,
Florence O. #2 (1912 - 1982)
Obit: Stutte,
Frederick A. (1868 - 1962)
Obit: Stutte, Hugo
#2 (1908 - 1993)
Obit: Sufficool,
John (1835? - 1887)
Obit: Swaney, Marie
(1885 - 1954)
Obit: Swim, Mary J.
(1858 - 1937)
Obit: Switalski,
Mrs. Frank (1861? - 1938)
Obit: Szymanski,
Steve (1864 - 1938)
Obit: Taylor, Roy
(1875 - 1937)
Obit: Tennis, Edna
(1901 - 1998)
Obit: Teske,
Rheinold (1877 - 1936)
Obit: Thiel,
Albertina (1860 - 1938)
Obit: Thieme,
Wilhelmina K. #2 (1851 - 1937)
Obit: Thoma,
William B. (1867 - 1942)
Obit: Thompson,
John B. (1868 - 1936)
Obit: Thompson, Ole
#2 (1850 - 1936)
Obit: Timlin, James
R. (1854 - 1937)
Obit: Toltzman,
Gertrude (1923 - 1995)
Obit: Tompkins,
Mrs. Jones #2 (? - 1887)
Obit: Trunkel,
Anton (1884 - 1969)
Obit: Trunkel, John
Sr. (1886 - 1975)
Obit: Ulka, Mike
(1853 - 1937)
Obit: Umlauft,
Joseph H. #2 (1874 - 1936)
Obit: Vandeberg,
Orson Albert (1917 - 1942)
Obit: Vander Wegen,
William (1894 - 1938)
Obit: Vaughn,
Charles (1870 - 1935)
Obit: Vetrovec,
Vincent (1861 - 1937)
Obit: Vobach,
Herman E. (1863 - 1935)
Obit: Vobora,
Bernice M. (1923 - 2007)
Obit: Votava, Irma
(1922 - 2007)
Obit: Wade, Arvilla
(? - 1900)
Obit: Wagner, Elmer
Gordon (1905 - 1945)
Obit: Wagner,
Joseph (1879 - 1937)
Obit: Waschow,
Bobby (1928 - 1935)
Obit: Waterpool,
Mabel (1897 - 1900)
Obit: Way, Elsie #2
(1875 - 1900)
Obit: Wegner, Mary
Victoria (1905 - 2007)
Obit: Weiland,
Herman C. (1880 - 1936)
Obit: Werth,
William (1866 - 1936)
Obit: Westberg,
Andrew (1882 - 1936)
Obit: Wheaton, Eli
"Duck" (? - 1942)
Obit: Wieland,
Albert (1879 - 1944)
Obit: Wieland,
Lillian (1897 - 1952)
Obit: Wieland, Mida
(1900 - 1971)
Obit: Wieland, Tina
(1882 - 1983)
Obit: Wieland,
Walter Carl (1898 - 1955)
Obit: Wiersig, Lena
(1894 - 1936)
Obit: Wigstadt,
Grace Lanora #2 (1913 - 2002)
Obit: Wilkening,
Emma (1880 - 1936)
Obit: Will, William
Mrs. (? - 1937)
Obit: Williams,
Anna (1856 - 1942)
Obit: Williams, Ely
#2 (1840 - 1900)
Obit: Wilson, Ina
E. (1911 - 1936)
Obit: Wink,
Elizabeth B. (1895 - 1937)
Obit: Winkler,
Edward M. (1883 - 1954)
Obit: Winkler,
Robert E. #2 (1941 - 2003)
Obit: Wirth, Henry
#2 (1893 - 1936)
Obit: Wittingham,
Byron Sawyer (1870 - 1942)
Obit: Wojtak,
Theresa (1904 - 1938)
Obit: Wojtkiewicz,
Henry (1919 - 1937)
Obit: Wolf, Evelyn
(1946 - 2007)
Obit: Wurthmann,
John (1861 - 1937)
Obit: Young, Donald
H. (1931 - 2007)
Obit: Young, Grace
(? - 1942)
Obit: Zagorski,
Magdalena "Lena" Mary (1911 - 2007)
Obit: Zay, Wanda
Obit: Zehouillier,
Donald L. (1930 - 2007)
Obit: Zulke, Clara
Marie (1882 - 1937)
Obit: Zwolinski,
Paul (1870 - 1938)
Re: Bio: Buss
Family Reunion (1936)
Re: BioA: Bogumill,
Joseph & Mary (1938)
Re: BioA: Rhyner,
Mr./Mrs. Jacob (49th - 1936)
Re: BioM:
Bachhuber, Eleanore (Marriage - 1920)
Re: BioM: Cammers,
Alice (1934)
Re: BioM: Davis,
Mariah G. (Marriage - 1917)
Re: BioM: McCarty,
Mary Nellie (1882)
Re: History: Thorp,
WI Beginnings (1871 - 1993)
Re: News: Greenwood
(2 April 1942)
Re: Obit: Baker,
Josiah (1833-1934)
Re: Obit: Bennett,
Meril (1936 - 2004)
Re: Obit: Boie,
Myrtle (1919 - 1977)
Re: Obit: Botterud,
Andrew #2 (1882 - 1934)
Re: Obit:
Bozicevich, George (1877 - 1942)
Re: Obit: Bradbury,
Frank (1861 - 1941)
Re: Obit: Brick,
Fred (1871 - 1937)
Re: Obit:
Clintsman, Robert E. Jr. (1955 - 2003)
Re: Obit: Hart,
Kenneth Irwin (? - 2007)
Re: Obit: Jones,
Sophia (1854 - 1933)
Re: Obit: Juntunen,
Leo (1928 - 2006)
Re: Obit: Juntunen,
Leo (1928 - 2006)
Re: Obit: Kuzenski,
Frank (1854 - 1935)
Re: Obit: Mallory,
Price (1848 - 1905)
Re: Obit: Marth,
Frank Christian (1855 - 1939)
Re: Obit: Marth,
Frank Christian (1855 - 1939)
Re: Obit: Milton,
Thornton B. (1893 - 1935)
Re: Obit: Mueller,
Frank (? - 1932)
Re: Obit:
Pacholski, John (1882 - 1936)
Re: Obit:
Pacholski, John (1882 - 1936)
Re: Obit:
Schoengarth, Fred Sr. (1842 - 1936)
Re: Obit:
Siegienski, Alexandria (1863 - 1931)
Re: Obit: Siems,
Helmuth Fred (1904 - 1983)
Re: Obit: Siems,
William (1846 - 1930)
Re: Obit: Siems,
William (1846 - 1930)
Re: Obit: Siems,
William (1846 - 1930)
Re: Obit:
Singstock, Ferdinand (1838 - 1919)
Re: Obit:
Stensvold, Carl O. (1894 - 1918)
Re: Obit: Warlum,
Elle (1844 - 1905)
Re: Obit: Wigstadt,
Grace L. (1913-2002)
Re: Property:
Burrington, N. N., (1889)
Re: School: Green
Grove, "Bee Hive" Reunion (2003) - Burtard
Re: Shilts, Rev.
Fred (1925 - 1999)
School: Granton
High School - Class of 1942 (14 May 1942)
School: Neillsville
- North Side (4 Aug. 1885)
School: Neillsville
- St. Mary’s Closes Its Scholastic Year (18 June
School: Unity, Wis. High
School Classes of 1941 - 1944 Reunion (6 Aug.
School: Unity, Wis. High
School Classes of 1944 - 1945 - Reunion