Clark County, Wisconsin

Internet Library Archives

Index 64000-64999

Home Page


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Bio: Akins, Carson Daniel (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Albrecht, George (Graduate - 1958)
Bio: Ammons, Baby Girl (Birth - 1958)
Bio: Arndt, Freddie (Fatal shooting accident - 1912)
Bio: Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Claude (1958)
Bio: Ayers, Wendell (1958)
Bio: Bachmann, Mr. (Death - 1912)
Bio: Bachmann, Mr. (Seriously hurt in fire - 1912)
Bio: Balch, Rella William (Memorial - 1913)
Bio: Barber, Thomas B. (Fatal accident - 1912)
Bio: Barr, James Thomas (Baptism - 1958)
Bio: Bartell, Henry (1912)
Bio: Beardsley, Grant (Fatally shot - 1912)
Bio: Beeckler, Bessie (1958)
Bio: Belanger, Rebecca (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Benson, Jim (1958)
Bio: Benson, Mabel Ruth (1958)
Bio: Berg, T/Sgt. Robert (1958)
Bio: Binning, Katie M. (Dean’s List/Chancellor’s Award - 2009)
Bio: Binning, Kelly M. (Dean’s List/Chancellor’s Award - 2009)
Bio: Births (April - 1949)
Bio: Births (August - 1950)
Bio: Births (August - 1958)
Bio: Births (August - 1958)
Bio: Births (August 1958)
Bio: Births (December - 1948)
Bio: Births (February - 1949)
Bio: Births (January - 1946)
Bio: Births (January - 1946)
Bio: Births (January - 1948)
Bio: Births (January - 1949)
Bio: Births (July - 1946)
Bio: Births (July - 1950)
Bio: Births (June - 1950)
Bio: Births (June - 1950)
Bio: Births (June - 1958)
Bio: Births (March - 1946)
Bio: Births (March - 1958)
Bio: Births (May - 1946)
Bio: Births (May - 1958)
Bio: Births (November - 1958)
Bio: Births (October - 1946)
Bio: Bladl, Paul, Jr. (Promoted - 1955)
Bio: Boardman, Danny (1955)
Bio: Bottles, Bill (1912)
Bio: Bradford, Billy (1912)
Bio: Braun, June (1958)
Bio: Bright, H.A. (1912)
Bio: Bright, H.A. (Serious surgery - 1912)
Bio: Brocker, Pvt. Norman (March 22, 1945)
Bio: Broihier, Mrs. George (80th Birthday - 1958)
Bio: Bunkelman, Kimberly S. (Dean’s List - 2009)
Bio: Busscher, Rylea Jane (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Butler, George (Charged with murder - 1912)
Bio: Catlin, Otto (1958)
Bio: Cesnick, Ignac (1912)
Bio: Claridge (Birth of child - 1912)
Bio: Conlee, Mark Charles (Birth - 1946)
Bio: Cory, Lynn Dennison (Baptism - 1958)
Bio: Crissinger, B. H. (1958)
Bio: Crosby. Emery W. (Politics - 1912)
Bio: Dahl, Gabriella Marie (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Davis, Gordon (80th Birthday - 1958)
Bio: Drescher, Charlotte (Events- 1958)
Bio: Duge, Mrs. A.H. (Visit - 1913)
Bio: Duncan Family Reunion (1912)
Bio: Elmer, Jamie (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Feutz, Baby Boy (Birth - 1946)
Bio: Firnstahl, Amy (Honors - 2009)
Bio: Fisher, Beulah (Noble Grand - 1958)
Bio: Fitzmaurice, Larry D., Pvt. (1958)
Bio: Frantz, Carl Rudolph (86th Birthday - 1958)
Bio: Freeberg, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield (Tornado - 1958)
Bio: Gaier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Reunion - 1958)
Bio: Gassen, Matt J., Jr. (1958)
Bio: Geiger, Melissa Ann (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Geise, H. O. (1958)
Bio: Glenzer, Ronald F., SSgt. (POW - 1945)
Bio: Gorselitz, Clara (Courtroom death of baby - 1912)
Bio: Graff, Lindsey (Dean’s List - 2009)
Bio: Graham, Mayhew (Serious injury - 1912)
Bio: Griffin, Tom (Marshal murdered - 1912)
Bio: Griffin, Tom (Marshall shot - 1912)
Bio: Gruenke, Pfc. Ronald (1958)
Bio: Handky, Anna (90th Birthday - 1930)
Bio: Handtke, Louis (Appointment as Undersheriff - 1913)
Bio: Harlow, Phillip (Fatal accident - 1912)
Bio: Hart, Tom, A/3c (1958)
Bio: Harvey, Wells F., Mr. and Mrs. (1958)
Bio: Haslow, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. (1958)
Bio: Heideman, Carolyn (1958)
Bio: Heimstad, L. P. (Railroad Transfer - 1958)
Bio: Heisler, Amanda (Serious injury - 1912)
Bio: Henninger, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald (1958)
Bio: Hoefs, LuElla Ann (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Hoffman, John R., Mrs. (Died in Auto - 1912)
Bio: Hoffman, Louis (1958)
Bio: Hoppe, Xavier Kipling (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Howard,DeWayne, A/3c (1958)
Bio: Huckstead, Nancy (1958)
Bio: Jarchow, Tanalee (Dean’s List - 2009)
Bio: Jarchow, Tanalee (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Johnson, Everett (Skull Injury - 1958)
Bio: Johnson, Gilbert (Fish catch - 1912)
Bio: Jolivette, Richard, Pvt. (March 22, 1945)
Bio: Kalsow, Donald G. (90th Birthday - 2010)
Bio: Kapfer Family (1958)
Bio: Karlen, Pamela Kay (Baptism - 1958)
Bio: Kelley, Pvt. George (March 22, 1945)
Bio: Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. John (1958)
Bio: Kennedy, Bessie (County Superintendent of Schools - 1912)
Bio: Kennedy, Elizabeth (Appointment - 1912)
Bio: Ketel, Emil (1912)
Bio: Klinke, F. (Funeral - 1912)
Bio: Knoop, Arlys (Accident - 1958)
Bio: Kopp, Jeanie Marie (Birth - 1981)
Bio: Kotecki, Anthony Jesse (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Kowieski, Joan (1958)
Bio: Kunz, Ella (1912)
Bio: Kunze, Darlene (Promotion - 2010)
Bio: Kunze, Emily (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Kunze, Emily (Honors - 2009)
Bio: Lang, Frank, Mr. and Mrs. (1958)
Bio: Larson, Linnae Kathy (Baptism - 1958)
Bio: Lauscher, Ivan (Commendation - 1958)
Bio: Lindsley, Henry (Welterweight champion - 1912)
Bio: Lukas, Wallace (Service Note - 1958)
Bio: Malinowski, Pfc. Edward L. (1958)
Bio: Martin, A. R. (Annual Picnic - 1958)
Bio: McBride, Shinae (Dean’s List - 2009)
Bio: Mecklenburg, Rev.  Willard M. (1958)
Bio: Mertens, Pvt. Kenneth E. (1958)
Bio: Meyer, Virgean (1958)
Bio: Meyers, Joseph (Charged with murder - 1912)
Bio: Michlig, Graham (Dean’s List/Chancellor’s List - 2009)
Bio: Moh, Gordon (1958)
Bio: Monegar, Russell (Life Sentence - 1956)
Bio: Nelson, Jaurdon (Honors - 2009)
Bio: Nied, Laura (90th Birthday - 2010)
Bio: Nielsen, Richard (1958)
Bio: Niemi, Michael (1873 - 1955)
Bio: O’Mealy, Josie (1958)
Bio: Oelrich, Jennifer (Award - 2009)
Bio: Oestreich, Kayce (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Opelt Reunion (1958)
Bio: Owen, Chauncey (Motorcycle accident - 1912)
Bio: Owens, William F. (1958)
Bio: Palubicki, Robert (1958)
Bio: Philpott, Donald R. (Arm Injury - 1958)
Bio: Picus, William (Book - 1955)
Bio: Pietenpol, David, Pfc. (1958)
Bio: Prestebak, Megan (Honors - 2009)
Bio: Quarne, Luke Allen (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Raasch, Harvey W., Pvt. (1955)
Bio: Rhea, A.O. (Political notes - 1912)
Bio: Rosenquist, Jeanette M. (1955)
Bio: Roth, Sabrina R. (Honors - 2009)
Bio: Rougeux, Brenda (Dean’s List - 2009)
Bio: Rover, Myra (Death - 1913)
Bio: Sallada, W.A. (Death - 1912)
Bio: Schaefer, Beth A. (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Schindler, Katy (Chancellor’s Award - 2009)
Bio: Schindler, Kelsi (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Schlicht, Mrs. Robert (1958)
Bio: Schlinsog, Norma (Fatal accident - 1912)
Bio: Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald (1958)
Bio: Schmidtke, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (1958)
Bio: Schmitz, Lamar (80th Birthday - 2010)
Bio: Schreiner, Tryce Kenneth Michael (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Schroeder, Jerome (1958)
Bio: Schuette, Richard (Arrested for murder of his child - 1912)
Bio: Seidel, Kyle (Honors - 2009)
Bio: Shaw, Louis (New Home - 1958)
Bio: Shirley, Baby Girl (Birth - 1958)
Bio: Smith, Augustus (Memorial - 1912)
Bio: Sodergren, Nicolle (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Sorensen, Pvt. Sidney G. (1958)
Bio: Sossaman, Kate (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Soyk, Karen (Promotion - 2010)
Bio: Spoelstra, Isaac John (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Sternitzky, Mary Ann (Baptism - 1958)
Bio: Stockwell, Ira (1912)
Bio: Strebing, Mike (Hunting Experience - 1958)
Bio: Tesmer, Kathan Jakob (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Thuss, Charley (Record-breaking fish - 1912)
Bio: Tibbett, Mr. and Mrs. Richard (1958)
Bio: Tlusty, Rachel (Engagement - 2010)
Bio: Tompkins, Wyatt William (Birth - 2010)
Bio: Tragsdorf, Frank (Serious accident - 1912)
Bio: Trewartha, Lowell (1958)
Bio: Trimberger, Mark Eugene (Baptism - 1958)
Bio: Twait, Anna (85th Birthday -1955)
Bio: Ure, George (1912)
Bio: Van Gorden, Archie , Mr. and Mrs (1958)
Bio: VandeBerg, Abe (Accidental shooting - 1912)
Bio: Viegut, Darla (Graduation - 2010)
Bio: Voigt, Tim Alan (Birth - 1958)
Bio: Vorland, Pearl (Award - 2010)
Bio: Warlum, Michael (Eye Surgery - 1958)
Bio: Wavrunek, James (1958)
Bio: Way, Mr./Mrs. Daniel (Moving from area - 1912)
Bio: Weddig, Lea Mae (Pre-nuptial Shower - 1955)
Bio: West, Emma (Sells Home - 1958)
Bio: Whaley, William (1958)
Bio: White, Phillip (Accident - 1912)
Bio: Wiermanski, Mary (100th Birth Day - 2010)
Bio: Wilson, ? (Convicted of murder - 1912)
Bio: Witte, David Robert (Birth - 1958)
Bio: Wright, John (29 Mar 1912)
Bio: Zaborowski, Baby (Birth - 1958)
Bio: Zimmerman, Dee (Birthday - 2010)
Bio: Blau, Mrs. Nolie (1958)
BioA: Andersen, Charlie & Margaret (50th - 1955)
BioA: Andersen, Mr. & Mrs. Ole (50th - 1955)
BioA: Bartell, Mr./Mrs. H.E. (20th - 1912)
BioA: Beil, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph (52nd - 1958)
BioA: Bergant, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (51st - 1958)
BioA: Burtard, Mr. and Mrs. John (Silver - 1958)
BioA: Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (Golden - 1958)
BioA: Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Will (50th - 1947)
BioA: Franz, Leondo Mr. and Mrs. (12th - 1958)
BioA: Galarowicz, Jacob and Caroline (50th - 1956)
BioA: Gluck, Mr. and Mrs. Herman (45th - 1958)
BioA: Goebel, Mr. and Mrs. Paul (Golden - 1958)
BioA: Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry (Golden - 1958)
BioA: Hohl, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin (50th - 1958)
BioA: Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl (26th - 1958)
BioA: Holverson, Mr. & Mrs. Carl (50th -  1956)
BioA: Lesar, Mr. and Mrs. John (Silver - 1958)
BioA: Marg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed (29th - 1958)
BioA: Marx, John, Mr./Mrs. (26th - 1912)
BioA: Matkovich, Mr. and Mrs. Martin (Golden - 1958)
BioA: Meier, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph E. (Golden - 1958)
BioA: Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Oluf (57th - 1958)
BioA: Pagenkopf, Mr. and Mrs. George (40th - 1978)
BioA: Paulson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross (60th - 1958)
BioA: Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver (25th - 1912)
BioA: Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert (26th - 1958)
BioA: Singstock, Herman & Lena #3 (50th -  1955)
BioA: Sniteman, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. (40th - 1940)
BioA: Stigen, Mr. and Mrs. Nordahl T. (40th - 1958)
BioA: Strathman Mr./Mrs. Eugene (55th  - 2010)
BioA: Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence (Golden - 1958)
BioA: Vater, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. (65th - 1958)
BioA: Wallmuth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred (50th - 1958)
BioA: Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Louie (25th - 1947)
BioA: Wischulke, Mr. and Mrs. Ed (Golden - 1958)
BioA: Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. Carl (Silver - 1958)
BioM: Altmann, Karlene A. (1982)
BioM: Ames, Claribelle (1912)
BioM: Anderson, Arlene L. (1955)
BioM: Anderson, Donna Mae (1956)
BioM: Anderson, Edith May #2 (1912)
BioM: Anderson, Elsie (1947)
BioM: Anderson, Mary (1958)
BioM: Anderson, Mary Lou (1955)
BioM: Arbelovsky, Marie (1947)
BioM: Arola, Beverly (1956)
BioM: Bahr, Margaret (1912)
BioM: Bannach, Joan (1947)
BioM: Barnaske, Marjorie A. (1955)
BioM: Bauer, Alberta Mae (1947)
BioM: Bauer, Dorothy (1947)
BioM: Baumgart, Janice Marie (1958)
BioM: Bentzler, Virginia #2 (1947)
BioM: Beyerl, Tina Ann (2009)
BioM: Bingham, Rosella H. (1955)
BioM: Bloche, Margaret (1912)
BioM: Boe, Beverly #2 (1947)
BioM: Brings, Dorothy (1947)
BioM: Brownell, Marjorie (1947)
BioM: Bruesewitz, Kimberly (2009)
BioM: Bruny, Mary (1912)
BioM: Bushnell, Mavis (1956)
BioM: Carl, Nelda #2 (1947)
BioM: Carpenter, Miss (1955)
BioM: Churkey, Gladys (1955)
BioM: Cizek, June R. (1955)
BioM: Crandall, Hazel #2 (1912)
BioM: Crowley, Rose M. #2 (1955)
BioM: Dedolph, Josephine #2 (1947)
BioM: Degenhardt, Alberta (1947)
BioM: Degenhardt, Eleanor (1947)
BioM: Demert, Audrey (1958)
BioM: Dimeo, Kimberly Ann (1981)
BioM: Dishno, Ida (1912)
BioM: Dobbe, Marlene (1958)
BioM: Dodte, Lucille Jane (1958)
BioM: Downer, Betty Marie #2 (1958)
BioM: Drake, Elayne (1947)
BioM: Duchow, Connie (1958)
BioM: Duge, Amelia #2 (1912)
BioM: Durbin, Marie (1956)
BioM: Eagles, Gladys #2 (1912)
BioM: Elmhorst, Geraldine Fay (1958)
BioM: Eslinger, Annabelle (1956)
BioM: Farley, Marie A. (1955)
BioM: Fenner, Gladys #2 (1947)
BioM: Feucht, Wendilyn Marie (1981)
BioM: Firnstahl, Mary Jane (1947)
BioM: Fitzgibbon, Anna C. #2 (1912)
BioM: Flynn, Hazel #2 (1912)
BioM: Forbush, Grace #2 (1912)
BioM: Fricke, Jeannine (1947)
BioM: Froland, Betty Ann (1955)
BioM: Gabrovec, Cecelia
BioM: Gall, Sharron (1958)
BioM: Garbisch, Alice #2 (1947)
BioM: Gaulke, Irene (1947)
BioM: Goodell, Doris #2 (1947)
BioM: Gorman, Elva #2 (1912)
BioM: Grap, Minnie (1958)
BioM: Greeler, Delores L. (1958)
BioM: Haeuser, Audrey #2 (1947)
BioM: Halverson, Marjean (1955)
BioM: Hamann, Elma (1958)
BioM: Hawks, Doree (1956)
BioM: Hawks, Shirley A. #2 (1956)
BioM: Hawley, Dawn (1947)
BioM: Helm, Dolores #2 (1947)
BioM: Hesterkind, Gloria (1956)
BioM: Hettler, Doris A. (1955)
BioM: Hillebrand, Betty (1947)
BioM: Hoesly, Kathleen (1947)
BioM: Hoffmann, Eileen (1958)
BioM: Hubing, Artice Elaine (1958)
BioM: Hubing, Celia #2 (1912)
BioM: Hunter, Martha #2 (1912)
BioM: Illingworth, Margaret (1947)
BioM: Ingalls, Mrs. Melvina Hartsock (1912)
BioM: Johnson, Beatrice (1958)
BioM: Johnson, DeLoris (1958)
BioM: Kalmon, Elaine L. (1955)
BioM: King, Ellen #2 (1912)
BioM: Klabon, June (1955)
BioM: Kleinschmidt, Shirley Ann (1956)
BioM: Knoop, Elsie #2 (1912)
BioM: Knoop, Janet (1981)
BioM: Koenecke, Helen (1947)
BioM: Koerner, Amanda (2009)
BioM: Korman, Anna #2 (1912)
BioM: Kowalewski, Dorothy (1956)
BioM: Kowalewski, Shirley (1955)
BioM: Krosinski, Barbara (1958)
BioM: Krueger, Arlene #3 (1955)
BioM: Kuenkle, Martha. (1912)
BioM: Langreck, Joyce Beverly (1958)
BioM: Legue, Gislene (1947)
BioM: Lehman, Cynthia (1958)
BioM: Lindner, Shirley (1958)
BioM: Loppnow, Grace (1958)
BioM: Lowe, Florence #2 (1912)
BioM: Luchterhand, Margaret (1912)
BioM: Mallory, Elizabeth (1958)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (1912)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (1958)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (November - 1958)
BioM: Martin, Patricia (1958)
BioM: Marty, Lori Sue (1981)
BioM: McCarron, Verla #4 (1956)
BioM: McNamara, Mary Jane (1958)
BioM: Meihak, Lorraine (1958)
BioM: Meinholdt, Myrna (1958)
BioM: Meirs (Meier), Carolina (1912)
BioM: Miller, Audrey (1955)
BioM: Miller, Betty Jo #2 (1958)
BioM: Missling, Loretta (1947)
BioM: Moore, Linda S.(1981)
BioM: Murphy, Helen (1956)
BioM: Murphy, Marion #2 (1956)
BioM: Nason, Priscilla (1955)
BioM: Norman, Betty (1958)
BioM: Oelke, Judith Ann (1958)
BioM: Opelt, Dorothy (1958)
BioM: Oswald, Winifred (1947)
BioM: Paulson, Judith Rae (1958)
BioM: Pettis, Sylvia (1958)
BioM: Pfeiffer, Julie (1981)
BioM: Pflughoeft, Betty (1958)
BioM: Pinkerton, Margaret #2 (1912)
BioM: Pirwitz, Anna (1912)
BioM: Ploeckelmann, Sylvia #2 (1945)
BioM: Polzin, Donna M. (1981)
BioM: Potocnik, Betty Ann (1956)
BioM: Poznanski, Delores (1956)
BioM: Quinnell, Mrs. Treva (1958)
BioM: Radley, Jeanette E. #2 (1955)
BioM: Randall, Sophia (1958)
BioM: Reils, Lauren (2009)
BioM: Robinson, Fern #2 (1912)
BioM: Roemke, Joann (1958)
BioM: Rogstad, Delores #2 (1947)
BioM: Rogstad, Dorothy (1947)
BioM: Rosenberg, Carol (1958)
BioM: Rothmeier, Evelynn A. (1955)
BioM: Ruege, Emma #2 (1912)
BioM: Scherf, Emma L. (1955)
BioM: Schjoneman, Cody (2009)
BioM: Schmidt, Joyce (1958)
BioM: Schmidt, Marie D. (1958)
BioM: Schmidtke, Luanne (1958)
BioM: Schreiber, Adell #2 (1947)
BioM: Schuld, Marilyn Ann (1958)
BioM: Schwentkofske, Minnie (1912)
BioM: Scribner, Karen (1958)
BioM: Seif, Judith Ann (1958)
BioM: Seufzer, Donna #2 (1955)
BioM: Shaw, Beverly J. (1958)
BioM: Shefchik, Irene (1947)
BioM: Shirley, Margo Rosalie (1958)
BioM: Short, Mae (1912)
BioM: Shummel, Nellie (1912)
BioM: Sischo, Olive (1912)
BioM: Smith, Virginia (1947)
BioM: Sorensen, Shirley (1955)
BioM: Stasek, Shirley (1956)
BioM: Steinmetz, Sara (September 19, 2009)
BioM: Strangfeld, Elaine (1958)
BioM: Strathman, Roberta (1955)
BioM: Strigel, Denise Ann (1982)
BioM: Stuve, Virginia #2 (1947)
BioM: Sydorowicz, Monica (1958)
BioM: Thompson, Marie Louise (1958)
BioM: Thorson, Darleen (1955)
BioM: Treankler, Darlyne J. #2 (1955)
BioM: Trogner, Julie Ann (1981)
BioM: Tucker, Kathleen #2 (1947)
BioM: Turville, Darlene (1981)
BioM: Underhill, Gloria #2 (1947)
BioM: Van Gorden, Nancy (1981)
BioM: Vandeberg, Alice #2 (1947)
BioM: Vanderhoof, Lorena (1947)
BioM: Vesely, Andrea (2009)
BioM: Vetterkind, Alice #3 (1955)
BioM: Voight, Alverna (1947)
BioM: Weddig, Lea Mae #2 (1955)
BioM: Wehe, Mary Ann Louise (1958)
BioM: Weideman, Danielle (2009)
BioM: Wentzel, Marion #2 (1955)
BioM: Weyer, Anna Marie (1947)
BioM: White, Albertine (1958)
BioM: White, Elaine #3 (1947)
BioM: White, Melva #2 (1947)
BioM: Wiesner, Annette Kay (1982)
BioM: Wilde, Edna Helen (1958)
BioM: Wilksman, Shirley (1955)
BioM: Williams, Delores (1955)
BioM: Winter, Lavon (1958)
BioM: Witt, Frieda #2 (1947)
BioM: Yakish, Irene (1958)
BioM: York, Viola #2 (1912)
BioM: Young, Karaleen (1958)
BioM: Zahradka, Rosa Lee (1958)
BioM: Anderson, Lois Janet (1958)
BioM: Frye, Dorothy (1947)
BioM: Peterson, Kathryn #3 (1947)
BioM: Reineking, Margaret (1947)
Church: Abbotsford Christ Lutheran (March 29, 1945)
Church: Globe - Immanuel Lutheran (1958)
Church: Granton Methodist Church (Organ - 1958)
Church: Loyal - Methodist Father & Son Banquet (1958)
Church: Loyal Methodist (W. S. C. S. - 1958)
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (March 15, 1945)
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (February 15, 1945)
News: Clark County - Disaster Area (Meaning - 1958)
News: Clark County - Military Notes (1958)
News: Clark County - Service Notes (1958)
News: Clark County - Service Oversight (1958)
News: Clark County - Wisconsin State Fair (Ribbons - 1958)
News: Globe (9 Jan 1903)
News: Grant - South Grant Cheese Factory (1958)
News: Granton Hunters (Success - 1958)
News: Greenwood, Wis. (22 Jan 1903)
News: Greenwood, Wis. (23 Jul 1903)
News: Hemlock (12 Jan 1903)
News: Hewettville 4-H Club (1958)
News: Hewettville Mothers’ Club (1958)
News: Humbird (Chenoweth Mill Co. - 1912)
News: Longwood (Longwood Store Burns - 1913)
News: Lynn (26 Sept 1912)
News: Lynn (9 Jan 1913)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - All Spice Homemakers (Christmas Party - 1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Atomic Workers 4-H Club (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - College Notes (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Hospital Week (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - I. O. O. F. (Meeting - 1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Landry Barn Burns (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Low Spot Temperatures (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Monday Progress Club (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - O’Neill Hotel Destroyed (27 Mar 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Oratorical Awards (1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Rabies (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Rotary Club (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Shoe Repair Shop (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Skelgas Building (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Tank Battalion (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Tornado Disaster Exercise (1958)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (1 Aug 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (11 July 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (15 Jan 1903)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (2 May 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (20 June 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (21 Nov 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (26 Dec 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (27 June 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (28 Nov 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (3 Oct 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (Apr 11, 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (Apr 11, 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (Democratic political speakers - 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (Purchase of Grelle Creamery - 1912)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (St. John’s Lutheran Church 25th Anniv - 1912)
News: Neillsville Business and Professional Women (1958)
News: North Pine Valley (12 Sept 1912)
News: Owen - Stout Singers (1958)
News: Seif (2 May 1912)
News: Thorp, Wis. - Foremost Blue Moon Cheese (1958)
News: Thorp, Wis. - Marshfield Clinic (Stanley - 2010)
News: Unity (12 Jan 1903)
News: Unity Corners (12 Jan 1903)
News: Washburn families move (1958)
News: Washburn Homemakers (1958)
News: West Side (15 Jan 1903)
News: York - Haach Cheese Factory Burns (1912)
Obit: Albright, Sarah (1874 - 1958)
Obit: Alden, Loie (1882 - 1958)
Obit: Alexander, Carlyle #2 (1938 - 1956)
Obit: Alexander, Ernest #2 (1879 - 1956)
Obit: Andersen, Carl M. (1884 - 1956)
Obit: Andersen, Carl M.  #2 (1884 - 1956)
Obit: Anderson, Elmer F. (1893 - 1958)
Obit: Anderson, Gust (1844 - 1913)
Obit: Anderson, John (Fatal accident - 1912)
Obit: Anderson, Mary (1877 - 1956)
Obit: Anderson, Minnie (1862 -1947)
Obit: Anderson, Vivian (1921 - 1956)
Obit: Andrew, Ralph A. (1921 - 2010)
Obit: Armitage, Willis K. #2 (1851 - 1912)
Obit: Austin, Beatrice #2 (1893 - 1912)
Obit: Austin, Julia #2 (1875 - 1912)
Obit: Axelson, Helen Gertrude (1908 - 2010)
Obit: Axelson, Helen #2 (1908-2010)
Obit: Babcock, Mary Ann #2 (1857 - 1912)
Obit: Balch, R.W. (? - 1912)
Obit: Balch, Rella William #2 (1859 - 1912)
Obit: Barager, Vernon P. #3 (1892 -  1955)
Obit: Bart, Ronald (1948 - 1955)
Obit: Barton, Mayme #2 (1893 - 1912)
Obit: Barts, Mabel (1923 - 2010)
Obit: Bartz, Fred L. (1889 - 1958)
Obit: Basara, Emily (1919 - 1969)
Obit: Beardsley, Diana S. (1948? - 2010)
Obit: Beechler, Charles #2 (? - 1912)
Obit: Beeckler, Bessie Inez (1884 - 1958)
Obit: Beeckler, George Alexander (1882 - 1958)
Obit: Begley, Ernest Edward (1911 - 1958)
Obit: Berg, Hugh L.#2 (1889 - 1958)
Obit: Betts, Barbara (1933 - 2010)
Obit: Beyer, Blanche M. (1919 - 2010)
Obit: Bidwell, Mrs. A.J. (? - 1912)
Obit: Bielke, Albert (1870 - 1958)
Obit: Bird, Ernest W. (1922 - 2010)
Obit: Bloczynski, Margaret Martha (1924 - 2010)
Obit: Bloomfield, Angeline (1923-1947)
Obit: Blum, Walter #2 (1891 - 1955)
Obit: Blum, Walter (1891 - 1955)
Obit: Bohnsack, William (1886 - 1958)
Obit: Bowe, Arlene A. #2 (1944 - 2010)
Obit: Bowe, Arlene (1944 - 2010)
Obit: Bradbury, Lewis Graham (1905 - 1958)
Obit: Bradford, William F. #2 (1876 - 1955)
Obit: Breed, Emery #2 (1848 - 1912)
Obit: Bright, H.A. #3 (1835 - 1913)
Obit: Burch, Belle (1862 - 1958)
Obit: Burr, John #2 (1839 - 1912)
Obit: Bury, Gwyn (? - 1913)
Obit: Buss, Ernest (1874 - 1956)
Obit: Buttrey, Jonathan. #2 (? - 1912)
Obit: Cain, Walter L. (1863 - 1958)
Obit: Carter, Theo #2 (1895 - 1912)
Obit: Casper, Edward J. Jr. (1955 - 2010)
Obit: Caton, James (? - 1958)
Obit: Cegielnik, Olga (1955)
Obit: Christopherson, John (? - 1958)
Obit: Chrzaszcz, Stephen Andrew (1926 - 2010)
Obit: Claire, Lizzie A. #2 (1969 - 1958)
Obit: Clark, Jennie (1863-1947)
Obit: Clouse, Wayne Frederick (1941 - 2010)
Obit: Collier, Grace (1874 - 1955)
Obit: Condit, E.R. (abt.1832 - 1912)
Obit: Cook, Walter, E. #5 (1888 - 1955)
Obit: Corzett, Addelaide (1859-1947)
Obit: Cox, George E. #3 (1911 - 1955)
Obit: Cox, George E. #4 (1911 - 1955)
Obit: Cox, George E. #5 (1911 - 1955)
Obit: Crowley, Lawrence F. (1905 - 1956)
Obit: Darling, Fred (1883 - 1958)
Obit: Davis, Jay G. #2 (1882 - 1958)
Obit: Davis, Walter (1932? - 2010)
Obit: Deets, Byron #2 (1912-1947)
Obit: Degener, Albert (? - 1958)
Obit: Deuel, Gordon (? - 1998)
Obit: Devine, Charlotte H. (? - 2010)
Obit: Dickey, Mary A. #2 (1833 - 1912)
Obit: Dicks, James E. (1876 - 1955)
Obit: Dietz, Myra (1912 - 1958)
Obit: Dodge, Bernard Ogilvie (1872 - 1960)
Obit: Doege, Marie (? - 1998)
Obit: Dorst, Raymond J. (1903 - 1958)
Obit: Downen, LomaJean (1921 - 2010)
Obit: Drescher, Clara (1874 - 1958)
Obit: Drescher, Wayne Donald (1941 - 2010)
Obit: Dudei, Martha (? - 1912)
Obit: Duge, L. (? - 1913)
Obit: Duge, Ludwig #2 (1845 - 1913)
Obit: Dunn, Patrick (1839 - 1912)
Obit: Durst, Janie (? - 1958)
Obit: Duvall, Todd Michael (1963 - 2010)
Obit: Dzien, Rose (1889 - 1955)
Obit: Earl, Fred #2 (1875 - 1956)
Obit: Ebben, Delton Joseph (1912 - 2010)
Obit: Ebert, Arnold (? - 1958)
Obit: Eberts, Ernest (1886 - 1956)
Obit: Edblom, Arlyn Arthur (1920 - 2010)
Obit: Edgebert, Mary Fletcher #2 (1840 - 1912)
Obit: Eggebrecht, James W. (1928 - 2010)
Obit: Elmhorst, Gary Lee (1978 - 2010)
Obit: Emling, Mrs. Charles (? - 1958)
Obit: Erdman, Adolph #2 (1907 - 1955)
Obit: Erdman, Peggy Ann (1961? - 2010)
Obit: Erpenbach, Peter P. (? - 1958)
Obit: Esselman, Clemens (1928-2010)
Obit: Fancher, Joan (1935 - 1955)
Obit: Fedij, Anna (1898 - 1958)
Obit: Fenske, Florence E. #2 (1917 - 2009)
Obit: Ferguson, Mrs. John (? - 1958)
Obit: Fetting, Fred (1920 - 2010)
Obit: Fields, Gilbert (1935-2010)
Obit: Fike, Ira (? - 1912)
Obit: Foley, Stanley J. (1927 - 2010)
Obit: Forman, Allen A. (1871 - 1958)
Obit: Fredrickson, Lucille E. (1920 - 2010)
Obit: Free, Thomas J. (1900 - 1958)
Obit: Frenzel, William (1847 - 1912)
Obit: Frese, James Edward (1959 - 2010)
Obit: Frey, Kenneth H. (1941 - 2010)
Obit: Fricke, Elsie (1910-2010)
Obit: Fuller Ernest #2 (1831 - 1912)
Obit: Fuller Marion Lee #3 (1888-1957)
Obit: Fuller, Ernest #2 (1912)
Obit: Fuller, Mildred Pauline (1913 - 2010)
Obit: Garbisch, Wanda G. (1935 - 2010)
Obit: Garbusch, Clara (1880-1947)
Obit: Gardner, Raymond Floyd #2 (1946 - 2010)
Obit: Gardner, Raymond (1946 - 2010)
Obit: Garrison, L.O. (abt. 1853 - 1913)
Obit: Gehrmann, Bernard (? - 1958)
Obit: Gehrt, Everett Frank (1916 - 2010)
Obit: Gehrt, Everett #2 (1916-2010)
Obit: Geiger, John, Mrs. (? - 1958)
Obit: Gerrits, Mrs. George (? - 1958)
Obit: Gorbet, George LaVern (1928 - 2010)
Obit: Gorman, Arnold Edward (1947 - 2010)
Obit: Gower, Ida Charlotte (1876 - 1958)
Obit: Grass, Edna H.(1921 - 2010)
Obit: Graveen, William L. (1950 - 2010)
Obit: Graves, Ed #3 (abt. 1872 - 1912)
Obit: Green, Clair (1893 - 1913)
Obit: Greening, Leo August (1890 - 1958)
Obit: Gregorich, Edward (Abt . 1919 - 2010)
Obit: Greschner, Hailey Mckellen (1996 - 2010)
Obit: Griebenow, William (1874? - 1955)
Obit: Gross, John (1949 - 2010)
Obit: Gysin, Anna (1887 - 1958)
Obit: Haas, Allie (1899 - 1958)
Obit: Haas, Anna #2 (1867-1947)
Obit: Haas, Blanche #2 (1874 - 1956)
Obit: Hagie, Edward (1895 - 1958)
Obit: Haigh, Owen Clarence (1921 - 2010)
Obit: Hamm, Leonard (1903 - 1956)
Obit: Handtke, Mayme #2 1873 - 1912)
Obit: Hart, Sherma Mildred (1935 - 2010)
Obit: Haslow, Emma (1882-1947)
Obit: Haupt, Leone (1882 - 1947)
Obit: Heaslett, Anna #2 (1849 - 1912)
Obit: Hefty, Maria Theresia (1867 - 1958)
Obit: Heidrich, Sid #2 (1885 - 1947)
Obit: Hemp, Clara Minnie Alma (1907 - 2010)
Obit: Hemp, Helen M. (1907 - 2010)
Obit: Hendriks, Violet E. (1918 - 2010)
Obit: Hiles, Otto A. (1872 - 1958)
Obit: Hill, Ida (1883 - 1955)
Obit: Hillert, Richard (1923 - 2010)
Obit: Hoeft, Frank Albert (1883 - 1958)
Obit: Hoeper, Charles (1923-2010)
Obit: Hoffarth, Jerome (1940-2010)
Obit: Hoffman, Raymond (1921-2010)
Obit: Holcomb, Shaun C. (1978 - 2010)
Obit: Holmes, Leslie A. (1881 - 1958)
Obit: Holtz, Milda (1883 - 1958)
Obit: Horn, Philip #2 (1866-1947)
Obit: Hornick, Susan M. (1947 - 2010)
Obit: Housley, Edna (? - 1958)
Obit: Howard, Archie (1887 - 1958)
Obit: Hudson, Ella #2 (1854 - 1912)
Obit: Hull, Mrs. Perry (? - 1958)
Obit: Huntzicker, Francis J. #2 (1885 - 1912)
Obit: Jackson, Lila (1915 - 2010)
Obit: Jalling, Nelsena (1877 - 1958)
Obit: Jensen, Anna C. (1879 - 1955)
Obit: Johnson, Mary Ellen (1933 - 2010)
Obit: Kapka, Martin #3 (1846 - 1912)
Obit: Kearney, Barney #2 (1848 - 1913)
Obit: Kemp, John (1887? - 1955)
Obit: Kempin, Bertha (1871 - 1958)
Obit: Kernan, James G. (1932 - 2010)
Obit: Kintzele, Effie E. #2 (1863 - 1912)
Obit: Kissinger, Philip (1872 - 1958)
Obit: Kiviko, Lila #2 (1919 - 1956)
Obit: Kjlahn, Wilhelmina (1861 - 1947)
Obit: Klahn. Martin (1892-1947)
Obit: Klessig, Edward #2 (1876 - 1955)
Obit: Klovas, George Matthew #2 (1926 - 2010)
Obit: Kodl, Ronald James Sr. #2 (1944 - 2010)
Obit: Kodl, Ronald James Sr. (1944 - 2010)
Obit: Kolpanen, Hannah #2 (1881 - 1955)
Obit: Kolpanen, Hannah (1881 - 1955)
Obit: Koltis, Adolph Louis (1927 - 2010)
Obit: Koltis, Sophie (1915 - 2010)
Obit: Koltun, Michael (? - 1958)
Obit: Kopinski, Dennis Gene (1960 - 2010)
Obit: Koppen, Duane L. (1932 - 2010)
Obit: Kops, LeRoy L. (1935 - 2010)
Obit: Korenchan, Karolina #2 (1881 - 1958)
Obit: Krause, Louise (?  -  1956)
Obit: Krejci, John W. (1876 - 1958)
Obit: Kroll, Anna #2 (1870? - 1955)
Obit: Krom, Morris #2 (1876? - 1955)
Obit: Krosinski, Joyce (? - 1958)
Obit: Kryzanski, Mike Henry (1933 - 2010)
Obit: Kuehling, Norma A. (1924 - 2010)
Obit: Kuehn, Fern Eleanor (1913 - 2010)
Obit: Kyle, James P. (1939? - 1956)
Obit: LaRose, Walter (1937 - 2010)
Obit: Laverty, Doloris E. (1928 - 2010)
Obit: Lawrenz, Viola (1915 - 2010)
Obit: Leatherdale, Mary Katherine (1878-1947)
Obit: Ledford, Leona (1886-1947)
Obit: Leffel, Gladys "Jackie" (1920 - 2010)
Obit: Lengyel, James W. (? - 1998)
Obit: Lewis, Roderick S. (1897 - 1958)
Obit: Lezotte, Adolphus #2 (1860 - 1912)
Obit: LeZotte, Adolphus (1860 - 1912)
Obit: Lindner, Andrew Michael (1894 - 1958)
Obit: Lindow, Luther Theodore (1887 - 1958)
Obit: Litka, Herman (1881 - 1958)
Obit: Loos, Jay M. (1964 - 2010)
Obit: Loppnow, William (1876 - 1958)
Obit: Lowe, Odelia K. #2 (1897 - 1955)
Obit: Lowe, Odelia K. (1897 - 1955)
Obit: Lucht, Steven (1956 - 2010)
Obit: Lulloff, Elsie (1902 - 1955)
Obit: Lundy, Walter (1872 - 1956)
Obit: Lynch, Norman Casper (1916 - 2010)
Obit: Maier, Myrna J. (1942 - 2010)
Obit: Makinen, Lydia (1888 - 1956)
Obit: Malik, Monsignor John Edward (1926 - 2010)
Obit: Markham, Minnie (1865 - 1958)
Obit: Marsh, Lewis A. #2 (1854 - 1912)
Obit: Marth, Beatrice J. (1931 - 2010)
Obit: Marvin, Lloyd #3 (1903 - 1955)
Obit: Marvin, Lloyd #4 (1903 - 1955)
Obit: Mason, Robert G. (1849 - 1912)
Obit: Mattson, Sofia (1874 - 1955)
Obit: May, Otto H. (1886 - 1958)
Obit: McIntyre, Gusta Offord (1875 - 1955)
Obit: McKenna, Joyce (1930-2010)
Obit: McMahon, Bridget (Mrs. John) #2 (1827 - 1913)
Obit: McNelly, Sterling Hart #2 (1898 - 1913)
Obit: Meier, Herman Julius (1886 - 1958)
Obit: Meihak, Elsie (? - 1912)
Obit: Meihak, Linda Elaine (1951 - 2010)
Obit: Merrill, Minnie P. (1875 - 1955)
Obit: Mertes, John (1869 - 1958)
Obit: Mesar, Susie (1872 - 1958)
Obit: Meyer, Emma #2 (1873 - 1956)
Obit: Michael, John (1869 - 1958)
Obit: Michael, Lena (1882 - 1958)
Obit: Michalak, David Dennis (1956 - 2010)
Obit: Miller, Henry A. (1888 - 1955)
Obit: Miller, Lena (1919 - 2010)
Obit: Miller, Lester E. (1922 - 2010)
Obit: Miller, Randall J. (1950 - 2010)
Obit: Miller, Viola D. (1924 - 2010)
Obit: Miolund, Marius (1883 - 1956)
Obit: Misfeldt, Charles Amile (1882 - 1952)
Obit: Mitchell, Kenneth (1935 - 1955)
Obit: Moffat, Ellen (1846 - 1912)
Obit: Molzan, Ferdinand (1877 - 1955)
Obit: Moravec, Robert (1888 - 1958)
Obit: Motchenbacher, Emma (1891 - 1958)
Obit: Mueller, Mildred M. (1910 - 1956)
Obit: Murphy, Edward L. (1915 - 1958)
Obit: Mynor, Forrest (1882 - 1955)
Obit: Nall, Lorrin (1930 - 2010)
Obit: Neitzel, William #2 (1858-1947)
Obit: Nibbe, Lendol J. (1919? - 2010)
Obit: Nielsen, Charles (? - 1958)
Obit: Nielsen, Shirley Ann (? - 2010)
Obit: Niemi, Michael (1873 - 1955)
Obit: Noll, Grover (? - 1958)
Obit: Novak, John J., Rev. Fr. #2 (1883 - 1958)
Obit: O’Brien, Lila (1916-2010)
Obit: Ockerl, Dorothy May (1925 - 2010)
Obit: Ohnemus, Aloysis E. #2 (1892 - 1955)
Obit: Ohnemus, Aloysis E. (1892 - 1955)
Obit: Oleson, William #2 (1869-1947)
Obit: Olsen, Chester (1840 - 1912)
Obit: Olson, Anna #2 (1850 - 1912)
Obit: Osgood, Jennie (1880 - 1958)
Obit: Owen, T. Grafton (1830 - 1912)
Obit: Pacholke, William C. #2 (1893 - 1955)
Obit: Page, Edith #3 (1872 - 1912)
Obit: Pagenkopf, Herman August (1877 - 1958)
Obit: Parrett, John Lewis (Jack) #2 (1855 - 1913)
Obit: Pasek, John (? - 1958)
Obit: Paulson, Beverly Ann #2 (1925 - 2009)
Obit: Pawlukiewicz, Marion(? - 1998)
Obit: Pete, Rena (1868 - 1955)
Obit: Petersen, Clara (1892? - 1955)
Obit: Petke, Edward (1875 - 1955)
Obit: Petkovsek, Joseph J. (1903 - 1956)
Obit: Phillips, Ella (? - 1958)
Obit: Pischer, Oswald (1892 - 1958)
Obit: Polzin, Ida (1876 - 1958)
Obit: Poppe, Clara (1880 - 1955)
Obit: Possley, Hilda #3 (1888 - 1955)
Obit: Powe, W.P.D. (1893? - 1956)
Obit: Pozega, Dorothy J. (1925 - 2010)
Obit: Pozega, Dorothy #2 (1925-2010)
Obit: Proctor, Mary #2 (1879-1947)
Obit: Putz, Frank (1887 - 1958)
Obit: Quinnell, Fred (? - 1958)
Obit: Raatz, William (1903 - 1958)
Obit: Raczykowski, Katherine #2 (1872 - 1955)
Obit: Radke, Lillian #2 (1904 - 1913)
Obit: Rasmussen, Lauritz (Lars) (1882 - 1956)
Obit: Reichert, Harvey (Abt. 1906-1947)
Obit: Reigel, Henry, Rev. (1888 - 1958)
Obit: Reinke, Lee #3 (1931 - 1955)
Obit: Revord, Josephine A. (1931? - 2010)
Obit: Rhoor, Florence (1896 - 1955)
Obit: Riedel, Minnie C. (1873 - 1958)
Obit: Riedel, Mrs. John (? - 1 958)
Obit: Rizzi, Arlene (1944-2010)
Obit: Roderick, Clarence C. (1889 - 1958)
Obit: Roehl Stella #2 (1888-1947)
Obit: Rolf, Claus (? - 1958)
Obit: Rollins, John (1869-1947)
Obit: Rondorf, Odelia (Mrs. Jos.) #2 (1861 - 1913)
Obit: Roney (Ballou), Frances (? - 1912)
Obit: Ross, Emma (1886? - 1955)
Obit: Rossman, Roy Peter (1889 - 1958)
Obit: Roth, Bernice E. (1920 - 2010)
Obit: Roth, Bernice Edna (Memorandum - 2010)
Obit: Roth, Joseph (Abt. 1955-2010)
Obit: Rowe, Joseph J. #2 (1822 - 1913)
Obit: Sackett, Ann Amy #2 (1916 - 2010)
Obit: Sackett, Ann Amy (1916 - 2010)
Obit: Sagen, Charlene Jean (1942 - 2010)
Obit: Sandel, Edward (? - 1998)
Obit: Scheel, Henry (1903 - 1956)
Obit: Schield, Ella (1897 - 1958)
Obit: Schindler, Michael (1958 - 2010)
Obit: Schlinsog, Alma Susan (1897 - 1958)
Obit: Schnabel, Ernest #2 (1850 - 1912)
Obit: Schoettler, Alvina (1884 - 1958)
Obit: Scholze, Duane "Dick" (1957 - 2010)
Obit: Scholze, Theodore A. (1883 - 1958)
Obit: Schroeder, Helene (1876 - 1958)
Obit: Schroeder, Josie (? - 1958)
Obit: Schultz, Joseph (1897-1947)
Obit: Schwantes, Herbert (1916 - 2010)
Obit: Schwarze, Lynn #2 (1946-2010)
Obit: Schweiger, Ferdinand #2 (1863-1947)
Obit: Schwellenbach, Mary (Sister Fabiola) (abt. 1891 - 1913)
Obit: Seidelman, Michael John (1883 - 1958)
Obit: Servaty, Julie #2 (1870 - 1912)
Obit: Shoemaker, Arthur Harry "Art" (1922 - 2010)
Obit: Short, Frank #2 (1884 - 1958)
Obit: Simon, Elizabeth #2 (1830 - 1913)
Obit: Slowiak, Kyndole Jaysen (2009 - 2010)
Obit: Smith, Augustus #2 (1842 - 1912)
Obit: Smith, Delle Mae #2 (1879-1947)
Obit: Smith, Molly Jean (2010)
Obit: Smith, Roy Frank (1933 - 2010)
Obit: Smoczyk, Ernest James (1955 - 2010)
Obit: Snyder, Guy (? - 1958)
Obit: Soldner, William (? - 1958)
Obit: Sonheim, Elizabeth (1880 - 1958)
Obit: Sopiarz, Carol (? - 1998)
Obit: Spiegel, Alfred (1919 - 1958)
Obit: St. John, Sam D. #2 (1876 - 1955)
Obit: St. John, Sam D. (? - 21 SEP 1955)
Obit: Stanley, Allen Charles (1922 - 2010)
Obit: Stanley, Edward #2 (1842 - 1912)
Obit: Steinke, Ewald D. Sr. (? - 1998)
Obit: Stewart, James E., Capt. (1884 - 1958)
Obit: Stowe, Forrest #2 (1908 - 1956)
Obit: Stowe, Otis #2 1895 - 1955)
Obit: Stubblefield, Thomas Blair (1943 - 2010)
Obit: Stumpner, Eugene H. (1934 - 2010)
Obit: Swenson, Ida (1887 - 1955)
Obit: Theisen, Leo M. (1880 - 1958)
Obit: Thiede, Ewald (1897 - 1958)
Obit: Thoma, Emelie M. (1862 - 1958)
Obit: Thompson, John (1872 - 1955)
Obit: Thorson, Alvin, Mrs. (1876 - 1958)
Obit: Tibbett, Richard George (1932 - 2010)
Obit: Tieman, Myrtice (? - 1998)
Obit: Tomlinson, Lola (? - 2010)
Obit: Tompkins, Ezra #2 (1838 - 1912)
Obit: Turner, Louise #2 (? - 1912)
Obit: Turner, Louise #3 (1887 - 1912)
Obit: Uhlman, Emma (1882 - 1958)
Obit: Vachon, Armidas H. (1876 - 1955)
Obit: Van Horn, Delia (? - 1983)
Obit: VandeBerg, Zona (1922 - 2010)
Obit: Venet, Helmi M. (1875 - 1956)
Obit: Vesely, Ann M. (1916 - 2010)
Obit: Voegler, Christoph (1895 - 1955)
Obit: Voightlander, Paul E. #2 (1867 - 1955)
Obit: Wagner, Carl Edward #2 (1832 - 1912)
Obit: Wallace, Henry, Mrs. (? - 1958)
Obit: Wallace, Irene (1886 - 1958)
Obit: Wallace, Kenneth Earl (? - 1958)
Obit: Walters, Nettie #2 (? - 1912)
Obit: Walters, Nettie #3 (1884 - 1912)
Obit: Weaver, William F. (1881 - 1955)
Obit: Wegner, Carl John (1863-1947)
Obit: Wegner, Delores Emma (1926 - 2010)
Obit: Welgos, Walter L. "Wally" (1922 - 2010)
Obit: Wells, J.V. (1831 - 1912)
Obit: Werner, Tina M. (1968 - 2010)
Obit: Wheelock, Mary (abt. 1859 - 1912)
Obit: Widmer, Fred Sr. (1878 - 1956)
Obit: Williams, William P. #3 (1880 - 1955)
Obit: Williams, William P. #4 (1880 - 1955)
Obit: Willison, Alan S.(1962 - 2010)
Obit: Wilson, Charles H. (1930 - 2010)
Obit: Winchell, Martha E. (1915 - 2010)
Obit: Wingert, Evelyn (1923 - 1955)
Obit: Wink, Anthony (1923 - 1956)
Obit: Winkler, Jessie "Mo" #2 (1983-2010)
Obit: Winkler, Jessie R. "Mo" (1983 - 2010)
Obit: Witte, Louise (1872 - 1958)
Obit: Woelffer, Herman (1836 - 1912)
Obit: Wolf, William #2 (1882-1947)
Obit: Wolske, Ann (1903-1947)
Obit: Worden, Gordon (1925 - 2010)
Obit: Wright, John #2 (? - 1912)
Obit: Yearling, Kenneth (1906 - 1958)
Obit: York, Doris J. (1932 - 2010)
Obit: Young, Celia (1916-1947)
Obit: Yule, James Harold (1928 - 2010)
Obit: Yurkovich, Bonnie Jean (1954 - 2010)
Obit: Yurkovich, Bonnie #2 (1954-2010)
Obit: Yurkovich, Sylvia (1916 - 2010)
Obit: Zajack, Chester (? - 1998)
Obit: Zawacki, Ann J. (1921 - 2010)
Obit: Zerbel, Martin August (1885 - 1958)
Obit: Zurawski, Mrs. Frances (1876 - 1956)
Obit: Grasse, Anna Pauline (1879 - 1958)
Obit: Moen, John C. (1885 - 1958)
School: Clark County - Special School (Picnic - 1958)
School: Clark County School Men (1958)
School: Granton - Kurth Picnic (1958)
School: Greenwood High (Graduation - 1958)
School: Neillsville - Concert (Band - 1958)
School: Neillsville - Silver Crest (1958)
School: Neillsville Athletic Banquet (1958)
School: Neillsville, Christmas Concert (1958)
School: Neillsville, Safe Schools (1958)
School: Neillsville, St. Mary’s (1958)
School: Washburn (Dedication - 1958)
School: Washburn (P. T. A. - 1958)

Submit a Response


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