Clark County, Wisconsin

Internet Library Archives 72

Index 72000-72999

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Bio: Annis, W.'s Daughter (1881 - ?)

Bio: Babler, John (House fire - 1941)
Bio: Backus, Tamara (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Bartnik, Loren M. (Highest Honors - 2011)
Bio: Bartsch, Carl (Family)
Bio: Baumgartner, Jessica A. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Beyerl, John R. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Bieneck, Amber (Dean’s List - 2011)
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (August - 1962)
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (May 1962)
Bio: Bollom, Sp/4c Patricia (Military - 1962)
Bio: Bonilla, Armando N. (Military - 2011)
Bio: Booth, Dr. Nicholas, Dentist
Bio: Boullion, Henry (Buys Barbershop - 1945)
Bio: Bradford, William (candidate for sheriff - 1914)
Bio: Braun, Robert (Birth - 1962)
Bio: Brill, Alliesha Mae (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Bruny, Kid (boxing defeat - 1914)
Bio: Bryan, George Family (Reunion - 1962)
Bio: Bryner (Family reunion - 1941)
Bio: Burley/Bruley?, Sgt. George (military - 1914)
Bio: Burt, Harold M. (Ordained - 1941)
Bio: Butterbrodt, John A. (Military - 1962)
Bio: Campanelli, Gordon Cedar #1 (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Campanelli, Gordon Cedar #2 (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Carl, Louis (found not guilty - 1914)
Bio: Carlson, Peyton Britten (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Carwin, Jaylene Michelle (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Chapman, Daughter (1881)
Bio: Christmas, Frank E. (fatal accident - 1914)
Bio: Churkey, Diane Marie (Birth - 1960)
Bio: Ciolkosz, Alfred (Sane, Probation - 1962)
Bio: Clark, Kitty (1869 - 1911)
Bio: Clifford, William J. & Family
Bio: Cook, Lydia B. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Cornwell, Margaret (Engagement - 1942)
Bio: Crutchfield, Cindy Lou (Birth - 1960)
Bio: Dignin, Robert J. (Navy Medal - 1943)
Bio: Dow, Edwin R. (coming revival - 1914)
Bio: Duerkop, Ernest (Medical - 1943)
Bio: Egbert, Sgt. Duane (Military Notes - 1962)
Bio: Eggebrecht, Dustin (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Eisentraut, Pvt. David C. (Military Notes - 1962)
Bio: Etten, Joseph H. (Dean’s List - 2011)
Bio: Etterly, Rebecca Jane (Birth - 1960)
Bio: Fielder, Uvonne (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Fijalkiewicz, Emily (Receives Diploma - 1962)
Bio: Fletcher, Roy (Canning Co. Mgr. - 1941)
Bio: Flood, Angus (Selling business - 1945)
Bio: Forester, Jack (Military - 1962)
Bio: Freimuth, Kristin L. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Friday, Jennifer (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Friday, Jennifer J. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Gale, Laura (Engagement - 1942)
Bio: Garbisch, Fritz (FFA - 1962)
Bio: Garbisch, Theresa A. (Basic Training - 2011)
Bio: Gorke, David (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Gort, Mary (Attacked by wild cat - 1942)
Bio: Green, Baby Boy (1881)
Bio: Green, Will (injured foot - 1881)
Bio: Grush, Faiella (Engagement - 1941)
Bio: Guse, Amanda
Bio: Hainz, David (98th Birthday - 1962)
Bio: Hameloth, Etta Jane (Broke Arm - 1961)
Bio: Harris, Sharon (Birthday - 1944)
Bio: Hart (Family Reunion - 1941)
Bio: Hatch, F.E. (business trip - 1914)
Bio: Heil, Jessie (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Hein, Neil F. (Promoted - 1941)
Bio: Hein, W.F. (Retirement - 1944)
Bio: Helmer, Joseph (1836 - 1920)
Bio: Hoernke, Brielle Marie (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Hofflander, Jonathon Paul (Birth - 1960)
Bio: Hopperdietzel, Jenna (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Hopperdietzel, Myra Ethel (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Howard, Capt. James W. (Military - 1962)
Bio: Isable, Ray H.(Accident - 1962)
Bio: James, Noelle Paige (Baptism - 2011)
Bio: Jenswold, George (Purple Heart - 1945)
Bio: Jochimsen, Jackie A. (Dean’s List - 2011)
Bio: Johnson, Frank's Daughter (1881)
Bio: Johnson, Madalynn Marie (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Jordahl, Judy (Birth - 1962)
Bio: Kaiser, Bailey (Dean’s List - 2011)
Bio: Kaiser, Quinn (Dean’s List - 2011)
Bio: Kayhart, Katie Alison (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Kelly, Pat (showing new horse - 1914)
Bio: Kelsh, Ruth (Art Award - 1941)
Bio: King, Harry Charles (Birth - 1942)
Bio: Krehmeyer, Gary (Auto accident, 1989)
Bio: Kretschmer, Moritz (Sold business - 1941)
Bio: Kuberra, Mr. & Mrs. William (Property - 1941)
Bio: Kurtinitis, Frank (99th Birthday - 1962)
Bio: Laffe, Pvt. Fred (Missing in Action - 1945)
Bio: Larson, Laura W. (1876 - ?)
Bio: Larson, S/Sgt. Chester B. (Military 1962)
Bio: Lato Family History (Reunion - 2011)
Bio: Lato, Felix & Josephine (Budzinski)
Bio: Lau, Ellen Sue (Birth - 1962)
Bio: Leonard, Prof. F.F. (coming revival - 1914)
Bio: Libby, Orrin Farm (Fire - 1962)
Bio: Lund, Pvt. Charles A. (Military - 1962)
Bio: Lynn, Kelsey J. (Honors - 2011)
Bio: Mantik, Melissa (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Marohl, Cpl. Art (Bronze Medal - 1944)
Bio: Mayenschien, Mark Alan (Birth - 1962)
Bio: Meier, Marilyn (Engagement - 1962)
Bio: Meier, Scott Roger (Birth - 1960)
Bio: Mellenthin, Frederick Sr. and Wilhelmina
Bio: Mercier, Kelly M. (Honors - 2011)
Bio: Mergen, Jennifer (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Meyer, Delaney Riann (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Molitor, Rory Irene (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Moore (Family Reunion - 1941)
Bio: Morrison, Irene (civil court victory - 1914)
Bio: Nehrlich, Harper Ann (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Nehrlich, Harper Ann (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Neumann, Maja (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Nevins, John (Home Improvement - 1881)
Bio: Nikolay, Jill (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Nordman, Jacob M. (Military News - 2011)
Bio: Nosbisch, Mitchell (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Ormond - Greeler Reunion (26 Jul 1962)
Bio: Perkins Traveling Photography (1881)
Bio: Pilgrim, Treyton Gene (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Pirner, Thomas & Margaret (Wolf)
Bio: Preisinger, Jena M. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Rachu, Bennett Boyd (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Rachu, Bennett Boyd (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Rau, Katelyn A. (Honors - 2011)
Bio: Reinard, William F. (1863 - 1904)
Bio: Rhead Family (Reunion - 1962)
Bio: Richardson, Chauncey K. & Amanda M. (Tyler)
Bio: Riemer, Brooke A. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Rockow, Grant Dominic (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Roth, Sabrina R. (Highest Honors - 2011)
Bio: Rougeux, Brian (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Sachtzen, Robert W. (New Meth. Minister - 1944)
Bio: Salisbury, Kathleen (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Sanchez, LeAnna C. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Schattie, Irene (Going strong at 90 - 2011)
Bio: Scheffer, Robert R. (Graduation - 1943)
Bio: Schindler, Katy (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Schmelzer, Savannah Ariel (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Schmidt, Chelsea Kay (Graduated - 2011)
Bio: Schoenborn, Bryce (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Schroeder, Brock D. (Military - 2011)
Bio: Schwarz, Dr.  (Leaving - 1943)
Bio: Seidel, Kyle (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Sillampa, Vivian Faith (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Sires House (Burned - 1941)
Bio: St. John, George (Military notes - 1962)
Bio: Stallard, Henry (Leaves after 75 years - 1941)
Bio: Stevens, Elias W. & Mary R. (Clark)
Bio: Strasburg, Elle Marie (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Strebe, Benjamin William (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Thompson, Mr./Mrs. Robert (Teach in Minocqua - 1962)
Bio: Timm, Sarah (Engagement - 2011)
Bio: Tompkins, Paige Rose (Birth - 2011)
Bio: Umlauft, Amber Anne (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Unger, Janet (Co-Editor - 1960)
Bio: Untiedt, Alyssa M. (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Vinney, Rose Anne (Birth - 1943)
Bio: Voigtlander, Judy Reese (Grant - 1962)
Bio: Vollrath Family (Reunion - 1962)
Bio: Vollrath, Phillip R. (Military - 1962)
Bio: Warlum, Michael (Graduation - 1962)
Bio: Wernberg, Luke Allen (Dean’s List - 2011)
Bio: Wood, Tyler L. (Military - 2011)
Bio: Young, Mrs. W.H. (extended trip - 1914)
Bio: Younker, Jenna (Graduation - 2011)
Bio: Zimmer, Rita Ann (Birth - 1962)
Bio: Zingsheim, Mrs. H. (extended trip - 1914)
Bio: Zschernitz, Julia (Graduated - 2011)
BioA: Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. John C. (43rd - 1962)
BioA: Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Benedict (45th - 1962)
BioA: Briski, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sr. (Golden - 1962)
BioA: Buddenhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer (Golden - 1962)
BioA: Christen, Mr. & Mrs. Fred (Gold - 1945)
BioA: Cords, Bob and Bernice (Golden - 2011)
BioA: Davel, Mr. and Mrs. Albert (60th - 1962)
BioA: Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon (61st - 1962)
BioA: Dignin, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome (Silver - 1941)
BioA: Dimmitt, Mr. & Mrs. William E. (Gold - 1945)
BioA: Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. (Gold - 1942)
BioA: Flood, Mr. & Mrs. W.C. (40th -  1944)
BioA: Fradenburg, Mr. & Mrs. George (36th –1942)
BioA: Goetz, Mr. and Mrs. John #2 (Gold - 1956)
BioA: Greub, Mr. & Mrs. John Sr. (Gold - 1942)
BioA: Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. William (Golden - 1962)
BioA: Hemmy, Mr. and Mrs. Peter (65th - 1962)
BioA: Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer (30th - 1956)
BioA: Knaack, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sr. (Gold - 1960)
BioA: Kretschmer, Mr. & Mrs. Moritz (Gold - 1944)
BioA: Metcalf, Mr. & Mrs. Franz D. (Gold - 1941)
BioA: Michael, Mr. & Mrs. John (Silver - 1944)
BioA: Michael, Mr. & Mrs. Oswald (Silver -  1945)
BioA: Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Ludwig (Gold - 1941)
BioA: Mueller, Mr. & Mrs. George (43rd - 1944)
BioA: Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. (40th - 1962)
BioA: Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (55th - 1962)
BioA: Prior, Mr. and Mrs. Roy (55th - 1962)
BioA: Prock, Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Silver - 1962)
BioA: Rosolack, Mr. & Mrs. A.C. (45th - 1944)
BioA: Schmidtke, Mr. and Mrs. William (40th - 1962)
BioA: Schwarz, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel (Gold - 1944)
BioA: Schweiger, Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Silver - 1956)
BioA: Sternitzky, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar (Golden - 1962)
BioA: Voss, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne (Golden - 2011)
BioA: Weirather, Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Gold - 1941)
BioA: Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. William  (Gold - 1956)
BioA: Westphal, Mr. and Mrs. Claude (Golden - 1962)
BioA: Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Silver - 1957)
BioM: Alton,Viola #2 (1914)
BioM: Amport, Lucille (1943)
BioM: Andersen, Anita J. (1960)
BioM: Anderson, Evelyn J. (1943)
BioM: Anderson, Phyllis E. (1943)
BioM: Angelos, Georgia (1960)
BioM: Anklam, Lillian #2 (1944)
BioM: Armitage, Jeneda  (1956)
BioM: Aumann, Doreen (1962)
BioM: Badzinski, Germaine Evelyn (1962)
BioM: Baumgartner, Anne (1942)
BioM: Baxter, Maria A. (1881)
BioM: Becker, Yvonne Florence (1962)
BioM: Blanke, Vera #3 (1960)
BioM: Bly, Carolyn Lee (1942)
BioM: Bobb, Marjorie (1941)
BioM: Brandos, Martha  (1956)
BioM: Briggs, Mary Caroline (1962)
BioM: Buchholz, Geneva L. (1942)
BioM: Cattanach, Mary #2 (1960)
BioM: Choat, Mary K. (1960)
BioM: Clouse, Carol Eva (1962)
BioM: Compton, Margarite M. (1943)
BioM: Cornwell, Margaret L. (1942)
BioM: Courtier, Ruth (1941)
BioM: Creg, Janice (1960)
BioM: Cross, Phoebe (1881)
BioM: Davel, Mary Ann (1956)
BioM: Dignin, Theo (1942)
BioM: Drager Benite A. (1944)
BioM: Ehlert, Helena #2 (1944)
BioM: Ericksmoen, Elizabeth (1960)
BioM: Escher, Minnie (1941)
BioM: Escher, Velva (1943)
BioM: Fitzmaurice, Hazel (1943)
BioM: Fitzmaurice, June #2 (1944)
BioM: Flynn, Jean E. #2 (1944)
BioM: Foemmel, Joyce Elaine (1962)
BioM: Gale, Laura C. (1942)
BioM: Gehrke, Patricia (1960)
BioM: Grush, Faiella J. (1941)
BioM: Gustafson, Patricia (1960)
BioM: Gygi, Charmaine (1960)
BioM: Hagen, Sylvia (1962)
BioM: Hales, Nan Jean (1957)
BioM: Hanson, Mary Louise (1962)
BioM: Harde, Violet (1942)
BioM: Hardrath, Sally Lou #3 (1962)
BioM: Hardwick, Dorothy (1943)
BioM: Hardwick, Erma #2 (1944)
BioM: Hardwick, Marjorie (1943)
BioM: Hart, Ivis (1944)
BioM: Hart, Ruth (1943)
BioM: Heath, Velma (1944)
BioM: Hoesly, Mona Lane (1962)
BioM: Holman, Bernice (1941)
BioM: Horswill, Adith (1944)
BioM: Hutchinson, Carla A. (1960)
BioM: Jacklyn, Una (1914)
BioM: Jensen, Alyssa (2011)
BioM: Joiner, Marlene  (1956)
BioM: Karye, Shirley E. (1960)
BioM: Kaufmann, Delores B. (1945)
BioM: Keene, Norma Lou (1962)
BioM: Kelsh, Helen B. (1944)
BioM: King, Blanche #2 (1914)
BioM: Kirby, Marion (1941)
BioM: Knoll, Janet Gayle #2 (1962)
BioM: Kobiske, Jeanne  (1956)
BioM: Kohn, Estella F. #2 (1944)
BioM: Kovatch, Mary Jean #2 (1960)
BioM: Krejci, Emma #2 (1914)
BioM: Krueger, Paulette (1960)
BioM: Kuberra, Wilda (1942)
BioM: Laffe, Hilda M. (1945)
BioM: Larkin, Joann (1960)
BioM: Lautenbach, Rochelle C. (1956) 
BioM: Ledger, Darlene  (1956)
BioM: LePage, Barbara (1960)
BioM: Lindow, Janice Clara (1962)
BioM: Little, Mary (1943)
BioM: Lokken, Mildred (1941)
BioM: Mack, Mary Ann (1962)
BioM: Magner, Judith #2 (1962)
BioM: Mallory, Sue Ann (1962)
BioM: Mandel, Marcia (1962)
BioM: Marcott, Adele #2 (1960)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (June/July - 1962)
BioM: Mathewson, Carol Ann (1960)
BioM: McCarron, Verla #5 (1956)
BioM: McMullin, Edna (1944)
BioM: Meier, Shirley (1960)
BioM: Mellenthin / Melenthen, Martha (1901)
BioM: Michael, Lucille G. (1944)
BioM: Michaletz, Winifred (1943)
BioM: Mikolainis, Jolanta D. (1960)
BioM: Molzen, Betty (1960)
BioM: Nelson, Pauline M. #2 (1960)
BioM: Newton, Winifred J. (1945)
BioM: Nibbe, Delores (1943)
BioM: Nibbe, Dorothy (1941)
BioM: Nielsen, Joy Elaine (1962)
BioM: Noeldner, Jean (1962)
BioM: Olson, Bonnie  (1956)
BioM: Olson, Dorothy (1942)
BioM: Osborn, Betty #2 (1942)
BioM: Parker, Virginia Lee (1960)
BioM: Petersen, Eveline B. (1942)
BioM: Pflieger, Therese (1943)
BioM: Poelzel, Patricia C. (1962)
BioM: Pogodzinski, Therese (1960)
BioM: Predoehl, Miss (1960)
BioM: Radtke, Evelyn M. (1941)
BioM: Retallick, Lenore (1942)
BioM: Rice, Beverly J. (1944)
BioM: Ross, Marie (1960)
BioM: Sawyer, Charlene (1944)
BioM: Schafer, Jeanette Rose (1962)
BioM: Schellinger, Jane  (1956)
BioM: Schultz, Johanna (1962)
BioM: Smith, Arvilla (1942)
BioM: Smith, Geraldine (1942)
BioM: Smith, Lorraine (1962)
BioM: Smith, Nancy Jean (1962)
BioM: Sollberger, Alice #2 (1943)
BioM: Stahl, Emily (1942)
BioM: Strohkirch, Judith (1960)
BioM: Szczech, Carol V. (1960)
BioM: Taylor, Marlene M. (1960)
BioM: Thorson, Kathleen Ann (1962)
BioM: Thur, Judith Ann (1962)
BioM: Trachsel, Martha (1941)
BioM: Tschanz, Magdaline #2 (1944)
BioM: Urlaub, Beverly A. (1962)
BioM: Vanden Berk, Rita (1962)
BioM: Vanderhoof, Francis (1881)
BioM: Wagner, Joyce Jean (1962)
BioM: Waterman, Ruth L. (1944)
BioM: Welda, Beverly (1942)
BioM: Weller, Constance #3 (1960)
BioM: Wichman, Judith Jean (1962)
BioM: Williams, Lillian #2 (1944)
BioM: Wolfe, Darlene (1956)
BioM: Zalewski, Jean (1960)
BioM: Zank, Alberta (1962)
Church: Colby, First United (Confirmation - 2011)
Church: Neillsville - Calvary Lutheran (5th Anniv. - 1962)
Church: Neillsville - UCC (Cornerstone - 1962)
Church: Neillsville - UCC (Cornerstone - 1962)
Church: Neillsville Methodist (May Musicale - 1962)
Church: Neillsville St. Mary’s (Confirmation - 1962)
Church: Unity, Trinity Lutheran (Confirmation - 2011)
News: Cannonville (30 Apr 1914)
News: Chili (19 Apr 1962)
News: Chili (26 Apr 1962)
News: Christie (10 May 1962)
News: Christie (16 Apr 1914)
News: Christie (17 May 1962)
News: Christie (28 Jun 1962)
News: Christie (30 Aug 1962)
News: Clark Co. - Spring Road Breakup (22 Mar 1962)
News: Clark County (16 Aug 1962)
News: Clark County (26 Jul 1962)
News: Clark County (5 Jul 1962)
News: Clark County Fair (‘Toots’ on the Rampage - 1962)
News: Colby (4 May 1886)
News: Columbia (16 Apr 1914)
News: Columbia (16 Aug 1962)
News: Columbia (30 Apr 1914)
News: Columbia (5 Jul 1962)
News: Dells Dam (2 Apr 1914)
News: Dewhurst (5 Jul 1962)
News: Dewhurst (7 Jun 1962)
News: Dodgeville (28 Jun 1956)
News: East Washburn (16 Apr 1914)
News: Globe - Lucky Clovers 4-H (Meeting Memos - 2011)
News: Globe (16 Aug 1962)
News: Globe (30 Aug 1962)
News: Globe (5 Jul 1962)
News: Gorman & Willard (17 May 1962)
News: Gorman & Willard (5 April - 1962)
News: Grant (24 May 1962)
News: Grant (28 Jun 1962)
News: Grant (5 Jul 1962)
News: Granton (16 Apr 1914)
News: Granton (31 May 1962)
News: Granton (9 Aug 1962)
News: Granton F. F. A. (Great Ratings - 1962)
News: Granton, Wis. (1 Sep 1905)
News: Granton, Wis. (11 Feb 1910)
News: Granton, Wis. (6 Apr 1906)
News: Greenwood (2 Aug 1962)
News: Greenwood (21 Jun 1962)
News: Greenwood (23 Aug 1962)
News: Greenwood (28 Jun 1962)
News: Greenwood (29 Mar 1962)
News: Greenwood (3 May 1962)
News: Greenwood (30 Aug 1962)
News: Greenwood (31 May 1962)
News: Greenwood (5 Jul 1962)
News: Greenwood American Legion Aux. (Officers - 1962)
News: Hendren (26 Apr 1962)
News: Hewett (19 Mar 1914)
News: Hewett (5 Mar 1914)
News: Hewettville, Wis. (5 Mar 1914)
News: Houghtonburg (15 Jul 1944)
News: Houghtonburg (24 Jun 1944)
News: Houghtonburg (30 Jan 1943)
News: Houghtonburg (5 Apr 1941)
News: Houghtonburg (5 Aug 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (1 Feb 1941)
News: Humbird, Wis. (1 May 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (10 Mar 1945)
News: Humbird, Wis. (10 Oct 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (12 Feb 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (13 Feb 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (13 Mar 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (14 Feb 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (16 Oct 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (17 Apr 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (17 Jun 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (17 May 1962)
News: Humbird, Wis. (18 Jul 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (18 Nov 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (18 Oct 1941)
News: Humbird, Wis. (18 Sep 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (19 Apr 1962)
News: Humbird, Wis. (19 Dec 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (19 Feb 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (19 May 1945)
News: Humbird, Wis. (2 Aug 1962)
News: Humbird, Wis. (20 May 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (20 Nov 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (21 Jun 1941)
News: Humbird, Wis. (23 Dec 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (24 Apr 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (25 Jul 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (26 Jul 1962)
News: Humbird, Wis. (26 Sep 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (27 Feb 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (27 Jan 1945)
News: Humbird, Wis. (28 Feb 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (28 Jun 1941)
News: Humbird, Wis. (28 Oct 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (29 Jan 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (3 Oct 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (30 Aug 1962)
News: Humbird, Wis. (30 May 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (4 Dec 1943)
News: Humbird, Wis. (4 Jan 1941)
News: Humbird, Wis. (4 Nov 1944)
News: Humbird, Wis. (4 Oct 1941)
News: Humbird, Wis. (7 Feb 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (7 Jun 1941)
News: Humbird, Wis. (7 Mar 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (8 Aug 1942)
News: Humbird, Wis. (8 Mar 1941)
News: Humbird, Wis. (9 Aug 1962)
News: Levis (19 Mar 1914)
News: Levis (28 Jun 1962)
News: Levis (5 Mar 1914)
News: Loyal - Citizens State Bank (Remodeling - 1962)
News: Loyal Events (26 Jul 1962)
News: Lynn (17 May 1962)
News: Lynn (26 Apr 1962)
News: Lynn (28 Jun 1962)
News: Merrillan (16 Aug 1962)
News: Merrillan (22 Mar 1962
News: Merrillan (28 Jun 1962)
News: Merrillan (30 Aug 1962)
News: Merrillan (5 Jul 1962)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Daredevils (Skydive - 1962)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - High School Notes (12 Mar 1914)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Junior Chamber (Officers Installed - 1962)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Memorial Hosp. (Directors Elected - 1962)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Odd Fellows Conv. (27 Apr 1914)
News: Neillsville, Wis. - Political Announcements (12 Mar 1914)
News: Neillsville (Central Wis. Publishers Association - 1914)
News: Neillsville Area Locals (19 Apr 1962)
News: Neillsville Country Club (Formal Opening - 1962)
News: Neillsville Election (7 Apr 1914)
News: Neillsville Explorer Post No. 64 (Election - 1962)
News: Neillsville Explorers (Canadian Trip - 1962)
News: Neillsville High School (30 Apr 1914)
News: Neillsville Kiwanis Club (Talent Show - 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (14 June 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (17 May 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (19 Jul 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (2 Aug 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (21 Jun 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (22 Mar 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (23 Aug 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (24 May 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (26 Apr 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (30 Aug 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (5 Jul 1962)
News: Neillsville Locals (9 Aug 1962)
News: Neillsville, Wis. -National Guard Co. (Transfers - Apr 1962)
News: Neillsville O’Neill Beavers 4-H club (New - 1962)
News: Neillsville Odd Fellows Lodge (Meeting notes - Apr 1962)
News: North Grant (23 Apr 1914)
News: North Pine Valley (2 Apr 1914)
News: North Pine Valley (5 Mar 1914)
News: North York (19 Mar 1914)
News: North York (23 Apr 1914)
News: Owen - College Notes (2011)
News: Pine Valley (10 May 1962)
News: Pine Valley (12 Jul 1962)
News: Pine Valley (17 May 1962)
News: Pine Valley (24 May 1962)
News: Pine Valley (26 Apr 1962)
News: Pine Valley (30 Aug 1962)
News: Pine Valley (7 Jun 1962)
News: Pleasant Ridge (10 May 1962)
News: Pleasant Ridge (19 Mar 1914)
News: Pleasant Ridge (23 Apr 1914)
News: Pleasant Ridge (30 Aug 1962)
News: Seif (2 Apr 1914)
News: Sherwood (22 Mar 1962)
News: Sherwood (28 Jun 1962)
News: Sherwood (5 Apr 1962)
News: Sherwood (7 Jun 1962)
News: Sherwood (9 Aug 1962)
News: Sherwood  (2 Aug 1962)
News: Spencer News (Clips, 25 Mar 1882)
News: Spencer News (Clips, 4 Mar 1882)
News: Spencer Wis. (Marshfield News, 21 Nov 1901)
News: Spencer, Wis. (27 Nov 1907)
News: Spencer, Wis. (Adv -10 Feb 1881)
News: Spencer, Wis. (Adv -10 Feb 1881)
News: Spencer, Wis. (Marshfield News - 7 Aug 1913)
News: Spencer, Wis. 25 Jun 1913
News: Spencer, Wisconsin (11 Aug 1905)
News: Spencer, Wisconsin (4 Aug 1905)
News: Sydney (23 Apr 1914)
News: Sydney (5 Mar 1914)
News: Thorp - Silver Dollar News (20 Apr 2011)
News: Twenty Six Road  (28 Jun 1956)
News: Unity News (Clips, 25 Mar 1882)
News: Unity Wis. (1 Apr 1882)
News: Warner (26 Apr 1962)
News: Washburn (10 May 1962)
News: Washburn (17 May 1962)
News: Washburn (26 Apr 1962)
News: Washburn Center (2 Apr 1914)
News: West Levis (2 Apr 1914)
News: West Levis (23 Apr 1914)
News: West York (23 Apr 1914)
News: Weston (17 May 1962)
News: Weston (22 Mar 1962)
News: Weston (30 Aug 1962)
News: York (17 May 1962)
News: York (28 Jan 1956)
News: York (3 Jan 1957)
News: York Center (16 Apr 1914)
News: York Center (2 Apr 1914)
Obit: Albrecht, Susan (1871 - 1962)
Obit: Albright, Minnie #2 (? - 1944)
Obit: Awe, Mrs. John (1860 - 1960)
Obit: Bailey, Mary (1862 - 1945)
Obit: Baker, Clara (? - 1962)
Obit: Balow, Jane L. (1966 - 2011)
Obit: Barclay, Robert E. #2 (1943 - 2011)
Obit: Barclay, Robert E. (1943 - 2011)
Obit: Barkley, George A. #2 (1868 - 1940)
Obit: Barr, Dean A. (1884 - 1943)
Obit: Barrett, James (1879 - 1960)
Obit: Barton, William #2 (1847 - 1914)
Obit: Baughman, Marlyn  (1939 - 2011)
Obit: Baum, Walter #2 (1924 - 1960)
Obit: Baumgartner, Jacob #2 (1872 - 1942)
Obit: Baumgartner, Jacob #3 (1872 - 1942)
Obit: Bautch, James T. #2 (? - 2011)
Obit: Bautch, James T. #3 (1950 - 2011)
Obit: Bautch, James T. "Jim" (1950 - 2011)
Obit: Beilke, Harry A. (1893 - 1962)
Obit: Benford, Ashley S. (1986? - 2011)
Obit: Berger, Ella (1879 - 1960)
Obit: Bergeron, Joshua J. (1991 - 2011)
Obit: Bergeron, Joshua #3 (1991 - 2011)
Obit: Bergman, Adolph J. (1883 - 1945)
Obit: Biddle, Leland M. "Lee" (1927 - 2011)
Obit: Boling, Anna M. (1863 - 1943)
Obit: Bord Infant (1955 - 1957)
Obit: Bowen, Richard #3 (1905 - 1960)
Obit: Bowers, William (1835 - 1914)
Obit: Braatz, Victor August #2 (1914 - 2011)
Obit: Braman, Burton A. (1890 - 1943)
Obit: Breseman, Algarnon ‘Al’ Phillip #2 (1919 - 2010)
Obit: Briggs, Charleston M. "Max" #2 (1890 - 1944)
Obit: Briggs, Charleston M. "Max" (1890 - 1944)
Obit: Brown, Myra (1872 - 1960)
Obit: Bruesewitz, Elroy P. "Bud" (1926 - 2011)
Obit: Bryner, John Sr. #2 (1857 - 1942)
Obit: Bryner, John Sr. (1857 - 1942)
Obit: Bublitz, Henry (1897 - 1960)
Obit: Buchholz, Minnie (1879 - 1945)
Obit: Buchholz, Mrs. Charles (1861 - 1941)
Obit: Buddinger, Louis H. (1911 - 1962)
Obit: Bushnell, Joyce M. (1928 - 2011)
Obit: Buss, Kathryn (1878 - 1960)
Obit: Cable, Mrs. John (? - 1881)
Obit: Cadby, Howard S. (1859 - 1943)
Obit: Calway, Forrest #3 (1876 - 1942)
Obit: Campbell, Edwin (1877 - 1944)
Obit: Campbell, Rev. Guy W. (1876? - 1944)
Obit: Canfield, Diana (1961 - 1962)
Obit: Carter, Henry N. (1875 - 1942)
Obit: Carter, Mary Ann (1835 - 1914)
Obit: Case, Philo Luther (1859 - 1881)
Obit: Casper, Lydia (1894? - 1941)
Obit: Chambers, Hugh (1861? - 1941)
Obit: Chapman, Jennie [Hunt] (1858 - 1881)
Obit: Christmas, Frank #2 (1869 - 1914)
Obit: Clouse, Amelia #2 (1880 - 1962)
Obit: Clouse, Lillie #2 (1875 - 1956)
Obit: Clouse, Lillie (1875 - 1956)
Obit: Colburn, Irving T. (1923 - 1943)
Obit: Cooper, John W. (? - 1881)
Obit: Cooper, William #2 (1845 - 1914)
Obit: Crandell, Ida E. (1858 - 1943)
Obit: Creviston, Francis A. "Frank" #2 (1853 - 1943)
Obit: Creviston, Francis A. "Frank" (1853 - 1943)
Obit: Cross, Mary #2 (1855 - 1914)
Obit: Crotteau, Claphaes (1866 - 1881)
Obit: Cusick, Perry (1896 - 1943)
Obit: Danielewicz, Manetta Anna (1923 - 2011)
Obit: Day, George W.  (1844 - 1881)
Obit: Delano, Silas H. #3 (1853 - 1943)
Obit: DeMert, Walter T. (1897– 1962)
Obit: Denk, Bernard C. (1927 - 2011)
Obit: Denk, Kristin Jeanne (1949 - 1957)
Obit: Denkmann, Vivian (? - 1962)
Obit: Dettman, Dennis A. #2 (1941 - 2011)
Obit: Dettman, Dennis A. (1941 - 2011)
Obit: Devine, Martha R. (1905 - 1960)
Obit: Diercks, Emma (1888 - 1962)
Obit: Dignin, Robert J. #2 (1922 - 1945)
Obit: Dignin, Robert J. (1922 - 1945)
Obit: Digoski, Josephine #2 (1893 - 1962)
Obit: Dixon, Neil Eugene #2 (1912 - 1914)
Obit: Donahue, Jayne Ione (1953 - 2011)
Obit: Draheim, Raymond #2 (1908? - 1960)
Obit: Dunivan, Emily (? - 1881)
Obit: Dunn, Lois O. (1874 - 1945)
Obit: Dupont, John (1893? - 1944)
Obit: Dux, Melvin #3 (1928 - 2011)
Obit: Dux, Melvin August #2 (1928 - 2011)
Obit: Eberts, Mary #2 (1871 - 1960)
Obit: Eberts, Mary #3 (1871 - 1960)
Obit: Eldridge, Mina J. (1886 - 1945)
Obit: Elmhorst, Marian M. (1918 - 2011)
Obit: Emer, Justine (1874 - 1941)
Obit: Emerson, Selmer "Sam" Bernard (1951– 2011)
Obit: Englebretson, Ronald #3 (1941 - 1960)
Obit: Englebretson, Ronald #4 (1941 - 1960)
Obit: Erb, William (1915? - 1943)
Obit: Erickson, Albin (1897 - 1942)
Obit: Erickson, Bernadine L. #2 (1916 - 2011)
Obit: Erickson, Petra (1858 - 1962)
Obit: Evanson, Stanley (1910 - 1962)
Obit: Fessenden, Pearl #2 (1888 - 1962)
Obit: Field, George (1866 - 1944)
Obit: Fields, George H. (1937 - 1942)
Obit: Finnegan, Robert "Bob" #2 (1915 - 1941)
Obit: Finnegan, Robert "Bob" (1915 - 1941)
Obit: Fitzmaurice, Pvt. Thomas #2 (1923 - 1945)
Obit: Fitzmaurice, Pvt. Thomas #3 (1923 - 1945)
Obit: Fitzmaurice, Pvt. Thomas (1923 - 1945)
Obit: Flick, Jacob R. (1861? - 1944)
Obit: Fox, Linda #2 (1947 - 1962)
Obit: Fox, Linda (1947 - 1962)
Obit: Friske, Clara (1892 - 1962)
Obit: Fristad, Agnes (1893 - 1944)
Obit: Fristad, Barbara #2 (1900 - 1944)
Obit: Gaden, Ernest P. (1916 - 2011)
Obit: Garbisch, Scott Dwayne (1956 - 2011)
Obit: Gerber, Herman R. (1897 - 1962)
Obit: Gilloy, Phillip V.  (1872 - 1956) 
Obit: Good, Laura #2 (1867 - 1942)
Obit: Goodager, Evan N. (1859 - 1942)
Obit: Gosse, Kathryn H. #2 (1926 - 2011)
Obit: Gosse, Kathryn H. (1926 - 2011)
Obit: Grap, Anna (1872 - 1962)
Obit: Grap, Gustave (1867 - 1962)
Obit: Grether, Rev. David #5 (1889 - 1945)
Obit: Grether, Rev. David #6 (1889 - 1945)
Obit: Greub, John Sr. (1867 - 1945)
Obit: Griebenow, Clara (1881 - 1960)
Obit: Gueldner, Donna Mae (1936? - 2011)
Obit: Gulcynski, Paul Jacob (1980 - 2011)
Obit: Gurgel, Mrs. Paul (? - 1962)
Obit: Haase, Rose #2 (1882 - 1962)
Obit: Hagen, Ada (1899 - 1960)
Obit: Hainz, Steven #3 (1973 - 2011)
Obit: Hainz, Steven Carl #2 (1973 - 2011)
Obit: Hales, Thomas R. (1869? - 1945)
Obit: Hamilton, Robert H. (1873 - 1945)
Obit: Hansen, Dell (? - 1962)
Obit: Hart, Ben A. (1891 - 1942)
Obit: Hass, Melvin A. (1921 - 1941)
Obit: Haugen, Helen (1895 - 1962)
Obit: Hauser, Nancy (1923 - 2011)
Obit: Heath, Edward A., (1873 - 1931)
Obit: Herrell, E.G. (1866? - 1943)
Obit: Herrian, Gwendola (1912 - 1914)
Obit: Hewson, Dr. Wilfred J. (1883? - 1941)
Obit: Hicks, Bert (? - 1941)
Obit: Hohl, Lucille E. (1916 - 2011)
Obit: House, Harold #2 (1920? - 2011)
Obit: Huber, James J. (1947 - 2011)
Obit: Isaacs, Mrs. Jerry (1886? - 1960)
Obit: Jahn, Frank (1892? - 1942)
Obit: Jenswold, Frederick E. #2 (1883 - 1945)
Obit: Jenswold, Pvt. George #2 (1910? - 1944)
Obit: Jenswold, Pvt. George #3 (1910 - 1944)
Obit: Jenswold, Pvt. George (1910? - 1944)
Obit: Jinkerson, Darlene J. (1938 - 1943)
Obit: Jinkerson, Sanford #2 (1884 - 1942)
Obit: Jinkerson, Sanford (1884 - 1942)
Obit: Johnson, Aaron T. #2 (1866 - 1945)
Obit: Johnson, Aaron T. (1866 - 1945)
Obit: Johnson, Caroline L. #2 (1873 - 1942)
Obit: Johnson, Hans B. (? - 1962)
Obit: Johnson, Kathy Ann (1962 - 2011)
Obit: Johnson, Maggie (1880 - 1962)
Obit: Johnston, David T. "Tom" (1895 - 1960)
Obit: Juedes, Raymond W. (1921 - 2011)
Obit: Kapelush, Gladys (1914 - 1962)
Obit: Kapfer, Nellie (1882 - 1962)
Obit: Kauffman, Frank (1872 - 1962)
Obit: Keiner, Henry Christian #2 (1898 - 1962)
Obit: Keller, Elmer (1890 - 1962)
Obit: Keller, Harriet S. (1939 - 2011)
Obit: Kelpin, Elsie H. [Mallig] (1895 - 1991)
Obit: Kelsey, Meredyth G. #2 (1921 - 2011)
Obit: Kern, George (1871 - 1962)
Obit: King, Richard #2 (1932 - 1941)
Obit: King, Richard (1932 - 1941)
Obit: Kirn, Yvonne #2 (1939 - 2011)
Obit: Klabon, Anna #2 (1891 - 1960)
Obit: Klancher, Freida (1916 - 2011)
Obit: Klancher, Frieda #2 (1916 - 2011)
Obit: Klatt, Herman E. (1885 - 1942)
Obit: Klessig, Ely R. #2 (1933 - 2011)
Obit: Klocke, Reinhardt (1880 - 1960)
Obit: Kneubuehl, Barbara #2 (1890 - 1943)
Obit: Kneubuehl, Barbara (1890 - 1943)
Obit: Koeberl, Joseph G. #2 (1930 - 2011)
Obit: Koeberl, Joseph G. (1930 - 2011)
Obit: Koenig, Lucille #2 (1906 - 1962)
Obit: Kolesar, Andrew (1870 - 1960)
Obit: Koltis, Leonard Albert #2 (1950 - 2011)
Obit: Koltis, Leonard  #3 (1950 - 2011)
Obit: Kozikowski, Alexander Joseph "Alex" (1927 - 2011)
Obit: Kramas, Paul A. Sr. (1919 - 2011)
Obit: Krause, Joseph Herman (1875 - 1962)
Obit: Kronberger, LaVerne H. (1920 - 2011)
Obit: Kropiwka, Eva #2 (1920 - 2011)
Obit: Kropiwka, Eva (1920 - 2011)
Obit: Krueger, Harvey E. #2 (1894 - 1962)
Obit: Krzyzanowski, Mary Victoria (1930 - 2011)
Obit: Laakso, Arthur W. (1936 - 1960)
Obit: LaFavre, Mrs. Frank (1874? - 1941)
Obit: Laine, Helga (1876 - 1960)
Obit: Lang, Mrs. Lewis (? -  1941)
Obit: Larman, Leila Margueritte (1900 - 1975)
Obit: Larsen, Forest #2 (Memorial - 2011)
Obit: LeCaptain, Bud (1924? - 1944)
Obit: Leiser, Ruth I. (1902 - 1945)
Obit: Lenander, Susan C. #2 (1953 - 2011)
Obit: Lenander, Susan C. (1953 –2011)
Obit: Lencz, Pauline (1928 - 2011)
Obit: Lichte, Inez (1924 - 1962)
Obit: Linderman, Alice L. (1925 - 2011)
Obit: Lindquist, Edward A. (1898 - 1962)
Obit: Little, Arnold C. #2 (1907 - 1960)
Obit: Lowery, Estelle (1851? - 1942)
Obit: Lowery, Nellie #2 (1892 - 1962)
Obit: Luck, Carl (1831 - 1914)
Obit: Lueck, Carl (? - 1914)
Obit: Luepke, Eleanor, (1920 - 2011)
Obit: Luzinski, Theresa (1891 - 1960)
Obit: Manthe, Denise J. (1956 - 2011)
Obit: Markham, Byron (? - 1945)
Obit: Marth, Bertha (1881 - 1962)
Obit: Martin, Hiram  #2 (1918 - 2011)
Obit: Marx, John P. (1889 - 1962)
Obit: Matti, Adolph (1898 - 1941)
Obit: Mayer, Anton #2(1870 - 1943)
Obit: Mayer, Anton (1870 - 1943)
Obit: Mayo, Mrs. A.C. (? - 1944)
Obit: McCormick, David M. (1851? - 1942)
Obit: McCray, Fay E. ( 1882 - 1960)
Obit: McRaith, Lizzie (1852 - 1881)
Obit: McVean, Eugene "Mac" (1926 - 2011)
Obit: Meinhardt, Otto Carl (1882 - 1962)
Obit: Mendalski, Patrick F. (1926 - 2011)
Obit: Mendalski, Patrick Francis #2 (1926 - 2011)
Obit: Metcalf, Mary I. (1867 - 1944)
Obit: Miller, Bonnie (1915 - 2011)
Obit: Miller, George #2 (1917 - 2011)
Obit: Miller, John #2 (1854 - 1914)
Obit: Miller, Ursula (1868 - 1944)
Obit: Mroz, Chester J. #2 (1928 - 2011)
Obit: Mroz, Chester J. (1928 - 2011)
Obit: Muir, Milton #2 (? - 1945)
Obit: Myer, Ole (1857 - 1944)
Obit: Neuenfeldt, Gerald Francis (1922 - 1962)
Obit: Nissula, Henry Jr. (1913 - 1960)
Obit: Nissula, Henry R. #2 (1913 - 1960)
Obit: Norman, Beulah (1887 - 1962)
Obit: O’Connell, Irene #2 (1886 - 1962)
Obit: O’Leary, Mabel #2 (1909 - 1942)
Obit: Obourn, Charles K. (1812 - 1881)
Obit: Olson, August #2 (1887? - 1944)
Obit: Olson, August (1887? - 1944)
Obit: Olson, Mrs. Ernest (1919? - 1944)
Obit: Orszanski, Luba (1915 - 2011)
Obit: Ostenson, Christine #3 (1894 - 1960)
Obit: Peacock, Clarence (1887 - 1962)
Obit: Peterson (Voddan), Elias (1833 - 1914)
Obit: Peterson, Ilene E. (1919 - 2011)
Obit: Phillips, Charles A. (1880 - 1944)
Obit: Phillips, George #2 (1872 - 1943)
Obit: Phillips, George (1872 - 1943)
Obit: Picus, William #2 (1872 - 1960)
Obit: Pierce, Anna M. #2 (1868 - 1945)
Obit: Pierce, Edwin (1858? - 1941)
Obit: Pierce, Edwin, Mrs.  (1879? - 1941)
Obit: Pierce, Guy Thomas (1892 - 1942)
Obit: Pierstorff, Charles -- Rev. (1884 - 1942)
Obit: Pirner, Marguerette "Margret" [Wolf] (1844 - 1921)
Obit: Pirner, Thomas (1836 - 1921)
Obit: Plank, Alice Grace #2 (1906 - 1962)
Obit: Poppe, Josephine (1897 - 1960)
Obit: Pretsch, Reinhold R. (1905 - 1962)
Obit: Pretsch, Walter F. (1926 - 2011)
Obit: Pribbernow, Alvin Sr. (1896 - 1960)
Obit: Priest, Annette "Nettie" (1863 - 1881)
Obit: Prust, Valmore L. (1935 - 2011)
Obit: Pszeniczny, Raymond Felix #2 (1924 - 2011)
Obit: Putman, Russell #2 (1880 - 1943)
Obit: Putman, Russell #3 (1880 - 1943)
Obit: Rahn, Edmund Otto #2 (1904 - 1962)
Obit: Raymond, George Walter, (1870 - 1881)
Obit: Raymond, Ralphy Roy (1879 - 1881)
Obit: Reigel, Martha #2 (1887 - 1960)
Obit: Reigel, Martha #3 (1887 - 1960)
Obit: Reimer, Mrs. Werner (? - 1943)
Obit: Repplinger, Anna (1867 - 1945)
Obit: Reshel, Catherine (1883 - 1962)
Obit: Rhyner, Emma (1882 - 1943)
Obit: Richardson, Amanda [Tyler] (1840 - 1913)
Obit: Ring, Almira Bicknell (1831 - 1914)
Obit: Ringrose, Charles E. (1869 - 1944)
Obit: Ringrose, Everett (1901 - 1944)
Obit: Rivard, Joseph M. (1860? - 1941)
Obit: Roediger, Charles Henry (1877 - 1962)
Obit: Roller, Marvin (1935 - 1960)
Obit: Romosh, Jennie #2(? - 1962)
Obit: Romosh, Jennie (1881 - 1962)
Obit: Rosolack, Catherine E. #2 (1882 - 1943)
Obit: Rosolack, Catherine E. (1882 - 1943)
Obit: Ruege, William #3 (1853 - 1914)
Obit: Rupnow, Charles G. (1857 - 1945)
Obit: Schaefer, Peter #2 (1877 - 1962)
Obit: Schaffer, Mark (? - 1962)
Obit: Schenk, Elise #2 (1860 - 1941)
Obit: Schenk, Elise #3 (1860 - 1941)
Obit: Schimke, Bradley M. (1983 - 2011)
Obit: Schmidt, Eleanor Josephine (1913 - 2011)
Obit: Schmidt, Gertrude M. (1921 - 2011)
Obit: Schnur, Neva (1923 - 1962)
Obit: Schultz, Catherine (? - 1962)
Obit: Schulz, Lawrence #2 (1947 - 2011)
Obit: Schwanebeck, Wayne M. #2 (1930 - 2011)
Obit: Schwarze, Sylvia A. (1910 - 2011)
Obit: Schwieso, Orel #2 (1916 - 2011)
Obit: Schwoch, Minnie #2 (1890 - 1956)
Obit: Schwoch, Minnie  (1890 - 1956)
Obit: Selves, Earl (1885 - 1914)
Obit: Selz, Francis "Frank"  (1907 - 1945)
Obit: Selz, Francis "Frank" #2 (1907 - 1945)
Obit: Shatswell, Margaret (1870 - 1943)
Obit: Shaw, Richard "Dick" James #3 (1941 - 2011)
Obit: Shell, Gerhardt (? - 1962)
Obit: Sichler, Carl (1867 - 1941)
Obit: Simons, Henry (1854 - 1941)
Obit: Sires, Orley (1867? - 1943)
Obit: Sloth, Leora R. (1917 - 2011)
Obit: Smazal, Rosetta V. #2 (1935 - 2011)
Obit: Smazal, Rosetta V. (1935 - 2011)
Obit: Smiley, Bertha E. (1885 - 1960)
Obit: Smith, Fred H. (1939 - 2011)
Obit: Smith, Marvin Edward (1922 - 1997)
Obit: Smith, Meldrum #2 (1908 - 1945)
Obit: Smith, Meldrum (1908 - 1945)
Obit: Sobczynski, Zdzislaw "Jim" (? - 2011)
Obit: Sorenson, Emil #2 (1890 - 1960)
Obit: Sorenson, Emil (1890 - 1960)
Obit: Southard, William Ellis #2 (1832 - 1914)
Obit: Southard, William, Sr. (? - 1914)
Obit: Stallard, Frank #2 (1864 - 1945)
Obit: Stallard, Henry W. #2 (1862 - 1942)
Obit: Stallard, John E. #3 (1860 - 1945)
Obit: Stallard, John E. #4 (1860 - 1945)
Obit: Sternitzky, Fred (1887 - 1962)
Obit: Stevens, David R. (1857 - 1941)
Obit: Stevens, Elias W. (1833? - 1899)
Obit: Stevens, Ernest Louis (1923 - 2011)
Obit: Stokka, Rev. Maynard Edward (1922 - 2011)
Obit: Strey, Eralen C. (1915 - 2011)
Obit: Stutte, Frederick Anthony #2 (? - 1962)
Obit: Stuve, Franklin H. #3 (? - 1943)
Obit: Sveinsson, Simon K. "Sam" (1943 - 2011)
Obit: Sweda, Irene Lucille (1930 - 2011)
Obit: Szpara, John Francis (1932 - 2011)
Obit: Szymanski, Susan Evelyn "Suzy" #2 (1966 - 2011)
Obit: Terrell, George H. (1877 - 1942)
Obit: Terrell, Orren (? - 1945)
Obit: Theiler, Elise #2 (1868 - 1944)
Obit: Theiler, Elise (1868 - 1944)
Obit: Thiel. Bruce  (1924 - 2011)
Obit: Thompson, Raymond E. #3 (1904 - 1962)
Obit: Thorson, Alvin (1874 - 1962)
Obit: Thorson, Joseph J. (1957 - 2011)
Obit: Tock, Milton J. (1929 - 1962)
Obit: Todd, Leslie Roy (1891 - 1962)
Obit: Travis, William S. (1866 - 1941)
Obit: Turville, Dale (1936 - 2011)
Obit: Tyler, Emogene C. T. "Grandma" (1820 - 1907)
Obit: Tyler, Emogene Cass-Todd #2 (1820 - 1907)
Obit: Uhlig, Constance M. #2 (1947 - 2011)
Obit: Uhlig, Constance  (1941 - 2011)
Obit: Urlaub, Lorraine E. (1921 - 2011)
Obit: Urlaub, Lorraine Elizabeth #2 (1921 - 2011)
Obit: Van Kirk, Gerald M. (1943 - 1944)
Obit: Vandehey, Arnold (1888 - 1960)
Obit: Wallin, Knute B. (1939 - 2011)
Obit: Welsh, Grant (1864 - 1956)
Obit: Wendell, Catherine "Kate" (1853 - 1905)
Obit: Westberg, Clara #2 (1917 - 2011)
Obit: Westberg, Clara (1917 - 2011)
Obit: Williamson, Levy (1874? - 1943)
Obit: Winner, Andrena (1861 - 1944)
Obit: Winner, Paul C. (1891? - 1945)
Obit: Wolf, Mathias G. (1938 - 1962)
Obit: Woodford, Cheryal Ann (1944 - 1944)
Obit: Worchel, Mildred (1923 - 1962)
Obit: Wright, Benjamin (1872 - 1942)
Obit: Zank, Emil H. # 2 (1886 - 1962)
Obit: Zank, Emil H. (1886 - 1962)
Obit: Zank, Walter (? - 2011)
Obit: Zastrow, Franklin "Frank" Ernest (1933 - 2011)
Obit: Zerbel, Caroline #2 (1855 - 1943)
Obit: Zerbel, Caroline (1855 - 1943)
Obit: Zerbel, Robert J. (1889 - 1943)
Obit: Zickert, Frank L. #1 (1943 - 2011)
Obit: Zickert, Frank L. #2 (1943 - 2011)
Obit: Ziemendorf, Lloyd E. #2 (1924 - 2011)
School: Abbotsford - Falcon Enterprises (Graduation - 2011)
School: Abbotsford Christian (Awards - 2011)
School: Abbotsford High School (Graduation - 2011)
School: Children’s Home (31 May 1962)
School: Colby High Class, 1956 (55th Reunion - 2011)
School: Colby High School (Graduation - 2011)
School: Colby St. Mary’s (Graduation - 2011)
School: Granton High School (State Fair - 1962)
School: Humbird (Commencement - 1945)
School: Humbird (Graduates in Service - Jan 1943)
School: Humbird (News - 18 Oct 1941)
School: Humbird (Senior Class Officers - Oct 1942)
School: Humbird 8th Grade (Commencement - 1944)
School: Levis PTA (30 Aug 1962)
School: Loyal Hi-Lites (1962)
School: Loyal School Athletic Banquet (Award Fest - 1962)
School: Neillsville - Safety Patrol (Picnic - 1962)
School: Neillsville High School (10th Anniv. - 1962)
School: Neillsville High School (50th Reunion - 1962)
School: Neillsville High School (60 Year Reunion - 1962)
School: Neillsville Hi-Lights (5 Apr 1962)
School: Oakland School (Graduation - 1962)
School: Wilbur School (Reunion - 1962)




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