Clark County, Wisconsin

Internet Library Archives

Index 61000-61999

Home Page


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Bio: Amacher, Baby Girl (Birth - 1957) 

Bio: Anding, Alyssa Michelle (Birth - 1993)
Bio: Archambo, Carol (Engagement - 1957) 
Bio: Bach, Steven Irvin (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Baldeschwiler, Vernon (24 Jun1954)
Bio: Ballerstein, Otto (Fatal Fire-1910)
Bio: Barfknecht, Baby Boy (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Becker, Baby Boy (Birth - 1957)
Bio: Behrens, Judith (Scholarship - 1953)
Bio: Behrents, Joyce (Graduation - 1957) 
Bio: Beil, Karen Ann (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Bobbe, Thomas Steven (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Boelter, Natalie A. (Engagement - 1954)
Bio: Borgemoen, Baby Boy (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Bremer, Jill Ann (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Brodhagen, Beverly Ann #2 (Engagement - 1957) 
Bio: Brubacker, Jeanelle (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Brubacker, Jeanette (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Buchholz, Baby Girl (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Buss, Lindsey Kay (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Butterbrodt, Baby Boy (Birth - 1955)
Bio: Carlson, Mrs. Hans (64th Birthday Party-1910)
Bio: Carstenson, Kathy Lee (Birth - 1957)
Bio: Chase, A. C. (Doc) (1953)  
Bio: Cloud, Brooke Rae (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Da Mert, Marjorie Joan (1953)
Bio: Dankemyer, Freeman Reunion (1953)
Bio: Dimel, Matthew Mark (Baptism - 1957) 
Bio: Dimel, Matthew Mark (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Doohan Sisters (2009) 
Bio: Dopp, Julie Marie (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Drozyd, Joan M. (Engagement - 1954)
Bio: Ellenbecker, Regina (75th Birthday - 1957) 
Bio: Erickson, Ora Lee (Degree - 1957)
Bio: Euclide, Diane Marie (Birth - 1956)
Bio: Ewert, William Dean (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Fait, Judy Ann (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Fassler, Lisa Ann (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: First Communion, St. Mary’s at Greenwood (1953) 
Bio: Foster, Dr. John W. (1953)
Bio: Gauerke, Joyce Arlene (Engagement - 1957) 
Bio: Geiger, Dennis Henry (Christening - 1955) 
Bio: Gilbert, Rev. Marlea (Installation - 2009) 
Bio: Greeler Hen News (1953) 
Bio: Gronek, Helen (Engagement - 1955) 
Bio: Haas, Luke Nelson (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Hagedorn Twins (1951)
Bio: Hamus, Cutter Andrew (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Haralson, Dean Robert (Birth - 1956)
Bio: Hartl, Baby Girl (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Hebert, Robert Leo (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Hinke, Baby Girl (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Howard, Len (Car Accident-1910)
Bio: Hultgren, Carol Jean (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Huntzicker, Fred (Accident - 1911) 
Bio: Huss, Ethel (Engagement - 1956) 
Bio: Jacobs, Myron (Disastrous Fire - 1911) 
Bio: Jakel, Baby Boy (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Jensen, Arleen Doris (Engagement - 1955)
Bio: Jensen, Gloria (Engagement - 1956) 
Bio: Jeske, Lyle Eugene (Birth - 1956)
Bio: Johnson, Karlann Marie (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Johnson, Melissa Donna (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Joswiak, Reuben Ray Jr. (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Kalepp, Hazel Ann (Engagement - 1957) 
Bio: Keating, Mary J./Jean M. (15 Aug 1954)
Bio: Keller, Albert (1953)
Bio: Kelsey, Jeffrey James (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Klemetson, Baby Boy (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Klieforth, Patricia Ann (Birth - 1956)
Bio: Koehn, Orville Mrs. (Volunteer - 1955) 
Bio: Kramer, Baby Boy (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Kramer, Cathy Rose (Adoption - 1956) 
Bio: Kramer, Thomas Alan (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Kronenberg, Wm. (Jailbreak-1910)
Bio: Kuehn, George (1953)
Bio: Kuenkel, William (90th - 1953)
Bio: Kuester, Gottlieb (87th Birthday - 1953) 
Bio: Kulas, Galen (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Kunze, Baby Boy (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Kunze, Baby Girl (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Kunze, James Charles (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Kunzi, Baby Boy (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Laabs, Kimberley Sue (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Larocque, Linda Sue (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Laski, Debra Ann (Birth - 1957)
Bio: Lefebore, Alde (1952) 
Bio: Leichtnam. Jane Colleen (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Lewis, Amanda L. (Military - 2009) 
Bio: Lindberg, Suzan Elizabeth (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Lindberg, Terry John (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Loertscher, Baby Girl (Birth - 1956)
Bio: Longenecker, Rev. & Mrs. G. W. (Memorial - 1952) 
Bio: Marsh, William J. (90th - 1951)
Bio: Maslanka, Baby Boy (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Mateer, Riley Jordyn (Birth - 2009)
Bio: McCoy, Mrs. R.S. (Fatal Auto Accident-1910)
Bio: McEvoy, Lila Marie (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Mead, William Harrison (Harry) (Testimonial - 1911) 
Bio: Meyers, Twin Sons (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Michlig, Baby Boy (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Micke, Jennifer L (2009) 
Bio: Mohr, Eunice Eileen (Engagement - 1976) 
Bio: Moskiewicz, Celia (90th - 2009)
Bio: Muehler, Jayne Marie (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Mueller, Michael Robert (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Murphy, Thos. (Jailbreak-1910)
Bio: Myre, Baby Girl (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: News, Homemakers (1953)
Bio: Olney, Clara (Engagement - 1954)
Bio: Olson, Baby Girl (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Patrie, Mary Kay (Birth - 1957)
Bio: Pempek, Alexander Shannon (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Peterson, Barbara Ann (Engagement - 1956) 
Bio: Peterson, Charlotte Mae (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Piehl, Gregory Scott (Birth - 1955)
Bio: Pockrandt, Debra Ann (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Poppe, John (1953) 
Bio: Prough, Wanda Lee (Class Leader - 1956) 
Bio: Radeztsky, Joyce Marie #2 (1957) 
Bio: Rannow, Baby Boy (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Reynolds, Logan Orlando (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Richardson, John (54th Birthday-1911)
Bio: Ridderbusch, Baby Girl (Birth - 1955)
Bio: Ridderbusch, Julie Ann (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Rust Family Reunion (1953) 
Bio: Schade, Patty (12th Birthday - 1957) 
Bio: Schaefer, Baby Boy (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Scheel, Mary (Class Leader - 1956) 
Bio: Schmelzer, Alana Marie (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Schmidt, Baby Boy (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Schmirler, Andrew B. (Graduation - 1957) 
Bio: Schmitt, Jacob (1953)
Bio: Schoelzel, Ronald Robert (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Seltrecht, Fred (90th Birthday - 1953)
Bio: Seufzer, Joseph (1954)
Bio: Shields, Taryn Margaret (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Smith, Cpl. Herbert (1953)
Bio: Soyk, Baby Boy (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Sprengler, F. H. Rev. (25th Ordination Anniversary) 
Bio: Steffes, Michael Paul (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Strade, Dolores Audry (Engagement - 1955) 
Bio: Swieso, Wilbert (1953) 
Bio: Thieme, La Verna (Engagement - 1956) 
Bio: Tichy, Michael Orville (Birth - 1956) 
Bio: Treankler, Darlyne Jule (Engagement - 1955) 
Bio: Tyznik, Debra Lynn (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Underwood, Baby Boy (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Underwood, Darrell Lee (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Van Dreel, Douglas Lee (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Van Winkle, William T. (Accident - 1953) 
Bio: Vázquez, Frank (1946 - 2009)
Bio: Ven Rooy, Dorothy (Engagement - 1957)
Bio: Venzke, Baby Boy (Birth - 1956)
Bio: Vetter, Baby Boy (Birth - 1955) 
Bio: Volovsek, Susan Beth (Birth - 1953)
Bio: Walker, Wesley family (Reunion - 1952 )
Bio: Ward, Cecil (1954)
Bio: Weix, Marlene (Engagement - 1956)
Bio: West, Connie (1952) 
Bio: Westberg, Kathleen Ruth (Engagement - 1956) 
Bio: Wilhelmi, Paula Marie (Christening - 1957) 
Bio: Wiltjer, Marion (Engagement - 1955) 
Bio: Wyman, Jodeen Faye (Birth - 1957) 
Bio: Youmans, Viola (Party - 1952) 
Bio: Zawislan, Brielle LeAnn (Birth - 2009) 
Bio: Zimmerman, George F (1886 - 1953) 
Bio: Halopka, Wendy Jean (Graduation - 2009) 
Bio: Holverson, Alec (1910)
Bio: Sturdevant, Clarence (1910)
Bio: Malchow Family Reunion (39th - 2009) 
BioA: Adams, Mr./Mrs. Otis (50th - 1956) 
BioA: Afkend, Mr. and Mrs. Martin (Golden - 1953)
BioA: Beil, Mr./Mrs. Adolph (50th - 1956)
BioA: Bogue, Mr. and Mrs. Jay (Golden - 1953)
BioA: Braatz, Henry & Edith (50th - 1909)
BioA: Breiner, Mr./Mrs. (Golden-1911)
BioA: Busse, Mr./Mrs. John (25th - 1956) 
BioA: Carteron, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian (Silver - 1953)
BioA: Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. (60th Ann - 1952)  
BioA: Fults, Mr./Mrs. Walter (50th - 1955) 
BioA: Garbisch, Mr. and Mrs. Paul (Golden - 1953)
BioA: Gengler, Joseph & Elizabeth (1954)
BioA: Hintz, Mr./Mrs. William (50th - 1956) 
BioA: Hoehne, Mr. and Mrs. Carl (Golden - 1953) 
BioA: Horswill, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M (Golden - 1953) 
BioA: Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. Francis (Silver - 1953)
BioA: Jacques, Mr/Mrs George (Silver-1910)
BioA: Kuehl, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sr. (Golden - 1952)  
BioA: Kuehn, Hubert & Lena (40th - 1954)
BioA: Langholz-Meske (Silver Anniversary) 
BioA: Laper, Mr./Mrs. Ernest (60th - 1956) 
BioA: Lenz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Golden - 1953) 
BioA: Milewski, Walter, Mr./Mrs. (60th - 1954)
BioA: Muehler, Mr./Mrs. Otto (40th - 1956) 
BioA: Osgood, Mr. and Mrs. Myron (Golden - 1953) 
BioA: Ouimette, Mr./Mrs. William (50th - 1955) 
BioA: Perry, Mr./Mrs. Orrin (50th - 1955) 
BioA: Provinski, Mr./ Mrs. Frank (50th - 1956) 
BioA: Rees, Mr./Mrs. L. E. (50th - 1957) 
BioA: Schwartz, Mr./Mrs. John (50th - 1957) 
BioA: Smith, Jacob, Mr./Mrs. (1954)
BioA: Soderberg, Mr. and Mrs. George (60th - 1953) 
BioA: Sprengler, Rev./Mrs. F. H. (25th - 1957) 
BioA: Sternitzky, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (37th Ann. - 1953)
BioA: Swieso, Mr. and Mrs. Walter (35th - 1952)
BioA: Turnquist, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph (Golden - 1953)
BioA: Uhlman, Mr. and Mrs. William #2 (Golden - 1953)
BioA: Uhlman, Mr. and Mrs. William (Golden - 1953)
BioA: Van Dreel, Mr./Mrs. Anton (50th - 1955) 
BioA: Voelker, Mr./Mrs. Roland (25th - 1957) 
BioA: Weller, Mr./ Mrs. George (65th - 2009) 
BioA: Wenzel, Mr./Mrs. A. (Silver -1911)
BioA: Winchell, Mr./Mrs. Del (50th - 1957) 
BioA: Zahorka, Mr./Mrs. Ervin (25th - 1956) 
BioM: Anderson, Doris  (1946)
BioM: Archambo, Carol (1957) 
BioM: Ayer, Elaine Jeanette  #4 (1946)
BioM: Bach, Fern A. #2 (1954)
BioM: Beaver , Evelyn  (1946)
BioM: Bedynek, Shirley Jean (1956)
BioM: Behrents, Ruth E. (1957) 
BioM: Bentzler, Leona (1953)
BioM: Benzschawel, Jane (1954)
BioM: Bertz, May ( ? Illegible) Virginia  (1946)
BioM: Bloom, Esther (1957) 
BioM: Bogumill, Virginia R. (1953)
BioM: Bowen, Idelle Beverly #2 (1957) 
BioM: Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Nyle (Shower - 1953)
BioM: Bratz, Ruth A. (1954)
BioM: Burtard, Elaine H. (1954)
BioM: Burzynski, Julia (1954)
BioM: Bush, Marlene Mae (1952) 
BioM: Carlson, June E. (1954)
BioM: Carlson, Ruth (1956)
BioM: Cieslik, Sylvia V. (1954)
BioM: Conlin, Vera (1910)
BioM: Daenicke, Beverly Jean (1957) 
BioM: Dangers, Louise (1910)
BioM: Dickinson, Willis (1910)
BioM: Diedrich, Mary J. (1954)
BioM: Digoski, Caroline (1954)
BioM: Dixon, Anna Marie (1956)
BioM: Doberstein, LaVon Leona (1956)
BioM: Dodd, Gertrude Pearl (1911)
BioM: Dohm, Patricia (1956)
BioM: Dux, Irene (1953) 
BioM: Ellenberger, Charlotte (1957) 
BioM: Elstrom, Shirley (1956)
BioM: Erickson, Patricia Jane (1957) 
BioM: Ertl, Jeanette Rose (1956)
BioM: Etflmann, Violet (1954)
BioM: Fahrenbach, Bernice (1956)
BioM: Fenner, Grace (1953)
BioM: Fink, Helen  (1946)
BioM: Fischer, Rosemarie (1956)
BioM: Francis, Martha J. (1954)
BioM: Free, Viola (1952)
BioM: French, Gladys #2 (1910)
BioM: Fristad, Joan (1956) 
BioM: Fults, Sandra Marie (1956)
BioM: Gall, Betty Ann #3 (1957) 
BioM: Gauerke, Joyce (1957) 
BioM: Gebert, Eunice A. (1956)
BioM: Giese, Lorinda Elaine (1957)
BioM: Gisvold, Mary Elizabeth (1957) 
BioM: Goeldner, Patricia (1954)
BioM: Grammer, Mary Dona #2 (1956)
BioM: Gronek, Sophie (1957) 
BioM: Gross, Shirley  1946
BioM: Gubeli, Martina M. #2 (1954)
BioM: Hagenson, Mary Lou (1954)
BioM: Hahn, Dora (1952) 
BioM: Hake, Esther (1910)
BioM: Halverson, Karen L (1942 - 2009)
BioM: Hansen, Dolores A. #2 (1954)
BioM: Hardrath, Caroline  (1946)
BioM: Hartl, Leta (1954)
BioM: Haselbarth, Rita (1957)
BioM: Hauge, Betty Jane (1953)
BioM: Hawks, Shirley Arlene (1956)
BioM: Head, Emma #2 (1911)
BioM: Henchen, Clarabelle Ardith (1953)
BioM: Hess, Jeanne (1957)
BioM: Hingiss, Margaret Etta (1956)
BioM: Hoeft, Elsie (1956)
BioM: Hollenbeck, Julia (1911)
BioM: Hoogland, Dorothy (1956)
BioM: Howard, Doris (1952)
BioM: Huss, Ethel (1956)
BioM: Jaseph, Hazel S. #2 (1911)
BioM: Jensen, Gloria (1956)
BioM: Johnson, Eileen M. #2 (1954)
BioM: Johnson, Sharon (1957) 
BioM: Kademan, Lois Ann (1957) 
BioM: Kaldunski, Marjorie (1957) 
BioM: Kalepp, Bonnie Lu (1956)
BioM: Kalepp, Hazel Ann (1957) 
BioM: Kedziora, Sophie (1954)
BioM: Kenney, Allene (1954)
BioM: Kerwin, Edith Kyle (1910)
BioM: Kinas, Marcelle (1954)
BioM: Klevgard, Muriel Heloise (1957) 
BioM: Klimeck, Alice (1954)
BioM: Klinkhammer, Emily (1957) 
BioM: Kohlbeck, Jane Louise (1956)
BioM: Kohlbeck, Jean Mary (1956)
BioM: Krahnke, Carol Ann (1957) 
BioM: Kubera, Lorrayne G. (1954)
BioM: Kuester, Minnie  (1946)
BioM: Larson, Mabel Jane (1953)
BioM: Lato, Caroline #2 (1953)
BioM: Leichtnam, Judy (1957)
BioM: Lemke, Sherin Rose (1956) 
BioM: Lewis, Charlotte (1954)
BioM: Lindau, Shirley Ann (1957)
BioM: Lingenfelter, Mary Ann (1957) 
BioM: Loertscher, Carol Jean (1956)
BioM: Lund, Shirley (1954)
BioM: Maldonis, Beverly (1957) 
BioM: Malecki, Harriet (1954)
BioM: Malicki, Victoria (1954)
BioM: Manzow, Clara (1910)
BioM: Marquardt, Mary (1911)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (1951)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (1951)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (1951) 
BioM: Marth, Bertha (1910)
BioM: Maurer, Patricia (1954)
BioM: Mayer, Louise (1953)
BioM: McLane, Helen (1910)
BioM: Mengel, Virginia  (1946)
BioM: Michlig, Lorraine #3 (1954)
BioM: Mierkey, Carol Marie #2 (1957) 
BioM: Minshall, Mary Lou (1957) 
BioM: Misener, Mary Ann Christine #2 (1957) 
BioM: Mitchell, Sonja (1956)
BioM: Moen, Arlene (Marriage - 1952) 
BioM: Mohr, Tracey (1993)
BioM: Morrison, Janet Marlyn (1953)
BioM: Morse, Gladys  (1946)
BioM: Mouriski, Mary Jane (1957) 
BioM: Nason, Nancy (1954)
BioM: Neitzel, Vera Marie (1957) 
BioM: Nienow, Nancy Lee #2 (1957) 
BioM: Olinski, Isabel (1954)
BioM: Olsen, Agnes  (1946)
BioM: Pafford, Barbara (1957) 
BioM: Papierniak, JoAnn (1954)
BioM: Parker, Retta (1910)
BioM: Perrine, Patricia Ann (1970)
BioM: Peterson, Barbara (1957)
BioM: Pinter, Mary Ann (1957) 
BioM: Piotrowski, Dolores M. (1954)
BioM: Plummer, Harriet (1954)
BioM: Pollack, Alice (1956)
BioM: Pope, Sharon Lou (1956)
BioM: Pozdell, Francis M. (1954)
BioM: Przybylski, Theresa (1954)
BioM: Pupp, Lucianne #2 (1957) 
BioM: Radke, Emma #2 (1910)
BioM: Rau, Maggie (Marriage - 2009) 
BioM: Rayhorn, Marjorie Marie  (1946)
BioM: Riedel, Elsie (1911) 
BioM: Roix, Crystal E. #2 (1954)
BioM: Rose, Nellie M. #2 (1910)
BioM: Rueden, Marilyn Jean  (1946)
BioM: Schuld, Josephine  (1946)
BioM: Severin, Helen  (1946)
BioM: Shaw, Darlene E (1953)
BioM: Shea, Kay Ann (1953)
BioM: Skoog, Ruth Evelyn  (1946)
BioM: Slaby, Amy (Marriage - 2009)
BioM: Smith, Clara Moody (1910)
BioM: Spaete, Ruth Lorraine (1952)
BioM: Stiemke, Jeanette Ottillie (1952) 
BioM: Stigen, Gwenevere (1952) 
BioM: Strebe, Marlene Ethel #2 (1957) 
BioM: Struensee, Julie Ann (1982)
BioM: Sturtz, Bernadine  (1946)
BioM: Tews, Edna  #2 (1946)
BioM: Thayer, Aralda Rose (1953)
BioM: Thieme, Laverna (1956)
BioM: Tolford, Frances E. (1954)
BioM: Traff, Geraldine,  (1946)
BioM: Tresemer, Judy Marie (1978)
BioM: Truse, Helen (1954)
BioM: Tyler, Mabel #2 (1910)
BioM: Viegut, Charmaine (1956)
BioM: Vornholt, Ruth (1952) 
BioM: Wachholz, Vivian E.  (1946)
BioM: Wagner, Hulda (1910)
BioM: Waldhart, Darlene (1956)
BioM: Walter, Annie  #2 (1946)
BioM: Waterman, Mayme (1910)
BioM: Weix, Marlene Ann (1956)
BioM: Wheelock, Patricia Margaret:  (1946)
BioM: Wilcenski, Adeline (1954)
BioM: Wilding, Martha (1910)
BioM: Wincek, Patricia A. (1954)
BioM: Witt, Emma #2 (1910)
BioM: Witte, Jean (1957) 
BioM: Worm, Antoinette  (1946)
BioM: Yank, Betty Jane (1953) 
BioM: Zarada, Ellen M. (1954)
BioM: Zimmerman, Lois (1957) 
BioM: Zimmerman, Ruth B. (1952) 
BioM: Dodte, Elsie (1910)
BioM: King, Hattie (1910)
BioM: Martens, Tillie (1910)
BioM: McBride, Mrs. Frances (1910)
BioM: Prexa, Emma #2 (1910)
BioM: Prexa, Emma (1910)
BioM: Stanley, Veda May (1910)
BioM: Wolff, Elona (1910)
BioM: Larsen, Jean (1952) 
Church: Abbotsford - Christ Lutheran (Confirmation - 1955) 
Church: Abbotsford - St. Bernard’s Catholic (1st Communion - 1955) 
Church: Abbotsford - St. Bernard’s Catholic (Confirmation - 1955) 
Church: Neillsville St. Mary’s Confirmation (1953)
Church: St. Bernard’s Catholic (1st Communion - 1956) 
History: Abbotsford Theatre (1949 - 2009)
History: Soldiers Long Ago (2009) 
News: Abbotsford #2 (1 Nov. 1956) 
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (1 Nov. 1956) 
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (10 Jan. 1957) 
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (15 Nov. 1956)
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (17 May 1956)
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (19 May 1955) 
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (21 Nov. 1957)
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (26 Dec. 1957) 
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (5 May 1955) 
News: Abbotsford, Wis. (6 Jan. 1955) 
News: Butler’s Corners (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Butler’s Corners (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Christie (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Christie (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Christie (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Christie (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Christie (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Christie (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Christie (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Christie (5 Oct. 1900)
News: Curtiss #2 (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Curtiss (12 Oct. 1900)
News: Curtiss (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Curtiss (19 Oct. 1900)
News: Curtiss (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Curtiss (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Curtiss (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Curtiss (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Day (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Day (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Day (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Day (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Eidsvold (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Eidsvold (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Eidsvold (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Eidsvold (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Eidsvold (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Granton #2 (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Granton (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Granton (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Granton (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Granton (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Granton (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Granton (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Granton (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Granton (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Greenwood, Wis. (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Greenwood, Wis. (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Greenwood, Wis. (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Greenwood, Wis. (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Greenwood, Wis. (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Greenwood, Wis. (29 Sept. 1900)
News: Greenwood, Wis. (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Greenwood, Wis. (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Hemlock (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Hemlock (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Hemlock (19 Oct. 1900)
News: Hemlock (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Hemlock (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Hemlock (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Hemlock (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Humbird (12 Oct. 1900)
News: Humbird (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Humbird (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Humbird (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Humbird (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Junction (3 Mar 1954)
News: Longwood (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Longwood (14 Sept. 1900) 
News: Longwood (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Longwood (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Longwood (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Loyal, Wis. (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Loyal, Wis. (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Lynn (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Lynn (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Neillsville - Mother-in-Law Seat (1953)
News: Neillsville - Wind and Hail Storm (1953)
News: Nevins (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Pleasant Ridge (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Pleasant Ridge (19 Oct. 1900)
News: Pleasant Ridge (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Pleasant Ridge (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Pleasant Ridge (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Pleasant Ridge (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Pleasant Ridge (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Reseberg (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Reseburg (1 Jul 1954)
News: Reseburg (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Reseburg (20 May 1954)
News: Schilling Station (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Schilling Station (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Schilling Station (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Schilling Station (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Schilling Station (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Shortville (12 Oct. 1900) 
News: Shortville (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Shortville (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Shortville (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Shortville (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Shortville (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Thorp (18 Mar 1954)
News: Tioga (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Tioga (29 Sept. 1900) 
News: Tioga (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Tioga (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Twenty-Six Road (14 Sept. 1900)
News: Twenty-Six Road (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Twenty-Six Road (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Withee (12 Oct. 1900)
News: Withee (19 Oct. 1900) 
News: Withee (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: Withee (26 Oct. 1900)
News: Withee (29 Sept. 1900)
News: Withee (3 Nov. 1900)
News: Withee (5 Oct. 1900)  
News: Worden (3 Jun 1954)
News: York (12 Oct. 1900)
News: York (21 Sept. 1900) 
News: York (26 Oct. 1900)
News: York Dairy Sale (1953) 
News: Neillsville #2 (18 August 1910)
News: Neillsville #2 (23 June 1910)
News: Neillsville #2 (4 August 1910)
News: Neillsville #2 (7 July 1910)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (18 August 1910)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (23 June 1910)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (25 August 1910)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (4 August 1910)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (7 July 1910)
News: Neillsville, Wis. (8 September 1910)
News: Schilling Station (14 Sept. 1900)
Obit: Adams, Anna (1876? - 1954)
Obit: Allen, Mrs. G.W. #2 (?-Nov 5, 1910)
Obit: Altenburg, Allen C. #2 (1898 - 1954)
Obit: Altmann, Marlene A. (1944 - 2009)
Obit: Amundson, Orlando J. #2 (? - 1953)
Obit: Anderson, Elaine Selma (1916 - 2009)
Obit: Anderson, Lulu (1896 - 1954)
Obit: Anderson, Minnie  (1869-1946)
Obit: Anderson, Oscar Mrs. (? - 1952) 
Obit: Anderson, Rodney "Andy"  (1951-2009)
Obit: Asselin, Cheryl E. (1953 - 1953)
Obit: Asselin, Lavern A. #2 (1922 - 2009) 
Obit: Asselin, Lavern Arthur "Pete" (1922 - 2009)
Obit: Babcock, Darick G. #2 (1827-1910)
Obit: Bacon, Abbie (Mrs. Robert A.) (1855?-1910)
Obit: Baker, Gertrude (1881 - 1952) 
Obit: Banditt, Lena #2 (1889 - 1957)
Obit: Barrett,William, Mrs.  (1876 - 1954)
Obit: Bart, Hattie  (1880-1946)
Obit: Beisner, Henry F. (1884 - 1956)
Obit: Bell, Minnie Jean (1926 - 2009) 
Obit: Bemis, Amelia (1868 –1969)
Obit: Benzmann, Paul #2 (1875 - 1957) 
Obit: Berg, Lawrence #2 (1894 - 1953) 
Obit: Bergemann, Harland (1908 - 2009) 
Obit: Bergemann, Harland "Puffy"  #2 (1908-2009)
Obit: Biegaj, Richard T (1927 - 2009)
Obit: Billman, Walter #2 (1879 - 1957) 
Obit: Bladl, Charles (1869 - 1952) 
Obit: Bonczkiewicz, Ted (1887 - 1954)
Obit: Braatz, Ilma L. (1909 - 2009) 
Obit: Braatz, Ilma  #2 (1909-2009)
Obit: Brandstedter, Elizabeth (? - 1953)
Obit: Bremer, Henry (1870? - 1957)
Obit: Briski, Mathew #3 (1878 - 1953)
Obit: Brocker, Gus #2 (1876 - 1957) 
Obit: Broeren, Matilda "Tillie" Albina (1908 - 2009) 
Obit: Brown, Albert C. (1877 - 1957) 
Obit: Bruchert, William (1876 - 1954)
Obit: Bryan, Mary (1879 - 1956)
Obit: Buddinger, Douglas #2 (1925 - 2009) 
Obit: Buddinger, Douglas G (1925 - 2009) 
Obit: Buell, Loys #2 (1886 - 1957)
Obit: Buettner, Everett Floyd (1907 - 1952) 
Obit: Bushman, Louis (1881 - 1956)
Obit: Calkins, Herbert (1888 - 1956)
Obit: Campbell, Mrs. Charles (? - 1953) 
Obit: Cardinal, Lawrence H. (1925 - 2009) 
Obit: Christensen, Annette "Ann" Ada #2 (? - 2009)
Obit: Christensen, Audrey #2 (1918? - 2009) 
Obit: Christensen, Audrey M. (1918? - 2009)
Obit: Christie, Philip Henry #2 (1888 - 1957) 
Obit: Christofferson, Thorwald (? - 1952) 
Obit: Christy, Mary #3 (1860-1910)
Obit: Clark, Albert Webster (1830 - 1896)
Obit: Clark, Rose Marie #2 (1932 - 2009) 
Obit: Clark, Rose Marie (1932 - 2009) 
Obit: Clouse, John "Jack" Charles #2 (1931 - 2009) 
Obit: Colby, Stella Grace  (1894-1946)
Obit: Cook, Charlotte Baer #2 (1872 - 1953) 
Obit: Cook, Linda, #2 (1923-2009)
Obit: Cook, Loraine W. (1921 - 2009)
Obit: Cook, Loraine  #2 (1921-2009)
Obit: Counsell, Henry #2 (1835-1910)
Obit: Crothers, Mildred (1896 - 1952) 
Obit: Dahnert, William F. (1884 - 1959)
Obit: Dalsbo, Beck (1901 - 1954)
Obit: Darge, Anna (1857? - 1954)
Obit: Davidson, Billy J. (1952 - 1954)
Obit: Dearth, Amelia E. (1916 - 2009) 
Obit: Decker, Hollis L. (1888 - 1954)
Obit: Dedrick, Emily (1827? - 1900) 
Obit: Demouth, Don #2 (?-1911)
Obit: Diers, Henry (?-1910)
Obit: Dietrich, Julia Anna #2 (1827-1910)
Obit: Dietrich, William, Mrs. #2 (1871 - 1954)
Obit: Dietrich, William, Mrs. (1871 - 1954)
Obit: Dodmead, Richard F (? - 1952) 
Obit: Doege, Clara #2 (1876 - 1954)
Obit: Dorn, Archie #2 (1880 - 1957) 
Obit: Drews, Silveria B. (1926 - 2009) 
Obit: Drummond, Emil Perry (? - 1953)
Obit: Dunn, Mary Ann #2 (1841 - 1911)
Obit: Dyar, Sherrey Lynn (1951 - 1952) 
Obit: Earl, Fred L. (1875? - 1956)
Obit: Ehlert, Emil W. (1895? - 1954)
Obit: Elger, John (1874 - 1953)
Obit: Elliott, Clifford (1893? - 1956)
Obit: Fenske, Bertha (1878 - 1952)
Obit: Fields, Donald (1922? - 1956) 
Obit: Firnstahl, Genevieve (1931 - 1957) 
Obit: Firnstahl, Kathleen (1955 - 1957) 
Obit: Fischer, Virginia Violet (1942 - 2009) 
Obit: Fitzlaff, Otto (1894 - 1956)
Obit: Foley, F. P. Mrs. (? - 1957)
Obit: Follingstad, Albert J. (1881 - 1954)
Obit: Fortuna, Joseph (1914 - 1952)
Obit: Francel, Johanna #2 (1887 - 1952) 
Obit: Fredrickson, Herbert Theodore #2 (1915 - 1957)
Obit: Free, Jane (1831-1910)
Obit: Fricke, Oscar #3 (1863-1911)
Obit: Friess, Herman #2 (1869 - 1954)
Obit: Friess, Herman (1869 - 1954)
Obit: Garbisch, Emilie (1871 - 1952)  
Obit: Garbisch, Richard (1886 - 1952) 
Obit: Gayken, Minnie #2 (1889 - 1954)
Obit: Geldernick, Willard H. (1929 - 2009)
Obit: Geldernock, Willatd "Tuffy"  #2 (1929-2009)
Obit: Gerznickle (Gerzmehle), Ernest (1862 - 1911) 
Obit: Gibbs, Minnie #2 (1872 - 1954)
Obit: Gibbs, Minnie (1872 - 1954)
Obit: Gillard, Thomas A. "Dell" (1869 - 1952) 
Obit: Giwojna, John F. #2 (1909? - 2009) 
Obit: Giwojna, John Francis (1909 - 2009)
Obit: Glasshof, Gerri (1934 - 2009)
Obit: Gonyo, Mose #2 (1879 - 1954)
Obit: Grajek, Richard R (1933 - 2009)
Obit: Grajkowski, Joseph Sr. (1889 - 1954)
Obit: Gromacki, John (1869 - 1954)
Obit: Grow, Lillian Agnes #4 (1860 - 1911) 
Obit: Hadlock, Retta (1869 - 1900) 
Obit: Hagedorn, John Julius (1849 - 1911) 
Obit: Hales, Albert L "Bert" #2 (1939 - 2009) 
Obit: Hales, Albert L. (1939 - 2009) 
Obit: Hanke, Ernest Otto #2 (1880 - 1952) 
Obit: Hankey, Ernest Otto (1880 - 1952)  
Obit: Hardrath, Harold #2 (1915 - 2009) 
Obit: Hardrath, Harold (1915 - 2009) 
Obit: Hardrath, Harold #3 (1915-2009)
Obit: Harycki, Michael (1954 - 1954)
Obit: Hass, Reuben #2 (1920 - 1957)
Obit: Hayden, Thomas F. (1917? - 1956) 
Obit: Hebert, Mary Jane #2 (1921-2009)
Obit: Hegg, Judith A. (1944 - 1954)
Obit: Hemberger, Martha #2 (1872 - 1957) 
Obit: Hemp, Albert (1867 - 1953)
Obit: Henchen, Herbert Carl Bruno #2 (1920 - 2009)
Obit: Henchen, Herbert Carl Bruno (1920 - 2009) 
Obit: Herian, Henry Richard (1877 - 1953)
Obit: Herman, Clifford A. #3 (1911 - 2009)
Obit: Herrmann, Richard (1922 - 2009) 
Obit: Hiles, Joann Kay (1948 - 2009) 
Obit: Hintz, Gust J. (1872 - 1956)
Obit: Hodorowski, Mary (1882 - 1954)
Obit: Hoeft, Albert Gustave (1875? - 1957)
Obit: Hoeft, Louis (1888 - 1956) 
Obit: Hoeft, Willard E. (1922 - 2009) 
Obit: Hoff, George #2 (1886 - 1957) 
Obit: Holtzhausen, Carl #2 (1878 - 1957) 
Obit: Hryniewicki, Edward #2 (1892 - 1953)
Obit: Hryniewicki, Edward, Mrs. (1929? - 1954)
Obit: Hubbard, Lucina #2 (1825-1911)
Obit: Hulse, Harold (1910 - 1956)
Obit: Humke, Adeline #2 (1880 - 1953) 
Obit: Hundt, Paul (1886 - 1957) 
Obit: Huntley, Ella #2 (1858-1910)
Obit: Huntley, John, Mrs. (?-1910)
Obit: Ireland, Matilda (1860 - 1957) 
Obit: Irish, James, Rev. (1868? - 1954)
Obit: Jahr, Albert J (1887 - 1953)
Obit: Jahr, Lena (1859 - 1953) 
Obit: Jarocki, Anton (1874 - 1954)
Obit: Johnson, Roger Allen (? - 1952) 
Obit: Johnson, Victoria H (1920 - 2009)
Obit: Jordan, Frederick John (1903 - 1952) 
Obit: Junkman, Clara (1891 - 1952)
Obit: Kaminski, Madeline #3 (1895 - 1954)
Obit: Kapfer, Erich J. #2(1951 - 2009) 
Obit: Kapfer, Erich J. (1951? - 2009) 
Obit: Kapfer, Erich Joseph #3 (1951 - 2009) 
Obit: Kapfer, Erich  #4 (1951-2009)
Obit: Kattre, Ed (1888? - 1956)
Obit: Kauffman, Hattie (1873 - 1956)
Obit: Keller, Frank (1897 - 1954)
Obit: Keller, Rollie Edwin #2 (1897 - 1957) 
Obit: Kiehl, Lester N. (1906 - 1957) 
Obit: Kirkland, Mrs. J.F. (1827-1911)
Obit: Klein, Katherine (1853-1910)
Obit: Klopf, Mary #2 (1860 - 1911) 
Obit: Knoll, Jerome M. (1951 - 2009) 
Obit: Kolpack, Mary (1880 - 1954)
Obit: Konieczny, Elaine (1953 - 1954)
Obit: Kopperud, Karoline (1878 - 1954)
Obit: Kopps, Rudolph #2 (1898? - 1954)
Obit: Kostlevy, Eddie  (1916-2009)
Obit: Kovacs, Sophie (1877 - 1957) 
Obit: Krainak, Herman (1893 - 1956)
Obit: Kraus, Edwin (1891 - 1956)
Obit: Kreklau, Carl (1884 - 1956) 
Obit: Kretschmer, Mrs. Chris #2 (1858?-1910)
Obit: Kuehl, Charles Sr. #3 (1863 - 1954)
Obit: Laabs, Lulu #2 (1886 - 1957) 
Obit: Lange, Christine (1866? - 1954)
Obit: Lanthrop, Dr. #2 (? - 1911) 
Obit: Larsen, Chris #3 (1903 - 1954)
Obit: Larsen, Chris #4 (1903 - 1954)
Obit: Larsen, Chris #5 (1903 - 1954)
Obit: Larson, Walter (1887 - 1954)
Obit: Lato, Brygida #2 (1880 - 1954)
Obit: Lato, Brygida (1880 - 1954)
Obit: Laurent, Edith (1911 - 1957) 
Obit: Lavrence, Mrs. William (? - 1952)
Obit: Le Claire, George (1882? - 1957) 
Obit: Leach, Adolph G. (1865 - 1952)
Obit: Lee, Ole #2 (1866-1910)
Obit: Leitzke, Ella (? - 1956)
Obit: Lenz, Hugo Robert #2(1879 - 1953) 
Obit: Lenzkow, Herman A. #2 (? - 1952)
Obit: Lenzkow, Herman August (1889 - 1952)
Obit: Lepke, Martha (1883 - 1952)
Obit: Lesnak, Michael (? - 1952)
Obit: Lesniewski, Helen #2 (1893 - 1954)
Obit: Lesniewski, Helen (1893 - 1954)
Obit: Linster, Katherine (1891 - 1953)
Obit: Lisiecki, Agnes (1873 - 1954)
Obit: Lloyd, Irene (1888 - 1953) 
Obit: Loos, Cleo (1902 - 1957) 
Obit: Luepke, Rosa H. (1887 - 1956)
Obit: Lueth, Rodney Robert (1944 - 1957)
Obit: Lulloff, F. W. #3 (1880 - 1957) 
Obit: Madsen, Hans C. #2 (1871? - 1954)
Obit: Maki, Matt #2 (1888 - 1954)
Obit: Maki, Matt (1888 - 1954)
Obit: Malinowski, Michael #2 (1868 - 1953)
Obit: Marks, Marvin (? - 1952) 
Obit: Marquardt, William F. (1953? - 2009) 
Obit: Martens, Leroy  (1924-2009)
Obit: Martin, Anna Othelia (1868 - 1953) 
Obit: Marvin, Beth Hanna Lydia (1914 - 2009) 
Obit: Marvin, Beth #2 (1914-2009)
Obit: Maschek, Anna (1889? - 1954)
Obit: Maslowski, Shirley Elaine #2 (1935– 2009)
Obit: Maslowski, Shirley Elaine (1935 - 2009) 
Obit: Mason, Lydia (?-1911)
Obit: Mauer, William (1890 - 1954)
Obit: Mauritz, John (1886 - 1957) 
Obit: Maus, David Sylvester (1950 - 1953) 
Obit: McFarlane, Mrs. #2 (?-1911)
Obit: McKenzie, Mabel  (1870-1946)
Obit: Mead, Dollie (1876? - 1956)
Obit: Mead, William Harrison (Harry) #4  (1883 - 1911) 
Obit: Meier, Marie (1917 - 2009)
Obit: Meinholdt, Theodore B. "Ted" (1929 - 2009) 
Obit: Menzow, Harry (1888-1910)
Obit: Meseke, Ella Emma (1900? - 1911) 
Obit: Meske, Herman (1880 - 1952) 
Obit: Meyer, Casper (1822 - 1911) 
Obit: Mielke, Jeanne E. #2 (1918 - 2009) 
Obit: Mielke, Jeanne E. (1918 - 2009) 
Obit: Miller, Ernest F. #2 (1883 - 1957) 
Obit: Miller, George (1876 - 1953) 
Obit: Miller, Hannah (1816 - 1900)
Obit: Mills, Gary Lee (? - 2009) 
Obit: Moberg, Arvid E #2 (1890 - 1953) 
Obit: Moczadlo, Michael (1873 - 1954)
Obit: Moede, Nancy (1940 - 2009) 
Obit: Moen, Virginia #2 (1913 - 2009) 
Obit: Moen, Virginia (1913 - 2009)
Obit: Moffatt, Hollie Edward (1896 - 1952) 
Obit: Moore, Nettie (1907 - 1954)
Obit: Mortensen, Raymond (1920 - 1954)
Obit: Motelet, Stella (1923 - 1957) 
Obit: Mueller, Diane Lynn (1954 - 1956)
Obit: Nelson, Evelynn A. #2 (1934 - 2009)
Obit: Nelson, Evelynn A. (1934 - 2009) 
Obit: Nelson, Grace (1943? - 1954)
Obit: Nelson, Maynard M (1938 - 2009) 
Obit: Nemitz, Carl, Mrs. (1828-1910)
Obit: Neuenfeldt, Lester E. (1933? - 1956)
Obit: Nicoski, Louis (1891? - 1954)
Obit: O’Neill, Andrew #2 (? - 1911) 
Obit: O’Neill, Andrew #3  (1824 - 1911) 
Obit: Obrota, Charles (1871? - 1954)
Obit: Olson, Fred #2 (1882 - 1957) 
Obit: Olson, Ida #2 (1887 - 1952) 
Obit: Orth, Roger #2 (1929 - 1952) 
Obit: Ostlund, Harold (1896 - 1954)
Obit: Papenfuss, Max E. (1882? - 1956) 
Obit: Parker, James (1894-1910)
Obit: Pasholk, Ann (1934 - 2009) 
Obit: Perushek, Paulina (1882 - 1952) 
Obit: Peter, William (1881 - 1956)
Obit: Peterson, Otto E. (1885 - 1954)
Obit: Peterson, Vernon #3 (1904 - 1957) 
Obit: Pischer, Bertha #2 (? - 1911) 
Obit: Prokopinski, Felix (1891 - 1954)
Obit: Pscheidt, Jacob (1863 - 1953)
Obit: Quelle, Anna #2 (1876 - 1954)
Obit: Rabaczewski, Casmir (1907? - 1954)
Obit: Radcliffe, Grace (1870 - 1953)
Obit: Ranta, Alma (1883 - 1954)
Obit: Ravy, Nellie #3 (1872 - 1954)
Obit: Rees, Lawrence (1882 - 1957)
Obit: Reinke, Edward (1887? - 1956)
Obit: Rembleski, Irene G (1926 - 2009) 
Obit: Rhode, Alice #2 (1927-2009)
Obit: Riese, Leonard August #2 (1923 - 2009) 
Obit: Riese, Leonard August (1923 - 2009) 
Obit: Roessler, Otto (1876 - 1953)
Obit: Rohde, Alice A. (1927 - 2009) 
Obit: Rude, George  Mrs.(? - 1953)
Obit: Rueth, Betty Lou #2 (1930 - 2009) 
Obit: Rueth, Betty Lou (1930 - 2009)
Obit: Rueth, Betty #3 (1930-2009)
Obit: Rundle, Amasa #2 (1847-1910)
Obit: Rundles, Mattie  (1878-1946)
Obit: Runge, Mary F. (1922 - 2009) 
Obit: Ruppert, Louise #2 (1878 - 1957)
Obit: Rusch, Walter R (? - 2009)
Obit: Sagen, Edgar (1907 - 1952)
Obit: Samuelson, Andrew (1862 - 1954)
Obit: Sanstrum, Mary (1835? - 1911) 
Obit: Sayles, Blanche (1879 -  1954)
Obit: Schara, Albert C. (? - 1953)
Obit: Scheibe, Verna C. #2 (1915 - 2009) 
Obit: Scheibe, Verna C. (1915 - 2009) 
Obit: Schelling, Estella #2 (1875 - 1957) 
Obit: Scholtz, Mrs. Lewis (?– 1952)  
Obit: Schuette, Louise #2 (1885 - 1952)
Obit: Schultz, Frank (? - 1953)
Obit: Schulz, Augusta (1872 - 1953) 
Obit: Schulz, Mabel Martha #2 (1914 - 2009) 
Obit: Schulz, Mabel Martha (1914 - 2009) 
Obit: Schummell, Alice (1844-1911)
Obit: Schwenter, Charles Mrs. (1883? - 1957) 
Obit: Scranton, Raymond (1891 - 1954)
Obit: Sczypiorski, Edward F. (1925 - 2009)
Obit: Seelow, Albert Ernest F (1905 - 1953) 
Obit: Shannon, Eldon (1897? - 1954)
Obit: Shaw, Elizabeth (1883 - 1952)
Obit: Sherman, Alfred Louis (1875 - 1953)
Obit: Shilts, Manford (1891 - 1954)
Obit: Shock, Selma (1888 - 1952) 
Obit: Shummell, George #2 (1823?-1910)
Obit: Sigmund, Mary Isabel (1915 - 2009) 
Obit: Sixel, Lois (1907 - 1956) 
Obit: Smasal, Kilian (1870 - 1954)
Obit: Smith, Lyman T. #2 (1882-1910)
Obit: Smolni, Selma Frances (1904-1911)
Obit: Sneider, Anna #2 (1875 - 1954)
Obit: Sneider, Anna (1875 - 1954)
Obit: Soborowicz, Casmir (1867 - 1954)
Obit: Spatny, Infant (1910-1910)
Obit: Speich, Emma Dorothy #2 (1894 - 1953)
Obit: Spiegel, Charles Carl (1873 - 1953)
Obit: Stabnow, August F #4 (1868 - 1953)
Obit: Steiner, Vera (1906 - 1957) 
Obit: Steinwand, Ambrose M. #2 (1877 - 1957) 
Obit: Sterzinger, Frank A. #2 (1888 - 1957) 
Obit: Stockwell, Cyrus D. (1870 - 1953)
Obit: Stowe, Forrest (1908 - 1956) 
Obit: Stowe, Raland (1931 - 1956) 
Obit: Strangfeld, Baby Boy (1953) 
Obit: Struensee, Harry William (1933 - 2009)
Obit: Stump, Edith Ellen (1880 - 1956)
Obit: Svetlik, Mary (1886 - 1952) 
Obit: Szpara, Walter (1928 - 1954)
Obit: Teatz, Emma (1864 - 1953) 
Obit: Thomas, Martin Henry (1872? - 1911) 
Obit: Thompson, Benjamin Franklin #2 (1840 - 1911) 
Obit: Toburen, William Henry #2 (1881 - 1953) 
Obit: Tomz, Gertrude #2 (1883-1911)
Obit: Tonn, Augusta #2 (1862 - 1957) 
Obit: Tormey, Loretta (1866 - 1954)
Obit: Tousley, Henry F. (1838-1911)
Obit: Trachte, William (? - 1952)
Obit: Tragsdorf, William E. (? - 1948)
Obit: Trinkner, Mary Sylvia (1871 - 1953)
Obit: Tucker, Bernice Estelle (1912 - 2009)
Obit: Tucker, Tyler #2 (1908? - 1911) 
Obit: Turenne, Violet (1941 - 2009)
Obit: Turvey, Harry (? - 1952) 
Obit: Vandehey, Rosa (1880 - 1954)
Obit: Vasko, Female Child (1906?-1910)
Obit: Vazquez, Frank #2 (1946 - 2009)
Obit: Vázquez, Frank (1946 - 1952) 
Obit: Vazquez, Frank #3 (1946-2009)
Obit: Ven Rooy, Peter (1941 - 1956)
Obit: Venzke, Joseph (1957 - 1957) 
Obit: Ver Hagen, Edward H (1899 - 1953)
Obit: Verbeck, Forest A.M. #2 (1886 - 1911) 
Obit: Voigt, Marion A. #2 (1917 - 1952) 
Obit: Volland, William #3 (1926-2009)
Obit: Wahld, Paulina #2 (1847-1911)
Obit: Waldhart, Nancy Jayne (1955 - 1956)
Obit: Walker, Morton Wesley (1882 - 1953) 
Obit: Watenpuhl, Albert W. (? - 1953)
Obit: Waterman, Mrs. William (? - 1953)
Obit: Waters, Beatrice (? - 1952)
Obit: Weix, Leonard Albert  #2 (1927 - 2009) 
Obit: Weix, Leonard #3 (1927-2009)
Obit: Wendt, John Fred #3 (1878 - 1953) 
Obit: Wepfer, Harold W. #2 (1901 - 1957) 
Obit: Westphal, Olivia V. #2 (1925 - 2009) 
Obit: Westphal, Olivia V. "Libby" (1925 - 2009)
Obit: Whittlinger, Harvey #3 (1899? - 1954)
Obit: Wiersig, Ewald R. #2 (1879 - 1956)
Obit: Wiersig, Julius H. #2 (1873 - 1957) 
Obit: Wilding, Myron E.  (1870-1946)
Obit: Wilger, Anna (1877 - 1952) 
Obit: Williams, George #2  (1826 - 1911) 
Obit: Williams, George (1826 - 1911) 
Obit: Wilson, Abbie (Mrs. Robert A.) (1855?-1910)
Obit: Wilson, Frank Henry Sr. (1890 - 1952) 
Obit: Winter, Henry C (1869 - 1952) 
Obit: Wojner, Henry R (? - 2009) 
Obit: Yanke, Gust (1898 - 1957)
Obit: Young, Ed  (1888-1946)
Obit: Younker, Mae (1910 - 1957) 
Obit: Zahorka, Edna #2 (1894 - 1957) 
Obit: Zahorka, Frank (1882 - 1956) 
Obit: Zaidel, Joseph #2 (1887 - 1954)
Obit: Zaidel, Joseph (1887 - 1954)
Obit: Zallar, John (? - 1952)
Obit: Ziebarth, Emilie #2 (1872 - 1957) 
Obit: Zimmerman, George F (1886 - 1953) 
Obit: Zipfel, Anna (1870 - 1952)  
Obit: Zocher, Teresa (1919 - 2009) 
Obit: Zocher. Theresa  #2 (1919-2009)
Obit: Burgess, Marcia #2 (1857 - 1910)
Obit: Cardorelli, Mrs. Estra G. (1833 - 1910)
Obit: Ditton, Sarah #2 (1828 - 1910)
Obit: Frasier, Benjamin F. #2 (1857-1910)
Obit: Lawrence, Otto (1886? - 1910)
Obit: Matheson, Elma #2 (1859-1910)
Obit: Minor, S. R.,Mrs.  #2 (1846 - 1910)
Obit: Nemitz, Frederick (1908?-1910)
Obit: Radtke, Infant (1910? - 1910)
Obit: Robinson, D. W. #2 (? - 1910)
Obit: Seltz, Infant (1910-1910)
Obit: Seltz, Lorinda (1876?-1910)
Obit: Simon, George Theo. #2 (1855 - 1910)
Obit: Sontag, Lottie C. #2 (1871 - 1910)
Obit: Trogner, George W., Jr. #2 (1873? - 1910)
Obit: Waterman, Richie #2 (1880 - 1953)
Obit: Bergh, Signe Marion (1923 - 2009) 
Obit: Squire, George Ellsworth (1870 - 1952)
Property: Greenwood State Bank (Changes - 1900) 
School: Abbotsford H. S. Reunion (55th - 2009) 
School: Abbotsford High School (Class of 1945 Reunion - 1955) 
School: Abbotsford High School (Class of 1946 - Reunion) 
School: Abbotsford High School (Class of 1952 Reunion - 1957)
School: Abbotsford High School (Graduation - 1956) 
School: Colby H. S. 1967 Reunion (42nd  - 2009) 
School: Dorchester H. S. Reunion (60th - 2009) 



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Webmasters: Leon Konieczny, Tanya Paschke,

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